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55119699 No.55119699 [Reply] [Original]

i cant even imagine how massive ccip will be

>> No.55119712

oohhh checked bro kinda like how keepers caused a massive pump because it was basically a money printer right?

>> No.55119723

Multichain failed. Literally not needed after Taproot. I was wrong and btc proofed even if it is the snail, in its case it isn't sloth, like the fatman

>> No.55119732

the absolute state of esl

>> No.55119736
File: 69 KB, 800x800, sergayisondonuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another lank spam? nice!

>> No.55119747

I hold Link and discussed this with you but you are ful of shit by saying it will replace wrapped tokens.
It likely is just useful for big pairs like eth/btc

>> No.55119750
File: 703 KB, 1179x908, 9D178A82-2DEB-4538-81FA-FA19250F19EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ccip you say? but we have gps/laser guided precision ordinance for ccrp

>> No.55119752

It's the truth. No need for multichain. Nobody really uses or cares for defi, web 3.0 or whatever buzz term

>> No.55119796
File: 52 KB, 1024x577, 0BD2CDD5-DDC6-43CF-B012-948FDB9152E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok buddy

>> No.55119946

Decentralization only matters during spring

>> No.55120199
File: 43 KB, 1098x231, tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which shitcoins do not meet these reqs to be whitelisted?
I need to short them

>> No.55120401

Cant find that part in code4rena

>> No.55120717


>> No.55120757
File: 75 KB, 680x383, a0fb3f560bb0f113947588d5a4e71bee_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my life and I choose to be happy

>> No.55120862

Wow were wholecoiners really the bbc and cuck fetishists all along?

>> No.55121008

So ccip will possibly roll out token by token?

>> No.55121012

Godspeed. May the lard empire and the parasite in its heart be burnt with the fire of sovereignty

>> No.55121023

If no one cares there wouldn’t be billions of assets tied to defi you stupid fuck

>> No.55121043

>spends all his time on a crypto website yelling at people about how crypto is stupid

Cool cool but why don’t people like you just kill yourselves instead of doing inane things like this? I don’t get it. If you’re so miserable and have literally nothing of value in your life why keep living?

>> No.55121057

crypto is great, except for the crypto that is controlled opposition by a judeo-masonic cabal of incompetent faggots bound by Mammon

>> No.55121089

So literally all of crypto

>> No.55121156

No, only the one that isn't btc.
The US only controls about 10%, which is a lot admitted and Saylor is kind of a wild card in the whole game, that is only loyal to himself

>> No.55121209

>sergeys house in the target
>me flying the plane

what a dream

>> No.55121214

Go back to pol you schizo retard

>> No.55121234

It really angers you that I am here interfering with your operations and just shit on your carpets non stop
How many of your legions pawns have I snapped out of the matrix by now or driven to question the ulterior motives?

>> No.55121263

why are linkies spamming this buzzword so relentlessly these days? is it about to dump yet again?

>> No.55121271

>the good old "please spoonfeed me"

>> No.55121273

Incompetent analysts, incompetent writers same as most factions employing slaves

>> No.55121402

Thinking that most of the memes you deploy until today have been developed by me and that you haven't managed to expand on them, just shows that you were retards that don't understand the game from the get go. Lesson learned never cooperate with americans

>> No.55122177

keepers volume is microscopic to what CCIP will be

>> No.55122193

Was this ever a take here? Doubt it

>> No.55122204

why do you circle token pools like it's profound?

>> No.55122207

read the README
it lists components of a ccip "lane"

each implementation of ccip lane will have their own set of contracts, including tokenpool handler contracts per token