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55105722 No.55105722 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I need some advice;
I hate hard physical work but I also hate wokeism. I'm tolerant of women but damn some guys are worse

t. Future zogbot

>> No.55105733

Checked. They're very different but if it was me I'd say a trade - electrician or plumber or someone that can repair things, mechanic..you'll always have work if you pick the right thing and are good at it

>> No.55105757

The grass is always greener on the other side. There will be those days that you will wish you were inside where they have it easy and then there will be those days that you just want to find any excuse to go outside. Seriously. The grass is always greener somewhere else. Except in parts of Russia where the snow never melts and everything is a god forsaken frozen wasteland.

>> No.55105785

Accountants are all women. My former CPA and everyone working for her are women. Male accountants never stay in the field as they have better opportunities and all of them say the education was a waste of time.

>> No.55105813

electrician for sure. AI is going to automate away a lot of office jobs, and accounting is one of those. trade jobs will provide much better job security in the future

>> No.55105869

A few years ago I went to a seminar about automation and software sponsored by Xero. The guy who gave the talk was glad that he became an accountant earlier and worry about his juniors who will most likely be replaced. Fast forward today and A.I has already made a lot of jobs obsolete. We are still far from building robots that can handle tools so the safer bet is to be an electrician or some sort of trade work.

>> No.55105905

electrician gets scrap copper. lots of it

i do gold recovery too now from old electronics with the knowledge ive gained

do you like metals, lots of silver around too, just not worth my efforts at home small scale refining

>> No.55105915

the "plumbing" is also combined with HVAC, that's the other choice I have but I still havent made a choice yet

>> No.55105983

My one-itis field has always been electrical engineering, it seems really fun to work on electronics at the actual physical level. I do banking though, you’re probably plenty smart though so I would only do it if you’re willing to challenge yourself socially since finance jobs are the most pure office jobs.

>> No.55105990

Electrical distribution designer anon, look it up

>> No.55106028

accounting if you live near a large city with good jobs. i'm an accountant and make $100k/year wfh. it's comfy. don't listen to the retards who say it'll be automated -- it won't be.

>> No.55106045

Electrician. Accounting is going to be automated by the time you enter the workforce.

>> No.55106081

accounting won't be automated.
guess what, i still have a six figure a year job cleaning up after shitty ERP/systems implementations in spite of my employer paying deloitte, mckinsey, numerous tech consulting firms, etc. tens of millions a year.

>> No.55106100

Don’t like it, become an electrical engineer.
My cousin works for the dept of energy and pulls down 235k a year designing substations. He retires in 2 years at 41

>> No.55106105

Can eventually make your own power, legally.

>> No.55106117

Literally this. We’re cutting sorely needed employees to make room for more tech licensing that doesn’t even fucking work lmao, I end up sending faxes way too often these days just because the other businesses tech stack doesn’t work with ours and breaks shit.

>> No.55106234

my employer is ~$5 million over budget on a failing HRIS transition. it will ultimately create more work (additional head count) for accounting. kek.

>> No.55106256

I'm an autist who likes grinding in RPGs, is accounting made for autists like me or do u need good social skills to navigate the normies.
I can social but I'm a little off to normal people.

Do you need a CPA or would XP be enough?
Automation doesn't concern me because it's military and the pay is the same regardless of what I pick ($3k a month to start).

How do you deal with snarky roasties?
That's the one thing I was never taught

>> No.55106293

I recently completely rebuilt a house and the electrician had a cleaner job than the plumber, but not necessarily any better. Id probably go off which has more job choices and which pays better

>> No.55106356

you can be spergy and still do okay in accounting, but the higher you go up the corporate ladder the more you have to talk at meetings. i don't have a CPA but i'm probably going to study for it "soon" for increased job security.

>How do you deal with snarky roasties?
treat them with professional indifference. don't get short or mean with them because it will blow up in your face. my boss had a director level roastie go to HR because he "caused her to have a mental breakdown" by pressuring her to answer very important questions on accruals she was fucking up. the end result was my boss backed off and the incompetent roastie quit or went to into early requirement a few months later.

>> No.55106540

I do accounting right now. They pay is shit, the amount of work is overwhelming, it is incredibly boring, filled with old ladies and your costumers treat you like you are their opposition or like their lowly serf. I am literally trying to hard not to beat some1 to death and then neck myself at work every single day.... Do not go into accounting. Do finance or banking. DO NOT DO ACCOUNTING.

>> No.55106550

I spend about 40% of my time trying to teach customers different laws, how to get certain reports, how to convert to PDF. I am literally spending more time being it support, emotional support and basic google duties than accounting. I would not do it again.

>> No.55106590

Why not specialize in fund accounting or trade accounting and go work in a bank. If you’re actually doing individual or just business accounting you’re probably doing it wrong yeah

>> No.55107215


As someone with a BS in accounting and is currently a financial analyst working in commercial lending who has seen dozens of CPA prepared statements; the CPA license is highly overrated and most CPAs barely understand GAAP. The license is only useful if you plan on working in public accounting, if you're not it's professionally unnecessary and only serves to fool employers into thinking that you know what you're doing.

listen to >>55106590

There's way more money to be made in banking and finance. The work is also less monotonous, that is if you actually like dissecting and analyzing numbers. Commercial banking is comfy and it's a field where there is rarely a sense of urgency. I can take long lunches or go to the gym in the middle of the day, and when I get back nothing is on fire.

