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55135706 No.55135706 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like millennials can pay off their student loan debt after all

>> No.55135711


>> No.55135736

>average american
>a literal chink

>> No.55135748

I'm mid thirties, unemployed, sick as a dying dog.
I have no home, no wife, literally no money/investments.
Luckily no debt or student loans because I never went to school but holy shit fuck my average fellow burger.

You faggots got this much money and do nothing but fucking whine about not having more.
I've never held more than $1000 in my hands.

>> No.55135782

why worry about it?
sounds like you'll be dead and no one will care soon enough

>> No.55135787

poor people deserve it desu.

>> No.55135792

Uh, zoomer-bros? I thought the millennials were fucked but it looks like they've made it?

>> No.55135812

How come you're here if you're destitute and not even into investing?

>> No.55135818

You guys are fucking faggots. Why kick someone when they're down? Because it happened to you all throughout your life?

>> No.55135840

I thought I was doing pretty decent (though not great) with a 120k net worth at 30. Turns out I am below average. I might KMS after reading this. Thanks OP.

>> No.55135843

Just keep trying broseph. I didn’t get my life together until I was 28. 33 now I’m still not married but I have a gf at least and a decent job. It’s not as hard as you think

>> No.55135850
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>> No.55135881

As a zoomer I'm actually pretty optimistic about my future earnings. I'm 1 year into work force; I'm WFH and make $55k (got brought in at low end of salary range because I was a physics major with no relevant industry experience). I'm studying data engineering plus applying for a masters in computer science. I think money shouldn't be a problem if I do what I'm planning on doing. I just want to make enough money to own a home and so that my girlfriend (future wife, and child bearer) doesn't have to work.

>> No.55135883

How do you live, then? From, like, disability checks?

>> No.55135889
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>$128k net worth

>> No.55135919

Zuckerberg alone accounts for 2-3% of the entire generation's wealth. Unsurprisingly street-shitters on /biz/ don't understand the difference between mean and average.

>> No.55135932

id love to see where they got those stats lmfao

>> No.55135940

Hahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHA. The fucking blatant lying is incredible. Hillary has a 99% chance to win too right?

>> No.55135946

>no median

>> No.55135951

If you actually read the article, the average NW for millennials under 35 is ~$78k whereas those aged 35-45 average NW it’s ~$430k. Older millennials are skewing the average.

>> No.55135979

No I spent a decade being poor, I don't consume nearly anything, I've learned to just try to survive each day that's the best I can do.
I take care of my elderly mother who's going senile so that's about the best I can do in this life, I promised my father on his death bed I'd help her to hers.
I'm almost four years older than you.
Because I'm the dog to kick here, you'll eventually understand when you become sick, we all get there.
It's a mammal condition, when other mammals are dying they tend to attack the dying animal to end it's pain?
Or just get some kind of pleasure, I would like to think ultimately it's to end their pain quicker.
I've seen it a lot with dogs who have cancer, other dogs will randomly start trying to kill them, then find out the dogs dying.

>> No.55135999

>got this much
Because it's a lie.

>> No.55136015

Checked, and I know I just like to vent to these gay ass threads and watch the pajeets try to sling shit at me like always.
I haven't met a single non autistic investor who was worth more than 5k in their savings, including a lot of boomers, mind you those people likely did just never admitted it.
Most young people don't even have their own cars paid for.

>> No.55136027

>It's a mammal condition, when other mammals are dying they tend to attack the dying animal to end it's pain?
That instinct is probably present in humanity, but it's a crude adaptation because the dogs don't have medicine, they can only bite. Of course they wouldn't feel bad about doing it since they're adapted to that behavior, but it's not therefore optimal. It's just the adaptation they developed given their constraints (i.e. not being able to do much to help the dying) in an "if all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail" (the hammer being, in this case, the biting) kind of way.

>> No.55136037

stop trying to throw a pity party and maybe fix your life. At the very worst you could just become a NEET and live a comfy, stress-free life. There is literally zero reason to be in your position aside from laziness / hedonism (addictions, etc)

>> No.55136076

Not everyone can become a NEET, that's a mostly American/Western phenomenon. Even in America, it's not universally possible, I imagine.

>> No.55136144

Need any help?

>> No.55136161

Four years is nothing. And I to be honest I think you have to get a better attitude. Even all this dog shit is probably all in your head. Just go get a job at the grocery store or something and bang the frumpy cashier girl that’s there and you’ll be way happier

>> No.55136194

I could pay off all my student debt today but there’s no really any point when my investments offset the interest. Also I don’t see the point of paying off federal debt while they’re considering loan forgiveness. Also I’d rather wait and let inflation destroy part of the relative worth of my loans.

>> No.55136203

Do something about it, faggot.

>> No.55136275

I agree but I'm also kinda used to being attacked by people, physically and mentally/spiritually so It rolls off my back pretty well, and I guess I'm pretty black pilled.
More than you could imagine but it's not something I deserve.

>> No.55136332

It's a process a friend of mine who was sick for years tried and got denied wasn't until they found out he was seriously sick did he get it but it took him years.

>> No.55136355
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Why do we fall

>> No.55136645

To get back up, but sometimes you don't have the strength to keep getting up, sorry it's been a really rough day.

>> No.55136704

LMAO mean and average are the exact same thing. Unsurprisingly, racists don’t know the difference between average and median

>> No.55136725


>Average American

>Single mother
>Net worth of $128k

>Begging for gibs

>> No.55136770

I thought millennials were flat broke and a lost generation? Oh turns out it was all a bunch of bullshit. Hopefully members of this website didn't decide to do nothing with their lives because "the world is fucked maaan and everyone is fucked too" because... oops actually all your peers were trying this whole time and it paid off...

>> No.55136816

They are it's just clickbait shit.

