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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55160548 No.55160548 [Reply] [Original]

This feels wrong. I hate waging. Waging goes against my DNA
If we start the bullrun just when I folded, I'll be fucking pissed

>> No.55160565

Keep your mind on the bull run to get through waging. Take an evening job at an Amazon warehouse where you don’t talk to anyone and just get 30k steps a day while you listen to podcasts you like. When the bull run is starting you want to have as much cash as possible to buy and DCA into it.

Btw. I Hope you’re talking about the stock market bull run not the fucking tranny crypto market. Otherwise you deserve to be a wagie forever.

>> No.55160576

>he buys stocks for a 6% YTD
>is against crypto
Massive retard alert, gas yourself kike and continue to seethe for missing out

>> No.55160580

FUCK stocks. That's for retards

>> No.55160601

work is your liberation whether you realize it or not. your ancestors, who were very much stronger and more skilled at things that mattered than you are the reason you are even alive today and would shun at you being so allergic to working. sure working for a soulless corporation is bullshit. but that is a different animal than growing and hunting for food, which you cannot call yourself a man unless you have experienced it yourself. notice i have not mentioned anything about how much money you make because that is not important to how you got here.

>> No.55160621

>who were very much stronger and more skilled at things that mattered than you
You are a very confused person. The above is because work wasn't jewish before and skillsets didn't have retarded gate keeping/barrier to entries. It was about a community rather than a cut throat natural selection environment that shitmerica has.

>> No.55160627

Also money does matter, you stupid ass ape. It's the only way to escape the jewish system.
Imagine wanting to live as cattle 24/7 in this jewish society LMFAO

>> No.55160643

you could move to the countryside today with no money but capable hands and provide value to some farm family for food and shelter. you have no imagination or faith. your loss not mine.

>> No.55160651

>and provide value to some farm family for food and shelter.
The fuck? That's not how you get ahead in life. I couldn't care less about your mindset

>> No.55160657 [DELETED] 

>work is liberation
unfortunately we live under captilism you little kike

>Oy vey work hard'a for my portfolio to go up
>come on goy your ancest'ahs worked hard'a

>> No.55160755 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 717x880, 1672647376766094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55160767 [DELETED] 

>been here longer than this stupid ass faggot
>tells me to go back
I'm going to bitch slap you

>> No.55160852 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 768x719, 1654622173002404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentally ill tranny cat spammer. Kill yourself.

>> No.55160926
File: 346 KB, 784x2538, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.55160944

Been here since 2018. Take your own advice, faggot

>> No.55161115

if they were the ones that cut your hours, you're definitely being played and you should leave asap

>> No.55161119

And you've been on plebbit since loooong before 2018.

>> No.55161291

No, I cut them myself a while ago during 2021 because I was cruising, but I burned too much money now and need to accumulate again