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55157539 No.55157539 [Reply] [Original]

>We have to keep the office super cold for the obese "people"

>> No.55157562

>hes not WFH

>> No.55157579

You can put a sweater on, but it would take 12 months for the obese person in your office to lose the weight

>> No.55157607

>but it would take 12 months for the obese person in your office to lose the weight

Yes, they should do that.

>> No.55157645
File: 929 KB, 966x3054, 1428432770883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My office has an ongoing debate between women saying they're too cold and autistic guys who want it around 50 degrees.

>> No.55158825

Why are women always cold? Every woman in every office is cold, always.

>> No.55158939

I work in an office in a highrise in the heart of downtown Chicago. It's always crazy hot in there for some reason.

The thermostats are often set to 74 when I walk in in the winter and in the summer they'll be set to 75 or 77. I walk in this week and almost immediately start sweating because it's 75-77 degrees and obviously I'm not in shorts and a t-shirt, I went around to 5 or 6 thermostats on the floor and changed them all to 71, no one minds, no one changes them back. Why are they set that high and why does nobody else seem to care?

There is one girl on my team who will complain it's cold if it's below 74 degrees, and 2 times has put a light winter puffer jacket on at her desk when it was literally 72 fucking degrees in there. I change the thermostat back lower when she gets up to do something if she cranks it up. I don't think she knows that anybody on the team has the balls to change it right back.

The biggest fucking thing though is how almost no one at all seems to mind any temperature. People will be wearing jeans and a quarter zip sweater sitting there at 75 degrees, not changing the thermostat. They don't care somehow. I crank it down 5 degrees, still no one cares. It's like they're always comfortable, meanwhile if it's 75 in there I'm getting drenched in sweat when I go the bathroom to shit. I am not anywhere near being fat. They have to be hot too but for some reason don't want to adjust the thermostats.

I walk in and change the thermostat nearest me every day, sometimes multiple.

>> No.55158948

The office should be kept cold to make skeletal men and women uncomfortable. Just wear another shirt dumbass.

>> No.55159041

>gets cold

>> No.55159060

Fat fuck here. I just wear shorts and those shirts that absorbs all your sweat. My boss doesn't give a fuck seeing as I'm the only person in the office who actually is productive.

>> No.55159073
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me on the left. It's a checklist I'm trying to hit, so far I've got 3

>> No.55159108

That's the sad part, he is

>> No.55159152


Lmao 75-77 degrees is not hot you fucking fat degenerate slob. When I become king of earth all of you glutonous, replulsive pieces of shit will be sent to forced labor camps and lose all that blubber or die

>> No.55159189

They've got less blood when they're not pregnant or something.

>> No.55159225

Imagine having to work around bleeding animals and not be a butcher

>> No.55159277

I am 155 lbs at 6 foot tall you fucking nigger, go back to the hot humid jungle with your loincloth.

77 degrees is not a comfortable temperature when you have to be wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt inside all day with no breeze

>> No.55160442

I'll bet you're as thin as a stick. Put on some mass skeletor

>> No.55160629

Too based.

>> No.55160639

>we have to keep it super hot for the bitch boi twink OP

>> No.55160706

Americans SEETHING in this thread

>> No.55160737

As a normal American man of 300 pounds I can’t be productive if it isn’t nice and cool on there. I’ll start getting angry and irrational really quickly. I had to leave lowes today because it was too fucking hot in there and I couldn’t think straight.

>> No.55160769

>50 degrees

are you working in a sauna?

>> No.55160803

Its easier to warm up than it is to cool down

>> No.55160917

Biologically speaking women have physically thinner skin and their temperatures are slightly lower. They're not just being pussies, you would freeze if you had their body too. Of course they could just bring an extra cardigan, guys cannot take off their skin.

>> No.55161978

same here, I literally have to wear fucking gloves because it's the shit I need more than anything at work and they get cold really fast, why don't they just exercise something? it's not my fault that they are literally walruses at risk of merging with their chairs, for this I prefer to just work from home, at least there I can watch the KEK chart instead of my coworker trying to get out of his chair

>> No.55162000

Yeah, any office should be as cold as humanly possible. I can put on a sweater whenever but what can I do when roasties demand that shit be set hot as fuck at all times because they are le cold? Kill yourself.

>> No.55162018

Being warm is for pussies. Literally only women wear their jackets in the office.
If I saw a man do the same I would openly point and laugh.

>> No.55162037

>75 is not hot to be sitting in a chair all day with no breeze wearing full a business suit

Brown subhuman jungle dwelling nigger detected.

>> No.55162068

They have to show off their cleavage. Meanwhile guys are wearing an undersh
undershirt, button up shirt, suit jacket, and tie. I want to throw lye in the faces of these worthless counts so bad, bros.

>> No.55162091

>not "working" from home in 2023


>> No.55162409

Eat meth like the rest of us or die.

>> No.55162441

No such thing as too cold. Are you a woman?

>> No.55162445

75-77 isn't too hot. i'm pale white with blond hair and a german surname. get some exercise you fat disgusting sack of shit.

>> No.55162463

>we have to keep the office supper hot for women wearing string vests, short shorts and sandals but men must still dress in long pants and long sleave shirts and closed shoes.

I hate women so much.

>> No.55162480

>peak summer temperatures in northern Europe are not too hot to be sitting in a glass box with no cooling breeze wearing button up shirt and tie

Larping negroid kill yourself

>> No.55162521

You are either a woman or a negroid. I can't keep the office at most 22°C because some nigger or sand nigger will complain its too cold.

>> No.55162539
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oh shit THAT'S why they started doing it??
I thought it was a subtle way to get people to dress up into more formal wear without explicitly ending the casual dress code policy

>> No.55162823

I’m in a constant state of anabolism cause I’m trying to get huge. Not my fault your cold you pathetic skeleton.

>> No.55162873
File: 2.11 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230602_125552235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see your pale, freckled hand, you repulsive mulattoid beast.

>> No.55163104

Man in my current job that I'm leaving atm there is 1 autist junior and 1 autist senior engineer, both male, that feel "cold" when temperature is below 25c, even in winter clothes. I literally come in a polo shirt at work without anything above or below it and I still sweat like crazy because it has 0 fresh air. Even if you open a window in summer they are too cold from the breeze. I'm thankfully moving to a WFH job.

>> No.55163162

You have fine wrists sir, however you are incorrect about temperatures. Anything hotter than 20 degrees celsius is too hot.

>> No.55163213
File: 42 KB, 506x314, 1650313285765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but he is..

>> No.55163310

He's obviously a burger and talking about Fahrenheit. 50F is 10C, which most people would find chilly.

>> No.55163833

17C or 63F is the optimum white man's ambient temperature.

>> No.55163970
File: 115 KB, 493x527, Pic of my 11 year old son flexing on Fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arm hair of a 12 year old boy
>le tactical box cutter
>pinker than your mom's pussy
Lmao anon delet this right now

>> No.55163977

roasties super cold
>71 degrees

>> No.55163987

welcome to working with pajeets

>> No.55164006

i inclined benched 100 pound dumbbells last night. how much you putting up?

>> No.55164018

get an ergonomic keyboard bro.

>> No.55164035

it was free from work. ill have to see if my jewish employer will buy me an ergonomic one.

>> No.55164077
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hoboanon
>bring phone
>your whore mother
>shitpost on Fats

>> No.55164108
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ze blaze mgs
Do you remember ze blaze, snake? The feeling of bones and sinew