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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55149149 No.55149149 [Reply] [Original]

25 months of apocalyptic FUD so far, almost no project making any real project and those that are the market doesn't respond to like LINK, NKN, FTM, ICP. And one gay ass bear rally that barely did anything. We'll probably drop to 10k and all alts will -99% from here.

>> No.55149159

only chuds at eat chain restaurants in america

>> No.55149303

That image is funny cuz its literally me lmao. Massive overeating 28 fatso.

>> No.55149395
File: 123 KB, 1200x844, 1670271394854675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell whoever made picrel went light on it because they themselves are likely fat and sympathetic. The real ones are very harsh and cut deep. If you can't piece it together it's meant for you to take an outside loom at your own shit existence.

>> No.55149640

Back then we didn't have regulation. Now we do. They've always said they'd try to kill crypto and the fuckers are actually succeeding.

>> No.55150958


>> No.55151027

way to out yourself as a retarded newfag. 2018 was way worse mentally. /biz/, ct, and reddit had lost all hope. Even bitcoiners were losing faith. People now are more optimistic and more retarded bc everyone is aware of market cycles despite the bad macro environment. in 18 people were losing hope and that was before the rona printing and the subsequent inflation, russia war and the coming regulation. People are still optimistic since btc is above 20k despite all this fud, the fuck are you talking about

>> No.55151069

that means your neck is so fat it forms a beard. it doesn't mean hair on your neck

>> No.55151101

2018 fag here. I agree. This shit is retardedly horrible.
If we hold here though, we should minimally have a big leg up before they create a covid 2.0 crash. All the "black swans" are orchestrated bullshit

>> No.55151123

No the fuck it wasn't lmao. Fucking retard. 2018 had better rallies

>> No.55151133


>> No.55151150

It was worse mentally, as OP stated and since overall mcap was less and defi was not out yet obviously the rallies were better since we didn't have 20000 shitcoins

>> No.55151187

This hits hard.

>> No.55151214

I've experienced both. 2018 didn't fuck with me the way this bear market has. Though I'll admit a lot of that is because of burn out and also focused on dcaing in 2018 while now I have the loss looking over my head (from heavy 6 figs to broke i.e. low 5 figs).

>> No.55151222


>> No.55151233

>25 months of apocalyptic FUD so far, almost no project making any real project and those that are the market doesn't respond to like LINK, NKN, FTM, ICP. And one gay ass bear rally that barely did anything. We'll probably drop to 10k and all alts will -99% from here.
And turbo kike giga regulation.

>> No.55151243

That is me, I had two supermarket pepperoni pizzas, 2 sticks of garlic bread and a tub of coleslaw an hour ago, now I'm hungry again and going to go to KFC for a party bucket.

>> No.55151255
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>every other bobo claiming 10k

>> No.55151259

I'm similar, I was dca'ing trhough 2018-2020 and almost hit 100k (i'm europoor) and back to 15k (average cost). Only difference is I lost it all a few months ago in a very retarded way -$, legit broke, not american "broke". My point is that for both of us this bear is worse since we both are worse off but sentiment is more optimistic

>> No.55151267


These two anons should work together and have flawless sentence structure.

>> No.55151425

I hate this meme
>two weeks to mentally prepare for a 15 minute task
Fuck you!

>> No.55151450

The narrative of btc is expanding time horizons aka lower your expectations. Nobody considers btc a get rich quick scheme anymore. The one admirable thing about maxis is most of them are out living their life regardless of their financial situation. Not dreaming about lambos, working a job they like, living a life worth living.

>> No.55151452
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>> No.55151543

This. In 2018 we lost hope and believed crypto was over. We have not had that moment of hopelessness yet this cycle. We have too many normalfaggots HODLing waiting for the next bullrun. We need to go to 12k and crab there for a long time before rugging to 8k and purging the normoids. Normies need to get the fuck out. Every newfaggot "staking" needs to lose their coins. Every meme coin needs to go to zero. Crypto finance needs be purged. The bottom is in when I don't hear the terms "staking" (other than to make fun of linkcels that STILL haven't gotten then cubes back), "defi" or "short squeeze" again. When it is nothing but buying BTC low and holding to sell higher at some future date without all the 2019+ noise will we have begun healing. Until then we crab and slowly crush dreams. When the rug happens it will be unexpected. No one will see it coming and you will sell the bottom out of fear or it going to zero. I hope we do a -50% on the halvening just to break spirits.

