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File: 42 KB, 1055x354, china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55105386 No.55105386 [Reply] [Original]

semi official for now, from early June on, officially
Yes, this thread is going to get slided off the catalog. Because neither the jpmason fags behind Foundry USA want you plebs to know, and neither do the chinese commumasons want you to know

>> No.55105525

Bearish, more coins to dump on market now

>> No.55105669

Why is China apparently warming up to crypto just as the West is trying to destroy it? I don't believe for a second that this is some kind of coincidence

>> No.55105748

It's like a scale. West is bull, East is bear. Vice versa.

>> No.55105762

what happens in June?

>> No.55105766

I noticed this too.
Between this, CZ's recent tweets and all those Chinese news, the timing is very weird.
Why would China start supporting crypto all of a sudden now?

>> No.55105839

It's also right around the time the Fednow system comes online. Not sure if that's related but it does help explain the US's aggression towards crypto.
I can't really explain the China stuff though.

>> No.55105884

No other choice. Foundry has acquired well over 30%, means the US government has acquired well over 30% of hashrate, China, as Russia, if they want to be able to have a chance at competing in the game of powers need to get in. If you mind asking why btc, because they can't kill it, they can't control it with centralized policy, so now they try to control it by playing the game. What was deterministic is happening now, they might not yet admit it, but are bending the knee to the Alpha Predator of monetary policy. After 800 years of slavery by a small cabal of fart huffing faggots with funny hats humanity has a chance at sovereignty

>> No.55106008
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Nation states playing Jason Lowery’s thesis in real time.

>> No.55106019

Ok but break it down for a retard like me: does this mean BTC up or down, and do I buy now or wait?

>> No.55106033

QRD on his thesis?

>> No.55106068
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friendly and hostile nations are already mining; other nations need to get in the game or risk losing power.

>> No.55106083

What exactly is "the national strategic significance" of BTC?

>> No.55106121

Because it's not their currency dominating the financial system. Dan Pena is right in the sense that opponents of the US are benefactors from the rise of crypto, but I think he took it too far to think it's a state actor who made it.

>> No.55106138

Not losing control

>> No.55106242

i was explaining this to my cousin yesterday.

So I used the terms BTC network, USD network, CNY network, and Gold network.

Everyone was fine trading on the USD network for the most part. It was lucrative for external sovereigns to participate. Then the US started wielding it like a weapon. Massive inflation, deflation, and finally stealing from Russia. The USD network is now being fled. The CNY network is expanding. Local currency networks are expanding.

But what happens when 2 sovereigns want to trade but don't trust each other? Traditionally this is where the Gold network comes into play. Gold has universally agreed upon value. It is not subject to geopolitical risk. Central banks around the world are stacking it, and ultimately it will be used for trading purposes. The inflation rate for gold is low, it is assumed to be a finite resource, it is independent from the geopolitical risk of any fiat network and therefore not subject to inflation/deflation or policy.

BTC has all of these properties except it is also digital, has 0 storage cost, near instantaneous transfer and settlement; it's the wet dream of universal money.

We may enter a future where hostile sovereigns trade in BTC. That could actually happen. And in a game theory scenario, sovereigns will drive the price of BTC up exponentially, to the point of stability, that point where the price is so high, it can hardly be affected by the market fluctuations of major players.

That is of course, the core bull thesis that has existed since the beginning. The potential future is bright

>> No.55106323

As for BTC becoming this digital version of gold in a trustless world, is it BTC takes all simply based on the fact that it's the biggest, oldest and most secure of these blockchain networks? Or are there other factors at play?

>> No.55106364

you realize that this isn't the end game. btc is not as limited to acquiring it as gold is. Where for gold mining you need access to territory that has it, resources to extract it and refine it; or at te very least the knowledge and know-how to extract it in recycling. BTC, to get sats, an individual only needs is a computational device and energy carrier to power that computational device.
The end game is no centralized sovereign when it comes to the control of wealth acquisition, only proof of work

>> No.55106389

China and Russia lacks ability to make their own mining hardware. There is no competition.

>> No.55106413

I think that's true for digital wealth, but what about physical wealth like land?

