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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55136497 No.55136497 [Reply] [Original]

Rent is due in 2 days wagie

>> No.55136504

thank god no humans were harmed

>> No.55136538

Strict gun laws would have stopped this heinous crime.

>> No.55136545

Hoomers are so desperate they would rather kill somebody than be liable for their own properties. They know that a little mold could cause so much damage they’ll have to default on their mortgages, in this case the hoomer will now spend the rest of his days worry free, no taxes no mortgage payments no depending on tenants, because now he is permanently housed for free forever.

>> No.55136560

he was killed by police

>> No.55136568

Good riddance.

>> No.55136574

>Strict gun laws would have stopped this heinous crime.
read the title, they're canucks you fucking leftoid brownoid shitskin retard

>> No.55136602

I think he was being sarcastic. Pointing out that even with "strict gun laws" people will kill others with guns forever. I hope

>> No.55136685

Tradie bros, I thought you fags can afford your own home.

>> No.55136700

why didn't they just pay their rent or move out

>> No.55136849

Let this be a warning to the rest of you pathetic rentoids. We're providing you with housing accommodation that you need because you're not responsible enough to get your own. Treat us with the respect we deserve. Pay your goddamn rent on time. Stop demanding that we make improvements on our dime when you're damaging the property. We're already being very generous by allowing you to live in our properties. Now you see what happens when you get uppity.

>> No.55136851

Canadians earn less than americans and their homes cost twice as much kek

>> No.55136878

people have no conflict resolution skills nowadays

>> No.55136879

holy fucking retard alert HELLO!!! HELLLLLOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55136899
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>> No.55136915

How is a double income mid tier jobs couple so poor they have to rent a room in someone house? Is Canada really that fucked?

>> No.55137091

trudeau ruined the country

>> No.55137104
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>> No.55137176

in what alternate universe does an electrician rent a place instead of owning his own mcmansion?

>> No.55137204
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canadian. stop reading.

>> No.55137250

I hate renters so much its unreal. I loathe my side gig renting a couple town homes. Renters are always bitching and moaning about trivial bullshit. Pisses me off just thinking abouy it. Fuck it. I am gonna raise rents next month. Tenants can pay up or gtfo. Plenty of other renters to choose from to fill the units.

>> No.55137273

What's with titles becoming more convoluted

>> No.55137286

Feels good to have secured happy rentoids in my near-zero vacancy town. The husband is even doing property improvements for zero (0) dollars off rent!

>> No.55137291

The frequency of gun related crimes happens far less in Canada than your shithole america. Literally like 10x less.

>> No.55137343

Hmm, I wonder what else is 10x less in Canada than U.S. that might be why there's that difference...

>> No.55137404

I know this one! I know the answer!

>> No.55137415

Made it better, really.
He amount of income disparity is insane. He's creating market inefficiencies, which creates opportunity for generating wealth.

>> No.55137442

>killing your paypigs and spending the rest of your life in prison
This is the power of passive income

>> No.55137500

He'll do 3 years tops. While inside he'll be making money monthly. Value on the properties also go up while he is in. Nothing of value will be lost. Landchad wins rentcuck.

>> No.55137515

Nice cope, but we all know he’ll get lonely and suck Jamal’s bbc in prison while his wife divorce rapes him and becomes part of Mohammed’s harem.

>> No.55137549
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kek, I wonder what they did with his funky pop collection

>> No.55137579

You think a white guy will get 3 years for double homicide? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you live with your parent and simp for Canadian boomers for free

>> No.55137620

Canada. In this country you are either born into the landed gentry or you are hunted for sport.

>> No.55137640

Fucking boomer

>> No.55137641

That guy who sawed another man's head off on a greyhound bus got five years. And this is a homeowner. He deserves special consideration.

>> No.55137648

mold can kill you

>> No.55137702

Not nearly as quickly as complaining about it will rentoid. Know your place.

>> No.55137705

Canada has a gun problem!

>> No.55137706


>> No.55137753
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>I am gonna raise rents next month
In my country you can only raise rent with significant changes in economical situation within the country and also you can't do it before my contract with you expires. thank god I'm not americoid

>> No.55137788

this. he was probably just some nigger slum lord.

>> No.55137801

>rentoids seethe while coping with reality

>> No.55137806

You're a fucking pussy faggot if you die from mold LOL. I lived in a house that didn't clean the air ducts for 28 fucking years; black mold everywhere inside the ducts and I feel fine. No headaches or dizziness or any other pussy shit you beta incel cucks cope with. Utter fucking faggots, the lot of you. You think men in the 1900s(real men) complained about a little black paste on the walls? Fucking onions latte retards

>> No.55137813

listen to this retard, thinks he's made of steel.

>> No.55137814

Return to reddit, retard.

>> No.55138050

imagine being an economic illiterate and defending rent control
and then complaining that rents have gone up

>> No.55138179
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Hey rentoid, Pride Month is coming, you wanna leave me a tip for being such a nice, queer landlord? I have a gun btw.

>> No.55138612

>landlord; i told him to lower his tone
>police; i see, i'm sorry you went through that, have you considered anti-bark collars?

>> No.55138937

You fell for the bait and look retarded

>> No.55139180

The tenants were likely the cause of the mold..

>> No.55139269


>> No.55139502

Nice deflection esltard

>> No.55139577

true, black mold is a meme, carbon monoxide on the other hand...

>> No.55139612
File: 13 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad! this should be a listen to your landchuds. WATCH your TONE or you're gonna see some real nasty shit.
>hot sulfuric acid down the drains (melts PVC)
>red loctite on the water shut off valves (good luck turning those valves!)
>water inside the walls (black mold)
>hotwire the thermostat and bounce AC on/off until it fries the compressor ($5k minimum)
>japanese knotweed seeds along the foundation (can punch through brick/concrete)
yes, yes, i know that you're going to """take me to court""" but you have to remember that the burden of poof is on you, and none of this can be traced back to me beyond a reasonable doubt.
>i WILL destroy your cash flow for the next decade and you WILL like it.

>> No.55139643

The police shot him to death btw

>> No.55139673

faggot lmao

>> No.55139796

yeah, here's the tip of my dick in your face

>> No.55139830

Don’t do that, he’ll enjoy it.

>> No.55139839

yes mr. policeman i thought my homosexual landlord was a home invader and that's why i mag dumped an AR15 through the bedroom door and into his effeminate chest. he NEVER announced his presence, i swear!

>> No.55139840


are you trolling or really this retarded?

>> No.55140015

If he was aboriginal or a black tranny he wouldn't even go to jail. But because he's a white man he will likely get life. That's how justice operates in Canada.

>> No.55140056
File: 49 KB, 680x579, zeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl is fat
>guy is balding
>both of them look weirdly italian
>guy has a meme tradie job, girl just has a meme job in general and a master's degree in teaching but can't get a real teacher job
>getting married "someday" for the past few years
>rent someone's basement because parents don't help them
>almost 30 and have accomplished zilcho
>get shot by a seething boomer who tried to scam them and decided to commit a homicide rather than just not fuck someone over
This is such a fucking millennial story kek.

>> No.55140063

Just think- back in 2011 this dude was a sophomore in highschool. He probably thought "what job should I get" and saw a thread on 4chan where some fat 30yo neet (at the time) was extolling about how he was a rich electrician and trades were the way to go. Now here we are- trades take another life, SAD!

>> No.55140249

mao was right

>> No.55140282

well the guys dead so I dont think they are taking the body to jail

>> No.55140297

one less leechlord, good.

>> No.55140314

Yeah it is for people who don’t own. Professionals in the cities are renting bedrooms