>> No.55151587
File: 329 KB, 1242x1597, 2A294A2D-B061-4117-B4CE-2A5719F3C3B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to go to 12k and crab there for a long time before rugging to 8k and purging the normoids.
LOL that's not happening, but feel free to try to time the bottom. We had our red year already and we had no blowoff top last cycle either. We crashed hard enough. We're not making a lower low.

>> No.55151595

Wow anon you must be fun at parties

>> No.55151629

S-sir, please do not consume the Erath, we beg you.

>> No.55151680

This. Normies entering and staying in => lower volatility. We will get lower highs and higher lows.

>> No.55152113

>We crashed hard enough. We're not making a lower low.
This is normie sentiment. This is why will make a lower low and then another and another until the bottom is in. We have to. Baggots have to get the fuck out so whales can poomp the market for a future bull run. There won't be another ATH when you have millions of normalfaggots holding for the opportunity to sell at 69k again. They have to be purged.

>> No.55152806

Normies sold already, retard. The very few that haven't will sell on the first run-up after the halvening, thinking it's the top. Whales pump on a schedule, i.e. after the halvening. Obviously you're a newfag for not understanding this already.

>> No.55152914

>We have to
says who? The anon who replied to you is right but imo the ones who have to be purged are the endless shitcoins diluting the marketcap. METHheads hate me for this but Ethereum and its consequences have been a disaster for bitcoin and cryptography. Nucoiners can lick my taint too

>> No.55153709

Saying we'd get to 10k is obviously a braindead assumption kek!! It's all a cycle and this too would pass, which is why it's best to look for something fucking cheap to buy if you've got the fucking balls for such. I've done my bit on UNI and RIDE and that's some good ass call.

>> No.55153725

>everyone is expecting a halving pump
pretty sure that means we're getting a halving dump kek

>> No.55153825

Based hater. If we go up from here thousands of redditors will become millionaires from their stacks of shitty L1s. That is an impossible outcome.
>Thats low enough!
Thats why it will go lower retard.

>> No.55154180

It's been a long shitty period and surprisingly most retards are fucking bearish for reasons I don't fucking know. It's best they go back to their basement and focus more on research and TA. Tokenmetrics should help them out though and make it quite easy because they're obviously brainded atm.

>> No.55154233

Crazy lately

>> No.55154288

Regulations literally came to also help stop those fuckers from bringing rug projects all in the fucking name of meme coins kek. This is why it's best to go for something solid that doesn't have those moonboy plebs hyping it. I just use AstraDao trading index although no memecoins but on Btc and Matic trades here.

>> No.55154322
File: 84 KB, 960x636, 1685057390562461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll probably drop to 10k and all alts will -99% from here.
>t. 2018 top buyer

>> No.55154330

Whoever made this meme fucking sniped me through my basement curtains from 10 000km away

>> No.55154381
File: 912 KB, 300x212, 1674458224235748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends weeks mentally preparing for a task that takes 15 minutes to complete
>does nothing all day, still feels overwhelmed and exhausted
Delete this shit right fucking now

>> No.55154431


>> No.55154479

if you lived through 2018 you'd have 7 figures by now.
if you didn't you don't have any comparison
so no, this bear isn't worse.

>> No.55154847

Maybe I do actually have ADHD.

I'm currently procrastinating from cashing an overpayment refund check at the bank because I never did it before.

>> No.55155336

Hot. Post pics.

>> No.55155354

I have multiple academic deadlines approaching which I've spent 0 minutes on and I feel zero urgency whatsoever. Idk if it's legitimate ADHD or fried dopamine receptors (apparently these are very similar).

