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55128675 No.55128675 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55130546

>White rabbit
Just say those Magick words and the smoke will blow elsewhere

>> No.55130983

Campfires draw in air from all sides, so when you stand or sit near a campfire, your body disrupts the airflow. This blockage means that everywhere that your body *isn't* is pushing air into the campfire, creating a higher pressure zone - while your body (blocking air from behind you) is creating a lower pressure zone in between you and the fire. This forces air towards you, especially high energy air like hot smoke.

Tldr if you want to sit at a campfire and not get smoke in your face, then sit across the fire from a friend or body-shaped object and stop being a retard by making memes like this.

>> No.55131036

Nah dude, smoke follows beauty.

>> No.55131853

It’s the Rothschilds you cuck
Everyone knows they’re practicing dark magic to keep smoke in our eyes

>> No.55132080

>t. campfire

>> No.55132105

Jpmason btfo
Dead to America
Dead to the judeo-masonic merchant republic
Dead to the jews
Dead to mammon

>> No.55132140

I want rothschild shills to leave

>> No.55132193
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>> No.55132225

Killing the air element with sovereign fire
Esoteric knowledge only open to those with free minds
The air element is the jew, the merchant btw

>> No.55132324


>> No.55132364

Mammon is demanding what is his. The souls of the judeo-masonics

>> No.55132505

>He doesn't like being hickory smoked after a night at the fire
What are you, gay?

>> No.55132683

That is about as unhelpful as it could possibly be.

>> No.55132733

The empire of America was founded by a deal with a demon known a Mammon. Mammon requires sacrifices, until recently the United states did this by waging wars, but they have become weak because they are also the host to another spawn of Mammon, the jews, formerly known as cult of Aten. That parasitic cult is always nesting in the disciples of Mammon, sucking out the life of them. We are at the point where the deal is being closed, and a country founded over a tax of tea and King George III henchmen stealing from settlers and raping their children and wifes, is going to die, over its debt. Quite hilarious from the outside, like every deal with some lower demon

>> No.55132774

W-what did I miss?

>> No.55132853
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And im entering, buying the dip and making profit. The whole country can go fuck itself
>t. thing investor

>> No.55134248

>he doesn’t understand magic

>> No.55134675

The amount red pilling on this board is unreal today

>> No.55135183

Nice try Zionist