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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, Ford-Very-Gay-Ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55135241 No.55135241 [Reply] [Original]

Bros what do we do? Should I be shorting Ford?

>> No.55135265
File: 7 KB, 194x259, moneypit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorting any Car company right now is probably a good investment.

>> No.55135273

No. Not yet. They’re gonna get cheap debt from BlackRock and do a stock buyback first. I would wait or put in a very long short. The auto industry is fucked regardless

>> No.55135302
File: 644 KB, 1176x2232, ford sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company has very poor leadership. Lots of quality issues. Difficulty attracting and retaining top talent. Bill Ford is a hardcore left-wing progressive. CEO Jim Farley is a two-faced snake who thinks subscription revenue is the future. Ford exited India in 2021 and is rapidly moving as many jobs as they can there, and to Mexico. Ford market share in China shrank from 4% in 2016 to 1% in 2022. Abandoned many of their own charging network plans and are using Elon's chargers now.

>> No.55135312
File: 35 KB, 890x337, ford profit 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55135357
File: 122 KB, 731x784, Ford selling data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ford is facing backlash right now for jacking up the price on their BlueCruise service from $600/3yrs to $2100/3yrs. It's still not enough. Ford loses almost $60,000 on every single electric vehicle they sell. I don't know if you should short. The stock will probably go up for some stupid reason.

>> No.55135394

>The stock will probably go up for some stupid reason.
Really makes ya wonder

>> No.55136106
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>picrel mach 1 defiled

>> No.55136740

Did they learn nothing from bud light?

>> No.55136911

Ford's in trouble for a few reasons. Body style is one of them. Look at what they did to the Ranger name. Compare the Ranger from 1983 - 2011 to the new one. Ironic thing is the new Maverick truck fits the classic Ranger body dimension specs pretty closely. Just the style itself is fucked. The other thing is they did away with Car options. There is no gas car other than the Mustang. Guess who gets more of that market now? Toyota and other foreign makers.

>> No.55136947

>Body style is one of them. Look at what they did to the Ranger name.
This is beginning to be a common trend in automakers and Ford is by far the worst offender. They can't take a risk with a new design model that they want to heavily push(it somehow makes/saves them more money) so they slap the name of an already proven tried and true name onto some ungodly monstrosity. Get used to the phrase "In name only" for the next 1 or 2 gens of cars.

>> No.55136961

what were they supposed to have learned

>> No.55136976

This is why I drive a Tesla. They're one of the few automakers that haven't been trannified.

>> No.55136989

Pay attention leftoid


>> No.55138445


>> No.55138450

Bitcoin is failng too.
The Blockchain conference in London is coming at the worst time. https://4techmix.com/2023/05/31/bitcoinsv-the-london-blockchain-conference/

>> No.55138451

was there not enough internet hate for it?
it jumped way to far after realeasing the analmobile commercial
this has something to do with them getting cheaper loans right?

>> No.55138464
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>> No.55138574
File: 107 KB, 280x270, FCCCE4C0-D8DE-44B3-BCDE-81DE79F23907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay decals
how is it possible to misunderstand your target audience this badly?
the only LGBTQP interested in buying a truck are fags who either fetishize masculinity or have some work-related reason for owning one. In either case explicit faggot-signalling is not desirable. This campaign will damage the brand image with ford’s traditional target market AND the faggot market (which is fucking tiny anyway).
So what is causing this? Marketing departments full of diversity hires and women with no theory of other minds? Pandering for BlackRock capital injections? Both? Something else??

>> No.55138738

>Marketing departments full of diversity hires and women with no theory of other minds? Pandering for BlackRock capital injections? Both

>> No.55140424

So ford truck owners are anal sissies now?

>> No.55140473


401ks and Blackrock literally keep all these garbage companies afloat

>> No.55140484

Theyre dropping price on purpose, look at it, it's fucking ridiculous and the div is gonna go higher and theyre gonna make more money on their money kek

>> No.55140506

Plenty of companies are so used to infinite free debt and Americans endless appetite for consumption that they simply will not adapt to what is coming

>> No.55140574

Always have been bud

>> No.55140575

What do companies get out of pissing off their target audience?

>> No.55140590

The public backlash against all LGTBQ+ everything is already building. I think we're past the peak, when everyone was slapping a rainbow on everything possible. It's going to get progressively less cool until we find a happy middle ground.

