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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55147476 No.55147476 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over

>> No.55147492

pump incoming

>> No.55147496
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>> No.55147531

Buy the rumor, sell the news
Dump incoming

>> No.55147547

queue the inflation moon for the americans

>> No.55147567

what this means? my slave notes will have less buy power? essentials will go up in price again?

>> No.55147579

Isn't this bullish for crypto?

>> No.55147598

got to wait until it pump first

>> No.55147618

Senate will vote tomorrow. That's the real decider.
If it does pass:
Housing bros, good luck. It'll be a race to sell before you're left bag holding.
Crypto bros, better load the fuck up. Thank hyperinflation.
Cash bros.... Lol. Better run for the hills.
Precious metal bros, you'll be swimming in pussy.
And for my stock bros, you'll be fine. Calls and calls for the next 2 years.

>> No.55147639

Why is this bearish for housing? The student debt payment re-initialization?

>> No.55147672

they jews want you to sell so they can buy

>> No.55147681

4 week t bill just dropped .4 percent

>> No.55147686

buy buy buy

>> No.55147720

I sold 2 weeks ago for a massive profit. I'm fine with a crash. I'm just curious what specifically will create an environment where stocks rise, PMs rise, crypto rises, but housing eats shit.

>> No.55147726

Brainlet here.. should i sell or hold?
Bullish or bearish?
Yeah, i'm dumb but please halp me

>> No.55147732

Interest rates expected to go up (obviously) after debt ceiling rises (we'll hit 7% on a 30yr mortgage, which is insane considering where prices are at vs average household income). Who do you think will want to buy a home with prices and interest at an ATH during the market?
There will be a drought, and as anyone who knows economics; supply vs demand = price action.
There have been top signals all around: banks offering loans restlessly, relaxed lending on low credit applicants, and my favorite: 0 down deals for minorities ("selected cities" search up which ones, you'll be in for a treat).
People just choose to ignore the obvious.

>> No.55147737

Just to add to this:
Look up commercial real-estate sales the past 5 months (start of the year).
What do you notice?

>> No.55147740

>Verification not required

>> No.55147759

He’s a freeloading scam fuck that’s why his scenario plays out. Shelter will always be an adults first priority. Imagine being a couch/biz/ surfing grifter claiming that market will crash while (((yours))) will rise in value. Here’s the truth when the crash happens you will be attempting to break into people’s houses just to stay warm at night. None of your investments will mean shit besides your health

>> No.55147765

Number go up or down?

>> No.55147813

To the surprise of absolutely no one. (At least no one completely fucking retarded)

>> No.55147820

Bump for this.

>> No.55147821

stocks are going down.
inflation up.
wages wont grow.
but taxes will.
the economy is going to get even worse.
i'm stocking up on everyday essentials now.

>> No.55147830

Crab. More cash in circulation expected at higher interests for longer

>> No.55147846

niggers moving your town

>> No.55147854
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I’m surprised there aren’t more cities on this list. Low key grateful mine isn’t. These markets are all in a bubble then is what you’re saying?

>> No.55147868

>niggers and spics are handed the keys to the middle class by jew bankers
it just doesn't matter
the negro and the mexican don't have the attention span to save for more than two weeks at a time
that's why pay day loans are so common

>> No.55147873

I wish, my stocks are getting heemed

>> No.55147883
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>> No.55147888

still not selling jewboi
you ain't getting any cheap houses kike baby dick sucker lol

>> No.55147916

Spx is refusing to break out of the 16 month channel

>> No.55147925


>> No.55147942

markets are forward looking you goof. That NDX pump was the pricing in of today's news.

>> No.55147943

>muh news, muh inflation
>these things will pump my bags
Funny how that didn't happen all the way since 69k. When will you baggies ever learn? Inflation does not prevent bear markets or cause pumps. You were crying your eyes out saying BTC wouldn't be in a long bear market, like the bears warned you would happen shortly after BTC fell from the ATH, because inflation would prevent that from happening. Reality hit you, you were forced to experience it. And STILL you didn't learn.

>> No.55147977

>markets are forward looking
stfu you stupid boomer zoomer
no pump is priced in yet dumbass
go check the VIX and if you know how to read the market you should know when to sell

>> No.55148023

you dumbass never learn
sold $55-65k
bought back $17-20k
good ride good money
you are my baggie when I dump next time lol

>> No.55148027

>This nigga trades news cycles

>> No.55148051

>This stupid nigga donno what VIX is
lol must be a downlow nog son of a sow

>> No.55148085


Lmao you're the mf buying up all the shit paper. Hoard and board until I catch you in the parking lot.

>> No.55148104

btc is still literally doing the same thing again

>> No.55148109

But didn't VIX get buck broke by 0DTE?

>> No.55148113

This. Huge pump coming. It’s the big one.

>> No.55148137

America means debt. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.55148182

i will tell you how this works from a minneapolis point of view, a city that had so much to lose that it's still able to burn today, being ignited since floyd.
the city government stopped prosecuting pretty much all petty crime. murderers are getting 2 years and car thefts are up something like 600% because the police will not even respond to anything that doesn't involve strongarm robbery. drugs are everywhere and the main demographics that are pouring in are ancap types and lgbt, not joking. entire sections of what used to be nice, trendy parts of town for 50 years are boarded up and violent, filled with knife wielding schizos and gangs. took 4 years.

whether or not the city government can turn it around, nobody knows. the liberals with money will just move if it gets real bad so don't count on white people here.

we've had major legacy corporations leave the metro and usually the redevelopment is some sort of affordable housing managed from out of state. tons and tons of that. even in the burbs now there will be entire neighborhoods where owning the houses aren't allowed; these are managed by giant rental real estate corps. i'm assuming that eventually they'll be eligible for sale but right now I guess it's more profitable to have a rental-only period and then arbitrarily set a price for a used house later, used housing being a sketchier meta.

technically that is all the housing market. so is lower-middle class mexicans accruing enough wealth to get ripped off by boomers and other mexicans buying starter homes from 1940. this is the market doing "fine". local people can't afford the risk in owning property in a city like minneapolis; only big corps with wide portfolios can take the exposure. so that's what it all turns into.

in terms of housing market, that's only going to truly, finally crash when we run out of space to build in the suburbs and near-suburban erstwhile rural areas. maybe mid century.

