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55121939 No.55121939 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to be rich in my 40s.
I want to be young and rich
20-early 30s

>> No.55121955

I want to smell a hot woman’s ass

>> No.55121960

I want to do two chicks at the same time

>> No.55121970

if you are eating well and being physically active you still are young in your 40's. That is of course if you are not a woman

>> No.55121972

>wants to strike it rich in 20s or 30s just to blow through it all and be poor again in his 40s

>> No.55121982

I want to be in my 20s lol dude I'm 36 and I've got 700 dollars left.
Best take your time and stop wishing and more doing.
Or you'll be me on /biz/ at 11am pondering why I haven't ate a bullet yet.

>> No.55121985

A lot of people get blackpilled over this and it's important to remember that you're not chasing money, you're chasing a lifestyle that you think money will provide you. You should be focusing on what income you'll need to sustain your ideal lifestyle and try to obtain that. If you want to do it with minimal work, you should also be trying to minimize the amount of work needed. Unironically read "The 4 Hour Workweek". It's a bit dated, but it's very whitepilling. And if you're willing to go overseas, it's basically /making it/ on easy mode.

>> No.55122012

Dont bother giving these kids hope, that shits dated for a reason.

Last few kids I knew fell for that same shit one got stuck in australia, other in turkey, both came back home with nothing to show.

>> No.55122053

I had a great time being poor in my 20s. I grew weed, smoked everyday, got drink with friends and blew off all kinds of responsibilities. Now I'm 33 and loaded but I work so hard the only things I enjoy are my bjj sessions on the weekend, cooking, and napping in my hammock while the kids play on the swing set.

>> No.55122061

It sounds like their financial situation wasn't secure enough, in which case it's their fault for being dumb.

>> No.55122286

>I want to be young and rich
It's good to want things, but how're you planning to achieve it?

>> No.55122292

Opposite for me. Worked my ass off hard to save and stack Bitcoin last decade, now nothing fucking matters and I want all the normies to get smacked hard by Lucifer's hammer.

>> No.55122330

Hang in there anon, your family, friends, and God can help you through anything

>> No.55122528

Wanting the impossible will only lead to sadness. Having 1% wealth in your 20s usually means some combination of:
> 0.001% talent in the right career, with a shitload of work (ex: professional athlete)
> 0.0000001% luck in the right career, with a shitload of work (ex: social media)
> parents with 1% wealth to give you the opportunities to succeed (better schools, better networking, etc)
Most people will fall into that last category, which is why you hear about "nepo baby" discourse. It's not your fault for not being lucky, but reaching 1% in your 30s is significantly more achievable with a standard upper-middle class, white collar job. Still a lot of work, but it's pointless getting upset about things that are largely outside of your control.
t. 1%, mid-30s, worked for it all

>> No.55122536

>I want to be young and rich
>20-early 30s

>> No.55122843
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Sacrifices must be made OP.
Stop whining and start doing better research, invest in the future while it's still far ahead.

>> No.55123639

>Still going

Holy cope

>> No.55123663

I'm blackpilled pretty badly but I still hold out hope my situation will change, I'm pretty desperate though, I hate being in this place mentally, physically and financially it's just a combination that drives a man to suicide.

>> No.55123673

Absolutely cope I'm near 40 as I said, my body is breaking down badly, obviously I'm not a normal 36 year old but even compared to my 20's I feel like I'm fucking 89.
I walk around with a cane and just have a nonstop head pounding migraine all the time.

>> No.55123748

Are you stacking anything now?

>> No.55123760

Stop eating so much sodium

>> No.55123956
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go for it if you wanna stand any chance

>> No.55123982

There are advantages to being older and wiser. With age comes experience and knowledge. You can learn from your mistakes and become a more well-rounded person. You will also have more time to enjoy your life and travel. And if you want to get rich fast you should try gambling on Stake.

>> No.55124011

>gambling on Stake.
This is risky!

>> No.55124025

If you never try it you will never know it. You should learn when to stop and put limits to your emotions and stake will reward you 100%.

>> No.55124035
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From my view even if you win you need to bet hard to win big.

>> No.55124042

Great win anon. 1000x on this and Stake will send you to the moon.

>> No.55124141

This is bait, right? One investment that always pays a dividend is physical activity.

>> No.55124566
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Come on Anon, it's not too late for that

>> No.55124709

How many covid shots did you take?

>> No.55124725

>chasing instant gratification

>> No.55124818

Just hold AVAX anon

>> No.55125068

lol, yeah a fucking cane that is not remotely normal. You probably need to do a drastic overhaul on your lifestyle and diet.


baggie loser. ngmi

>> No.55125076

>I don't want to be rich in my 40s.
okay then, you will be poor in your 40s

>> No.55125100

Same here, I had to grind hard in my 20s.
Now in my 30s I spend most time traveling and doing whoever and whatever I want.

>> No.55125327
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Then buy +2000 AVAX and start staking, you're welcome.

>> No.55125529

>experience and knowledge
>hey grandpa can you tell something about making money?
>okay kiddo sit down and listen. Do you know a thing called shitcoins?

>> No.55125643 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 231x340, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe in JESUS Token
He dabbed for our sins, he longs for our investments
Now available on Uniswap

>> No.55125857
File: 672 KB, 1024x664, 1624402561103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally rich at my 40's bc I'm shorting memecoins, I'm now buying JESUS Token, my grandma would be so proud of me

>> No.55125890


What kind of platform do you use to do this? I assume it doesn’t work for us in the USA?

>> No.55125945

So you want to be a disappointment for both of them like how you are with your parents? That's 4 people that's disappointed at you. Actually 5 that includes me anon.

>> No.55125964

I spent my 20s NEETing and watching anime and playing vidya, now I have to grind in my 30s to try out all the things I missed out on in my 40s. Fuck, I wish I could go back and slap some sense into my younger self.

>> No.55126317

Thread theme


>> No.55126341
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>I walk around with a cane and just have a nonstop head pounding migraine all the time.

>> No.55126344

I was at the bar a few nights ago and this woman farted and thought she had shat herself, I guess I've lived the dream

>> No.55126703

This I did the same thing.

>> No.55126732

>I want to be young and rich
>20-early 30s
better start researching crime because you don't get that shit being legit

>> No.55126737

if he doesn't have enough, 500 sui it's fine.