>> No.55140610

I can't take anyone who drives massive trucks seriously anymore. The fat lesbian with a tranny "wife" at my work unironically drives and is proud of her Ford f150, hangs tons of pride stuff everywhere and won't shut up about girl power every waking minute. Meanwhile she's constantly hitting on me at work, fucking clown world. Moral of the story is if you own one of these I associate you with trannies and lgbt

>> No.55140612

they know that their customers are fat retards with the attention span of a goldfish. just like
when in reality their sales dipped minimally and then increased in the following year.

>> No.55140628

Short target. Send a message. Ford is too big, we have to take a few smaller fish first.

>> No.55140634

Surprisingly in the massive city extreme left nigger shithole I live near, trucks are actually tied with hybrids as being the most popular vehicle type. You would be surprised just how many unironic fags love trucks, the bigger the better

>> No.55140699

Yea I would imagine glowies are gonna hit us with a barrage of woke companies to weaken the concentration at this point. Especially going into fag month. I don’t even hate fags. I just think they’re mentally ill and anal sex is aids. I pray for them

>> No.55140766

They've taken the most fucked up mentally deranged group of people where 50% of them kill themselves and are promoting it as the absolute best way of life, and they are targeting kids man. It's all so sick, honestly feels like a dream.

>> No.55140987

Anybody else "had enough"?

I'm at the point where I tell gay people I'm sorry they are mentally ill and ask if they have tried praying about it.

Fuck clown world. When can Supercovidaids wipe all the trash off the planet?

>> No.55141133
File: 1.05 MB, 3500x2544, IMG_6750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rainbow flag in the year 2023 is much less damaging than printing a tranny face on a beer can. Unlike budlight, this will be forgotten in a month

>> No.55141159

The bud light shit was because of trannies, and there does seem to be a bit of pushback against trannies in the general public. The ford as is directed towards faggots more so, and no one is really bothered by fags at this point. So i don't imagine anything will come of this.

>> No.55141177

Whats their idea here

The peoplw this targets HATE everything about trucks, do they really think a rainbow will make them love them

On a second thought those retards may really fall for it

>> No.55141199

Elon will never be brainwashed
Ford is about to suffer the same fate as bud light and target

>> No.55141210

I wouldn't short BMW though.. they have a big partnership with Meta incoming
Some VR in cars related shit

>> No.55141516

That's a lot faith in a billionaire

>> No.55141536

This is so dumb from Ford
How many of the lgtv folks will drive a truck?

>> No.55141548

Bet they wouldn't be the first automaker to do this..
Audi did with holoride, so bmw is only playing catch up

>> No.55141562

He's obviously compromised. Doesn't allow any kike criticism although you can tell he "knows". I'm a fan of Elon, but I don't trust him.

Hiring the lefty WEF bitch to run twitter should be enough for you to not trust him.

>> No.55141584


I can't figure out his angle. He says the most /pol/ shit on his own twitter and then turns around and hires her. Maybe she's an olive branch to the globohomo who are currently twisting his arm?

>> No.55141911

Target? The people who love Target are probably also very much pro LGBT.

>> No.55141940

You people realize Ford sells more than pickup trucks right?

Also its odd seeing all the dick sucking people do with Elon, when not even half a decade ago those same people hated him.

>> No.55141945

Bmw, Audi, Benz
The competition between these three never ends but we all know the real boss right?

>> No.55141965

You didn't see how much backlash target got after putting out gay and trans stuff for kids?
It stock fell to it's yearly low

>> No.55141982
File: 94 KB, 1003x296, Screenshot 2023-05-31 10.47.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you should go long

>> No.55142012

But Target isnt in the same boat as bud light where the primary customer base is going to be anti LGBT. It might have had an initial shock but it will easily recover. Also people going into Target and acting like literal niggers (yes destroying merchandise even if its degen fag shit is nigger behavior) is also not really indicative of their customer base, hell im willing to bet the people who did that shop at Walmart before they shop at Target.

>> No.55142053

kek, nobody cares except for old people anon, this is just the backlash period from the left asserting over the top things about trannies to spark a culture war. this is like the 80s/90s for gay men, but for trannies. the peasants will squabble over this until the boomers have all died and then things will be solidly pro-tranny. screenshot this if you don't believe me lol

it feels like a dream because it is one, you're repeating made up crap you saw on /pol/ lol

>> No.55142074

he's an asset being used to bring right wing people back into a controlled space. so cool free speech on twitter, you can say whatever you want about trannies! no need to use anything else goy!

