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55156645 No.55156645 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from republicucks being fucking cucks?

>> No.55156672
File: 2.37 MB, 1329x2000, somadrn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those damn republicucks are making me pay back my loaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.55156880

Burn wendys

>> No.55156890

kek this truly is the most retarded country on earth. we deserve a 9/11 every day of the week.

>> No.55156902

you should go out and make your anger heard

>> No.55156911

>we must keep our people enslaved to debt while importing the entire third world to depress their wages while also printing the currency they are paid in into oblivion specifically to aid invasive peoples to reproduce in our land to own the libs goy!

>> No.55156916

this is a good thing, we can spend more on israel now

>> No.55156921
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Nothing personal constituent, we’ve got better plans for spending

>> No.55156931

id rather continue to build my resume and my savings (despite their best efforts to totally debase the currency) so i can move to another country and leave this godforsaken spic-nig shithole behind.

>> No.55156949

stfu glowie and stop trying to incite violence in people

>> No.55156975

good luck
Like when CNN convinced a nation of Iphone lefties to burn Wendys. I can groom sleepers, but I will never be as good as your media complex

>> No.55157198
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1. You took out a loan.
2. Pay. It. Back.

>> No.55157199
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>words words words
Yep, libtard.

>> No.55157281

students can suck my Heavenly Mandated Cock

>> No.55157305

Republicans don’t have student loan debt sweetheart. They either paid them off or paid for college with cash like anyone with an IQ above 90 would

>> No.55157317

To be fair at least Israel will spend that money on American weapons thus bringing us jobs in the defense industry. Meanwhile your average shitlib with a

>> No.55157338

/Thread. Any other replies ITT is regarded as anti-Semitism

>> No.55157350
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The government created the student loan crisis by providing these loans, yet leftists blame "capitalism" for the problem lmao

>> No.55157358

Why didn't you just go to college while poor like me? The government paid for my degree, I'm debt free

>> No.55157359

the loans are offered by private banks, retard.

>> No.55157427

thank you for defending our greatest ally sirs

>> No.55157455

considering all the salary bragging going on around here you will have them paid in no time

>> No.55157460

>he doesn't know
They are the ones that started these insane loans in the first place.
Loans are still controlled by the government.

>> No.55157463
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The government pressures banks to loan unlimited money to any student and many loans are through government agencies. (((Government))) created the student loan bubble and skyrocketing education costs because all the free money thrown at the schools.

Let the banks and the state default m who the fuck cares

>> No.55157490
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lmao isnt the senate democrat controlled? so the republicans in the house passed teh student loan relief but the demoshits in the senate are blocking it after screeching about it for fucking years? LOL at what point do NPC demoshit voters wake up and realize kikes are kiking them?

>> No.55157506
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If you’re too stupid to leverage the cost of a degree against your earning potential once you get that degree, you lacked the critical thinking skills to go to college in the first place.

Plus this is a program that only helps white collar middle class folx.

If we’re gonna do mass public spending let’s get universal healthcare which benefits 100% of society, not just a subsection of suburbanites and yuppies.

>> No.55157559
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To put it another way: the government will turn on the money printers for student loan relief to benefit pink haired liberal arts majors which in turn will cause inflation to rise. Rising inflation hurts the working class the most. Therefore student loan repayment schemes are a war on the working class.

(You) chose to major in gender studies. Now pay it back retard.

>> No.55157594

This. Israel deserves more money

>> No.55157604

NOOOOOOOOO Biden save me

>> No.55157624

you're the liberal here

>> No.55157635
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>X is bad so Y is good

Guess they didn’t teach critical thinking at your degree mill McCollege

Enjoy paying back the loan retard

>> No.55157671

You caught me. I'm a classical liberal who likes to laugh at seething debt slaves when the jubilee ends and they get caught with their pants down.

>> No.55157785

Biden's argument for why he's allowed to cancel student loans is pretty bad and congress naturally wants to retain powers over the budget to protect its own interests. Basically everyone who thinks about this beyond D good R bad thinks it's retarded.

>> No.55157800
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inb4 military service for loan relief

>> No.55157874

>i'm a classical liberal
holy mother of cucks

>> No.55157881

How is it cucked to want higher living standards and freedom for yourself and your community?