>> No.55106443

this, btc is now one of the fronts of the great game between the global power blocs and there are still both bears and people that think government can ban it lol
in the west at least the play right now it to stop as many of the plebes from actually owning any, hence the big push to keep all your coins in custidial servicves that will soon enough halt all withdrawals to own wallets
next up goybase banning all retail withdrawals, dont complain you havent been warned

>> No.55106452

the powers that are fighting for their survival will not just role over and give up that is for sure and they will neither cooperate, at least not in an honest way, only to fuck over sovereign free minds stupid to always cooperate in a later game. The war is already ongoing, but it will just intensify, and soon move from mental games to the realm of physics.
Make your choice, are you going to be on the side of the slavers expecting that promise you their wealth, or on the side of the freeman.

>> No.55106472

Can you just namefag at this point? Are you also liberal fascist anon?

>> No.55106473

I'll always be on the side of truth, which makes cooperation with the control freak tyrants utterly impossible.
>and soon move from mental games to the realm of physics
I get that impression but I'm still trying to peer through the haze of the coming chaos to see what that actually means and what it'll look like.

>> No.55106476

Sort of. It is the biggest, it is the oldest, it is secure, but more importantly, it is the most decentralized. Decentralization is the key. Gold is decentralized, there is no point of central control for it. It is simply agreed that it has value. Anyone can own gold. Anyone can exchange in gold.

BTC, despite it's relative centralization in comparison to gold, is still the most decentralized money in existence. If one were to gain 51% of the network, the network fails.

Sovereigns aren't stupid. They look stupid as fuck, but they aren't stupid. The major players understand that giving the US 51% control of BTC undermines the utility of the network. They also know giving China 51% control of BTC undermines the utility of the network.

If the sovereigns see enough utility there, if they see the potential, if they fear the loss of that potential, they will play the game. And that game is to attempt to take control of the BTC network, or attempt to preserve it's integrity. Either way, the players preserve the integrity of the network by participating, by adding hash power, by further decentralizing the network. It utilitzes the competitive spirit inherent to capitalism to ultimately make the network stronger. That's the game

>> No.55106499

>that point where the price is so high, it can hardly be affected by the market fluctuations of major players
but here is a problem there still are some autists that have amassed a considerable amount of coins that arent influenced like the old money is
now you get it that you occasionally read a story about some crypto billionaire drowning or something similar

at this stage i'd call amassing the computational infrastructure to mine a decent portion of the rewards of btc more complex than the gold extraction supplychain
as for geographic distribution the access to cheap energy is maybe even more constrained

>> No.55106501

Mind control, Neuralink, false prophets like Helen von Flask
The US/UN/EU are
they took FDR and Hitlers collectivist left wing ideology and replaced Aryans with Jews
Their goal is to keep free sovereign right wing minds enslaved
and no, I am anon, namefagging is gay

>> No.55106505

You are stupid, despite what you think.
US ultimately controls who makes the mining hardware.

>> No.55106513

yes, because manufacturing hardware is impossible for anyone but the US.

go shill somewhere else.

>> No.55106521

Pools. You still can mine dust with a bunch of old graphic cards through nicehash.

>> No.55106555

>They look stupid as fuck, but they aren't stupid.
They mainly look stupid because their middle management that has to sell their lies and manipulations to the public look increasingly insane as the lies and manipulations grow more extreme. The surface area of interaction with the public necessarily constrains clownish idiocy if you're trying to sell dogshit as chocolate.

>they will play the game
I think they're a lot less certain and confident than they pretend to be with all their talk about CBDCs and the future of the financial system.

>> No.55106606

>manufacturing hardware is impossible for anyone but the US.
What makes you say that?
really curious.

>> No.55106611

>They mainly look stupid because their middle management that has to sell their lies and manipulations to the public
yeah, that's why they look stupid.
>I think they're a lot less certain and confident than they pretend to be with all their talk about CBDCs and the future of the financial system.
ultimately we're all dealing in probabilities. there's a probability that a single CBDC will successfully dominate trade. There's a probability that BTC will be the defacto universal money. There's a probability that the US gains total control of the BTC network and destroys it. There's a probability that China gains total control of the BTC network and destroys it.

