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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55156307 No.55156307 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55156316

he look like he own chainlank

>> No.55156325

me + 10 years

>> No.55156330
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>> No.55156332

Same but I'm 25 (I will be suicide soon)

>> No.55156385

Can I ask why?

>> No.55156409

he just like me fr

>> No.55156412 [DELETED] 
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This is literally me. I have taken all the wrong paths in these last 10 years since I got out of college. I just wished I had a high oaying corporate job but I'm a college dropout and I dont know what to do

>> No.55156442
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This is literally me. I have taken all the wrong paths and decisions in these last 10 years since I got out of high school. I just wished I had a high paying corporate job but I'm a college dropout and I dont know what to do, I wish life was so different and I had taken the correct decisions in my past, but well, I was ignorant and lost. It is what it is

>> No.55156453

no prospects in life, feel like im too old to be neeting at my parents house and starting to be a drain on them

>> No.55156470

I'm sorry to hear that, but if it helps, you're not alone in that.

>> No.55156547

That's how Eggman started his career

>> No.55156556

And you don't think their son's suicide is going to be even worse for them? If you care about your parents, make an effort to make them proud. It won't be easy, but there's a ton of unskilled jobs that will take about anyone to keep you afloat as you train or study for a better job.
It's OK to feel lost. Nobody has it all together like they want you to believe.

>> No.55156585

yeah, that has kept me from doing it so far.

i know im not alone, i wish everyone in a similar situation best, thank you

>> No.55156714
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Start taking risks, man. Moving out is probably the biggest gamble you can make but at least you have a loving family to fall back to, a lot of people don't have that. Besides, if you do move out you dont need to cut contact with your parents you can always count on their aid all your family wants is for you to succeed. Get skills find something you are good enough at
We are all in this together.

>> No.55157071

I know I can't do anything about what someone else does and you don't have to care about it, of course, but it always saddens me when I see you in despair. Being 25, I still see you as children in a way. Or younger brothers (I'm in my 30s, it's just how I think about you).

>> No.55158436
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lol killing yourself because you're not progressing in the Jewish matrix

>> No.55158452

if I lived your life I would probably kill myself, in fact I think most people would

>> No.55158480

Makes me cringe seeing people wishing they had the life I walked away from. Oh well, guess to some people the grass is always greener.

>> No.55158722

Why do youtubers insist on filming in their car?

>> No.55158849

Grief your server admins or server owners with tnt in minecraft

>> No.55158936

Nigger I have my own business, and make a decent amount. You WISH you had my life

>> No.55158963

Cant fathom being so utterly hopeless.

Honestly if you aren't fully employed in your real desired career by the time you are 24-25 I have no sympathy.

>> No.55159018

>Cant fathom being so utterly hopeless.
sure you can if you aren't married by 20 you're going to die alone and I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.55159022

Kek, you're 25 nigger. Life just started

>> No.55159110

Most jobs are bullshit anyway. You want the money not the job. Corporate life is either for actual losers or actual insane types I mean properly insane. Have you ever worked in any of these big wig accounting firms or law firms or whatnot? It's fucking hell for a young man with testosterone. You only want it because you haven't experienced it and I'm not even American I assume any firms there are 10x worse.

>> No.55159233

thanks bros, really. im unemployed atm and am getting some gibs paying around 1k usd for rent to my parents each month at least so im not totally pure leeching which does make it better.
my last job drove me hardcore suicidal and it wasnt a particularly hard one, im just incredibly mentally weak and always have been, dont know how to get stronger, feel like i wasnt made for this world

>> No.55159250

i also fucking hate myself for moping to strangers on /biz/ of all places lol, so im gonna stop that. thanks anons, honestly

>> No.55159329

Dudes fuck around in their late teens and early 20s smoking weed and doing nothing and wonder why they have no career at 30.

>> No.55159374

I dropped out of law school because I hated it and realized I hate living in a way that's not self structured

But I do have half a million dollars and no debt so I'm too pessimistic about the future

>> No.55160142

First of all, twenty-five is way too young to kill yourself at any place at any time. But second, put your woe is me no prospects whining into perspective. You are literally living upside down world at upside down time. How can you look at Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Mark Milley, or any of these other people that are wildly successful today and think “yeah, those people deserve their success”? You need to understand that if you do have prospects, if you are successful, it is because you are the great exception. You are living in a time where the most successful people are the most fucked up dysgenic freaks that in any sane society would be kept from the levers of power at all costs. Please forgive yourself for not being wildly successful at twenty-five.