>> No.55136822

Why are you here?

>> No.55136843

You can dig through my trash for food. I'm woke like that.
>no homo

>> No.55136859

>difference between mean and average

>> No.55136930
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Honestly that's a good question, metaphorically speaking.
Sweet what's on the menu tonight.

>> No.55137020

I suppose the true answer would be you're the only people I ever enjoyed talking to in my life, even some of the mean people I've ended the conversation off with something positive.
I'm trying really hard to be nice to people, I've been bitter and angry for so long it's my go-to attitude and it isn't how I was born.

I miss things like being happy and I get some sparks of dopamine sometimes here.
I can talk more openly with you guys thank the people I know and love, obviously there's judgement by people but most people here are actually considerate once you're able to speak to them human to human.

>> No.55137033

This'll be Jewish math were they count the value of their home and 401k and subtract the value but not the interest on their loans to give them 128K won't it be.

>> No.55137109
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Everyone always leaves when I talk

>> No.55137148
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>net worth of 128k
Either she doesn't own the home or she has massive debt worth half of an american starter home.
And if she has six figures of student loan debt, the relief that isn't coming wouldn't help much to start with.
Nor would that debt be representative of an "average" millennial.

>> No.55137151

Pay off their loans how? With rampant inflation, spiraling medical costs not covered by insurance, escalating day care/private school tuition, what's left to spend?

>> No.55137166


>> No.55137168

A mortgage is not home ownership
Journalists need to stop lying

>> No.55137173


>> No.55137181

>Hopefully members of this website didn't decide to do nothing with their lives
oops your hopes were for naught because that is exactly what they did

>> No.55137205
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>> No.55137209

Is with us.

>> No.55137211
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Maybe Hilary wouldn’t have pushed vaccines in america

>> No.55137227

This song is how my brain feels.

>> No.55137241
File: 175 KB, 495x365, 1683837497357842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not good.

>> No.55137249


I want ratios.
Let's see the percentages of multimillionaires and Zuckerbergs propping that average up.

>> No.55137260

I miss him.
I'm unironically a lot like him, if it wasn't for my family I'd be on the streets, I was once before in 2011 and almost stepped infront of a train.
Way before he ever did, I was in Oakland as well.
That state is evil it drives people to suicide, I wasn't even there long.

>> No.55137290

net worth. A car or some motor vehicle is a practical requirement in the US, outside of north eastern states and few urban centers out west.
I don't know how they calculate net worth, but the hundred-k averages probably include houses owned, and in either case maybe it includes dual incomes with married couples.

>> No.55137308

Sort of stuck too. You have to take up jobs wherever you can and get to know some people. Gradually move up by seeking out new opportunities by word of mouth.

You can do it. In that position you can choose to start literally anywhere and not make a wrong move. Just get work and talk to people that will relate. See what other people need doing, friends of friends that are looking to fill jobs.

>> No.55137328

Getting jobs isn't a problem, infact I excel at getting good jobs.
My physical and mental state have declined significantly these last few years, and isn't something that fixes itself, it wasn't well a decade ago, and it's tying a bow on itself, if I didn't make a promise to my best friend I would be dead.

>> No.55137350

I’m sorry to hear about your situation anon

>> No.55137379

It's okay, it's actually a lot worse than I'm revealing, it would depress you if you knew everything, pretty badly actually.

Last time I told my story it actually caused /lit/ to flood over and read it all asking me further questions it became a 300 reply literal blog, which most peoples responses were I had the story of the makings of a supervillian or the next hitler.

but I'm just tired, literally met a woman last night on a date but I'm so disconnected we ended up talking and she wasn't interested in sex, I wasn't either just talking outloud I think she could hear how truly done I am with living and got naked and wanted me to fuck her.
I did of course but I didn't enjoy it.

I'm not saying this as a means to brag in anyway just to show how vapid I've become to the point sex isn't even something I seek.
I just wanted to get away from my computer for a moment, this is pretty much the only place I spend my time, besides in my garden.

>> No.55137487

that net worth doesnt mean shit
I have
>$400,000 mortgage
>house valued at $489,000
>$110,000 in 401k
>$20,000 in assets/investments
>$4k cash
Which puts my net worth apparently at $225,000
When in reality Im supporting a wife and kid as a single income household that has a total of $4,000 cash on hand. What exactly does that net worth actually mean? None of it is readily accessible for anything.
At best I can borrow a small mount against the house.

Most of that average net worth would be some bullshit zestimate from the house where in reality they're living paycheck to paycheck with $200 in a checking account.

>> No.55137544

Sounds like you're not in a position to date at the moment, which can be hard, but that can change when you've managed to regroup financially. You claimed no debt, so that's a saving grace.

Whatever physical ailments you have need to be managed in whatever way you can turn to without addiction, and your mental health will improve in turn. If you're addicted, you need to keep yourself alive, but seek out municipal or community run rehab and job placement programs, is the only advice I can offer.
Manage the physical stuff however you need to (keep yourself alive), fortify your mental, and things will get better over time.

>> No.55137548

is that house paid off? is that kid on welfare?

>> No.55137560

>What exactly does that net worth actually mean?
you're really shit with money is what it means lmao

>> No.55137565

Lastly, don't shut yourself out from the world, or people. Help change it by taking care of the other stuff.

>> No.55137567

Na I don't drink or do drugs, my health is a quagmire I don't even know where to begin, state run insurance is pretty much a joke.
But I'm still trying, I don't want to date, that has no interest to me what I'm saying is I've lost my desire for even worldly pleasures.

I'm afraid I'm getting dangerously close to just shutting off the game, even if my life was different financially and physically, which I know my mental state is only a reflection of my physical, only reason I can talk is I was able to cure a massive infection in my spleen so I've got more energy now than I have in awhile.