They don't have a crystal ball, just like none of us do. Us finance brains, we choose our participation in the future based on what we perceive to be the most likely outcome.

I think the BTC network, and cryptocurrency in general, is far from realizing its future potential, and that it will likely expand dramatically before all these probabilities are realized.

>> No.55106620

I was trying to be sarcastic. That guy is a faggot and an idiot.

>> No.55106621

Cope. You used word "competitive", China or Russia are not competitive in chip manufacture. So stop being dishonest. Gap in capability is decades apart.

>> No.55106632

Do you see BTC as the only relevant crypto in this future?

>> No.55106646

I see now. It might be glowing for his big daddy in D.C

>> No.55106671

yeah, seems glowniggerish to me. it has no place in this conversation.

No, to discredit myself, I have a large position in Chainlink. I think trustless data feeds are key to expanding cryptocurrency use into the real world, and I believe in their vision. I also believe in the core vision of BTC.

Basically, BTC, ETH, and LINK are my shills. Anything external, well, not to shit on potential innovation, but anything external is a coin toss

>> No.55106695
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Then surely Hal Finney seems glowniggerish to you as well.

>> No.55106722

I don't trust eth, pos is a trap, way easier for a determined centralized entity to gain 51% control over it and the fatman, his vision is good but he is cooperating with those that are not interested in individual sovereignty and his version of "trustless" oracles same as proof of jew cant succeed without either staying under chainlink labs whitelist control or being subjugated if it should ever open the gates

>> No.55106723

I pretty much agree.
I wouldn't pay much attention to the link fud. It's obvious enough that it's completely astroturfed. Jannies even delete threads that try to ask what's up with all the fud.
Like this one from today:

>> No.55106747

Okay then may you answer me, why you think that the US is the only state actor able to control access to computation hardware. I am really curious because I cant see it

>> No.55106777
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>pos is a trap
it is a trap. But that's the way all these "layer 1s" are going. pow is superior in every way, from a sybil security standpoint.

I think the fatman will find a way. he's too autistic to drop his vision. I've consorted with demons in my life to get what I want. I'm a banker by trade. Sometimes you have to do something distasteful to achieve your goals.

yeah, I don't even come here anymore. today was an anomaly. biz was very different when I first arrived.

>> No.55106783

Because they already did.

>> No.55106806

Dangerous game you are playing, don't get sacrificed to Baäl, pretty common in your trade. Its one thing to converse with demons another to cooperate and make deals, usually its not going well for the individual down the road; the jokes are funny from the outside but cruel for those that become the butt of the joke

>> No.55106822

I get it, they pure retarded amounts of collateral into it, but the US is on the downward trend and Kovalik isn't the only one noticing that world had more then enough of jpmasons imperialistic games

>> No.55106825

my blessed 7s will protect me

>> No.55106844

I don't know just look at the fatman. From a enthusiastic twink idealistic and eager to solve a problem to a blob succumbed to gluttony and sloth

>> No.55106850
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>russia today
Da da pjotr.

>> No.55106883
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Okay now I am sure you are glowing
Your master might still have control over the dying old man Europe but its influence everywhere else is fading fast. This isn't the cold war period anymore, and if china and Russia, as other players get in the btc game the right side of that pie might be replaced with sats some day

>> No.55106887

rent free

>> No.55106898

Weekend fanfiction thread.
Some of you should consider writing a novel.

>> No.55106900

And yet no one answered the question posed by the retard aka me

>> No.55106943

I do write a tragedy, Its on this website. No I wont namefag, to piece it together is a job for digital archivist historians from the future
Are you asking in fiat?
come to your own conclusion, use your brain, the creator meant it to have free will and be able to think

>> No.55106955


>> No.55106958
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Again, your masters lack capability to manufacture anything competitive.
So enjoy the cabbage and join with rest of remaining comrades in that "special operation".

>> No.55106961

whose baggie?

>> No.55106973

I have no masters except for myself. And the Ivans don't trust me and your masters already got burnt

>> No.55106992

>China and Russia lacks ability to make their own mining hardware
The video card factories are in China numbnuts. Russia sure but China has more brands of video cards than the west. There are brands you and me have never heard about in China and the only reason why don't import them is that they probably have some CCP bug installed on it to monitor their citizens.

