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File: 133 KB, 828x1368, 1685630010485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55152307 No.55152307 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here have a PMP cert? How hard is it to obtain? Has it been worthwhile for your career? I've given up on the idea of getting an MBA due to the time and money commitment.

>> No.55152339

imagine the smell of this guy, i mean girl

>> No.55152344

Now hes a fat disgusting tranny, nice.

>> No.55152352

he didn't really, right?

>> No.55152356
File: 324 KB, 1046x547, x25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have it
it's not hard to do, if you're good with tests. of course this filters out many normies. you still need experience before you apply, but i don't know how hard they really verify those forms. it's really a rent-seeking venture for the company.

you could get a job in project management as an associate, i'm sure, if you have a degree already. it probably helped me get my current job but i've done this shit for a long time

>> No.55152365
File: 1.33 MB, 3072x4096, 1681793821664093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on her dosage
If she's on high estrogen, then she probably smells like rancid tuna
If she's barely getting any estrogen at all from her doctor she probably smells like man ass

>> No.55152419

Bumping out of curiosity

>> No.55152429

Experience shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'm in engineering and have managed people; I think I could meet the 3 years of management experience requirement. Not sure about the "35 hours of PM education/training" though. I could probably get those hours through my company's training course database I guess. Or waste my money on the CAPM cert.

>he is unaware

>> No.55152510

easy to obtain and not worthwhile.
it's less valuable then being 'scrum certified'.

>> No.55152526

i'd go for pmp over capm. the only limitation pmp has over capm is experience time, right? having the pmp lets you apply to those jobs.
the education requirement is the pmp test prep course. your company will likely pay for it if it's big enough.

>> No.55152536

I think I'd rather kill myself than call myself a "scrum master"

>> No.55152574

Notice he was balding but now he magically has a full head of hair? I wonder if he and Chris were on finasteride or some other hair loss pill which caused them to become trannies?

>> No.55152585

why do so many ''men'' who work in tech become trannies?

>> No.55152615

Estrogen itself can block DHT and act as a hair loss drug. It's common to recover some lost hair when starting HRT, particularly hair that was lost recently

>> No.55152631

Relatable video, my original plan was to just take estrogen and not tell anybody and hide it forever

>> No.55152636

isn the vagina that gives the rancid fish smell to females? thats weird

>> No.55152642
File: 14 KB, 250x315, 1660109176224388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la ogra tecnologica...

>> No.55152695
File: 1.20 MB, 900x900, 1651813991648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a fat, cringe, disgrace of a man. That video is genuinely painful to watch.

>> No.55152721

>uses linux
>troons out
many such cases

>> No.55153069

>totally sedentary 24/7
>constantly packing their body with soi and corn syrup
>hardcore porn since childhood
>absolutely no prospects of ever getting laid except by the most desperate losers who are into tranny shit
Combination of fucked hormones, perverse view of sex, and desperation

>> No.55153282

built for BBC

>> No.55153818
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>> No.55153959

>triggered snowflake

>> No.55154204
File: 3.77 MB, 498x364, brule.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a...

>> No.55154249

thats your typical linux user

>> No.55154308
File: 35 KB, 680x510, dukat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep putting it off. I studied a lot for it, and now the information is fading, but this should be a good reminder. iirc
>3 years of experience managing projects (if you have a degree, 5 years otherwise). experience can be leading one of the 5 phases of a project: initiating, planning, executing, m&c, closing, but you need all 5.
>need 35 PDU's. can get this via qualified programs on coursera
>submit 3 years of info on projects you worked on
>study mostly by mock exams, such as the PMI study hall tests and quizzes.
PMP is essentially the gold standard cert for project management. don't listen to faggots here who say project management or PMP is worthless. theyre naive and have no real knowledge outside of their lines of code and casino coins.

>> No.55154345
File: 82 KB, 836x786, 1641766772851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project managers are the jannies of the work world. Otherly useless faggots that care more about the means than the ends

>Average project manager's face when a task that you said would take 10 story points actually took you 11

>> No.55154389

careful now...

>> No.55154415
File: 73 KB, 500x400, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nononononono, that's a MAN

>> No.55154438

>hardcore porn since childhood
I remember being addicted to porn years ago and starting to have urges about doing this shit, not properly transitioning but doing the adjacent shit like looking androgynous and preferring pink colored things, but then I figured that porn was a problem in my life and decided to get it under control. Increasingly, it's looking like most other nerds instead doubled down on porn-centric lifestyles, resulting in everyone who daily drives Linux wanting to become the gf.

>> No.55154460
File: 36 KB, 465x576, 1663689177140873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Project managers are the jannies of the work world. Otherly useless faggots that care more about the means than the ends
exactly as i said >>55154308
naive and have no real knowledge outside of their narrow expertise. this anon doesn't know that pm's work in other industries, and that it is a necessary role for any work to get accomplished. he probably hasn't realized that the pm is responsible for delivering the product within schedule and on budget, and is likely pressured by the salesman and managers who overpromised. the pm is trying to get all of those "work 2hrs a day remote" coders you always hear about to do actual work, and now anon harbors resentment.

>> No.55155516

Yeah, I don't know about PMs in tech/coding, but I guess I should have clarified I do industrial/commercial engineering and construction. Either way though, managing a project's commitments, deviations, schedule, and costs is as much of a necessary role as being a purely technical engineer/programmer/whatever.