>> No.55160152

High paying corporate jobs are existential hell

>> No.55160180
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31 and I've been unemployed for 2 years now. Been studying up and programming in this time. Hopefully I can get a job before summer ends as a filthy Web3 scamming engineer. We'll see.

>> No.55162060

If you do their dishes, laundry, take the trash out, maybe even cook a meal from time to time, clean up the house, you are already more productive than half of stay at home moms. Do the groceries instead of letting your mom waste time and effort on it (very likely she won't agree, women don't trust men doing the groceries).
Find yourself a remote work job (not easy these days, but it is possible).
Just be useful to your parents. I was a NEET living with my parents for over a decade before getting a job, and the only issue they had is when I used the shower since they are old and need to pee all the time, especially when they hear the shower.

>> No.55162305
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I'm only 25 and I feel like I wasted my whole life, the only good thing I have is just a KEK bag and a dog, I have a lot of part time jobs so I can have a decent life with him, sometimes I feel like I should give him up for adoption, he deserves better

>> No.55162329

It's all right, there's no cost to moping on /biz/, really. It's not as if you're imposing on anyone.
>feel like i wasnt made for this world
The feeling is no unwarranted. The world is cruel and does like to demonize people. It has no effect on "actual demons" (the kind of people who murder and steal), but it's all the more cruel to those who have a tender heart, because it's they who always see themselves as guilty or undeserving.

>> No.55162338

Why don't you people just get a job????
I'm a high school dropout making $4000/month
I get two yearly bonuses of $2000
A 401k
Roth IRA
Weekends off
I'm debt free
I used to be a neet for 2 years. It was fun for awhile until I got extremely bored playing video games & became very depressed

>> No.55162365

average chainlink holder, but also me. I should have finished my sr yr of college years ago. Would have had a cush teaching job by now

>> No.55162367

>If you care about your parents, make an effort to make them proud

anyone that is a neet by 25 has been failed by their parents.
they are probably old and narcissistic. old people should stop having kids but this will reastically wont stop

>> No.55162371


>> No.55162379

>filthy Web3 scamming engineer.

>> No.55162385

Eventually its not your parents fault that you're still a loser

>> No.55162407

That's a pretty good friend to have. My dog is my best friend.

>> No.55162419
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you're wrong. being a prospect-less, unambitious, undisciplined leech who is totally dependent on the goodwill of his parents (which will end one day, with them kicking you out or with them dying) is BASED and REDPILLED and nothing bad can EVER come of it.

>> No.55162420

I didn't finish reading. Putting your friend up for adoption is really cruel. You're his entire world, he doesn't care about material goods. Just take him for regular walks and feed him good food, putting him up for adoption will make him miserable and it's probably the cruelest thing you could do to him.

>> No.55162426

>I'm a high school dropout making $4000/month
be thankful you live in the us. where these oil rig types of assymetric jobs for dropouts exist.

try living in europe, i shot for a job like that: gruntwork that only can beared by a healthy young male and made like 1500-2000 euros with that, ridicolous overtime, being mostly hungry all of the time because i literally did not have time to eat
you get the same amount of money working warehouse and clocking out at 5pm everday

dropouts always get lured in by these kind of yearly bonuses/ open end commission type of jobs. what i got was ending up with 2 lawsuits, regarding one for my boss and one for a client, which i am still paying legal fees on

>> No.55162448

you shouldnt be too stressed out over not having a "career" aka being a good goyim slave in the jewish clownworld rat race. Its like looking down on the slave next to you because your collar is cleaner/nicer

Instead, think about developing skills/knowledge that are personally meaningful to you which improve your life and which you continuously build/expand on even in your 40s/50s/60s, and ideally can earn you some kind of income. You need to cleanly separate yourself from the hyper-social LinkedIn morass and live solely for yourself and your own development, which means not comparing yourselves to others or getting bitter, because your life path is yours and yours alone

>> No.55162467

>paying legal fees for a fuck up at work
Yeesh brother, that's rough.
I won a lawsuit against my first job (walmart) because they kept going into the system & removing hours I worked every single pay period.
I got my deposites electronically & just figured taxes were screwing me up

>> No.55162471

I only finished my masters at 27 and got my first job. You guys need to relax. 5 years later im making roughly 87k usd with 41 days vacation

>> No.55162483

>41 days vacation
That's pretty good, i only get 10 (Not counting holidays or sick days)

>> No.55162490

I was rejected from medical school twice with a bachelors in biochemistry
Then at 23 I pivoted to tech project management
Now I'm 26 making 100k working from home
I was pinched by life and made changes
Don't sit still as things get worse

>> No.55162495

you are correct.
I am not a NEET and dont live at home for a long time anymore, but i still realized working a job can only get you so far. in your free time you will still have to deal with the stuff your parents internalized into you
viewpoints or POV instilled in you that realistically will limit your ability to reach levels of quality of life.

and then the gaslights of: theyre old, their time is limited, you have to forgive
these always come from the majority of kids that were not casted into a spell by their parents, just visit 2 times a year and calculate what do with the inheritance when

>> No.55162600

Sick days dont get counted in Germanistan, so it's just 41 days vacation. Plus ofc 10 days public holiday. So technically im off 51 days a year plus sick days (unlimited really but I rarely get sick)

>> No.55162610
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just shut the fuck up . I only want money so I can leave this shit hole U.S. I dont want development,personal growth or any of your new age bullshit.