>> No.55106995
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Because bitcoin is inevitable

>> No.55107008

Of course you'd say that.

>> No.55107025


>> No.55107027

seriously. I got called many names, baggie is non I can remember

>> No.55107041

>no gods no masters, only the people almighty
Kek that was literally the slogan for commies.

Only the assembly, they cant manufacture competitive chips.

>> No.55107066

Wouldn't this work better, and be more stable, with a PoS coin though?

>> No.55107095

it's a theatre play so the normies can come to the conclusion that they have to get into bitcoin because {{{events}}} - all the countries are freemason owned, all of them, only (some of) each countries respective people are independent

>> No.55107097

commies are collectivists and they stole that from an allegory that is way older than their late 19th century perversion. It comes from a pupil of Antisthenes about a Hethiter that lived among Athenians, got enslaved after a few years and was freed again.
The credo from the Allegory the most important in my opinion was
>I live amongst you, speak your language, respect your customs
>But I wont bow before your gods, follow the laws of your leaders or partake in your rituals
>As I can only accept one authority, the authority over myself
Anarchos the Hethiter

>> No.55107144

pos is a copy of shareholder economics. it is far easier to buy up an asset with printed fiat than to monopolize the facilitators of a pow network

>> No.55107201

proof of stake cant stop you from forking infinitely and providing support to all forks equally.

bitcoin, being the only unique asset, the only real "money", needs to have protection from a never ending stream of forks from activist groups that want to change one little thing.

if bitcoin was proof of stake alts like bcash or bsv would give the impression they were relevant, or wanted, when in reality they weren't by the wider public. proof of work is transparent about this, proof of stake can't be.

>> No.55107246 [DELETED] 

Ok you were more retarded than i thought.

Again you failed to address US monopoly on manufacturing competitive mining hardware. If decentralization is your aim, then Monero would be more honest thing to shill.

>> No.55107262
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>manufacturing competitive mining hardware
Bitmain is chinese
and you have the guts to go Rule 5 on me

>> No.55107294

Ok you were more retarded than i thought.

Again you failed to address US monopoly on manufacturing competitive mining hardware.

Bitmain does not make their own chips, they use taiwanese TSMC.

>> No.55107340

and you have the guts to go Rule 5 on me
Gang takes a big fat dump, and Xi is going to unite china, what now? During election season, with an administration weaker and more incompetent thn King George III while the actual proxy war is already a drain on resources and political capital. the arogancy of you glowers is mind shattering

>> No.55107376

>US monopoly
the monopoly if there even is one is between europe and taiwan.

>> No.55107417

First you posted russia today and now youre defending literal communist dictatorship. Typical example of anarchist.
Taiwan is protected by the US and would rather destroy those ASML machines than give them to commies.

>> No.55107456

Dutch cabinet imposed restrictions on ASMLs export because of pressure from the US. This is common knowledge.

>> No.55107462

defending? Just stating the facts
It must really make you satanic collectivist fascistic masons - honestly smarter than the commies, but basically the same in brown - furious that old school anarchists, not the syndicalist faggots, just mock you every step of the way
yeah you will likely do that, if your own population doesn't go Jacobines on you in the mean time

>> No.55107502

Your narrative is 100% identical to Kreml.
Putin literally declared holy war on Western "satanism".
It is Russia that attacked neighboring and threatens everyone with nukes.
"old school anarchist" hahaha pathetic ruski, we all see through your schemes.

>> No.55107515
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>> No.55107523

You are confused. Just because we agree with somethings the Ivans are using in their propaganda doesn't mean that we are the Ivans. You are getting more paranoid by the day

>> No.55107537

If China goes hard into Bitcoin, the US will rug it with the silk road coins.

>> No.55107558

The US has still laws they have to follow, they will auction, and I am sure that Saylor and others are eagerly waiting to get their hands on those. And when china makes it official, the last thing the US is going to do is auction off the corns; their leadership and outer glow circles are incestuous and arrogant but not suicidal

>> No.55107655

How you can be "sovereign" if you are completely dependent on US monopoly manufacturing your mining hardware?
No one has answered this so far. Neither will you because that propaganda is weak as fuck.
Targeted on anarchistic retards, who just want to get rich quick.

