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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55144200 No.55144200 [Reply] [Original]

How is any of this legal? Why have they allowed immature college students at the age of 18 to get credit cards let alone in a way forcefully go to a university for which they brainwash students to do during their Junior and Senior year? 18 year olds know absolutely nothing about the consequences of their actions...let alone what career choice they want to do in the first place because they have never shadowed any career aspects in the first place.

>Teacher: What do you want to be?
>Student: An engineer
>Teacher: Great! Let me send you to a college advisor. He'll help you with the student loan process.

When they get older they start to realize that they were scammed and lied to get into debt with no asperations to pay it all off due to choosing a major which they thought would satisfy them...but later realizing that it did not once they got themselves into the workplace. A dream was sold and it later turned into a nightmare.

>> No.55144220

Imagine her being spitroasted by 100 giant black cocks

>> No.55144225

for the love of all that is holy give me her fucking name now

>> No.55144232


>> No.55144307

i want to grab her pin her against the wall and thrust and lay eggs in her

>> No.55144652
File: 75 KB, 666x1000, 5140A0edRzL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please

>> No.55144811

she is a 5/10
you guys are pathetic simps

>> No.55144847

sorry men can't lay eggs sweatie. only women.

>> No.55145667

If you can't calculate interest at 18, slavery is your destiny.

>> No.55145721

looks like bisquick. imagine allowing a female to cook for you she can't even combine eggs with flour to make a good pancake

>> No.55145740

Interesting that you can look at a cooked pancake and tell what brand it is. You must eat a lot of pancakes, fatty.

>> No.55145764


>> No.55145858

Murican education system was purposefully designed to create good wagies. This means you need to constantly be in debt, so you that you must work because you must waste your income on interest and making payments, instead of building wealth, buying assets and being in control of your own time.
Sorry anon. But the truth is pretty much any unsecured debt can be forgiven through bankruptcy. If your debt really is that crippling, it is probably worth it.
Then do yourself a favor and learn how money works. Learn about debt, credit, interest, APR, assets, liabilities etc. You say "it seems" like the balance of your debt isn't changing. Either it is or it isn't. Figure it out. Probably the best thing about the internet is the amount of quality education it has made available for free.

>> No.55145896

lol amerimutts and their pancakes
imagine eating that slop rather than crepes

>> No.55145899

That's a man and all of those niggas would be gay. Congrats.

>> No.55145900

i would fuck this small titted whore after eating her shitty eggs

>> No.55145927

Anon those are clearly pancakes

>> No.55146172

those tits most def are little pancakes yes you are correct

>> No.55146648

Anon is clearly no man for deviation.
Eggs n Tits it is.

>> No.55146673

>Keep throwing money in to credit cards and loan payments

Did you ever think to not spend more than you earn?

>> No.55146687
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Thank you - it's people like you that make capitalism work. Winners cannot exist without losers. You wagies working paycheck to paycheck, endlessly paying off credit card/private loan interest... god bless you, you allow the responsible/hard working amongst us to get filthy rich

>> No.55146749
File: 179 KB, 500x750, MV5BYmQzMDExNTItZDQyNy00ZGIwLWE5ZjAtMzQzODA0NWM3MmMyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODA4OTIyMzY@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related unironically helped me avoid doing dumb shit with credit cards. Got my card when I was 19 so I could order handgun parts (can't buy a handgun from an FFL at 19 but you can sure as shit build one lmao) and the first thing that popped into my head was the episode where Rocko gets a credit card, buys a bunch of shit he can't pay for, and then it all gets repossessed at the end. You better believe I was paying my statements completely at the end of every month.

That being said, I do get where you're coming from OP. College is unironically a scam, and I got a degree in mech engineering from a relatively cheap school (18k/yr tuition, transferred from a community college), I work in my field making okay money, and am rapidly paying off what's left of my student loans on top of a loan for a used car. The reality is that, as much of a scam as college and credit cards are, they're scams that benefit you in the long run provided you make intelligent decisions. What's fucked is that all the benefits you get out of interacting with those scams are essentially subsidized by the financially illiterate retards who think a credit card is free money, or that taking out 220k of debt for an English degree is just what you have to do to become a grownup. What's even more fucked is that this is basically a universal truth of how everything in modern society works: the system feeds a bullshit narrative to a legion of suckers, they get fucked, and a handful of people who figured out what's going on make it ahead in the end.

I'm sorry that you didn't have parents or nickelodeon to teach you financial literacy like I did. Don't blame your parents for not teaching how to not fuck up your life, they would have if they had any idea.

>> No.55146784

more fucked up thing is you can now finance anything above $50 on jewazon

>> No.55146804

Just don't be a retard, simple as

Neither I nor anyone I know crippled themselves with debt

>> No.55146813

literally dont pay. max that shit out and throw it in the garbage. throw every debt collector letter in the garbage that comes in. get a phone numebr blocking app and add the area code of whatever debt collector is calling you. live freely without stress. doesnt that feel good?

>> No.55146817


>Why have they allowed

There's nothing more pathetic and pitiful in this world than an adult that believes that adults need to be watched and permitted to do things like a child would.

You want from sucking your mom's udders to sucking the government's udders. You're a snot nosed, developmentally delayed, feeble, entitled, whiny, bitchy, scared little pussy.

Instead of waiting around for the government and corporations to save you from yourself, why not start aDuLtInG and learn some self-control. I know it's hard when you developmentally peaked at the age of 9, but it's never too late.

>> No.55146853

shes french

>> No.55146880

who is she? any more pics?

>> No.55146980
File: 429 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_4114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based and checked I just want to give praise to almighty based and checked KEK that every woman posted on 4chan these days is immediately responded to with the BBC posting ohhhhh almighty Q you’re will hath come to fruition your spirit lives on! thank you anon and again thank you glorious KEK for this spam all over the whole website

>> No.55147011

That is a man

>> No.55147066

yep she is

>> No.55147081
File: 49 KB, 597x587, 1667607079591537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When should they be allowed Credit Cards?

Age doesn't grant knowledge, experience does to a far greater degree. Let them get burned early to learn (or better what retards like you do that first)

I learnt not to use the credit cards because of my parents constantly being in debt.

I started my own business when I was 15 & was pulling in six figures by 18 back then. Should I have been made "illegal".