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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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551462 No.551462 [Reply] [Original]

Since the last thread was a disaster we should start a new inspiration thread. Post whatever inspires you to work hard at building your /biz/iness!


Let's try to keep this one from descending into plebeian materialism. No one has ever been motivated by mansions, penthouses, exotic cars, and blonde bimbo whores.

>> No.551463
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My favorite

>> No.551465
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>> No.551466
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>> No.551468
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>> No.551469
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financial freedom....almost there

>> No.551472
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>> No.551475
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"the heart of an angel"

>> No.551481
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>> No.551504
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That's not helping...

>> No.551509

spot on. He basically skewers Republican "this is all mine" delusion. And yet that quote was used against him for months in Repub campaign ads.

Fuck our society.

>> No.551516
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>> No.551520

He is one of the best republican presidents of all time, he did not skewer anything except the brains of people who judge by actions over words

Anyone who listened to this and thought "wow he is so right he really showed those corporate nerds!" is the definition of a useful idiot

Meanwhile the activity that his insurance handout generated in the insurance stock industry I cover gave me a juicy bonus 3 years running. Thanks, brah.

>> No.551522
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>> No.551523

If you think that quote is a good thing, you are the cancer killing this country.

>> No.551526
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>> No.551568
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>> No.551998
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>> No.552000

is there are story behind this or do you just want a piece

>> No.552002

Reagan never uttered the phrase trickle-down. Even Keynes and FDR admitted that tax rates were too high and a lowering of the rates would increase tax revenue.

>> No.552003

i crai every tyme
spoiler: it died later

>> No.552065

What is bad about the quote?
To me it seems like he is telling the truth.

>> No.552079
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>> No.552080

>To me it seems like he is telling the truth.
That's because you've never worked hard on anything in your life.

>> No.552098


Don't bother mate. Republican delusion is very strong. It has to be for a person to be selfish and still look themselves in the mirror. Otherwise the cognitive dissonance would prob make them put a gun in their mouth, as many of them should.

>> No.552100

>keeping the money you earn is selfish
NEET detected

>> No.552114
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>the wealth and abundance of America was not earned, but stolen
liberal rag

>> No.552118
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Our morality is the fucked up problem.

>> No.552122

I did work hard, that's why I'm thinking he is telling the truth.
I wouldn't have come so far if the people I dealt with and the people around me wouldn't have contributed in some way.

Also, I don't think it is selfish to accept the contribution nor do I think it is stolen.
If they wanted something in return they should have stated so.

>> No.552128

>I wouldn't have come so far
Tell us anon, what have you accomplished?

>> No.552133

New to this board.
What is NEET?

>> No.552137

someone who is not employed, in education, or training.

>> No.552138

both of you are wrong anyway

i'll give just don't make me give nearly half my pacheck

>> No.552140

Actually what motivates me to try hard in my business is penthouses, exotic cars, and hot girls (just to pump and dump). Why the fuck else would I want to be rich if I didn't want material items?

>> No.552177

>penthouses, exotic cars, and hot girls
>2034 - 20
Not dreaming of palaces, jets and harem of exotic slave girls

>> No.552204

I work my ass off. I have THREE jobs and when I am not working or with my gfs I am teaching myself finance or studying for my degree in Psychology. Fuck you. I think it's a great quote and a very realistic way of thinking.

>> No.552210

I don't have a pic because they do do not exist yet. I work hard for my children, yet to be conceived. My family is bordering on extinction due to war. We have fought in every war this country ever fought and now we are dying out. Only me and my brother are able to procreate. I have to have children. I want them. I don't want to be in my current financial state when they arrive.

I am the one who posted about the three jobs, etc. I refuse to be poor at thirty. Fuck that.

>> No.552455

>proletarian family
GTF0 not /biz/

>> No.552458

> who are the native americans
> who are Mexicans
> What are slaves

earned you say?

>> No.552461
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> earn
manipulate the labor class into providing you their labor for a fraction of its actual value.

>> No.552495
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>> No.552500

>bimbo whores
that's now how to talk about girls, m8
especially ones smart enough to get with le successful man

>> No.552510
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>> who are the native americans
>> who are Mexicans
>> What are slaves
We earned it from them.They didn't have the right culture/technology to master the planet. They should thank us for bringing the wonders of modern medicine and ethics to their pathetic tribal lives.

>> No.552517

>pathetic lives
dude really

>> No.552523

Would you rather go back to ancient a) Africa b) Mexico c) America

or live in current day US?

Don't even pretend like those people didn't live short miserable lives, dominated by strongmen and chiefs.

>> No.552529

That's not the agrument here, buddy.
No one's saying they think their lives are good.

>> No.552546

>>pathetic lives
>dude really
oh my bad, I thought you were disagreeing with me

>> No.552581
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Ayn Rand is my inspiration.

How difficult would it be with the trillions we pay in tax to rent a few rooms for all the homeless drug addicts you see everywhere? The system is useless, it's a mess. You have to wonder if it might be better if ordinary folks could keep most of the money the state indirectly taxes and regulates from them and spend it on voluntary charity themselves.

Why is it so inefficient? Evil corporations? People have been railing against evil corporations for decades, most voters are cynical in this regard, the current political culture has done as much as it can against crony capitalism already. No, the problem is the excessive trust we place in the government and the propaganda machine which keeps people misinformed. Rather like the socialists who give up all their freedom to the "people's republic" the social democrats place all their trust in some politician.

