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55131608 No.55131608 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55131693

What's the story here? I unironically love Target and will probably buy some LEAPs unless there's a REALLY fucking good reason for this?

>> No.55131726

Idk they triggered the chuds with rainbow shirts or something

>> No.55131885

you paid all that money for your education, and now you're just a left wing faggot who can't even speak english properly.

>> No.55131891

they pissed off nazis with rainbows or whatever

>> No.55131898

rightwingcels got their feelings hurt :(

>> No.55131904

they hired a satanist to design children's clothes and so triggered a boycott

>> No.55131922
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Stay triggered, snowflake

>> No.55131923

normal people are getting tired of faggots and trannies being disgusting 24/7

>> No.55131927

So corporations have been shoving this gay shit down out throats for years now, but ALL OF A SUDDEN conservatives are boycotting and it's somehow working?
I doubt it

>> No.55131936

be nice to your grandson

>> No.55131944

kys bigots

>> No.55131945

Twitter isn't the propaganda arm of the glowniggers anymore. Any backlash towards faggot pandering in the past was silenced.

>> No.55131952

what's your theory? i'm genuinely curious

>> No.55131958

Twitter will get banned from operating in the EU
nazis BTFO once again

>> No.55131970

if there were nazis, you'd be gassed by now

>> No.55131975

Make a case for target.
Their online storefront is destroyed by Amazon and Walmart.
Their physical are too shitty to justify the markups they have. Any wealthy/middle class people would go to a Costco instead since the membership requirement keeps the neighbors out. Theft eats Target's margins hard.
They seem like another Bed, Bath, and Beyond at this point. Can a store really be propped up by Xanax Mommies alone? Because their stock seems like it should be way lower even without the T-slur problems.

>> No.55131982

I don't have any other grand theory besides us being in a recession.

>> No.55132005

I think this might have a little something to do with it. Might also be the pendulum swinging back the other direction a little bit in general. Also, Target's been in trouble for at least a year now as they crashed down from their 2021 gigapump retard price. It's a combination of a lot of things, as >>55131975
alluded to. Shame too, I like Target. It's like Walmart but not as huge and not nearly as trashy.

>> No.55132178

they pissed off both sides at the same time
they pissed off the ultra hitlers for being pedophiles and they pissed off the pedophiles for not hard committing

>> No.55133141

I bought a $130 put maybe like 1-3 days after it started falling, should I hold til expiration 6/30?

>> No.55133211

I just like it. I like going there. I have a Costco membership, it's not the same. Target has different things.

I think it's a sound business model, one of the few retail giants with a place in the world.

Might be overinflated at current valuation though, idk. Will have to look into it later. Quick look at the chart says they spiked way too hard on COVID and are just regressing to a normal valuation. Question is will they get nuked too far and then it's a good buy.

>> No.55133267

Anti-tranny obsession is *the* Jewish false opposition issue

>> No.55133272

>Elon musk
>Not a glow nigger

>> No.55133298

I like target but I also hate the LBGT as well as fat people and any other professional victims looking for attention and refusing to own their shit. I’m gonna miss that store.

>> No.55133328

>using an insult directed at to you in 2013
Jesus Christ calling you trannies that must’ve done a number on you all.

>> No.55133396
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KEK they're transervatives

>> No.55133443

I don't know. Im not buying regardless. Target is shit, their products are shit, their food selection makes Walmart look like a Whole foods, I hate everything about Target except for the memories I had of being a fat 10 year old loser that got to get an icee and a hot dog while my mom would shop there.

>> No.55133477
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>>>55131726 >>55131891 >>55131898 >>55131904 >>55131975

>> No.55134358

This and we are tired of being the vast majority but always being silenced and the narrative of the minority promoted in place of our voices m. We just boycott everything now to voice our opinions. Glowie bots can't fake sales revenue. Can't "news" your way our of that. Go woke go broke. Simple as.

>> No.55134506
File: 102 KB, 720x720, 1682896177219288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target is just failing is all.