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55158063 No.55158063 [Reply] [Original]

You save more money living in a densely populated area without a car and a family than in the middle of nowhere paying for a car, insurance, and gas. Not even including the commute to everything.

>> No.55158082
File: 978 KB, 1149x1510, E52B3680-6AD9-43DD-A660-E1BAE6878894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Cost of living is higher in cities with public transit, and American public transit is consistently late, dirty, filled with drug addicts and schizos, and recent events have shown you’ll go to jail for defending yourself.

t. New Yorker who will say this every time you repost the thread

>> No.55158125
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I work from home in a rural town and don't have a car
I get groceries delivered for $2 a week and make my gf (who lives even more remotely) drive me places I have to attend in person.
Or if the weather is nice I walk or ride my bike, I can ride across town in 30 minutes and not worry about 'urban youths' stealing it. I can also catch a 3hr train to the nearest capital city.
My rent is dirt cheap for a 2 bedroom house on a large block
You do not live cheaper than me.

>> No.55158124

is it the cockroach

>> No.55158143

I live in a town of about 5,000 and don’t have a car. I don’t need one.

>> No.55158160

depends on the city. chigo and philli are alright and have some cheap places to live.

>> No.55158165
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>> No.55158242

Nope, it's in the newspaper

>> No.55158814

real successful man would ride a dual sport bike

>> No.55158830

>You save more money
If we're talking about costs of living, i hear africa wins. Indisputibly.

>> No.55158832

>tfw 6 lane highway to my south, 6 lane highway to my west, 8 lane highway to my north
All within 1 mile because it's the only area I can afford. How many equivalent packs of cigarettes am I smoking a year from living here?

>> No.55159081

I literally live on the side of a mountain, drive with no traffic on a small highway straight to work with nothing but Mountain View’s, and there’s a huge creek/waterfall minutes from my home. Suburbs aren’t the only alternative to “city life”. Btw I’m also a 20 minute drive from a literal walkable city. I afford all this working at Walmart . Small cities are the best of everything in todays world.

>> No.55159827

Yeah but what would I do for fun? And are there attractive young females around?

>> No.55159871

I converted my car to gas LP and save a lot so fuck you op you don't know shit

>> No.55159947


>> No.55159964
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fuck your kike lies

>> No.55159970

my bad

>> No.55160503

>I converted my car to gas LP

>> No.55160921

If you lived in a city that would be your view, you subhuman retard.

>> No.55161425

Pretty much. I live in London and don't go anywhere most days because wfh. I get most stuff delivered. If me and my gf go for a day out we might stop at a supermarket on the way back.
Transport is cheaper than having a car, hands down. With a car, there's insurance, petrol, maintenance and depreciation that you have to factor in. If you live in London and do the jobs we do then a car is a stupidity tax. If we really need to be somewhere fast, or need something bulky delivered occasionally, there are services for that and paying for them occasionally is still cheaper than having a car.

>> No.55161501

You can still find places like these in Europe, thing is you need money and lots of it.
Iceland is pretty much like that all over the place, problem being:
The weather
The food
And currently a prime minister (female KEEEEEEEK) with a giga hard on for imigrants in a country with 350.000 people TOTAL.
The cost of living

>> No.55161508
File: 968 KB, 1280x1707, EAA3DFC2-0663-45CA-8C9D-B235A2C74495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That view is disgusting. Pic rel is better