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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55118596 No.55118596 [Reply] [Original]

Give me the next 10000x please

>> No.55118600

sparks.foundation, you're welcome.

>> No.55118615
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>> No.55119533

I looked up what is probably the chart and contract.
What's with this tax bullshit? Any explanations?

>> No.55120263
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Elmo Erc

>> No.55120413
File: 286 KB, 997x972, zkdoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZkDoge. ZKsync projects will be the next big hype after arb...


>> No.55120416

How can a modern man achieve this body aesthetic?

>> No.55120754

Kvass and borstj
Every day

>> No.55120767


>> No.55120777

Here's some tough love advice:

Forget about a 10,000x during a bear market. The only 1000x's and beyond in a bear market are on random memecoin gambles through dextools if you're lucky enough to pick the right one that doesn't rug and is popular enough with normies. 99.9% of the time though, you'll get rugged on such gambles.

Wait until the bullrun and there'll be plenty of 1000x+ opportunities.

The unfortunate truth is that normies are needed to bring about great fortune. The normies seethe about crypto during bear markets so you can't count on them during these times sadly.

>> No.55120835
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Just join the first ladder and you'll 2x your holdings

>> No.55120869

All of these kids are mentally disabled.

>> No.55120952

>trips of truth
im just thinking how much longer is this bear market/recovery phase going to last. if 15k was the bottom, halving is next year. are we really crabbing for another 6 months before things start taking off again? i feel like something needs to happen soon that is going to turn attention to crypto once again. preferably a white swan this time because we got a black swan with the covid crash last time that liquidated everyones shorts

>> No.55121060

plebbit it's 700k mcap and it's guaranteed to go to at least 1b because it's the first pure p2p social network already up and running (dyor on plebbit dot com) and it's about to implement the token for tipping, to avoid captchas, and for a DAO that moderates a feed


>> No.55121071

also: https://plebchan.eth.limo/#/p/business-and-finance.eth

>> No.55121152
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