>> No.55148204

>muh top down world

>> No.55148207

>in terms of housing market, that's only going to truly, finally crash when we run out of space to build in the suburbs and near-suburban erstwhile rural areas. maybe mid century.
because when the only value being added to the market is home improvement, nobody will have any real barometer as to what houses are worth. the asking prices will be all over the place.

>> No.55148212

It's actually a sell the rumor buy the news event.

>> No.55148226

>0DTE donno VIX1D
stay downlow niggaaaa lol !!!

>> No.55148247

If that were the case we'd have been dumping for the last month

>> No.55148259

what's niggers moving your town u don't understand nigggaaaa !!!

>> No.55148260

I left MN for FL after the city burned. fucking ridiculous what happened there. even in 2018 I felt perfectly safe walking the streets at night. blinked a couple times and the streets were filled with bands of marauding nogs. One of my boys still lives there, near the business district, where the police are actually active. So far he's been okay but dude should move to a decent place before he gets DEI'd.

I wasn't really racist until the floyd shit. now I never relax.

>> No.55148283

>its 06/01/23
>dump in may
are you stupid or something nigga ??

>> No.55148302

why the fuck won't /biz/ just read a monetary econ book

>> No.55148330

I live in NYC. Thoroughly niggered already. Don't care. Have fun you scared ass flyover-tards

>> No.55148341

None of what you just said is comprehensible to functioning adults. I’ll pray for you bot! Praise Jesus

>> No.55148458

u dumb nigger jewboi
me no flyover-tard
NYC used to be cool pre-911
<85% jews less nigs less jews enjoy go places and jew girls are nicer not all sluts
now its a nigs jews chinks cesspool sad
would not go back in a million years

>> No.55148493

>minneapolis the masonic capital of USA
no wonder it happens

>> No.55148510

yeah no fuck tge ceiling gets raised. it gets raised every time

>> No.55148552

new york is too expensive to ever get degen. the jew shield. but it's also the reason you guys shouldn't be allowed electoral votes since nothing you think about applies to the rest of the USA, for better or worse.

>> No.55148557


>> No.55148585
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I'm not surprise, but I am disappointed
I just want the whole system to burn. I pray that God willing a miracle occurs in the Senate and I can watch it all implode

>> No.55148605

well, I'd better stick to my KEK bags or build a house in the woods to avoid society, it's no longer worth living with other humans if they're going to demand money for breathing

>> No.55148613

Pump my fucking bags now jermone

>> No.55148620

I'm going to vote so fucking hard next year


>> No.55148621
File: 197 KB, 500x680, 0A339E83-34AE-4331-9E9C-6D77AAEE8EFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you fren?

>> No.55148624

>jews sucking baby dicks
>no degen
what are you smoking nigga ???

>> No.55148632

Nah they'll just kiss and make up and have anal for the next two years and the two years after that

>> No.55148658
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The jews when they robbed me of my future through wageslaving without an army of mini mes and stay at home wife in this economy

>> No.55148663

>thinking God will reward this disgusting faithless retarded generation with anything good


The system burns and then what comes in its place? Something even more retarded? Humans have learnt NOTHING. We all deserve to be punished terribly for our sins

>> No.55148667

always remember that nigga !!!

>> No.55148669

>what comes in it's place?
whatever the fuck you would call a system that punishes usery and being jewish by death or exile

>> No.55148712
File: 86 KB, 258x514, C7130DDA-6B49-455F-BAE5-46508F2C5A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking checked em.

>> No.55148744

lol dumbass
it is happening right now
stop being a sad cunt and enjoy the clown show

>> No.55148773

I want it to burn on MY terms

>> No.55148827

You don’t own a home. Meds. NOW!

>> No.55148828

>MY terms
lol must be a real dumbfk

>> No.55148834

do and not selling stupid jewboi lol

>> No.55148835

id like to say that when i called you a dumbass i was being light hearted and dont agree with the other anon calling you a dumbfk

>> No.55148871

u are a hypocrite and a fag lol

>> No.55148879

Only in the resale markets. Actual treasurys are a different story. Tomorrow is a 4 week treasury auction. The outcome will be interesting as to which way it goes. The whole next month of t-bills, notes and bonds should be interesting. Might be time to move to UK gilds. They are paying pretty good right now too.

>> No.55148891

>i'm stocking up on everyday essentials now.
Thanks. I appreciate it. If shit hits the fan its nice to know there will be plenty to loot when store shelves go empty.

>> No.55148899


>> No.55148901

i might be a hypocrite and a fag but i'm not.. oh nevermind

>> No.55148910

thats why you don't live in a nig town nigga !!!

>> No.55148915

no u are a nigger lol !!

>> No.55148929
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>> No.55148958

nig nog
an nigger whose daily activity consists of chomping on KFC and driving a Dodge Charger while blasting 6IX9INE out of his ghetto blaster.

>> No.55148970

diversity equals strength.........in HYPERINFLATION !!!

>> No.55148999

you can revenge fuck jew girls pussy

>> No.55149008

digits for wrong reply lol !!