>> No.55162649
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>1k in rent to your parents

>> No.55162668

If your parents undermine you every step of the way, it becomes permanently their fault.

>> No.55164154

Buck up
My best friend dealt with that, now married with two kids, 26yo
Hasnt talked to parents in years

>> No.55164205

>shit that never happened for 300

>> No.55164212


>> No.55164240

First time on biz in a few years. Retards here still actually believe they are going to get rich off their shitcoins?

>> No.55164244

All of your posts are fake and retarded, do you really think a BS biochemist is qualified to be a tech project manager? I've met guys like you who were so desperate they were joining the military just for stable employment. Shut the fuck up and stop shitting up /biz/ with bullshit, faggot supreme.

>> No.55164371

Don't kill yourself, an acquaintance hung himself himself and his parents walked in on his body. It's not fair to do that to them

>> No.55164394


Niggers have more opportunity than ever and and bending over backwards to find a nigger that can be mediocre at a job so they can brag about muh diversity.

If you're black and failed despite every school and job trying to hire you then maybe the racists are right.

>> No.55164436

so you're weak? okay

>> No.55164671


>> No.55164707

me minus 1 year. finished a bachelor degree in law, so i could technically work. it's just that i don't want a 9-5 job.

>> No.55164959

Cope bro
Im working right now
Just got off a call

>> No.55165025
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Get into IT. Start with helpdesk resetting boomer passwords. While your there start studying for a cloud cert amazon, Microsoft and google all have great beginner certs. No you don’t need experience. AWS has some great beginner classes. Most of them free. Look up the cloud resume challenge. Torrent the book if you’re poor. You can be making $80-100k in 2 years or less.

>> No.55165037
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anon it's not polite to lie

>> No.55165067

career is there even such a thing? All theres left to do is job hop and tell every company to suck my cock

>> No.55165069

Im eating in my bedroom, next door to the house I bought and rent out to my neighbors loser millennial kids
Being paid >$40 to shitpost with facts that hurt

>> No.55165082

Larp would be better if you just spammed smug pepes saying "hahahaha bro I live in a villa on the california coast and I'm only 26, already making 200k a year lmao bro gitgud".

>> No.55165089

>Im eating in my bedroom
probably the only thing that's true along the fact you're also an over weight twat.

>> No.55165098

26 year olds are millennials. Your larp falls apart, you're clearly 35 and think anyone born after 1990 is a zoomer.

>> No.55165101

Just shy of $100k actually but company pays for my phone + stock discount + insurance
Hehe anon is a cutie patootie

>> No.55165118

1997 is the dividing line, my zoomer gf calls me a millennial

>> No.55165136

>safe career path will have you workong until you're 80 or drop dead
>risk taking path has a < 1% chance of success or will leave you broke and homeless or in eternal serfdom with endless debt

This is the worst timeline and I hate every single baby boomer that exists because of it

>> No.55165148
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if you're going to larp then at least pick something entertaining.

>> No.55165149

Don't be in the same place 5 years from now, it only gets worse. Study something, learn something. Do something, anything. If it makes you want to kill yourself it's not worth it.

>> No.55165164

My friends and I are chuckling, I sent them the thread

>> No.55165198

>No you don’t need experience.
helldesk jobs are starting to want degrees lol

>> No.55165222
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ah I see you're regressing now
well enjoy the (you)s it's all you really have going for your life.

>> No.55165552

Don't kill yourselves frens, your sadness is a weapon.

I know this girl that was in the military kill herself because her family kept the financial pressure on her with her parents and siblings, her career choice wasn't hers to begin with, she thought her life wasn't in her hands. Very sad and I had a crush on her.

>> No.55165820

that's the fattest neckbeard I ever saw

>> No.55166373
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If you want real advice, learn a profession that requires to do things IRL. Repair, tailoring, leatherworking, woodworking, engineering, electrician, plumber. Anything you like. If you will secure your place there you will win in the long run. Can't tell you more.