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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55161387 No.55161387 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, how do I profit from trannies and faggots?

>> No.55161408
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ATTENTION ALL CHUDS : This is a PSA from LeftyPol.
If Trans people simply existing triggers you this much, you should unironically kill yourself. The world doesn't need any more hateful bigots like yourself, we have enough already.

>> No.55161415


>> No.55161423
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>simply existing
Do you mentally ill faggots still believe this? You're literally trying to breach school doors to "teach" (groom) our kids about your degeneracy. If all you did was "exist" I wouldn't have (as much of) an urge to curb stomp you.

>> No.55161442

Wear lipstick and fake lashes and sell rainbow flags in Times Square

>> No.55161446
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Kys chud

>> No.55161452

buy the dips
that's what they have been orchestrated for
or do you really think target is going out of business?

>> No.55161464
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You don't, (((they))) profit from you. Are you new?

>> No.55161473
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If anyone is killing themselves its you, faggot pedo commie groomer

>> No.55161583
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>suicide projecting
We all know it's just a matter of time. You will never be a woman. You don't have ovaries and will never again be loved.

>> No.55161609
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You're not from leftypol

>> No.55161623

You must be retarded. They literally said this is only the beginning and there is an agenda.
It's not a theory, they said it explicitly.
It started to undermine the family structure, which is the most important factor in the well being of a human.

>> No.55161632

sell rainbow colored paint?

>> No.55161636
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>> No.55161646

Yeah, it won't work in the long run. As soon as a crisis happens this fag will see how worthless they are. Can't wait.

>> No.55162515

Find female sports you can bet on.
Put your money on the troons.

>> No.55162568

The last opportunity you would've had to do this afaik was the Olympics you would've lost but don't let that stop you from pushing a narrative

>> No.55162611

We're past peak. But if we weren't I'd buy a medical stock in the ass niche.

>> No.55162840

>We're past peak
True believer in conservative inc false opposition media detected. How do I profit off of this? Can I invest in orgs like Breitbart that promote this slop to goys like you?

>> No.55162914
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>> No.55163023
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>> No.55163139


new thread

>> No.55163249

>how do I profit from trannies and faggots?
isn't it obvious? i mean the whole reason this madness is having so much backup from mainstream corporations its because they are the primary beneficiaries of mentally ill people. they just cut off their dicks and feed them hormones and then instead of having just a mentally ill person that could have had a decent life with a proper treatment/advice instead they get a person who is completely mentally/physically ill and who is dependent for life in their "medications".

if you want to make profits off of this (immoral af) then i suggest you open a clinic to chop off penises and tits. also offer group dilate courses and suicide prevention assistants.

>> No.55163268

Is that the red ribbon army logo

>> No.55164064

Hahahah fpbp. Seething chud losers. May the (You) harvest be bountiful as the righties cope

>> No.55164093

Niggers like you. Omfg. There are NIGGERS like (You) out there. LMFAO

>> No.55164134

/trannypol/ is retarded, but not because they're trannies.

Nice bait btw.