>> No.55155378

so we pump until halving and then dump

>> No.55155570

I usually have to be pushed into action by outside forces.

For example, if I procrastinate mailing out the rent, my property manager threatens to kick me out. That threat pushes me to immediately mail out the rent.

>> No.55155596
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 5816318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats being me my whole life

>> No.55155833

but it's turning bull anon, are you blind?

>> No.55156222

We got the bottom already, so I don't think we are seeing 10K again, but I might be wrong and that's why I'm only buying alts in fractions and keeping the majority of my pf in stable which is staked on SpoolFi

>> No.55157310

This is a very well played bull trap. I hope you don’t fall for it. I'm still waiting 9-12k.

>> No.55157493
File: 126 KB, 1014x1820, 1600309410719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55158619

There's nothing stopping btc from just nuking all the way back down to the low 3k region. CME gap is there, equal lows are there, all the money is gone, Jane St, big funds gone, retail is rekt, scams are all that crypto is offering right now. Grim.

>> No.55158841

Yep, I would welcome that scenario but my only fear is stable coins rugging if we end up going that low. I need to figure out how to cash out more crypto. The current valuations in the market are just not enticing enough for real fuck you money potential

>> No.55158846

I've been seeing that project almost everywhere. Its V2 features are quite impressive

>> No.55158863

My portfolio is almost at ATH and if you haven't played any altcoins, nfts, or shitcoins since 2021 you're not a serious enough market participant to be looking at prices more than once a month. What do you even do all day?

>> No.55159074


>> No.55159236
File: 84 KB, 775x517, 517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least some of us are not buying GAYNIGGERSEXINU and being fricking rugged mate
I'm a JESUS Token holder and only because they're actually delivering, giving us some bull signals on this bear market and also bc they promised to build a school with their funds

>> No.55159506
File: 145 KB, 1788x1175, 3747583927377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I've been able to learn best from this fucking bear market is that the real future of crypto is in altcoins and not in that massive scam known as BTC and ETH.

>> No.55159676

BTC isn't that bad, but, ETH... hell yeah, what a fucking scam after the merge

>> No.55159700
File: 273 KB, 960x960, 1681238958282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this bearmarket is worse than (whatever other bear season of your choosing
Considering I'm still capable of flipping nfts for decent money I'd say we are alright, really. Some alts will get replaced and will die in time sure but hey, I just bought nilo crocs and I know i'll be able to sell them soon enough, the ship is not quite sunk.

>> No.55159743


>> No.55159824

Normoids think worst case we go to 10k
In 2018 everyone thought it's fundamentally over for crypto

>> No.55159923

>be 25
>be exactly like this for as long as I can remember
>finally talk to doctor about it
>get tested
>"you don't have adhd but you have adhd symptoms, come to therapy for 40 minutes once a week forever and you can't get medication for it"

an here I am

>> No.55159978
File: 87 KB, 1543x864, 367873452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao dumbass. imagine being bearish right now

>> No.55160009

Whats with zoomers and trying to change the definition of everything to thier own whims?

>> No.55160018
File: 53 KB, 1444x888, StateOfBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine

>> No.55160019

Halving is roughly a year away.

Relax, buy some cheapies

>> No.55160032

The normies left in 2021 and 2022 dumbass. They bought our bags then either sold at a loss, lost everything in celsius or ftx, or lost their wallets

>> No.55160120

It can dump first then pump if it wants, doesn't matter, dumb nigger.

>> No.55160189

It's 50/50 I'd say. But as of right now I'm expecting btc will dump to 20-25k before rallying to 35-43k, this will first panic some bobo douches and then lure some normies & keep some other fags by making them think the bear is over.

The market fucks both ways, be aware.

I expect all of this to happen before the end of this year and the halving will happen in the 25-30k range.

>> No.55160198

Lmao no they haven't left. Talk shit about nfts and solana outside of 4chan and see how many normieniggers start seething at you.

>> No.55160235

Did it help?