>> No.55155577

The fuck? This tranny thing feels like a forced meme at this point.

>> No.55155620

>triggered snowflake
>triggered snowflake

>> No.55155773
File: 571 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_2023-04-18-22-36-08-29_1c337646f29875672b5a61192b9010f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this is just survivorship bias, but I noticed that lots of fat people tend to have particularly low self awareness, or at least a lack of care for it

Now maybe this is just because ppl with low self awareness or low tendency to cringe at themselves will let themselves get fat in the first place, or maybe it's because being fat conditions them to have to not give a shit about their appearances

But you see, why would someone who already looks fat & slovenly go to further make themselves look pitiful & ridiculous?

This is what I mean, you tend to see the fattest retards doing the most cringe shit imaginable, say like dancing on tiktok, going on obtuse rants on the internet, thinking they should transition like this guy, or just sperging out in general

>> No.55155856

This this this
Quitting porn and having sex unironically cured my autogynephilia and semi-gayness
I know it won't work for everyone, but if you're autogynephilic like I was, try quitting porn, you'll love your life
(I'm talking 'I wanted to put on dresses since I was like 3' ok so not some low level stuff)

>> No.55156125


>> No.55156209

What kind of porn did you watch

>> No.55156239

t. John, 50

>> No.55156346


Started watching normal porn as a kid pretty much, at 10 or 11, then it progressed to kinky shit of all kinds, piss, bdsm, femdom then to stuff like where humiliation WAS the porn, sissy porn / other hypnosis stuff, then cuckolding, chastity, then after that I wanted to be a sex slave and I got off on the most abstract stuff like censored porn and the most extreme dopamine frying hentai or scenarios until it got so far that I was like "what am I really doing here?" "None of this stuff is real"

That's the porn trap, just like any drug, it makes you believe you're actually getting something out of it
And if you're there for getting something out of it, then your life will be deprived of something without it
But that's not the case at all
Just the same as a non-smoker doesn't feel "deprived" without a cigarette (and in fact the smoker's baseline cortisol level is simply heightened compared to the non-smoker) porn only takes away from real sex

>> No.55156404

Are you sure you weren't a gay tranny before all the porn? I would call myself porn addicted but all it does is waste my time, not make me a tranny.

>> No.55156589

Fuck off back to RetardEra, tranny.

>> No.55156621

No, you're just a massive faggot. I've been watching porn for years and I've gone nowhere near that level of faggotry.

>> No.55156747

plus amp/mph meds. the real pink pill.

>> No.55157097

Started watching porn at 13. Now 29. Never experienced the urge to watch kinky shit. You are a faggot.

>> No.55157135

he has been a furry for ages and now he is also trans? I actually think he is kind of fun to watch though.
btw didnt read the op

>> No.55157153

Autists being tricked by faggots. Or attention whoring. Or jealousy of women. i.e. hurr women have it so easy, I wish I was one. Oh look this faggot on Discord sent me free HRT (aka incel to tranny pipeline).

>> No.55157157

>btw didnt read the op
That's ok, the goal was to use a tranny OP image for bumps so people interested in the topic would be more likely to find the thread on page 1.

>> No.55157163

kek except no one talks about your lame ass topic

>> No.55157165

>he has been a furry
I knew he was supportive of tranny shit even before trooning, but I didn't know the furfag angle. Intradesting.

>> No.55157171

I'm a serial shitposter most of the time so I'm fine with that as well

>> No.55157193

>porn turned me into a sissy cuckold bee bee see spamming retard
Not quite, anons. Most guys don't troon out just because they watch two girls making out or some dude fucking a girl. It's the same as footfags, armpitfags, landwhale chasers. You niggers have some wires crossed in the brain, or were molested.

>> No.55157196

when they did his tech upgrade thing there was a lot of furry shit in frame

>> No.55157203

I don't know, I'm struggling with porn addiction right now and the most "extreme" stuff I've ever been into was creampies (with the impregnation angle) and scenes with multiple girls. I guess it depends on your temperament

>> No.55157223
File: 54 KB, 500x616, welles_laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking loser

>> No.55157273

The most "extreme" shit I like is gentle femdom, or where the girl forces a creampie. But not this "I'm gonna shit on you and then peg you, while Jamal fucks your girlfriend" bullshit that some of you retards jerk off to. I wonder if the internet didn't exist, these anons would just find some sex club or some shit, or they turn out "normal".

>> No.55157309


>> No.55157322

I used to be into that shit as a teenager virgin incel. So insecure in my masculinity, that I started to fantasize being feminized.

>> No.55157384

>insecure in my masculinity
This brings up a good point, guys are being told masculity is toxic and all this bullshit (wear pretty dresses, don't show anger, don't show interest in women, that's patriarchal or some shit, don't show sexual desire, don't use anger as a motivator), no wonder every other nigger is trooning out now. Can I buy puts on society? Or would that be insider trading metaphorically? Puts on dating, calls on wine boxes, CWHY, anything related to "muh furbabies" calls on suicide rates, calls on HRT.

>> No.55157652

I have 6 PMs I work with on a regular basis. The two with PMPs are easily the worst. Endless scatterbrained nonsense.

>> No.55157731

>>he is unaware
FFS. I always thought the based nerd knowing everything tech but never touching a girl. I guess he thought girls are not interested and he already has tits... fuck.