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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.56 MB, 4335x2990, Greatwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5512639 No.5512639 [Reply] [Original]

shill me a non shitcoin to throw $1000 on

>> No.5512660


>> No.5512668


>> No.5512677

ride the pnd wave on brd daxx and prl and you can throw 3k at a non shitcoin friday

>> No.5512697
File: 172 KB, 1083x1221, origaminetworklogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> will decentralized the marketplace stack
> instead of investing in shitty marketplaces, invest in the tech to create shitty marketplaces
> working product
> only 5K ETH hard cap

>> No.5512709

Can we have a Hokusai thread instead?

>> No.5512719

LTC. 1500 BEOY

>> No.5512745

Only coin mineable with storage space.

>> No.5512770

Dragonchain. 2018 will be the year of insane gains and dragon will be leading the pack. I can keep my money in dragon and never have to worry about stupid shit the devs might say, because they are actual professionals that have been working on this project for years.

>> No.5512775

Incorrect. BURST is>>5512639
a waves copy however the market is so large they will both kill it

>> No.5512790

Rise will give you a hella good short-mid and long term. It is tipped to win by just about ever hodl group out there. You are welcome

>> No.5512810
File: 136 KB, 644x632, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptos best wallet is coming

pic related

>> No.5512814

Don't listen to the filthy pajeets. Bitcoin cash is all you need

>> No.5512822

But wait till btc has finisjed their push to reinvest

>> No.5512830
File: 45 KB, 351x351, BOGCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5512858
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Original image incoming.

>> No.5512878 [DELETED] 

I don't know about you but I just wanted to let you guys know of something going down Thursday. There is a huge pump and dump that will be taking place on Binance in the next couple of days by over 10k people. Now you may think this is fake, but there's a discord in which there is a whole plan with set times and what the main idea and the strategy going into Thursday is. Many of you may still not like this idea and if thats true then, unfortunately, this is not for you, but if you even somewhat like this idea make sure to check it out at least


>> No.5512892

PFR. easy 100x. look it up.

>> No.5512918


BNTY is sexy

>> No.5513242


trezor just added support for it. god speed.

>> No.5513288 [DELETED] 

Litecoin is going to pump soon because of us get informed when . Easy $$$

>> No.5513377
File: 77 KB, 813x879, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this a good buy other than muh disney?

>> No.5513631


Disney have had nothing to do with it since 2016

>> No.5513640



>> No.5513653

exactly. but they plaster disney all of their site.

>> No.5513759

omisego, safe winner

>> No.5513823

bnty, 1k to 5k real easy
and here's my kucoin referral code so you can buy that sweet bnty: 1bH5P

>> No.5514172

PIVX will have a huge 2018, and doesn't appear on here often enough probably thanks to pajeet and friends. It is an offshoot of dash, and tends to rise whenever dash does.

Impressive transaction speed, truly liquid through its coin burning process, and has some solid privacy tech built in. I personally am a big fan, but check it out before you buy. please dont throw away your shekels on a shitcoin most posters on here will shill for.

>> No.5514226

Literally the only two non-shitcoins

>> No.5514246

What this anon said. Eth XMR and maybe just maybe XRP.

>> No.5514257


That's a good sign.

>> No.5514320
File: 624 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171227-104527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBC eventually
it's on kucoin this evening

>> No.5514424



>> No.5514457


>> No.5514648


>> No.5514660


>> No.5514670


>> No.5514823


>> No.5514851

Well I tried but it’s stuck on sign up page. Won’t advance to email confirmation and doesn’t produce an error.

>> No.5514852


>> No.5514875

Please continue...