>> No.55157882

>i'm a classical liberal
aka "i'm a communist but haven't realised it yet"

>> No.55157884

LOL zoomer trash will pay up and scream about it the whole time

>> No.55157887

America is still among the best places to make enough money to fuck off from America. So that's what I'm doing too.

>> No.55157889

its the polar opposite of communism tho

>> No.55157932

it's the source of communism. Hobbes and Locke <-> Marx

>> No.55158156


>> No.55158173

>graduate college debt-free
>no one wants to hire me for shit
>have fuckall cash because it all went to school
Can I have some gibs, sir?

>> No.55158286

Some species deserve their fate. /shrug

>> No.55158424

Fascism and national socialism both developed from socialism tho

>> No.55158478
File: 59 KB, 735x802, 9099593826d96bbd406817178dfc6a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey so basically I'm just not gonna pay back my student loans....UGGGHHHH I know...I'm sorry!!! It's just that I'm not gonna pay it back is all.


>> No.55158547

Hey so basically I'm just not gonna let you bankrupt your way out of your student loans....UGGGHHHH I know...I'm sorry!!! It's just that I'm not gonna let you dissolve them for your entire life is all.


>> No.55158554

How is this fair at all? I went to a shitty instate school so I didn't take on massive debt. If it was just going to be erased I would have went to a better school

>> No.55158566

based as fuck
zoomer trash will reee for the next 50 years from their rented cuckshed

>> No.55158570

No point in paying them off when payments and interest have been frozen for three years and you were better off using your money to invest while letting inflation demolish the relative value of the loan debt.

>> No.55158590

Only degree worth going to college for

>> No.55158594

>You can stop the train now to keep more people from getting run over, it’d be unfair to all the people who already got run over!

>> No.55158602

Yes I think retards with shitty degrees should suffer. Maybe get good at a sport or trying not being retarded and getting an academic scholarship while you're at it. Niggas with real degrees (people who should actually be in college) don't face this problem.

>> No.55158609

zoomer trash incels using greentext on 4chan to vent anger is hilarious

>> No.55158611

I'm not sure if you are retarded or baiting me.
Stopping the train would be making college free but not forgiving existing student loans.

>> No.55158615

are you really complaining about having no debt when the "better" school would give you the same result?

>> No.55158645

I have no debt because I grinded leetcode for months when everyone else was going partying.
I could have gone to a better school and learned more and gotten a better education

>> No.55158663

There was a typo. “Can” should have been “can’t.” The point being that just because people in the past got fucked over by college costs doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help people who are in debt (debt which was largely caused by lending and government policies in the first place).

>> No.55158739

Most college students deserve to get hit by trains

>> No.55158765

>our people
Kek theres no evidence white people are the primary holders of debt. Its gender studies kids who work at starbucks and vote democrat and spend their paycheck on tattoos.

>> No.55158968

That is incorrect. More than 90% of the student loan debt is held by the federal government. Thanks Obama. Literally, a provision in the Obamacare bill massively expanded federal student loan issuing. In fact, it is because this debt is issued by the feds that the Biden regime has claimed it can unilaterally forgive it - note that the forgiven plan Biden's handlers have put out only forgives the federally issued debt, not student loans from private banks.

>> No.55159006
File: 77 KB, 736x830, 1dca352f2aa8aeeef4ee8b6a1652a976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me?

This isn't a negotiation. You can't get the cash if there's none to give.

>> No.55159082

If you have no/low income, you would qualify for the income based repayment plans, and either only have to pay a pittance or nothing at all. The feds only go after people who can in theory pay some of it.

>> No.55160888

literally communism

>> No.55161928
File: 132 KB, 1467x1018, Fmj7FB5XgAAUJzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay it back wagie!!!!

>> No.55161962

90% of degrees are worthless. 90% of students should be going to cheap/free community colleges and live with their parents instead of racking up debt. ANYONE with student loan debt deserves to be enslaved until the debt is paid, and beyond for being dumb.

>> No.55162133
File: 19 KB, 191x264, IMG_6628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I profit from republicucks being fucking cucks?
Long lead poisoning cures.

>> No.55162191

That money should go to Ukrainians. Seriously they need it way more than college age students. Even reparations for niggers makes more sense than giving money to college graduates. If you disagree with me it means you think its unfair to stop people being run over by a train.