We dont agree on anything. You have no answers except for rooting chaos in the west with propaganda straight from Kreml.
Therefore you are obvious ally of criminals that control Russia and China.

China was done after they sided with ruskies.
Give up already, game over.

>> No.55107663

chaos; call it cleansing of the slavers that have been fucking up shit on my half Island since the 13th century

>> No.55107674

>not authoritarian

>> No.55107798

Masons. The faggot that made this image wanted to have the pyramid in there. They really cannot not huff their own farts
Like with eth
>proof of jew network
>Must get some masonic number in there

Fucking incestuous dying cult

>> No.55107848

and what, you think america is even getting a sniff of that technology? they're simply appeasing a large buyer.

>> No.55108718
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mETH heads btfo. And Tankies lose again after ironically sucking on fascist dick and feeling smug before being thrown to the wolfs after being useful idiots

>> No.55108856

>being a useful idiot isnt the same as being an Ivan
no its worse
>inb4 cia shill
call me whatever you want, I still realize the US is 100x better than living in russia or china. Russia is what happens when the evil men who desire power over others have won. US is getting there but not close yet.

>> No.55108886

>evil men
Are you 12 or just some redditor brainwashed by superhero movies
There are countries with groups that have certain interests, no "good vs evil"
fucking children, your country is so fucked, your leadership incompetent and corrupt full of retarded ideologues that cant count to 3, your private sector corrupt and degenerate and your civil society fucked in the head. Its a wonder it hasn't yet imploded.

>> No.55109262

Nobody is going to want fiat anymore for goods so that leaves two possibilities, gold or bitcoin

>> No.55109330

>Be mugged whenever you go shopping at gun point to hand over your gold
>Public/private key validation
easy choice

>> No.55109463

Right, and on a sovereign level, whose going to want to trade real goods for worthless fiat? Bitcoin is obviously the best solution to this problem but the only thing that it needs, is to be fully capitalized so that there's no more volatility.

>> No.55109534
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>the only thing that it needs, is to be fully capitalized
Capitalized by energy and hardware. One being the production capacity of a territory and the competency of its leadership in organizing the subjects and the other being the innovation of the private sector and able to be amortized. Like some jester managed to marry heaven and hell in a tragedy that is the world since 1356 turning it into a comedy

Satoshi was a trickster, an anon

>> No.55109554

>same chance of being mugged when you had fiat
you did realize this right? and youre just pretending to not realize it?

>> No.55109569

only that fiat is not a real representation of value, and it isn't like it isn't happening every day, especially in the USA

>> No.55109582

You have to put up your id when making crypto accounts retard.
There is no decentralization.

>> No.55109595

ok so you dont realize that the chance of being mugged doesnt increase based on whether you are holding gold instead of paper money. ok. the only time that you would increase your chance of being mugged is if you were wearing the gold or something. but really these are factors that were not included in your original testimony. it seems like you genuinely believe muggers have x-ray vision and scope out who has gold and who doesnt in their pockets before mugging them

>> No.55109602

No. You can just role a 100 sided dice and use a mixer after using the cex, or you can go straight through p2p

>> No.55109612

gold is just unpractical - storage costs, security costs, transport costs, its fucking heavy and there are better uses for gold as an element than using it as a mean of transaction

>> No.55109619

and thats your opinion. you are probably very young

>> No.55109627

lemme guess you have a vault and bet big on shiny processed rocks

>> No.55109638

It's just another chink tier manipulation. How many times China banned BTC?

>> No.55109654

So does that mean my Luna finna go baboona?

>> No.55109659
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>> No.55109729

no nigga i just keep my shiny rocks in my home. wtf they gonna do? steal it? ok break my window neighbors will call the cops good luck

>> No.55109762

That's a bad thing, it means they're going to start dumping again.

>> No.55109771

So you are into processed shiny rocks, explains the disdain for the corn of bits.
Are we getting into a shit slinging contest about hypotheticals when somebody wants shiny rocks/bitcorns?
Your home can be burned down with you inside and one can search for the rocks
One can kill me and wouldn't get access to my private keys.
Bitcoins win.

