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File: 5 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5510602 No.5510602 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, unironically shilling monero here. This really feels like a solid hodl coin and climbs steadily. Who else happy with their monero's?

>> No.5510634

in for over a year, feels good man

>> No.5510683

Really happy mate. Fees getting out of control though. 80% reduction coming in 3 months at the soonest.

Would buy more but no fiat and have to HODL because of tax reasons

>> No.5510731

nice, I'm just a poorfag who got in last month but I've made around $200 but that's almost a week and a half salary in my country sometimes more.

>> No.5510931

Wish I had more. Binance disabled XMR withdrawals for the last few weeks so I sold my IOU xmr for something else.

>> No.5510967


monero is king

>> No.5510985

The comfiest hold

>> No.5511005

Synchronizing the wallet is a PAIN IN THE ASS. I appreciate the need for privacy, but i wish i could opt out of syching the entire fucking blockchain. Maybe there could be an "unprivate mode" that you dont need to sync up for or something?

>> No.5511041

>having no fucking clue how blockchains work

>> No.5511087


Use remote nodes faggot. With remote noted you dont need to synchronise shit.

>> No.5511433 [DELETED] 

refreshing your wallet still synchronizes the blockchain except now its not trying to download the whole thing.

Also, 3rd world poor nigga fag here

Anything at all is appreciated.

>> No.5511855
File: 163 KB, 1647x648, DIGITAL BITBOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5511906

Checked. 5 is Keks Holy Number for monero. Tonight we decoupled from btc. They will no longer retard our meteoric rise.

>> No.5511937
File: 87 KB, 914x306, BUY NOW OR STAY POOR..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5512015

Buy the Mini Dip. Tomorrow we push to $514

>> No.5512041

100% XMR here since July. I'm up $85K

>> No.5512143

Imagine this coin, but with lower fees. Buy verge today.

>> No.5512169 [DELETED] 

MONEROOOOOO! Guys! Huge pump on thursday if you're down. If not it's ok other events happening expecting over 100% gains.


>> No.5512356

>Anonymous (ID: I6bgaSdQ) 12/27/17(Wed)15:30:16 No.5511937▶
>File: BUY NOW OR STAY POOR..jpg (87 KB, 914x306)
>87 KB
> >>5510602 (OP)
>Anonymous (ID: I6bgaSdQ) 12/27/17(Wed)15:33:37 No.5512015▶
> >>5511906
> Buy the Mini Dip. Tomorrow we push to $514
I am in 91% xmr 9 % SALT.

I am so comfy I barely check my blockfolio. I am oging to hold for at least a year or two my xmr.


Verge is nothing like monero. Is dogecoin over (non mandatory) tor with a public ledger.

>> No.5512661 [DELETED] 

shameless bump

>> No.5512690

bought 6 moneros yesterday at 330 or so. was sick of not having this gem in my portfolio.

it's not much, but fuck am i glad I got in when I did.

>> No.5512746

Monero is the thinking man’s crypto coin.

>> No.5513006

Monero is the thinking man’s crypto coin.

>> No.5513029

Monero is the thinking man’s crypto coin.

>> No.5513509

monero is whats keeping me afloat

>> No.5513550

Monero is the thinking man’s crypto coin.

>> No.5513583

Monero is the thinking man’s crypto coin.

>> No.5513592

monero will never die but never make you rich. I'd rather hold something that isn't already hundreds of dollars. Got 15% in it though, it is certainly comfy.

>> No.5513596

All I know is that it's anon focused, and apparently semi Fiat. Why is it good and how is it not full of bugs due to it's complexity?

I like it though

>> No.5513813

>never make you rich
It was around $40 just 5 months ago.

>> No.5513852
File: 6 KB, 249x203, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously shill me on why I should sell my ICX bags and buy this thing...

>> No.5514233

It got reenabled today.

>> No.5514644

Monero is the thinking man’s crypto coin.

>> No.5515306

monero is the smart man crypto and will stay and flourish when all the shitcoins have long died.