But as for dating and drugs those hold no desire for me, someone offered me fentanyl at my gas station the other day, I took his number just incase.

>> No.55137688

Imagine being poor in america instead of stealing the money

>> No.55137720

I have this weird condition called being white.

>> No.55137730

Holy kek. Based retard

>> No.55137918

Don't help this fucking faggot he a jeet

>> No.55138178

Because it makes me happy.

>> No.55138281

seething doodoo skin

>> No.55138339

Just with CHUNKS I made 30x this month. Now aping into GOB which is gonna moon too. So paying off debts is a no brainer.

>> No.55138370

well good thing about kicking a dead horse is it doesn't tend to move around much.

>> No.55138438

Average doesnt say anything. Median is where it's at. And that's like 90k for 35-44. And tied to Real estate

>> No.55138491

Nice try schlomo, better luck next time

>> No.55138501

Im going to own my fourth rental house soon and I will STILL live with my mom

>> No.55138819

my gf's cousin says he's working 2 jobs for it because he refuses to ask his parents for money, at least they have some values, reminds me a bit of me when I was starving because I had no family, literally working and sleeping in the same place, only to become a gamer several years later who doesn't leave his house and holds KEK bags lmao

>> No.55138830

None of us "deserve" anything, but I'm just asking.

>> No.55139013
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>128k net worth
Checks out

>> No.55139019

Smart anon, I hold a few Goons and Bods nfts with them which fetches me 22 tokens per day.

>> No.55139351

'Owning a home' actually means owning 5% of the home. Yes having $000,000s of debt.
>Net worth
>$000,000s of debt
I'm trying to work out why it's not a Net Deficit and why they are lying

>> No.55139417
File: 291 KB, 400x400, 111e02cb-e2b1-4060-a26f-650a4210e9b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so glad to see biz isn't completely retarded
>the average person has 1 arm
>the average person is illiterate
>the average person is dead
>the average person has one kidney
you can't apply averages to qualitative values

i hate articles like these with a passion. as a statistician it's painful to hear all this shit like this packed into random people's minds. it's about as bad as the pay gap argument which is much more complex. controlling for all variables, women do indeed earn less than men HOWEVER do not when factoring in things like WHETHER THE WOMAN EVEN ASKED FOR INCREASED PAY when accepting the job, maternity leave benefits, etc.

averages, usually, are complete poison on a day to day basis. median chads rise up.
>the average american owns 3 guns
>most americans do not own a single firearm and have never touched a firearm
and that's statistical illiteracy in two sentences

>> No.55139438

The only millennials that I know that own homes got a nice bonus from the parents. Barely anyone is buying houses if they make a salary. That $500 extra per month savings is not going to do anything against people with parent bonus down payment money.

>> No.55139593

I swear millennials used to be 25-30 year olds, then suddenly they changed it to include 45 year olds in their statistics to further demoralize us real millennials

>> No.55139603

>I've never held more than $1000 in my hands.
If you worked full time you would earn more then that in a week.

>> No.55139853

i dont have a job and i have thousands literally just laying around for me to do nothing with

i lost 10k once and i didnt bat an eye

im hard as a rock , colder than the depth of space.

>> No.55139870

i make $110k a year. i'm on REPAYE. i'm going to profit off the new IDR plan. i'm also hoping to receive the $10k loan forgiveness, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what i am legally entitled to via REPAYE/the new IDR plan. you WILL forgive my student loans and you WILL like it.

>> No.55139890

I don’t understand the problem here
>don’t go to school
>have no debt
Life is easy

>> No.55139997

Is this to be understood as "The average American millennial WITH a net worth of $128K AND homeowner AND parent".

Or is it "the average American millennial IS a homeowner, parent and have a networth of $128K".

>> No.55140009

thats not a white person. and for that reason, i'm out.

>> No.55140010

the people who wrote and proofread the article all have adult learning disabilities and a double digit IQ. once you realize this, your question becomes meaningless.

>> No.55140080

Lol kid. I’m 23 making 140k a year and I never went to secondary schooling because I’m a lazy piece of shit. You’re doing good for your circle, which does not revolve around the world.

>> No.55140095

>out of 1000
>has that networth as a millennial
>jew: "see? They did it! You can too!"
Fucking kikes need to get strangled. My debt is small as shit. I just hate this trash logic

>> No.55140363

the only reason I get out of bed in the morning is the thought of selling my company and moving somewhere with 0% niggers.

the U.S. is becoming such an obvious and corrupt shithole. The decline is inevitable. IT's really a question of whether they can manage the decline slowly or not.

>> No.55140412

>I’m 23 making 140k

lying faggot. so many fags on this board like to make these bullshit claims.

>> No.55140428

the largest millennial group is 35. max age of 40 by almost all traditional standards.

this is 98% likely a lugenpress fake news article.

>> No.55140449

I really could if you're still here.

>> No.55140489
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I have a net worth greater than that, no homeownership, and I don't want debt relief.

>> No.55140510
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Average nonvaxxed millennial chad reporting in

>> No.55140566


>> No.55140578
File: 349 KB, 1824x1030, Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He bro, I feel sympathy for your plight. I am going to do for you something I just figured out recently after 40 years and am putting to use. So far it is working wonders.
Read this: The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting by Andrew Kap
And this: Levels of Energy by Frederick E. Dodson

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

Oh look since you are poor I've uploaded them here https:// ufile. io/l9k9hveg
and here: https:// ufile. io/y6nie243

Just remove the spaces. Also download Calibre ebook viewer. It is a great free reader app for epub formatted ebooks. https://calibre-ebook.com/

Good luck. And when you work things out, try to purchase these books in real life.

>> No.55140611

Well thanks man, I just woke up so pretty tired still but here's a good video describing my life.
God I miss him, shits been horrible since.

