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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 17 KB, 200x200, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55110754 No.55110754 [Reply] [Original]

does this make sense to use. no moderation no nothing pretty interesting

>> No.55110898

fuck off esteban

>> No.55111223

the thing is, will it gain popularity with such a shitty name?

>> No.55111518

What is this? Besides being shilled horribly

>> No.55111540

it's a decentralized scam

>> No.55111722

It’s the biggest play ever right now, insanely under the radar and will go viral in a few months
Plebbit dot com
Dead feb 2022 meme, stfu already

>> No.55111745

cry more plebchud

>> No.55111806

Nothing personal, Esteban, but I will see how the project survives the ongoing crypto winter before I invest into it.
Also, just a friendly advice: don't spend anything on the shills before the bullrun is confirmed. People don't have money or trust in altcoins during the crypto winter.

>> No.55111821
File: 52 KB, 728x906, 1670276463472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no moderation no nothing
if i cant come to any community and spam nigger offtopic shit, what is the point of using this dead site?

>> No.55111835 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 713x538, TIMESAND___Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing on the alien's head is the brain-scanning Schumann antenna implant that lets other people with similar thoughts experience your thoughts and emotions. If you think a community literally devoted to anal rape, literally 100% nothing but anal rape, is a cool place to hang out, then go ahead.

>> No.55111842
File: 328 KB, 713x538, TIMESAND___Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing on the alien's head is the brain-scanning Schumann antenna anal implant that lets other people with similar implants experience your thoughts and emotions. If you think a community literally devoted to anal rape, literally 100% nothing but anal rape, is a cool place to hang out, then go ahead.

>> No.55111898

The point is that there is no global moderation. You can create a community and make it all about spamming nigger and nobody can seize it and everyone will always be able to access it via the url/search bar. Also the same communities are visible as boards on plebchan dot eth dot limo

>> No.55111926

Morning, Tom, how's the scamming going?
That is the dumbest shit I've read in a long time.
We need EFFECTIVE moderation, not less. Jannies sleeping on the job is absolutely atrocious.

>> No.55111959

>We need EFFECTIVE moderation, not less. Jannies sleeping on the job is absolutely atrocious.
it’s because they do it for free. On reddit they get cucked by the corpo which gets all the tipping money too. On plebbit and plebchan this is not a problem because there is no corpo, so anyone can monetize their community completely freely, like with ads, moreover all tipping revenue is pure p2p. Not only that, the communities can also be set up as ENS names, ie NFTs, which raise in value as more people subscribe to the community. Plebbit is massive for monetization and solves the jannies problem

>> No.55111996

So there can be CP sharing sub and no one will be able to take it down?

>> No.55112037

what's the name?

>> No.55112040

it's not the CP itself that's unseizable, it's the community (and ENS domain) and all the text in it (including links).
You can't post media on the plebbit protocol, it's just text.
Media from links gets embedded by the clients using a whitelist that includes Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Tiktok, Youtube, Rumble, Odysee,Bitchute, Imgur, Reddit, Streamable, Giphy.
So you’d have to post that shit in those centralized sites first, then post the link on plebbit or plebchan which embed it.
It will get removed by the centralized site, and you'd get the fastest track to jail. It's just like torrenting text.
Plebbit, you can find it on dexscreener

>> No.55112044

It solves nothing.
1. Clear net is heavily moderated (say goodbye to your domain names and GitHub repos, have fun getting doxxed)
2. You can post whatever you want on clear net as long as it's not illegal
3. If you want to post something illegal you go to the dark net
It's so simple, there is no target audience for this garbage. you're just hoping stupid people buy your dumb token/NFTs.

>> No.55112052

I can already say nigger here, nigger. I can say it as much as I please for all to bear witness. So why would I need your awful site? God what a dumb fucking shill.

>> No.55112064

Worst marketing in crypto ever

>> No.55112065

okay so how can I participate in the community?
how can I find subplebbits?

>> No.55112081

plebchan dot eth dot limo

>> No.55112082
File: 63 KB, 666x666, 657576575757656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This project has not done any marketing in more than a year

plebbit .com Has links to the demo.
r*ddit shall fall

>> No.55112089

this project should be named plebchan that's it
no it shit

>> No.55112092

twitter accounts and reddit accounts got banned during covid
truckers protests accounts got banned on mainstream media
dutch farmers accounts got banned on mainstream media
free speech accounts get banned from mainstream media
certain economics/legal/politicals/health policy related accounts got banned on mainstream media

im progressive and not even sympathetic to all of these counter-culture opinions but it doesnt take much to realize that diversity of opinion on political, economic and social issues are NOT valued on mainstream social media as
anyone who has a counter-culture opinion often is banned at worst or shadow banned at best.
at this point something like plebbit seems necessary especially if the internet goes the way of mandatory 'internet IDs' that are linked to some sort of social credit score which can deduct or fine you automatically through CBDCs if one expresses a contentious social, political or economic opinion.
that would be technocratic fascism and plebbit, at least, theoretically, according to its whitepaper, might fix it.
my only criticism of plebbit is that comments hosted on IPFS are probably very slow to load but this is counter-balanced by the fact that it is infinitely scalable, and forums arent required to load instantly due to the slow nature of forum communication.

>> No.55112094

give me your money

>> No.55112101
File: 441 KB, 847x1200, 1637676488792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's two different UI clients you mong.