>> No.55107236

Accounting is going to be automated away within the coming decade. ChatGPT already has a great grasp on GAAP, and most of the math involved with Accounting is very basic. As soon as the WolframAlpha/Chatbot integration becomes good enough, accountants will be on the streets. Go into a trade or programming. Those are the only safe roles right now.

>> No.55107429


It’s always these neet mongs who say shit like this because they need to cope with being a retarded loser

>> No.55107452

>The license is only useful to fool employers into thinking that you know what you’re doing

So like every other certification I’ve ever seen? Employment is a smoke screen and no one knows anything.

>> No.55107461

Once I get my exp, do I need certs for accounting?

I'll only have raw accounting experience, no certs minus the training they give me

>> No.55107784

Electrician is probably better. Accounting lures you in as being stable and well-paying but in reality it's kind of shit. All the talented people transfer out of it and into finance or other fields, or they become entrepreneurs.

>Accountants are all women
This. Plus basically all of the women are on the wrong side of 45 so nip any fantasies at the bud.

>> No.55108541

what's wrong with accounting?
Is it just boring or all the mindless office politics?

>> No.55108549

>future zogbot
Sounds like you're going to do neither and join the military instead

>> No.55108580

>HRIS transition
He will never be a woman

>> No.55108682


Assuming that you're American, I would recommend using your GI Bill to get your BS in Accounting. If you decide to go the public route, this is the bare minimum that any medium sized public accounting firm will look for. On the private side, for small businesses and mom and pop shops, your raw experience should be enough, but that's only because those small operations are hard up to find workers to begin with and will often take on the first people who meet the minimum requirement.

>> No.55108741

>or programming
Programming is getting automated before accounting. It's already started. Meanwhile even is CPA-level AI were to be developed, it would still be hard to integrate it with every company's systems. Accounting will take a long time to automate because they still need to develop the AI, make it implementable, distribute it, and actually succeed in being more worthwhile than just keeping accountants on staff. Most U.S. infrastructure is severely outdated but the cost of upgrading it is more than the cost of maintaining a legacy system. There will almost certainly be similar cases when it comes to AI. If you want to become an accountant, there's still plenty of time to get your education, get some experience, and become a CPA.

I actually like the work of accounting because it tickles my autism in just the right way. And office politics aren't really a thing because there's a shortage of accountants and promotions are automatic with your years of experience. The problem with accounting is that if you're a man and you can cut it in accounting, you should either go into tech or healthcare where you'll make more money or you should start a business.

>> No.55108927

Plumbers make more money these days, and for the foreseeable future. The job is also WAY easier than it used to be thanks to Pex and other crimp on fittings. Obviously there will be the occasional shit involved, but who the fuck cares for when you are making $50-60/hr. The guys I know who work for themselves doing plumbing are making ~$150k a year, and don't even work full time. I'm an electrician, and it's a great trade as well, but man, plumbers these days are making insane money because nobody wants to join the field because of the stigma.

>> No.55108939

Have fun in the breadlines, AI gonna fuck your industry up 100%. Can't say I'm gonna be sad...

>> No.55110585

What's it like being an electrician?
Is it better then a desk job?

>> No.55110795

I work for an electrical contractor run by accountants. Everyone hates this company. I would hate to be an accountant.

>> No.55110821

LMAO. Classic biz misinformation. For anyone young here, I beg you to please not make career decisions based on the losers posting here. Im gonna clear $250k this year essentially running a part time cpa tax practice. Theres 4-5 months of the year where you grind (feb - april, sep-oct). The rest im working 10 hours a week tops.

>> No.55110941


Accountants are terrible business people and as I've pointed out >>55107215 most of them are barely competent in their accounting role. The stereotype of them being nothing more than bean counters is painfully true. Accountants turned managers can't manage interpersonal and business relationships, it's why the organizations they run tend to be toxic and cancerous shit holes that never manage to achieve anything.

>> No.55111017

Both are for faggots but at least if you're an electrician you'll be a rich faggot and don't have to work in an office where you'll have to play the hr roastie game

>> No.55111299

Do I need a CPA to have a WFH accounting job?

>> No.55111552

I have a BSc in Math and work for a Big4 doing glorified data entry. I'm starting an accounting 2 year program, designed for those who already have degrees and classes are at night, in September, and all the classes fulfill CPA program prereqs. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore to be honest and hope this plan pans out because I'm early 30s and can't stand being a poor loser anymore.

>> No.55111593

This might be the case at the rinkydink residential company youre looking at, but pro tip.. Pick one of the 3 trades and stick with it. Dont try to do 2 at once. If you really want to diversify, get a friend to pick a different trade, thats what I did. Im the electrician, my little bro is the plumber.

Theres 3 different types of construction. Residential, commercial, and industrial. If you try to do hvac AND plumbing, youre probably gonna be pretty limited to residential. If you specialize in one trade, you get to be put in a lot of situations where those residential guys just dont go. You get put in harder (and just different) situations, you learn more, you experience more, youll probably even end up traveling to other states for work at some point. I just got my unlimited journeyman license last year, after about 8 years in the trade, with not a single day of any kind of schooling. Just on the job training and at home studying. Now 30 dollars an hour is the MINIMUM anywhere I go. I remember the day I passed my journeyman test. I big dicked them and told them I wouldnt come back until my raise took effect. They got it done the very next day and I went back to work the day after. Feelsgoodman