>> No.55140708

whats sad is companies and governments actually believe this data.

>> No.55140771

Here's some nice music for the morning.
Hope today is a better day for all of us

>> No.55140810

>As a zoomer I'm actually pretty optimistic
I remember being this green

>> No.55140815

... and don't get him started on percentages.

>> No.55140867

>most americans do not own a single firearm and have never touched a firearm
You got a source for that?

>> No.55140892

Hillary would have sent troops down to Florida for not shutting down hard enough

>> No.55140894

Retarded Republicans dont understand we need more taxes and welfare to create a society with equal outcome.

>> No.55140905

The average net worth of two broke homeless men and Jeff Bezos is $47.6B.

The median net worth of two broke homeless men and Jeff Bezos is $0.

>> No.55140943

Who is that? My dick instantly went hard

>> No.55141063

I believe that he's making an example on how averages are misused to validate agendas.
>The average American owns 3 guns.
>Half of Americans have never touched a gun in his life.
If your sample is composed of 2 persons: one that owns 6 guns and one that owns no guns, you can force both of these conclusions based on average and none of them are true.

>> No.55141555

I was going to comment about this but there's no way, but then again with the coastal states they could be super cucked to gun ownership.

>> No.55141617

You have -$166,000. Stonks and property aren't money.

>> No.55141628

My state has billions in surplus but needs more taxes because...niggers or something.

>> No.55141636

>net worth of $128,000
>includes the home

>> No.55141979

How do you guys figure?
I can see maybe with investments because of tax purposes but you can write more off with home ownership and likely it's only going to go up for now.

>> No.55142119

> average person has more than 1 arm
> average person has more than 1 kidney
gtfo faggot

>> No.55142244

think you missed the point, you dullard. the "average American" does literally have less than two arms, just because some Americans are going to be missing an arm. Similar logic to why being "average" intelligence means you're fucking stupid; The lower end of the scale brings the average WAY down, resulting in a number that might actually apply to a minority, if anything. We've been getting cucked by averages for generations

>> No.55142366
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>Retarded Republicans dont understand we need more taxes and welfare to create a society with equal outcome.

>we need endless money for our tyrannical government to redistribute to niggers and invaders.

Gee. no wonder the country is on a obvious decline. The U.S. is a miserable place unless you are a NPC materialist.

>> No.55142758

I'm here.

>> No.55142809

kek funny I was about to say the same thing.
good morning anon.
I had a pepe stand up meme saying gm and crying after being heckled but it's somewhere lost in my folders.

>> No.55142833
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Apu I should say.

>> No.55142924

I won't heckle you. You can ask for whatever you want, though that's true in general, I just mean that I won't be mean about it. My means are obviously limited to what a human could provide.

>> No.55142965

I don't really know what to ask, you've been kind which is honestly more than most people have been to me which means a lot.
I just thought it's kinda poignant to saying gm lol

>> No.55142979

It's fine, it's not mandatory or anything. If you feel a bit better, that's good enough for me, not that it needs to matter to you.

>> No.55143003

I have a hard time believing people would want to help me and it makes me feel undeserving of help, asking for it feels like the world will laugh at me when I do so I tend not to ask.
And people usually don't ask me if I need help sorry if I'm being weird.

>> No.55143018

yeah they might be a homeowner but they don't own the home if their networth is only $128k

>> No.55143087

It did feel better knowing you cared enough to respond, I ended up having just a really bad night last night and kinda been down since ontop of everything else, I was feeling more chatty last night before it turned inside out.

>> No.55143133

I think I'm being an idiot because you might have been offering financial help and my cynical self has a hard time asking for it, but if you were yes it would make a world of difference but even if you weren't you've still been considerate which I'm thankful for.

>> No.55143162

Your life would be exactly the same in America. Probably worse actually.

>> No.55143171

unfortunately I am an american, if I wasn't life would be easier unironically.

>> No.55143252
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Millennials are bimodal they are either successful homeowners, married, having kids, making 250k+ dual income with tech/finance/STEM jobs or they are total loser smoking weed stuck at their parents house there is very little in between

With zoomers it is even more extreme you are either super successful millionaire influence or hyperautist programmer or literally caste\rated by age 18 and dead by suicide due to gender ideology

>> No.55143321

You may never return, but if you could help me out you will be altering the path of the life, even if it's just enough to be able to fix a few things around my life that's turning sour.

If I don't ask I might not ever have a chance, and those who don't take opportunity are likely doomed to never see change in their life.
Regardless if we never speak again I wish you and yours well.

>> No.55143341

Hey sure, if that's what you want.

>> No.55143342


>> No.55143376

When the fuck are you guys going to realize 100k = broke?

You guys think there’s some contradiction between the stereotype that millennials are broke and this headline that they have 130k net worths. There is no contradiction, 130k net worth is broke in 2023, this is not hyperbole, it’s literally nothing.

>> No.55143389

Well it's not something I want but is absolutely something I need, my whole life is dire straights currently and I'm basically having a nonstop existential crisis, venting/talking has been a way to stop the nightmare from creeping into my thoughts.

>> No.55143471

God bless you Anon. I wish you well. Much love and hope to meet you in His kingdom when the time comes. Heartbreaking to read this. No troll.

>> No.55143487

I understand, at least roughly. If you post an address, I can send you some. You know, just as a gift from another anon, simple as.

>> No.55143512

I would really be grateful, what address do you want?
I'm not kidding it's my birthday June 9th and nobody has given me a gift since I was probably 12 before everything in my life went to shit.

>> No.55143578

I'd prefer XMR, if you have BTC, that's fine too.

>> No.55143580

Thank you anon, I hope to meet you all when my day eventually comes.

>> No.55143604

I can do xmr and since it's a gift I'd do what you prefer.