One is plebbit which has the UI of eddit
The other one is plebchan which has UI of an imageboard

>> No.55112109

whoever this is this is the worst thing you could type out if you are shilling idiot

>> No.55112113

yeah true shit sounds too retarded to use. imagine saying to someone you use fucking plebbit

>> No.55112139

There is local moderation.
You create your sub and you dk wathever you want with it
Nk global ban like reddit
It's perfect and every anon against it is against free speech

>> No.55112154

>Parler is what
>Truth social is what
>4Chan is what
>Facebook groups (yes, Facebook groups) are what
>Telegram is what
>Discord is what
>Gab is what
>Onion sites are what
>Random forums are what

You're drinking piss and calling it wine. If one site doesn't like an opinion, fun fact; you can go elsewhere, there's an ocean of alternatives, this "technology" doesn't improve on anything that already exists. No one needs to torrent when they can download directly at much faster rates, it's not 2003 anymore.

>> No.55112179

all of them are centralized and could shut down any minute, none of them have 0 server costs (plebbit uses p2p tech so decentralized tech costs), none of them are infinitely scalable, none of them are open source with an underlying open source protocol which you can use to create new technology/forums, none of those above give a usecase to NFTs, none of the above give a usecase for eth domain names
none of the above allow you to monetize your sub through choosing what advertising is displayed on your page
none of the above have cryptographic ownership
however, according to the whitepaper i read plebbit does seem to do all the above with the downside that it is slow due to p2p tech.

>> No.55112182

my biggest concern that i already stated is that it is so slow. i tried the demo and it took 5 minutes for a comment to load.

>> No.55112193

Not an issue, it’s because people aren’t seeding, and you seed simply by browsing with the desktop app. It’s just text so it’s super lightweight and efficient to seed. As the userbase grows, and people use the app (which is a full node), it will get much much faster. it should be already faster than that on plebchan dot eth dot limo

>> No.55112215

>0 server costs
Lies from the pit of Hades, there are zero incentives for running a pleb node. The only people who are running/will run those nodes are the cultists brigading this shitcoin.
>All of them are centralized
Meanwhile two men singlehandedly control every pleb update and every domain name, can change what gets routed to or can spread malware, but sure, this unregistered company with zero accountability is what you want to trust.
>Usecase to NFTs
>Selling profile pictures you can use for free anywhere else is the future of finance.
>eth domains
Actual vaporware
>none of the above allow you to monetize your sub through choosing what advertising is displayed on your page
Zoomer or just shitty scammer, when running your own forum or dark web site you can easily choose what ads you want to put up.
>cryptographic ownership
Buzzwords you don't understand.

>> No.55112220


>> No.55112263

It's funny how these so called "decentralized apps" just take apps that already exist and make them 10 times complicated and worse in every way possible and expect everyone to play along and pretend it's an improvement. The only people who will pretend this is something useful are the people who own the token and are looking for a pump. No one in the real-world will look at this twice or have any reason for using it.

>> No.55112271

>you seed simply by browsing with the desktop app.
which app?
I'm willing to seed

>> No.55112299

It’s not more complicated, it’s less complicated, because it doesn't require an account, unlike crypto dapps that require a wallet, you can just go to the site right now and post in any sub. the plebbit protocol is not crypto, the clients will implement the plebbit token anyway though, but it will be optional to use.

>> No.55112328

>Lies from the pit of Hades, there are zero incentives for running a pleb node. The only people who are running/will run those nodes are the cultists brigading this shitcoin.
that is wrong as the most popular subplebbits on mainstream subjects like political, movies, anime, cooking, video games will be worth a lot which will be cryptographically ownable and therefore sellable.
>Meanwhile two men singlehandedly control every pleb update and every domain name, can change what gets routed to or can spread malware, but sure, this unregistered company with zero accountability is what you want to trust
this is no different to those who update the bitcoin protocol. if they do something malicious miners just end up supporting the original code. similarly, if plebbit devs go rogue the community can just use the old protocol and fork. eventually different devs and different clients will compete to capture users.
>Actual vaporware
they arent as NFTs will be used to tokenize all assets on earth which will be interoperable with the plebbit protocol.
>Zoomer or just shitty scammer, when running your own forum or dark web site you can easily choose what ads you want to put up.
plebbit has nothing to do with the dark web.
it wont be used my bad actors bc it is not effective at anonymity. what plebbit is good for is ownership of transparent public communities and reducing reliance on centralized, monopolizing companies who can connect their backend to a social credit score and or internet id unlike plebbit.
>Buzzwords you don't understand.
you dont understand any of the buzz words.

>> No.55112417

>if they do something malicious miners just end up supporting the original code.
Baby wasn't around for the block wars. The only definitive version of Bitcoin is the one on the official Bitcoin GitHub, you can feel free to run Bitcoin XT, no one gives a fuck, especially not CEXs.
>They arent as NFTs will be used to tokenize all ass...
More buzzwords and lies, no one is going to pay for a profile picture.
>Plebbit has nothing to do with the dark web...
Reading comprehension: zero. Typical ESL Jeet monkies. You can't even properly respond without referring back to your shill sheets.

>> No.55112500

>all of them are centralized and could shut down any minute
Your p2p model can also shut down if no one is seeding. No one cares about whether something is centralized or not except terminally online tinfoil hat wearing crypto weirdos. Tiktok has over a billion users. You think the users care about it being centralized? These so-called decentralized apps aren't even really decentralized and all become centralized along the way.