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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55162726 No.55162726 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me all about your passive income gigs, /biz/

>> No.55162757

Sell stolen shit from work
Earning interest on investments
Selling my cock for a few cents

>> No.55162768

Maybe not fully passive but you can pull in a few extra grand churning bank bonuses a year and all that usually requires is changing your direct deposit to another bank for a month or leaving your savings with another bank.

>> No.55162786

DASH masternode

>> No.55162954

Passive income is a garbage tier state of existence, only active income enjoyers can attain a mastery of the self and have an understanding of the reality around them. Even the old man picking the rice field exists on a higher level

>> No.55162996

>Mastery of self
>selling your time and labor for someone else's benefit
That's cool and everything, but rent is due. Good luck making it this month, I know your boss didn't give you a raise because of "the economic landscape"

>> No.55163002

i run an eth validator

>> No.55163020

How much do you earn approximately per month per one node?

>> No.55163027

Shoo shoo, wagecuck.

>> No.55163070

Instead of making assumptions about the lives of other people you should review your own life decisions. If you so strongly desire a passive existence, then join the sangha and your income will be everything and nothing. People who sit like rocks cannot grow fruit like trees

>> No.55163126
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Passive income is the name of the game, and I've found a sick new hustle. I'm all about that MNI Corp's NFE staking OP. Get this: you can score a fat 20% APR, plus extra security thrown in for the win-win. It's like printing money fag.

>> No.55164028


>> No.55164985

I have a few sources of passive income and still work full-time.

>$800/mo in interest income
I use HYS and recently started investing in 4-week bonds (5%+)

>$1400/mo in dividend income from a private company
I worked at a startup early in my career and got stock options that I exercised. The company has grown significantly and I get a check every 2 months for $2.5-3K.

>$150/mo regular stock dividends

>Several micro-software companies
I've launched several DeFi projects and micro-SaaS projects. I don't make much from these and it varies significantly but average probably $100/mo or so.

>Not 100% passive, but close

I sell stuff on ebay from alibaba. I usually copy listings that are already selling, order the stuff from alibaba and then put up the listing but with shipping from within the USA instead of China (like the other listings). People naturally want things sooner so buy from me instead of the other seller. I make like $200/mo profit and spend probably 2 hours a month packing orders and dropping them at the logistics co.

I was doing this previously but with rates at 4.5%+ it's easier to let the money sit instead of moving funds around.
I make around $240k/year at my job but these little side things add some resiliency to my income. If I got fired tomorrow, I could still cover most of my bills. And if I don't get fired, I have more money to safe and invest so that I can hopefully build the passive income up even sooner and retire early.

>> No.55165350

>I sell stuff on ebay from alibaba. I usually copy listings that are already selling, order the stuff from alibaba and then put up the listing but with shipping from within the USA instead of China (like the other listings). People naturally want things sooner so buy from me instead of the other seller. I make like $200/mo profit and spend probably 2 hours a month packing orders and dropping them at the logistics co.
You don't get burned by returns all the time?

>> No.55165396

I abduct cats and wait for finder's rewards to be issued

>> No.55165450

not passive

>> No.55165593

I buy the stuff in bulk and get it shipped to me in the USA, then sell it. So if someone wants to return it they have to ship it back. This is not really dropshipping because I hold the inventory and I can avoid return requests that are due to shipping taking weeks.

I haven't had a single return in like a year now though. Most of my items are $15 - 30 so people seem more likely to toss it or accept the loss than pay $10 to ship it back to me, or at least that's what I have assumed to be the case.

>> No.55166413

The starving cats in my basement would like to object

>> No.55166458

I have two flats.
Used to have them.on Airbnb but it's a hassle so we found long terme tenents
Making around 1800 after tax per month from the two.
It Def helps

>> No.55166743

Thats more like having a passive outcome

>> No.55166923

I go to an office and drink coffee all day

>> No.55166926
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>become a validator
>live off rewards
>staking doesn't let you panic sell
>profit always
it's that easy OP.

>> No.55166938

Yeah I wish I had 32 ETH laying around.

