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55158363 No.55158363 [Reply] [Original]

How much time do we have until AI replaces 90% of corporate jobs?

>> No.55158380

only retard manual laborers and arrogant dunning kruger codeniggers think this will happen.

>> No.55158432
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>arrogant dunning kruger
Projecting much? Please tell us how this is not going to happen.

>> No.55158915

>replace 8k jobs with AI
If I had to bet, my money is on client services and product support. >90% of "problems" are user issues they can self troubleshoot with a little handholding.

>> No.55158927

Cashiers were supposed to disappear in 2010 and truck drivers were supposed to disappear in 2020

How's that going?

>> No.55158931

about 14 days

>> No.55158982

yeah that was according to complete retards who didn't understand the actual cost to implement full scale automation in physical processes (protip: meatbags are cheaper and easier to maintain)

this whole "AI" thing is just a set of mathematical models which can process data, make associations with that data, then make decision trees out of that data when given specific output criteria. And it's to the point of doing this using human language which to the average person's eye passes the Turing test. So many jobs, esp things like customer/client service are just humans going down a script after being given a specific input in human language. Now AI is capable of doing that, the model just needs trained on a large enough internal dataset, then hosted on distributed server clusters for companies to implement it at scale. Implementation is a trivial task compared to the cost of actively managing thousands of employees. Call centers will get nuked into oblivion. This will especially help service companies like verizon, charter, AT&T etc. cut costs.

>> No.55158992
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>> No.55159002

Just be an analyst

>> No.55159031

One fortnight

>> No.55159075

prob < 10 years for it to really impact.

jannies keep deleting my post bc they know the jews have ran this stock into the dirt so they can buy it all up cheap asf. This stock will kill WFH wagie jobs for bug eaters and street sheeters esp in the Phillipines and replace them with voice ai bots.

$VERI @ $3/share

>the time to buy is now even if it's just $1000 you will $25x it if you just hold for 8-9 months

>> No.55159158


>> No.55159192


>you will sell your bags tomorrow and buy $VERI guaranteed

>> No.55159209

>Now AI is capable of doing that, the model just needs trained on a large enough internal dataset, then hosted on distributed server clusters for companies to implement it at scale. Implementation is a trivial task compared to the cost of actively managing thousands of employees. Call centers will get nuked into oblivion. This will especially help service companies like verizon, charter, AT&T etc. cut costs.
Whats the difference between an analyst, consultant, customer service or any other office job when it comes to AI? All of those jobs will and can be automated and someone saying it wont happen is coping, like when people said AI wouldn't be able to produce art and shit like that

>> No.55159226

Cashiers are basically completely gone at my nearby walmarts and targets. There’s rarely a cashier working at a lane. Self checkout is here to stay (thanks for the free stuff lol faggots)

>> No.55159275

There's tons of other examples, machines at fast food restaurants replacing wagies who take your order, parking lot ticket machines, cashiers, etc

>> No.55159426

Fast food restaurants seems to all have cashiers still because the subhumans who eat there every day don’t have credit cards

>> No.55159445

Realistically, probably end of decade. From now to 2025 it’s all about picking the right racehorses

>> No.55159572

It happens at midnight tonight.

>> No.55159702


For codies it’s pretty much over

>> No.55159976

God I want AI to replace me so bad so I can have an excuse for being a bum for while. I regret my career path so much.

>> No.55160027

Who gives a shit. I'll throw a party as soon as AI kills the entire HR sector and the HR karens who think they have a career get a boot up their ass.

>> No.55160367
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I work for le government and my department has records of the annual work tasks done going back to the 70s in random filing cabinets and a lot of dinosaurs that remember the pre-computer days still kicking around.

The same core work gets done every year as it did back then, but now we just make 10x as much bullshit reports/graphs/powerpoints with half the staff simply because we don't have to draw graphs by hand anymore. I expect the same thing to happen again once microsoft's copilot thing gets good. The half of us that remain in 2045 will just get it to shit out graphs constantly and write up 1,000 page reports no one will read so we look busy.

My job could easily have been automated in the 2000's, the types of constrained optimization we do is a trivial problem with obvious solutions, but there are still people at the helm turning the knobs. Why? Because how could you sell out the country to lobbyists if there was no one around to lobby?

>> No.55160421

>needs trained

Midwesterner detected. Why do you psychos omit "to be" from "needs to be [verb]ed?" At least AI won't do that.

>> No.55160432

I wanted to sleep late anyway

>> No.55161124
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Ah, the absolute delight when non-tech niggers freak out when they have no clue what they are talking about.

>> No.55161157

New jobs will be created. You think the higher ups would be able to maintain and actually understand the AI's outputs?

>> No.55161479

I can't speak for corporate, but I know that in retail/fast food that the technology and processes exist right now to be far more automated. The only obstacle is that no-one wants the negative publicity of being first to do it. But when it does come, it will be like a dam bursting.

>> No.55161490

yeah it's amazing how civil servants poop reports after reports only to put them on the shelf lol. Bureaucracy is just here to lower the unemployment number

>> No.55161493

This. But what will happen is that some customer support personnel will remain to deal with unusual issues. They will be better paid and more skilled. Pedants will then point to this and claim that they were never replaced, just like bank tellers and cashiers (are currently going through).

>> No.55161560

So what a human does

>> No.55161578

>Cashiers were supposed to disappear in 2010
>and truck drivers were supposed to disappear in 2020
No one claimed this LMAO. Some estimate 2030-2040. Plus we have self checkouts now and there are some experimental things going on too i.e. store where members can take items and get billed when they leave, self driving walmart truck near silicon valley, and automated mcdonalds in texas. Probably more out there I am unaware of. Only a retard thinks this will never be adopted nationwide.

>> No.55161621

That's more like PR to look good. IBM, the AI company. Their consultants will tell others how to do it then...

>> No.55161862

literally in 40 years when we discover new jobs, or when something else is discovered to do with memecoins like KEK, there is no point in replacing us if we are going to do absolutely nothing, monopolizing work is unironically impossible

>> No.55162025

22 weeks?

>> No.55162042

AI can't automate a society full of niggers who break things and don't follow rules. automatization only works in white and asian countries.

>> No.55162051

AI will replace service jobs before corporate. Food servers, gas pumps, police, nursing.

>> No.55163178

I honestly do not think AI would succeed with nursing rather a blockchain project with interest in solving health related problems fag

>> No.55163500

Akiri, Immunify, BurstIQ, and Medicalchain are a few projects that will make headway in bringing healthcare and blockchain tech to work

>> No.55165393

AI is really there to assist and not to replace or take our jobs. It has really come in handy with my trading. The likes of Tokenmetrics AI platform gives me early calls on trending assets.

>> No.55165461

2030 is the goal according to WEF

>> No.55165489

hopefully soon

>> No.55165893

It won’t need you at all soon. You’re the assistant

>> No.55166516

AI = artificial indians