Am I wrong? Does it make me a McCarthyist for noticing the similarity? I suppose republicans and others are similar too, putting all their faith in the church or other forms of collectivism, hence pic related. This just bolsters my point, all of these things are just another form of collectivism and should be treated as such, thrown in the trash. I think we secretly knew all along that we must give up our utopian fantasies and strive to become Randian übermensch/überfrauen.
An honest objective unbiased economist would never use a political buzz phrase like "trickle down economics" in all seriousness.

>> No.552594

Well yes and no, but more so you just seemed like a racist and classist.
Ayn Rand is a terrible person. Her quote doesn't make sense. There's a difference between a marginalized group fighting for their significance, then say hitler fighting for LE ARYAN

>> No.552616

Good causes can still be abused.

This is one of the major pieces of propaganda used by extremists. They take up a good cause, for instance the dream of a community utopia, then if someone says "oh I want a free society so I'm just going to criticize you a little" they claim this person opposes the communist utopia and is an evil capitalist etcetera...

Lenin's followers might have believed they were fighting for their significance but Lenin wouldn't hesitate to kill or torture any of them if they threatened his power. For all his lofty ideals he committed countless atrocities, because of the system he was in, a system of tyranny which is only interested in power and only views things like religion or ideology as propaganda.

He was lying basically.

>> No.552619
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pic related

She went from Soviet Russia to New York in the roaring 20s then to Hollywood. Can you imagine the effect this would have had on our QT3.14159265358... Ayn Rand?

It must have been like a revelation. All the bullshit about utopias and religion, you can dream all you want, but what matters is OBJECTIVE REALITY.

Reason, individualism and capitalism.

You don't have to believe everything she says but that is the most important thing and it is very inspire.

>> No.552620

that's like saying "there are people in charge of non-profits making a huge profit" it's because those people are corrupt but not the cause. "Hmm I'll make money tugging on people's heart strings!"

>> No.552622

I would rather go back to what the native Americans had circa 1400. It was the ideal life. Don't believe me? Study it. All life needs. Good social structure. Worked 30 hours a week or less.

>> No.552624

>or live in current day US?
US obviously. That's why all my family has moved to Texas

Viva la revolucion, cabron.

>> No.552625

>looking up to a woman
I'm actually surprised, guys. You guys aren't bashing her for being le female. That's a plus.

I'm not entirely against capitalism, mind you.

>> No.552628

The government is mandatory while nonprofits are generally voluntary, if you don't think they are spending the money right you don't have to give them any money. Voluntary systems are more likely to end up with people who genuinely give a shit in charge.

>> No.552707
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>> No.552731

Did she actually say that? Not that I lended her any credibility anyway.

>> No.552746


Ayn Rand's quote here makes absolutely no sense.

Let me break this down. She is saying: Any argument for the "good of the people" or good of all, is inherently evil. People should only consider what is good for themselves and strive for personal success, with disregard for the collective.

Wow. If it weren't for "collective concerns" women would not be able to vote. What a dumb fucking cunt. She can shove Atlas Shrugged right up her deluded cunt.

>> No.552768

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

>> No.552827

anyone knows how to stop having ADHD? i hate this, i wanted so much to do the things but im distracting so much, sometimes i rage with myself but no help, please

>> No.552843

Get a job where hyperactive qualities are championed. My boss is always amazed.
>Researching the client
>Damn he's good on the phone
>While typing an email
>Adding people on linkedin before they hang up lol
>Holy shit you read that fast (missing all the details)
>where did you find this anon?
>no clue, down some rabbit hole on the internet, may have entered an open FTP but who needs to know... certainly not your boss.

I can't tell you how many times I've known breaking news about other peoples companies before they do. Great conversation starter.. "Oh I saw that you guys were..."

>> No.553097

Dude, I'm working my ass off to build the capital to start my own financial and investment consulting agency. I don't plan on being a wage slave the rest pa my life. My goal is to be a self-made millionaire like my grandfather before his daughters got ahold of his wealth.

>> No.553100

You're about 10 years too late

>> No.553115

More capital

>> No.553117

Stop stop stop
>enter into a freely associated contract with a member of the working class, wherein they sell to you a number of units of labor at a rate deemed fair and agreeable to both parties.

>> No.554531

I'm so disappointed in /biz/ I had no idea that there were so many liberals and people promoting wealth equalization.

>> No.554609


There are people who both believe in attaining wealth and also believe in improving society for all citizens at the same time.

>> No.554615


>> No.554623

In your lifetime we will be able to grow and replace every organ in your body, except the brain.

In your lifetime 3D printing will replace factories.

In your lifetime you will have a very good day.

Wait for that day!

>> No.554902

When all that hard work and time you put in results in success, are you gonna claim "I didn't do that, somebody else made it happen"?

>> No.554918
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>studying for my degree in Psychology

Into the trash it goes, etc

>> No.555673


therapy is pretty cool though.

wish i had gotten my m.s. in counseling.

>> No.555705 [DELETED] 
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>we can only hope

>> No.555709
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pic related

>> No.555882


>gib me dats

I don't think that's how inspiration works.

>> No.555884


What the fuck is a commie thread doing on /biz/, anyway?

>> No.555886
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So some jewess cunt came to burgeristan to inject her marxist poison, which helped lead us to this decaying shit hole we live in today.

>> No.555954

>tfw psych major
>prof returns papers
>encircles the word "wherein"
>"no such word exists"

only in neuroscience is there hope of redemption.

>> No.556259

that's not what she's saying you sjw. ask kevin sorbo or the former head of mozilla.

>> No.556277
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nice trips, it's bill clinton meeting jfk