Anon you're really a king among us here, I don't know why you offer to help me but whatever you do it's going to change my life regardless and I'll be in your debt eternally.

>> No.55143631

Also a bitcoin address incase you decide that's easier.
and again thank you for whatever you do, a gift right now is needed badly.

>> No.55143645

Nah, it's fine, you don't owe me anything. I'm just a /biz/ shitposter trying to help others, but I do really mean it.

>> No.55143672

I believe in spiritual debts regardless and if you help me you're not just giving me money, I will always be there for you spiritually and never forgot what you've done, I know some don't believe in that kind of stuff but I absolutely do.

>> No.55143695

Thanks, I'm really grateful for that.

>> No.55143733

I mean it, I hope we are all able to meet each other in the afterlife, or maybe the battlefield lol.
You're truly someone unique and I'm grateful for you being here and with us, and being alive really.

>> No.55143746

>That instinct is probably present in humanity, but it's a crude adaptation
So is cutting yourself when one is sad

>> No.55143754

Anon.... I'm speechless I just saw the confirmation....

Why did you just do that?!?
I need to talk to you a bit.
Thank you so much, you really just changed my life beyond measure.

>> No.55143768

Mathemativally speaking, there are 3 types of average: mean, median, and mode.

>> No.55143858

Yeah, I'm here, but really, you don't owe me anything.

>> No.55143878

I owe you a discussion at least, you really have saved my life.

>> No.55143893

He didnt kill himself. Also, Gregg Plitt didn't kill himself. Anytime you hear of someone being killed by a train you should be suspicious of it because it is a method they use to get rid of people they want to shut up.

>> No.55143941

I mean it is possible as well to be driven into such a state of depression all you think about is ending the pain and suffering.
I'm likely autistic and extremely sick the combination drives me to thinking about it constantly especially knowing you can't work but you need money.

>> No.55143950

Sure, whatever you want to say, I'm listening.

>> No.55144042

I'm going to level with you I did use a bit of deception to get what I needed from you.
I'm sorry for that I apologize, I'm the cancer anon you gave 5k to last week, I was having a major mental breakdown that went on into a full panic attack and I thought I could swing that into 10k because It's what I needed to get things in order in my life, or what I thought anyway.

I made some stupid mistakes and got down to 500, not even kidding but was able to get it to 800.
I just cashed that out around 720 total with fees to pay all my bills that I didn't do.
I'm not going to gamble with crypto anymore, I can't do it in my state of mind.

I'm sorry I lied, but I love you man, you saved me twice now I don't really know what to say but I know I needed to be honest, I meditated for a day hoping you would come back and talk to me, I know you're an angel and I know when I prayed to god I saw flashes of light when I confessed my true sins.
Thank you, I'm going to truly turn my life to god now and use what you gave me to secure my bills for the remainder of the year.

Nothing else I said was a lie I am dying, I am losing my mind, being put against the wall while I'm fighting for my life is a burden I don't like to share with you.

I lost everything so many times I can't count it all started when I lost my dad in 2007 then I fell into a depression and drug addiction, then in 2008 while in probate I lost my child hood house, split my family and my goal was to get it back.
I met a crazy woman who ruined my life at 22 now in 2010 at this point and it ended in my attempted suicide in 2010.

My life is better now but my house was burned down for the insurance money and now is on the market for 640k.

I'm turning 36 in 9 days, I just wanted to share some truths with you so maybe you can see who I am.
Thank you anon truly, I really do love you, and know you're an angel in human form, or maybe you're just using technology to speak with me it's getting hard to tell at this point.

>> No.55144061

It might have worked out best because if I had deposited that money into my account it would have killed my chance for disability anything over 2k does and they are watching, so maybe this was for the best, I'm truly sorry for lying to you though, normally I wouldn't care I have to do what's needed to survive, but I knew it was you as soon as we spoke, and I hate having to do that to you, but you're really a godsend, I'm paying all my bills right now sorry about leaving had to get them in order and cash out that 700.

>> No.55144073

I had that vague suspicion. There's not that many of us here. It's fine, honestly, I still would've helped you if I knew who you were from the start. I'm not happy about those mistakes, obviously, so really try to avoid those in the future, but I can see how it turned out that way. Glad I helped you out, but no deception necessary.

>> No.55144104

How are you doing otherwise (I mean you don't have to say if you don't want to, I'm just asking about your wellbeing)?

>> No.55144126

Thank you for understanding, and no there isn't many of us here, and I'm not very good at being vague especially when I'm having a meltdown, but you're really a true king among us, if we could crown a king of /biz/raelies it literally is you.
I was being an idiot and chasing pumps about half way through the week I realized I was euphoric and panicing at the same time and got a little smarter, I know now I can't do this anymore not unless some miracle happens and I'm able to regain my health and be able to work.
When I first got into crypto I was healthier and was able to do quick 50% swings but I was in a right state of mind, ever since I got worse I've never been able to really do it right because hope dashes my logic and since my life is crumbling I end up having to rely on what I invest which makes my decisions turn into emotional ones.

Thank you anon, like I said before words aren't good enough to express how I feel about you.

I'd kiss you if I could.
This place is truly a place of angelic men.

>> No.55144168

Not great, the fucking nerve medication I'm on allows me to be happy but also makes me so bitter when things go wrong, I nearly got arrested last night yelling at a dumb dominos manager who decided to cancel my order because I wasn't happy they decided to wait to make it when I arrived (she was being lazy and not doing anything and looked like she was doped up) and we got into a verbal fight because I demanded the owners name.

I hate people man and I just try to be in my lane and get healthy but the world feels like it wants me dead or to get myself into positions that make me worse off.

You've been a light I've needed though man really you have, and you're making my eyes well up again thinking about just how much I needed to find you.

