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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55123826 No.55123826 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55123838

You have to eat, clothed, sheltered and cared for whether physically or emotionally and sometimes spiritually

>> No.55123854

I understand.

>> No.55123880

I blame the Jews (I want to do this to the rest of humanity but I also want to eliminate the competition)

>> No.55124280

I have the impression I spend like $30 at minimum every time I walk out my door. Finally bothered to do some math on my expenditures and I spend like $2000-$2500/month with rent being $1k and I live somewhere cheap and live relatively frugally. Are normies going to be okay?

>> No.55124307

I'll bet the retard that drew this spends $70 on Starbucks a week

>> No.55124331

$70 plus tip

>> No.55126586

>somewhere cheap
>1k rent

>> No.55126601

cows eat grass and theyre huge
humans can chew on grass too

>> No.55126613

what is a cow? did they exist with dinsaurs and cavemen

>> No.55126619

big nice creatures that are tortured by retards to feed other retards their flesh

>> No.55126625


thats cheap. where do you live? lmao

>> No.55126640

so like a fruit or grain

>> No.55127547

If you think it's bad now, just wait until your country signs the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty next year. This effectively hands sovereignty to the WHO as soon as they perceive a pandemic threat (hint: 10s after the documents are signed) and if you thought the covid scam was bad, holy fuck wait till you see what happens then.
This is coming and /biz is asleep on it.

>> No.55127601

That IS cheap, el stupido americano negro.

>> No.55127851

I worship them. Do not redeem the bovine sirs

>> No.55127858

Go back

>> No.55127862
File: 98 KB, 992x558, papa smurf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cannot digest
we can eat silver too and turn into smurfs
can digest
yes i identify as smurf
yes that is why i am stacking silver
i WILL start an inbred village of smurf people and larp as papa smurf

>> No.55127871

>why can't other people just pick my fruit for me and build my house for me
>why should I have to work and suffer instead of everyone else

>> No.55127872

No, it's not. For most people that's like 2 weeks of work

>> No.55128791
File: 3.27 MB, 498x498, pepe-laughing-pepe-braces.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utter state of poorfags lmao >>55127872

>> No.55128863

I spent my twenties spending more money monthly than I pulled in, just on necessities. I would have a few months living with a family member with no rent and be able to build up a few thousand in savings, and then they would Boomer Rage and I'd spend the next few years slowly bleeding until I couldn't pay rent/lost my job/w/e and would be homeless until the next cycle. Occasionally I'd splurge on something like a video game or something for my PC or a plane ticket to see family, but no nights out, no major vacations, not supporting other family, negligible student loans, etc. I'm not sure how I made it but at the same time I'm not sure how I managed to draw down my savings every time. I'm so tired.

>> No.55129457

you swallow the juices and spit out the debris
chew the cud. its possible
im not saying do that but if you had to you could

>> No.55131234

you could not get enough calories

>> No.55131292

>work as a fruit picker, can't afford ripe fruit so eat rice and beans instead with fellow hombres
>work in house construction, can't afford your own house so live in rental with 30 other hombres
Yeah, amazing. NOT

>> No.55131339
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>Pandemic Preparedness Treaty