>> No.55167945
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>Tell me all about your passive income gigs, /biz/
most passive income I make comes from
LP rewards
Option selling
Real estate loans

>> No.55168036

Even a RaspberryPi can be a validator too or you could also be a smartfag and enjoy high TPS and low energy consumption on a quantum resistant platform. Just like having your cake and eating it too!

>> No.55168515

Passive income through UTK staked on the xExchangeApp is just the best you can't really get jeets, with amazing return of at least 25%-35% APY/APR.

>> No.55168557

He looks like he's about to tell me he did 20 years in the can

>> No.55168682
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Based anon

>> No.55169003

Trees live a passive existence though. They just sit in one spot for their entire life and spread their roots a little to passively soak up water and nutrients.

>> No.55169042

Sit at my job in an office by myself on 4channel right now is passive enough

I have no motivation to make money otherwise

>> No.55169162

Literally me but I'm hybrid. I wish I could get motivated to come up with a side job.

>> No.55169517

Make passive income from RAIL. A percentage of all transaction fees on the private wallet.

>> No.55169537

Me too bro. I want to buy can't be fucked. What would I even begin with

>> No.55170584
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AVAX staking. It has given me up to 11% in return. You can't go wrong with it.

>> No.55170829
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For me, it's $JESUS Token

>Religious token (based)
>0/0 tax
>Doxxed devs
>Available on Uniswap and 1inch
>They want to build a school soon
>Currently slurpable af

>> No.55172543

Aside from the 25-35% APY I earn from staking UTK and ATOM on Gate and Keplr, I'm minting free NFTs on MintSquare as there could be a future airdrop requirement by another Starknetpartner.

>> No.55172567
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i catfish nerds on twitter and take their money for conversations and sets of pictures

>> No.55172738

A few of mine also comes from LP, and I also run seekers nodes on the sylo network to generate more income
>Passive income is a garbage
Passive income is just a side gig, something that fetches me money while I do my 9-5 job

>> No.55172914
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Pretty comfy.

>$2000/m remote job which is just me attending a meeting once or twice a week
>$1300/m tricrypto on Convex
>$900/m staking Premia
>$300/m staking GLP

Best advice I can give you is to get involved in projects that you're invested in and try to get yourself hired. There are a lot of positions like the one that I have and some which pay a lot more, you just need to be active. If you are invested this is easier because you'd want to be active in that project's discord anyway, talking to devs, whales, making connections with other prominent members etc.

Just like real life, getting ahead in crypto is more networking and knowing the right people than having the right qualifications and "hard work". I have another job lined up which might pay $1000/m + an early allocation because I met one of the founders and we became friends, so he hired me. This is also how you find good coins early, I've had several 2x-10x trades that I got from people in my network that I otherwise would never have found. When you find something yourself you can shill to them and they will shill it throughout their extended network and that is how you make money on shitcoins. This is also how you find high quality long term investments early.

This is much easier to do in a bear market because there are hardly any active market participants so it is very easy to stand out. You can join a project discord and randomly befriend 50k+ follower twitter accounts and whales just by talking to them, they will give you alpha and shill coins that you buy together. It's very easy right now, you just have to go out of your way and do it.

>> No.55172996


>> No.55174045

My avax is currently staked on Binance, but if the staking period ends, I will transfer it to its official wallet.
I also have Ride on x exchange and both Matic and Ethereum in my Trustwallet, and the investment return are okay.

>> No.55174155

How much is it to be a script writer

>> No.55174162

Thank you anon for this piece

>> No.55174220

Oil stocks with 5-10% dividends in $.
(bonus : I live in Eurocuckland where $ are 31% overvalued over their ppp and rising fast due to fake inflation numbers)

>> No.55174430

What blockchain is it running on? Jesus is just alright by me.

>> No.55174462

Newfags, Allianceblock recently launched a liquidity mining campaign for BrillionFi. You can learn about passive income there.

>> No.55174785
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Based Premia whale.

This is true, if you are not in a group of likeminded people who want to make money it is infinitely harder to make it. Hanging around /biz/ will make you poorer unironically, this board is worse than useless.

>> No.55174983

Just yield farming USDC on SpoolFi for now. I still go into volatile asset investment but the bear has messed things up for me.