They are supposed to be switching me to lyrica but it's taken a month for medicaid to authorize it which is great, I hate this gabapentin shit.
But I did seem to heal my infection in my spleen which has been making me absolutely insane so that's good, you helped that because I went to a new doctor the day you gave me the btc and he was able to get the correct antibiotics to help, It's a rough fucking path man but I don't wanna give up.

>> No.55144187

Unbelievably good post for /biz/

>> No.55144199

Who is that.

>> No.55144201

Although I will say my nerves were on absolute edge because soon as we talked I could feel it was you, I got a pretty good sense on who's who here, I lurk pretty often.
I'm really glad you came back, I knew if I didn't talk to you this interaction wouldn't have happened.
Thank you so much even if it didn't happen this way thank you for calming my nerves because had I asked before and we didn't talk every jeet and angry person here would have made sure we didn't talk.

>> No.55144215

>I hate people man and I just try to be in my lane and get healthy but the world feels like it wants me dead or to get myself into positions that make me worse off.
I can really related to the feeling. It's hounded me pretty much all my life. I can even imagine myself saying something pretty much like that.
>You've been a light I've needed though man really you have, and you're making my eyes well up again thinking about just how much I needed to find you.
You know, there's kindness in all sorts of places. There's millions like me, I'm nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but I just think that what matters is that we're there for each other.

>> No.55144272

My friend truly you're unique, if you knew my life and could step behind my eyes for a moment you would realize that.
you're not one of millions you're one of maybe 5000 I'm not kidding.

When I lost my father to cancer I had literally people pouring into my house telling me how they would help me, I was 19 and he was like a zombie telling people to stop praying over him it hurt when he was being touched, he didn't even want us to put a sheet over him he said it hurt.
He was a strong man as well huge burly guy.

Not a SINGLE person came to help me when he died, infact many were actually trying to either get some glory in trying for a miracle heal or just to pat themselves on the back, I've had so many empty promises made to me I lost trust in people.

I love you and I don't say those words to anyone including people I was dating, because they didn't ever really help me, even childhood friends when I told them I'm dying now literally told me about some shitcoins to invest in.

The worlds pretty dark, It can be nice but mine has been like driving through a storm.

You've been a break in the clouds allowing me to breathe.

>> No.55144321

>I'm WFH and make $55k (got brought in at low end of salary range because I was a physics major with no relevant industry experience).
Dude you're getting seriously ripped off unless that's like 20 hours a week or something.
Entry level lumber mill work around here pays that much. No experience, no high school diploma required. You just stand around watching machines for the most part, some light cleaning.

>> No.55144525

>You've been a break in the clouds allowing me to breathe.
I heard in a story about some rabbi who said that every soul is put on Earth to do some kindness (it was on Youtube somewhere, I just like watching stuff about history of religion), so you never know when you were specifically meant to do any kindness, I suppose.
I can't miracle-heal, but at least I can do what I can do, even if it's limited.
And I know it's not for me to decide who "deserves" anything, but given everything you went through, I do also think that you deserve help.

>> No.55144630

You are a miracle healer not every disease is cured by touch, ive unironically performed miracles heals on animals I think it can be done but the intention behind it is what makes the difference, you've helped me heal by allowing me to pay my bills, which I just did I kept what you just gave me and letting it sit for now but you brought kindness to me which has given me great happiness not only once but twice, money doesn't matter as much as the fact it gives me room to breathe, I didn't want to ask for more than 5k last time because I knew in my heart I'd probably lose it and it would be better to only ask for something that if I lost wouldn't have hurt you even though I'm very upset with myself and spent this week basically bashing my head against the wall.
I just was able to do what I should have done last week and took that 720 and dumped it into all my bills, It gives me time man and I needed that, I think I deserve help but I just want to use it to help others, there was a time I really loved people but life breaks you down, but you bring it out it me which helps me shine and bring the better side out and helped me step through my shadow.

>> No.55144655

And I did use about 509 as well to pay for other bills and food so it wasn't a total waste, and it allowed me to come speak with you again I wanted to be honest cause you deserve that and the last thread got pruned quickly so didn't get to engage further.

>> No.55144704

If Student Loan debt is exorbitant or usurious, then pass a law that lets them refinance it for a better rate.
And change the Student Loan rules going forward.

>> No.55144713

No one can truly own a home unless they don't have to pay property tax.

>> No.55144748

So please explain, if you can, how it is that these people are so underwater with their debt?
I'm hearing things like people owed X, have been paying for 10 years, and now owe X + 10000?

>> No.55144753


Stefanie Joosten
She is Quiet in MGSV

>> No.55144913

kudos landlord chad. im waiting to pull the trigger myself. not in a rush to bite though.

>> No.55145053

I want to thank you again I know you said don't and I don't owe you but I really do so much, I owe you my energy at the very least and different ways to express my graditude.
You've given me a good day, I don't often have them you did a week back or so as well both on the cusps of majorly bad days where I didn't think I could go on.

Last night my nerves felt like the inside of a golf ball, tightly bound rubber bands, layering themselves upon one another until it grew so big I was about to explode and a force would go miles.

And in one instant you took that pain and anguish and despair away from me, you ARE a healer of men, I am in different ways I've helped people through crisis even when my world was shattered I never leave a brother on the ground, and neither do you.
My families crest is a man holding a sword on his chest surrounded by dolphins, the Zarttmans is my heritage family from Germany before we came to America in the 1500s, french mostly and german but we were combat medics, and rifle makers for the union and also related to Ethan Allen the revolutionary.
There's a greater path for myself and you and many here, I wanted to end it but you kept stopping me not once but twice and you didn't have to you could have gone your own way but you didn't.