>> No.55110410

Im in 60% btc and 40% xrp.

If cbdcs wins xrp may play a role.

If cbdcs crash and fail btc wins

>> No.55110505

Because the "US" is evil

>> No.55110507


>> No.55110977
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>> No.55111022

Checked, but...
CBDCs will be Internal welfare shitcoins.
Why the fuck would any company or country send things to the USA or any other country to be given CBDCs ?
There will be intense competition for resources so you tell me what the fuck Saudis want a faggot jew muttcoin on a phone app for a barrel of oil VS what other countries have to offer for that barrel of oil ?

>> No.55112250

cbdcs already failed. not even Africans want them

>> No.55112380
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>> No.55112409

Not a fan of communist authoritarianism but at least Xi got rid of all the American operatives in the country

>> No.55112507

One word

hong kong

>> No.55113630

Timing to corner a market

Both countries see Crypto as an small economic warzone with some strategic value.

If they play the ignore tactic, the other one will respond with adoption. if they do adoption the other side will condemn. This repeats as a cycle until both sides have their own government coin.

Thing is both sides have to equally reduce the power the individuals have in crypto. So they'll work together to make sure white anon from arkansas doesn't have his fuck you money to build powerful mountainside militias.

>> No.55113783

They can't. It's a p2p currency network with functional mixers

>> No.55113796

China isn't supporting crypto for its citizens, but the CCP most definitely wants control of it, and the only way for them to control it is to mine it

>> No.55113834

>china stopped mining in the first place

>> No.55113920

Everyone is being played and Satoshi is the USG military intelligence.

>> No.55114004

No one even fuds LINK anymore.
It was fudded on the way down so you retards would le hodl and "resist the coordinated fud".
Now it's just people organically making fun of you. That's what happens when you go down for twice the length of time as even ICP.

>> No.55114259

Checked and witnessed

>> No.55114278
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>Satoshi is the USG Mil"Int"
You wish; Satoshi Nakamoto might be gone but Nakamoto Satoshi was told

>> No.55114621


>> No.55114705

damn you pos shitheads are dense

>> No.55115628

No, POS is prone to state capture because centralized entities can print fiat and buy up the supply.

>> No.55115966


How much chainlink do I need... Will 3750 be enough?

>> No.55115997

How do OFAC sanctioned BTC not ruin this concept? Plus the overall traceability of BTC? Like forget schizo hour for a moment, I'm talking about companies and .gov entities trading across borders. Nobody wants their trading partners to see their transactions. One important part of gold is fungibility. 1 ounce is 1 ounce.
Even if the US were to prohibit gold trade with north korea, they couldn't possibly enforce it beyond stamping bars and coins which can easily be melted down at the institutional level that we're talking about here. Meanwhile they could easily prevent NK from importing things using tainted coins.

Overall this would still rely on a system where the majority of players don't play nice with the US. (or others that have their own ambitions of censoring transactions they don't like)

>> No.55116132

The world hates america. And beside the american bribed leaders of Europe everyone wants to see that weak fat body full of jewish parasites gone!

>> No.55116518

We would LOVE to see you get the balls to turn down our dollars.
We would literally just go do something else.

>> No.55116563
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You would end in civil war; there would be skulls on pikes littering the way from the Capitol to Lincoln Memorial - and you are well aware of it, why the entire idea of the past 20 years was, how to get sovereign free American citizen give up on the only thing that stands between them and collectivistic fascist Tyranny

>> No.55116604

Yes, there's no better option

>> No.55116605

We aren't going to shoot each other in the country bud.

>> No.55116651

Tell that to the habitanst of Philly, Chicago, Houston, Boston... and the slavers in DC, as those that cooperated with them, they will hardly be seen as one of them. enjoy your second civil war

>> No.55116862

The reason there are more firearms than people isn't because everyone has a gun sweatie.
It's because everyone in the rural communities has 3-10 guns.

