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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5514032 No.5514032 [Reply] [Original]

>He fell for ICX

>> No.5514251
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Feels good.
First time I actually cash out money on my bank account.

>> No.5514284

>tfw bought into the wanchain ico instead of ICX



my portfolio will never forgive me

>> No.5514306

Nice my man
Also bought at 2$ and sold at 7$
Feels fucking good when people fomo and the coin is super retardly overbought

>> No.5514309


Has Wanchain launched on exchanges yet?

>> No.5514343

I fell for ICX

>> No.5514363
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I fell for this at ico. JUST

>> No.5514414

Bought @26ksat, looks like this 32k is the bottom....should i sell while in still in profit or should i wait and get justed?

>> No.5514467

I bought at $5
Wait bro, we will ride this to the ground. There is potential for it to explode again, chinks wanna play mind games.

>> No.5514509

Put 10k in this today

Top 10 coin next year

>> No.5514544

Why are so many people fudding? They trying to buy cheap? Or they want to fuck with our head?

>> No.5514561

probably never at this rate

>> No.5514589

The fud on here makes me think so. Trying to drive the price farther down during this dip to buy more. It clearly was not an orchestrated pump. Would take so much shill work and $ to pump like that, that’s natural gains, a new ATH will come soon.

>> No.5514605

Do you even need to ask that question? A general rule of thumb is to do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.5514615

Because they want to accumulate at these lower prices. If you listen to all the FUD here you'd sell on every dip. Buy high, sell low meme.

>> No.5514657

>people who missed it
>people who already sold with profit

I'm the latter, there's nothing better than dumping something and seeing it crash.
It's just like dumping your ex gf and see it become fat and ugly and you keep shit talking her.

The thing is that I really think it's over for a long time. Korean exchanges won't list if for months, and people realise that even if ICX is really good, the partnerships and shit are not that big.
500M valuation is way enough.

>> No.5514658

Bought at 2 sold just now at 5.11. I feel tomorrow is going to be blood bath for this coin. Anytime there is bad news if it's something stupid like a month delay, markets tank a coin. If I'm wrong, I'll eat the loss and buy back in at high 5 or something.

>> No.5514687

thought so, i was just seeing if i missed some major news or some shit. mainnet is gonna be end of Jan i think.... that's all i know. Not new years like some fags shilled

>> No.5514709

yes the company that literally built this coin won't launch it on their exchange for months because..... reasons.

>> No.5514720

whew u guys are clueless, just join the pnd discord https://discord.gg/D5rhNT

>> No.5514730

Wait for less than 25k, it's the /biz way.

>> No.5514759

>not even on Korean exchanges yet
>just finished ICO biggest news yet to come next year
>coinone one of the biggest crypto exchanges is one of the main partners and will eventually offer ICX

For those who don’t know coinone is the Korean Coinbase, fiat for crypto, Normie friendly etc.
Sell if you can’t hold want to get into something else idgf, but if you’re a loss you’re an absolute fucking retard if you sell, this coin will explode next year, top ten coin nigga.

>> No.5514766
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>It clearly was not an orchestrated pump
>The fud on here

>> No.5514788

Because of regulations fucking dumb idiot. It'll take months before they finish a full KCY for everyone. And that's only 1 of 6 steps.

It would be listed already. And don't give me that "it's still an erc20 token so it would be too hard", binance will make 1000x in fees what it'll cost them to do the switch to main chain.

And it's a parent company, it doesn't mean that have to be 100% partners for everything.

>> No.5514796

enjoy your ban

>> No.5514861

I'm surprised people keep falling for these obvious pump and dumps.
Didn't learn you lesson yesterday or the day before?

>> No.5514899

> What is latest Korean regulations and why a Korean coin is on Binance
> Main net pushed back to Jan 24

I will get back into ICX in Jan tho. Once they sort their shit.

>> No.5514930

You're a fucking retarded fag. Kyc laws were already adhered to during ICO. Listing new coins is just a matter of ui and wallet development. Simple audit etc. Regulations don't prevent them from listing new coins either thats just retarded fucking speculation. You're dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.5514950

Let the salty noiconers fud

>> No.5514986

its fud, relax

>> No.5515030

Whats there to fud

I bought low and sold ath

Im laughing at people holding/buying high. Thanks to those warriors were only able to buy low sell high

>> No.5515058

but it doesn't make them do it so unti you have a magic crystal ball your blowing out your ass fella

>> No.5515079

>no code
>no product
>white paper is actually a yellow paper with hardly any technical detail
>project scope is all around, they're trying to do everything
I dunno, starting to feel like I've been cheated. Are there even any confirmations about the partnerships or is this IOTA v2?

>> No.5515107
