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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 208x242, cceyepee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55137280 No.55137280 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink launching CCIP will be your 2nd best time to sell. If the crumb posters are right and CCIP comes out this summer, sell into BTC beforehand. You do know that BTC was $15k when Chainlink launched staking in December 2022, right?

>> No.55137318

btc is useless tho

>> No.55137326

It does the needful, chainlink is needless

>> No.55137371

every "announcement" this dumps anyway time to massively short

>> No.55137408
File: 3 KB, 247x285, chainlink-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody should build up a sizeable highly leveraged short position on Chainlink (ticker: LINK) before CCIP launches. This IS financial advice. Always invest MORE than you can lose.

>> No.55137422

based and take your pills pilled

>> No.55137435


okay, it wasn't useless to double your money in 6 months, was it? the goal of any trader is to make money

>> No.55137604

in 2018 and 2019 many got caught out playing this game
if chainlink gets some big names on board with the release (which sergey talked about at consensus) then who knows what will happen
a sell is a taxable event + stress, easier just to sit and wait

>> No.55137787

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>sometimes when they're really upset because no one takes them seriously, they'll spam the board with nikado avacado's asshole threads
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe, not including the time they've spent making low quality memes and looking at pictures of the best cock cages to use)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE

>> No.55138388

That's bullshit.

And I believe it.