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55123035 No.55123035 [Reply] [Original]

Sirs, how do we take over the reins of control from Mr. Goldenstein?

>> No.55123133

Indians arent discriminated against by the SAT scores in admissions, they have an average IQ in the 70s. Below American blacks.

>> No.55123144

In other words 30% White blood niggers are more intelligent than pajeets.

>> No.55123180
File: 132 KB, 659x692, sorry jeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb dubs

>> No.55123206

The caveat I will give to this is that most Indians in the U.S. are from immigrant families who come from the highest caste and were already wealthy and successful before coming to the U.S.

>> No.55123234

Bangladeshis have some scam going on where they all buy up certain entire food industry chains. I dont know what theyre doing but its probably illegal.

>> No.55123240

Multiculturalism worked for Rome, it will work for the US.

>> No.55123273

>household income
you realize jeets live like 10 to a house, right?

>> No.55123302

You realize boomers are selfish fucks who deserve to be taken care of by violent blacks right. Yea we all know this. This is why my life is shit, because I spend all my money on rent to some random person instead of living in my mothers empty spacious basement. Because it would be a slight inconvenience to her boomer retirement and multi yearly international vacations. Shitskins are dumb but they know how to make up for that by working together at least.

>> No.55123329

>13/50 :^)
>also you
>the da-data doesn't mean what you think it means!


>> No.55123414

So Koreans have more bachelor's holders than flips but way lower median income? WTF are they doing

>> No.55123416

Your chart says household income. Of course someone with 78 IQ wouldnt understand why that doesnt say what you implied it does.

>> No.55123606

Where are jewish americans

>> No.55123721

The thing with Southeast Asians is that they form really tight groups that work with each other in every city.

>> No.55123829

Most immigrants do, not just asians

>> No.55123863
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what s the last line ? maybe we replace the last category with people from first category ?