>> No.55142123
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, Drink Kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very gay raptor
>license plate HIV

>> No.55142151
File: 1.36 MB, 2768x872, Financing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profits haven't come from the sale of vehicles for decades. Profits come from selling the financing of the vehicles.

>> No.55142191

Sounds like fun.. vr movies and contents for the very long and boring road travels
I have an Audi, where do I sign up?

>> No.55142258

>like the 80s/90s for gay men, but for trannies.
Lmao, the delusion. The pendulum is already falling again, it's not right to be wrong.

>> No.55142327

F-150 is very profitable. It is their flagship product and the most profitable vehicle in their lineup.

>> No.55142349
File: 115 KB, 620x938, PSDT_06.28.22_Gender_Identity_0_1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pendulum
Just like le pendulum may may meant that the immigration was going to stop in 2016? Two more weeks until everyone under 30 magically starts agreeing with you because you posted YWNBAW for the 50th time

>> No.55142482
File: 174 KB, 1800x650, 2021-Ford-Commercial-trucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*F series is.
That's everything from the F-150 to the F750.

>> No.55142494
File: 509 KB, 755x2014, AfterTheBallPassage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gays in the 80s and 90s recognized an important point that the trannies are not recognizing.
Read the last line here, from the gay agenda book "After the ball".

>> No.55142518

The older people get, the more they start to see the holes in the arguments they were presented with as children. That is not limited to 'invisible man in the sky'.
There's a reason we old heads don't fall for Greta's bullshit about how the world is being destroyed by climate change.

>> No.55142741
File: 1.06 MB, 913x808, 1685063577043695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The trannies" do not control the media and what it reports on. They report on boomer crossdressers and drag queens because they want controversy, when they want to settle this they will report on passing trans teen girls making puppy dog eyes at the camera, simple as

>Everyone will someday become a wise boomer like me even though every single culture war is won and lost over controlling the minds of the young
Good luck with that. Hold out for 2 more weeks

>> No.55142769

I'm not a boomer. You can only threaten doom and gloom and have it not materialize so many times before people stop falling for the chicken little bullshit.
None of your culture war shit is new. It's been going on for a hundred years, and every single time they go too far, start trying to fuck kids and end up with a massive backlash that undoes everything they spent decades building up to.

>> No.55142789
File: 155 KB, 1222x178, Screen Shot 2023-05-31 at 1.06.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The media and what it reports on
Read the last line again, faggot. Keffals is not a boomer cross dresser.

>> No.55142816

Extremely online to think anyone knows who that is. Log off of musk's controlled tranny obsession psy op and go outside

>> No.55142843

Your entire movement is 'extremely online'.

>> No.55142909

>Reads to pre-schoolers at your local library
>Teaches tolerance to your kids
>Forms a GSA in your local high school
>Wakes multiple people up to the fact that trannies are relatively normal just by going to social functions and acting like a decent human being
Keep posting

>> No.55143363
File: 131 KB, 1000x695, LGBTCult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Preys on children to recruit them into a cult

>> No.55143456

>Bros what do we do?
short the motherfucker into the fucking ground

>> No.55144247

Goddamn, /o/ was right when they said every car made past 2010 was a faggot mobile. Even an 08 Miata with an optional dildo shiftknob is straighter than this shit.

>> No.55144917

>Sexuality is a cult
Is that why you feel the need to do everything in your power to prevent teenagers from knowing homosexuality exists? Because otherwise they won't follow along with the breeder cult? Kek, good luck with that anon, the cat is out of the bag and it isn't going back

>> No.55144979

whatever the gay mafia or soros is paying is well worth it surely. These companies have more than capable people to do the maths.
At this point in time rich people are so rich they can just do whatever to piss people off.

>> No.55145042

>Because otherwise they won't follow along with the breeder cult?
The breeder cult creates life.
The gay cult creates nothing except mental illness, drug addiction, and suicide, which is why you would like to promote it, because it destroys Western society and Christianity.

The cat is definitely out of the bag.

>> No.55145056

Fags out

>> No.55145079

also aids

>> No.55146906
File: 72 KB, 267x400, trans-industrial_complex_howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henry Ford was right.