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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55151899 No.55151899 [Reply] [Original]

Target hits 52 week low! Should I cut my losses and hold and hope the CEO degays the company?

>> No.55151961
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>You hold retail stocks
Does /biz/ really?

>> No.55152619

Finish your sentences you 1pbtid fucker.

>> No.55152647
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You love to see it

>> No.55152766

Market value has no bearing on sales.
They will recover when they report negligible/no loss in sales for the next quarter or two.

>> No.55152775

Consider that it wasn't the boycott that caused this, but ESG lowering as they bent the knee to threats against LGBT that caused it.

>> No.55152793
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>> No.55152841

Didn't conservatives try boycotting Target back in 2013 when the transgender bathroom policy was made public? Why do they think this will have any effect?

>> No.55152936

>you boycott
>stock drops
>buys the dip
>you 'won'

>> No.55152970

It's now the official conservative inc. false opposition issue and it is Shapiro-approved to hate trannies, so stories encouraging this sort of thing are more likely to go viral and be institutionally supported with multiple blog posts

>> No.55153042

Who? me?

>> No.55153080

Its over for Target man.
They do not have the margins for this type of shit.
Boycotts just getting started.

>> No.55153089

Did you look at their projected EPS? It’s going to be a bloodbath when those numbers come out.

>> No.55153332

Shopped at my local Target yesterday. Their clothes are all noticeably in very cheap quality (like all retail since covid). I really don't see Target failing but the company certainly isn't going back up.

>> No.55153345

>robinhood phone app retard thinks stock price is hurting target
good morning swarthy beaner /pol/ enthusiast.

>> No.55153376

kek this as well. consider that most flyover retards have never seen a target in their life, because target doesnt build stores in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.55153968


Trannies in 2013 were not nearly as powerful or visible as they are now in 2023. There were only a few gender clinics, and now there are hundreds. They also weren't pushing it on kids as much either. That's what really peaked normies, was when they started grooming kids into mutilation.

Most people when asked about trannies will say something like "I don't really understand it, but if that's what you want to do personally it's cool with me", but that was not enough for trannies. Now any criticism of trannies is met with hostility, and you are labeled a genocidal nazi for not wanting the mentally ill to undergo essentially the post-modern equivalent of lobotomy. You'd be surprised just how many people do not even know what is going on. They don't know about the neovaginas, or that surgeries are being done on kids. They don't know that the puberty blockers are off-label chemo drugs that had horrible effects on women with cancer, and were also used to sterilize pedos.

People are getting tranny fatigue now, because they realize that trannies are contradictory to liberalism. When you start forcing people to deny reality, institutions of science, academia, healthcare start to crumble. Trannies are the 9/11 of the internet; they are eunuchs of big tech, catalysts for all the censorship and insanity.

Liberal douchebags like the CEO of Target did not foresee the boycott, but what really nailed the coffin for them was backpeddling and hiding the pride clothes, which now they are getting spitroasted on both ends. They are going to lose their tranny-approval badge and have a lower ESG score for BlackRock.

>> No.55154138

I'm old enough to remember back when it was the LGBT community boycotting Target in either the late 2000's or the early 2010's because they were giving political donations to the wrong candidate or something. I guess they just swap out who they're supporting once every few years to keep the outrage money coming in.

>> No.55154209

There are Targets everywhere in flyover.

>> No.55154413

All those words and none of them were original. How does it feel to be a mindless NPC who thinks his Twitter feed represents normie opinion?

>> No.55154432
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fucking asshole

>> No.55154439


>> No.55154579

>Line always goes up. Ignore this line going down, that was priced in