I am your brother for life, I hope we continue to talk to each other here, and both combined we can help other brothers who have fallen even if it's just a discussion about life because it can be so fucking hard to handle sometimes.
Even if you aren't sick this world can drive you to it but we can help each other.
You've given me the greatest birthday gift anyone ever has in my entire life, I will NEVER forget you and even if we never talk again we will catch up in the afterlife.
I know we will be great friends.

My name's translation is To be born, the defender of men, and Hearthland ruler.
I believe even in my sick state I'm going to change this world for the better, it was set in stone.

>> No.55145054
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>24y/o engineer student, years of debt in my future
>best friend is 21y/o, paid student loans with a shitcoin called thing
>my only choice to pay my student loans is investing in memecoins
working class bros, it's over

>> No.55145055

>there was a time I really loved people but life breaks you down
I had pretty much the same experience. It can embitter you for life, and the more sensitive you are, the more it tends to embitter you. It's the same with me. Over time, I come to believe that I'm the worst kind of person, and I acted on the belief often enough too. Not concretely, but in principle, I know how much it can hurt.

>> No.55145071

I don't believe in coincidence, and I know we are meant to bring kindness to others, I gave a homeless man $6 I had in my pocket after buying some stuff I needed, the same man I gave change to the day you gave me money, just happened to run into him again and I told him about you.
I hoped he and his wife are able to better their situation.
I know they were just homeless but they were are brothers at one point, even if it was buried deep down, their souls are trapped into this physical husk and chained to this world.
There's a greater fight we are here to witness and partake in, not necessary phsyical, infact I believe the spiritual realm is much more powerful.
I believe my power is great as is yours, and it's why I'm dying because I have an expiration date for which I'm suppose to do something.
I know this because you aren't the first person to save me from the abyss, god sends his angels when I'm at the bottom.
God is here unironically of all places and it's why we are fighting a war in this very board.

>> No.55145112

I know what you mean, I've done things that were bad and let that consume my inner self and return into my shadow form.
You've brought it out mostly, and within the week I'll likely go back to my normal self mentally anyway.
It's hard to describe the feeling of despair to relief but you can see it a bit in the way I talk.

You're so far beyond a bad person, infact like myself those thoughts are likely the worlds "evil" trying to convince you to not be your true self.

I want more than anything to be a bringer of life and love, to bring happiness to others and bring the best side of people out in themselves.

It can't be done when my worlds absolutely devastated, cancer regardless I don't care much about I knew I had it before I was diagnosed me and my body at pretty in tune, but I can't even try to heal when the worlds tearing your back away at every step.

You've driven that monkey off for awhile because I'm not going to touch that except for bills which should be sufffient to to carry me awhile and make it so my brother isn't paying for everything of mine which he was and running out of money fast which was making him resent me.
I hated that so much I couldn't tell him I lost the 5k because I told him you gave it to me.
Luckily because of you I was honest with him and although upset he knows he isn't going to have to carry me financially, he's already doing so much anyway I can't keep doing that to him.

I hope to god I get disability to allow me more time but I also know the world tends to make you jump every hurdle again and again.

>> No.55145164

You do actually have to be careful with it though, I really don't have infinite XMR lying around.

>> No.55145188

I really will, I took that money and paid everything I needed to besides car insurance because their websites down.
Just going to leave it where it's at for now.

If it obviously moons I'll sell it but just leaving it, no swinging, no leverage trading which I've never done anyway too green to try it.
And it's not for that it's strictly to keep me from falling into despair again.
I hope really this is the last time anyone ever needs to help me, I want to be the one helping others.

>> No.55145197

>That money
The money I had left not the XMR you gave me that's just gonna sit pretty.

>> No.55145772

God bless you and your family and life anon, you're a good man don't ever let those thoughts get to you because it's not true.
I hope the market goes insane and you can come back here telling us about your glory that you deserve King.

>> No.55146269

The average number of arms for humans is just less than 2

>> No.55147555
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>> No.55148078

I know no one, I mean no one who meets all those criteria. I know some home owners with children, but they didn’t go to college and basically married into money. I know one other person who went to college and became successful after literally struggling for 10 years straight. Everyone else is either depressingly poor, became wealthy by sheer luck, or are basically a combination of insanely stubborn, autistic, and spiteful to just will themselves into wealth via sheer autism (it’s me, I did it).

>> No.55148120
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Dammit anon, you had an opportunity to play them like a damn fiddle! We could have left them with a phantom boner. A punished snake, so to speak.

>> No.55148158

Fuck. Shit. Fuck. So you're telling me my average peer is has hair, is taller then me, and is that much further ahead in life? Motherfucker. Ah well.

>> No.55148275

Only about a third of Americans actually owns at least one firearm, iirc. Most of them lean right. Most of them also own far more than one. I personally own 10. My sister and parents, who I live with, own 0. Thus, the "average" amount of firearm ownership in this household per person is 2.5, even though one person owns all the guns. This is the kind of pilpul kikery they pull to further demoralize us.

It is all presuppositions and manipulations of methodologies in order to get an "average" that only truly exists on paper. It's pure theory versus reality.

>> No.55148322

Yup, the phenomenon is called "regression to the mean". It's why the rare Black person who is actually an intelligent, functional member of society doesn't matter, since the average nigger is the polar opposite. It's also why segregation is a good thing and neighborhoods should be allowed to vet who the let in. Because even if the Jeffersons are a great Black family, their cousin J.J. and his friend Ty'Quavius aren't when they come to visit and hold up a liquor store.

>> No.55148384

>57 posts by this ID

>> No.55148664

35 and up is not the same as 35 and below. how could they be when the net worth of 35-45 is 5x more than 27-35? millenial cutoff is 42 btw.

the gen X pocket money is skewing the average, that is to say, your people are.

>> No.55148925

Yeah was a long two days, but going to rest a little easier tonight.
Sometimes it's nice to talk to a fren.

