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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55111528 No.55111528 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55111687
File: 583 KB, 1600x1467, 1684883460196378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine holding a shitcoin so bad that you have to constantly remind us that you even exist.

>> No.55111903

Oh boy the thread died out so fast. Working alone on this fine Sunday?

>> No.55111975

My god an open source permissionless network patched a bug over a year ago. You only know about it because of the full disclosure and transparency Ava Labs maintains, other teams don't even write this shit up.

There still aren't any write ups on critical Solana, Matic, and Arbitrum bugs, some of which had massive bug bounties paid.

>> No.55112008
File: 346 KB, 723x892, 5198189415631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer sources instead of trust me bros.

>> No.55112088

You haven't provided any sources. A snapshot and an opinion is not a source. I am not linking to every major bug of every project anyone might define as an Avalanche competitor. I can't link to Peter Szilagyi style disclosure reports for them because they do not exist, because other chains did not allow the people the paid bug bounties to to disclose them, I can not link to something which does not exist.

>> No.55112117
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>> No.55112120
File: 6 KB, 405x60, Another forgotten alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can not link to something which does not exist.
You said it all.

>> No.55112857

ICPoor fudding on a Sunday.
Bullish for AVAX.

>> No.55112947
File: 43 KB, 855x924, Ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns his avax thread into an ICP one every single time
That is how bad things really are.

>> No.55113001

AVAX is superior to ICPoor. thats why you FUD it. everyone knows the AVAX hating schizo is an ICP baggie and everyone knows its just (You), our own personal little schizo fudcuck.

>> No.55113028
File: 350 KB, 2048x1542, 1681570286276786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX is superior
>everyone knows the AVAX hating schizo is an ICP baggie and everyone knows its just (You), our own personal little schizo fudcuck.
Mad because he can't scam in peace KEK!

>> No.55113063

Considering that its literally infinitely scalable your chart is factually wrong lol. It also has sub-second transaction finality not "2-3" seocnds, and its actually decentralized. Look ICP might be a very fine piece of technology, even possibly rivaling something like AVAX which has actually solved the blockchain trilemma, but it doesnt matter. It had a fradulent launch because of some market makers fuckery and its just seen as a scam by the market. It always will be. Its dead. Just let it go. Avax has lost loads of market value and it has only 15 subnets. It might never recover either and doesn't look great at the moment but its not widely regarded as a "scam" like ICP is. Posting false facts trying to fud AVAX to pump your own shitcoin just reinforces that. Thats from a guy (me) who doesn't own either of these two shitcoins.

>> No.55113144

>and it has only 15 subnets
Avalanche has currently 41 subnets on mainnet and 1700+ on testnet.

>> No.55113150

Mad? I'm not mad. I'm happy I managed to cultivate a FUD schizo that wastes his entire life fudding Avalanche.
Without a Schizo fudder its just not bullish. thats why I created you. you probably still believe any of this was your own idea.

>> No.55113227
File: 45 KB, 759x615, 1684797841601796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solved the blockchain trilemma
Do you even know what that means?
see: >>55112008
see pic rel
see again: >>55113028

>but it doesnt matter.
>its just seen as a scam by the market. It always will be. Its dead. Just let it go.
>not widely regarded as a "scam" like ICP is.
>Posting false facts trying to fud AVAX
>Thats from a guy (me) who doesn't own either of these two shitcoins.
Never seen so much cope in one post alone!

>> No.55113236

>thats why I created you
meds please

>> No.55113245

good, keep following my instructions.

>> No.55114010

Holy shit have you been off your meds the past few days kek
Don't you get tired of posting the same tired, disproven FUD over and over again?