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55143954 No.55143954 [Reply] [Original]

why am I better at managing my money in mmorpg's than in real life

>> No.55143971

Because you care too much to take risks in real life. Unironically, the less of a shit you give the more risk you’ll take and the more money you’ll amass.

>> No.55144001

I legit attribute my Jewy personal finance skills to trading on RuneScape 15-18 years ago.

>> No.55144014

I once had a shit load of neopoints on neopets when I was younger but I forgot how I did it. i think I just spin the wheel of fortune and resell items.

>> No.55144182

Because in vidya you still have hope.

>> No.55144222

because in mmos there is real freedom (law of nature) (killing shit and looting their corpses)

>> No.55144771


>> No.55144812

the rumors are true 11,000 hours of trading with minecraft villagers later and i am now basically the wolf of wall street

>> No.55144821

This right here. Let me just go into Mementos and farm millions of Yen off of cognitive beings in a separate dimension to resell their jewels and other items to a random store rebuyer. Who also happens to have millions and millions of Yen to keep buying my cognitive trinkets. It's not an MMO, but you can clearly understand why you can amass gold in an MMO as opposed to real life if you're anything other than a complete dumb fucking 80 IQ retard

>> No.55144830

You don’t have to pay rent in an mmo
Don’t have to save for retirement
Don’t have student loans
Don’t have credits cards and credit card interest
There’s nothing addictive like fast food or drugs to blow your money on, your virtual character doesn’t care if you treat him like shit

>> No.55144885

Monetary systems in video games operate on a define set of rules