>> No.55149431

This is not my beautiful house?!
This is not my beautiful wife!?

>> No.55149803

How did I get here?!?

>> No.55149840

newfags trying to fit in, not realizing they stand out like a sore thumb. they think the entire point of this site is to be a sociopath.

>> No.55149853

Not scrolling down, but I'm assuming 6 figure net worth is calculated by counting a $500K house as an asset against $372K worth of student loans and credit card debt.

>> No.55149877
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>> No.55149878

Goodnight anons, I'm gonna probably take a break from /biz/ for awhile.
I got a cat I've had since I was a boy who's about 19 now, he's getting pretty old and I haven't given him much attention because of life.
I can now rest easier, and funny enough we will probably be exiting this world around the same time together, but he was the closest thing I had to a son so it's fitting we have a special bond and I'd be lost without him anyway.
Keep going anons, life can be a beautiful ride even with it's dark spots.

>> No.55149923

>i'm so interesting
>/lit/ was so impressed with me
>my date didn't want sex until she realized how impressive and deep i am then she got naked but like i didn't even care
>59 posts
nvm I'm sorry I defended you, you're a massive faggot and I hope you kill yourself soon

>> No.55149927
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I love you too buddy.

>> No.55149928

Please kill yourself and do not come back. Spare us of your presence.

>> No.55149938
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>> No.55150512
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Americans are so comically wealthy.
The only ones who have a semi-functioning brain and are failing are addicted to comfort and spend all their money on streaming services, fast food, cars, therapists, concerts etc.

>> No.55152025

What's the best way to learn statistics for a noob?

>> No.55152115

Sir, a plot of land in the ghetto is 1/2 - 1 million dollars, no house. My father is an environmentalist in a liberal state with a 4 year degree his company paid for, no debt, and had he not bought a house when he did he'd barely make rent. It's horrible here unless you're in bumfuck nowhere, and then you don't have a job or you're driving 50 miles to it. Good luck if you need a hospital or your car breaks down. I couldn't find a 200k mile junker for less than $6k and I bought it under the table to get it at that price just the other day.

>> No.55152757

This is the truth. I have met these poor fag millennials in the park. Their clothes and shoes are falling apart, they talk about socialism and have a drug problem. I honestly don't know how they got so fucked up. Getting a good life isn't honestly that hard. Just don't be an idiot.

>> No.55152920

>Millennials are bimodal they are either successful homeowners, married, having kids, making 250k+ dual income with tech/finance/STEM jobs or they are total loser smoking weed stuck at their parents house there is very little in between
The natural result of the stock and housing market being on an absolute tear for the past 16 years.

>> No.55153458

You and your dad sound like a couple of losers. You can buy acreage in majority white communities in Texas for <$100k and be within 30 minutes of a 5/5 grocery store, 5/5 dining, 5/5 concert venues, downtown blah blah blah.

So many people on this gay earth can’t see past their own noses. That’s why chads like myself can always find the angle.

>> No.55153666

This is bait the average millennial is far into debt

>> No.55153704

>128k net worth for entire household
That's pretty fucking bad the article had to correct that it's 128 per household average not per person truly pathetic

>> No.55153727

reading and practicing on real data

>> No.55153929

>it's a boomer seethes about millennials article
Yawn. Also that net worth includes the house they're in, so they don't really have six figures sitting in their bank account.

>> No.55153974

The solution is to retire all boomers. Put them all into retirement homes

>> No.55154681

sorry but can you take that back to /r/buddhism ? thx. this is for finance.
most of america, europe, and north africa will be poor in six months. will you still say the same thing?
american homes are worth nothing. the american markets will be completely different next year.

they will all be in the same place very soon. unfortunately. nobody in this country seems to be aware of what is happening.

no. they are rich. for another six months. at most.

>> No.55155372

>job pays decently, at least well above min wage average
>STILL can't afford to get a home because market is in shambles and even the worst dumps for sale around me are asking 200k +
>living with parents because an apartment would be burning money
Luckily my parents actually like me but honestly the only way I see out of this is me inheriting the house and my parents estate funds one day

I honestly don't see any way out

>> No.55155974

Buy some land and build a yurt on it. Check out the Yurt Builder 3d at Yurts.com, if you just build power and water into the plaform you place the yurt on, you can live with modern tech still, and also you can build internal walls/a loft.
Lot cheaper than all the materials for an actual house rn, and it being a "membrane structure" instead of a house keeps property taxes low.

>> No.55156870

wouldn't care even if it were true lol.

>> No.55157555

kikes are out of control

>> No.55157636
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>literal who article
>no sources
Why did so many people reply to such a shitty thread? Who makes shit threads and for what purpose?

>> No.55159356

How new are you?

>> No.55160466

I know I said I'd take a break and hold the XMR but something told me to switch to LTC to transfer to my main account, I hardly use kraken but knew you did XMR.
I held the LTC and am going to continue to do so at least till the halving.

Thank you again anon, you've given me hope that i needed and I apologize again for being foolish.

I think BTCs going to explode soon, mostly because I believe in positive thinking and I want nothing but good things for those who helped me in my journey.
Bless you brother.

>> No.55160492

This is fucking bullshit. Where the fuck did they tally that? Silicon Valley?

>> No.55161451

If you’re white you have no reason to complain about unfairness desu. Just go to SEA and you’ll be hooked to a guaranteed English speaking teacher job. Work there for 2 years and then apply for eng speaking teacher jobs in China, Middle East and Japan. Congrats you’re making 6 fig salary in 3 years living in a low cost country just for having white skin.

t. Fellow white, save 70% of my salary and invest, gonna retire in Thailand in 3 years. Previously I worked at Target until 26 have no formal education. When fellow whites complain about life being unfair it really triggers me. I see Hapa, SEA men all around me and if they were in your situation it literal never began for them.