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File: 32 KB, 609x327, XRB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5515538 No.5515538 [Reply] [Original]

TFW XRB investors are mature enough to hold and not panic sell.

>> No.5515583

This is by far my comfiest hold

>> No.5515653

I just grabbed 300 more. I was waiting for this opportunity

>> No.5515933

the bounce back was solid as fuck.

>> No.5516390
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>> No.5516414

The fact that everyone needs to sign up to a new exchange helps for this kind of growth.

>> No.5516800

Comfy af, bought at $0.75

>> No.5517121
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I just FOMO'd into $1000 in XRB, how soon til the sweet release of death?

>> No.5517150

while i like the coin i think the moment its gonna hit bittrex/binance/polo whatever bigger exchange you name it
its gonna dump a bit

>> No.5517288

On some italian(the jews of the medit) exchange

no thx, fuck off with this scam exchanges

>> No.5517339
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>> No.5517353

I sold at the top of the dip and tried to buy back in low. A fucking rush at work stole the brief chance I had and I had to buy back it once hit .0006 again. FML

now I'm a buy high sell low meme

>> No.5517355
File: 139 KB, 388x421, OH_MY_GAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why tho?

>> No.5517562

Double in January.

>> No.5517756

you mean quadruple right

>> No.5517897
File: 60 KB, 689x448, 7EB29C50-10CA-4071-99BB-88FEA986A082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jumped in a the first sign of a dip and the value goes up 3 whole points the instant it sells

>> No.5518003

A bit optimistic if you ask me.. But hey, didn't saw that $10 barrier crumbling so fast neither.

>> No.5518019

Showing off doesn't achieve anything: at best you make people feel lesser of themselves because they don't have as much XRB. Make people feel better, not worse - I hope you think twice next time. Merry christmas and best of luck to you and your bag in 2018 :-)

>> No.5518076

>got in at $1.30
>sold at $2
>FOMO back in at $8


>> No.5518105
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stfu poor faggot

>> No.5518183

Bad person confirmed. Reevaluate values :-) Also, you don't even come close to the top 500 lol.

>> No.5518324

I don't care, I'm looking forward to sell my xrb for $300 in 1-2 month to those refugee lover persons like you who wish everyone a merry christmas.

>> No.5518447

>premined coin

>> No.5518477

I don't think I can ever get through to you, so I'm not sure why I keep trying.

I think that I understand some of your frustrations. Much of my humility came with the money and realising how fortunate I was compared to other people. I sincerely hope that you experience the same transition. Once you have enough money that you can buy anything, you realise how little it really matters - and how much other people really matter.

Remember, your XRB is only worth anything because of other people.

>> No.5518486

> wants the devs to work for free

>> No.5518523

congrats, you made it! good luck

>> No.5518580

Damn bro, legit good advice

Any other advice for someone who has recently 'made it' or just life advice in general?

>> No.5518583

Remember CfB, the incompetent IOTA dev, was FUDing Byteball for many months and didnt manage to back up any of his claims.

Dont be a bagholder of IOTA when XRB overtakes it, the main iota dev being afraid is a signal.

>> No.5518597

I'm not frustrated son, I'm just looking forward to be rich. If you'd do your research you still can get pretty rich. I can tell you 5 projects under $1 which will 100x in less than 6 month. But yeah, I think I'm a little bit lazy to type those letters out.

ty. feeling a little bit sad about selling 2k for 1 btc earlier tho (cryptoproblems) - be ready for the moon in the next hours/days of btc, eth, xmr and ltc at the absolute same time.

>> No.5518886
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Pic related. With all the buzz about bitcoins transfer speed being slow, over 200k unconfirmed transactions, massive network fees, manipulation by mining cartels, that it'll be 100% obsolete in 15 years when quantum computers come out, and fact the energy required to mine BTC outpaces the entirety of Ireland, XRB is primed to shine going into 2018.

>Energy efficient
>Instant transactions
>Miner independent
>Developing quantum resistance already
>Scalable to visa

I don't want to jump the shark and go full Johan saying that it will be the flippening, but damn if XRB couldn't revolutionize the entirety of crypto.

Pic related, don't miss out.

>> No.5518941

CfB is a pathetic faggot
the fact that he wants money from the rai guys for an audit WHILE THE FUCKING MIT POINTED OUT A MAJOR ISSUE IN IOTA FOR FREE and the cunt just said it was a feature
fuck iota and fuck all of the bagholders

>> No.5518956

A solid long term investment, since it is going to be listed on Kucoin
Also read this:

>> No.5519086

Now this is REALLY comfy

>> No.5519113

Sign up on KuCoin, XRB IS COMING FRIDAY kucoin . com/ # / ? r= 13J55

>> No.5519213

Buying XRB feels similar to buying Ethereum at $10 in early Jan 2017.

>> No.5519314

He then also claimed th vulnerability was FUD because it was done by competing team!

God damn pathetic hypocritic scumbag

>> No.5519447
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>> No.5519523

There’s no one left to sell to kek

>> No.5519794

>I can tell you 5 projects under $1 which will 100x in less than 6 month
please share.

>> No.5520497

He can't. If he could, he wouldn't be excited over 15k XRB.

>> No.5520954

Definitely, I recently found a great passion for philosophy and psychology. I think humanity's greatest problem is the tendency to separate in "me, us and them".

Realise that you are nothing without your environment. I recently had a conversation with some of my oldest pals, whom always believed in me. They confessed that they often looked up to me - in essence, they felt lesser when I was around. And while this may seem like a trivial point, I suddenly realised that my past many many years pf focusing on being better than other people, impressing, obsessed with making money to show off, buy a rolex, car, whatever - I realised that this does nothing but hurt those who look up to you.l It's not about you winning, showing off your Rolex and rubbing your fortune in their faces.

It's not about you succeeding, it's really about them succeeding. The greatest joy is not making a million dollars - it's really about making a million people happy. We cannot survive without other people. We need them. We need to enlighten them and make their lives better. I would be a nobody without my environment and it's not until now that I fully understand and appreciate what everyone has done for me, good and bad.

I want to pay back, improve their lives and pray to whatever god that they will do the same for others. In short: Appreciate, give back and improve together.