>> No.55116889

Yes. And how many people fed up that are willing to take arms do you need to beat 800K LEOs nation wide and 2M MFPs of which not even 1/2 is stationed at home to beat tyrants in DC; with likely 35% of those joining the rebels?
You are fucked, and it doesn't become better Agent no foreskin

>> No.55116964

I have my foreskin, so did my dad, and so does my son.
Law enforcement in the country are usually just retards, only a few real total assholes.
They aren't going to fight a war against the town retard. And they would literally lose in 30 minutes.
There are like 5 polices officers in our county and probably 15 sheriff.
kek Local police are like 1000x out manned and gunned in 90% of counties.

>> No.55117093

Hal Finney sounds glowniggerish as fuck here because the governments able to trace payments are themselves commiting robbery, extortion, kidnapping, and whatever other horrors you want to mention and eliminating untracable payments makes it easier for them to do all of that. Total slave mentality.

>> No.55117099

Well now, if you can't beat em, join em. I'm planning on doing so through Altcoinist as soon as the platform becomes available

>> No.55117131

so we agree, if it comes hard on hard, LEO is going to join on the carnage

>> No.55117379

>Are you asking in fiat?
yes in fiat what?

>> No.55117387

the better question would be how much barrels of oil is btc going to be worth

>> No.55117395

Insane how you bitfucks effortpost like this without understand XRP. Everything you just said is talked about every single time XRP is pitched to banks and institutions. You don’t even know how the escrow works and it’s intended purpose, and you refuse to acknowledge all the building that’s been going on for a decade now. Gold and silver is already available on the XRPL, there will also be tokenized QQQ-type assets that are backed by who knows what, it’s been discussed for years now.

>> No.55117404

Its too bad cripple will always be cripple. isnt the point of crypto to get away from shit like xrp

>> No.55117473

Takes years to get to where they are. Bitfucks don’t understand there exists no regulatory guidelines or infrastructure for digital assets, even bitcoin itself is legally nothing. The Ripple case will for the first time inform the public that there is officially a digital asset that is legally not a security.

>> No.55117493

And yet cripple is going to remain crippled

>> No.55117545

Grown men will weep.

>> No.55117614

This could be the next bull Kickstarter. I'll be a dumb-ass niger not to start buying the dip now. I bought CTSI and NXRA and I believe it will be massive.

>> No.55117627

Why would they. Even if cripple manages to flip btc by market cap again, it won't be that much of a deal in sats. The supply is retarded and in the end it would be at best a reusable toilet paper ledger with token not needed, from a security standpoint even worse than mEth, at what? $1.84/xrp

>> No.55117697
File: 374 KB, 1125x1988, B7359BAD-233E-49C8-88D0-625B17D528A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP has a deflationary supply, the 45B in escrow could be burnt but since Ripple started the point of the escrow has always been to give it to authorities. If you look at everything surrounding crypto and then flash the light towards the very first regulatory clear crypto then there’s no reason for 99% of crypto to have any value, as if intrinsically doesn’t. It’s ridiculous lmao even Bank of America executives publicly state they WANT to use XRP but they can’t and you tards are still bearish. Aside from target cords border payments XRP has much more to offer that you people have never even looked into or simply don’t understand because it’s specifically designed for banks.

>> No.55117711

Yes. It's designed for a dying breed, that is failing to sell their cbdcs and won't be able to sell a majority on the xrp ledger, as they could as well just use cbdcs then.

>> No.55117716

> even Bank of America executives publicly state they WANT to use XRP
Which is exactly why no one who understands crypto will ever use it.
Do you listen also to what:

>> No.55117730
File: 86 KB, 680x294, 1EB93D65-19CC-43B6-AEA4-F353940299CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want to buy and hold crypto and explore what the ecosystems have to offer, but there is not regulatory framework
>we don’t like bitcoin, but we’re interested in these cryptos

>> No.55117739

One word

dim sum

>> No.55117768

The filling part is always going to be the energy under control.

>> No.55117837

Never seen so many "unknown" blocks

>> No.55117862

Better than slow orphan blocks

>> No.55118126

Xrp suffers from counter party risk, and its primary use case is selling and dumping immediately to transfer funds cross border which means no price appreciation. bitcoin lightning also can do what xrp wants to do except with bitcoin. no banks use xrp

>> No.55118258

>warm up to crypto
>sell top
>"we ban bitcoin now"
>buy bottom

>> No.55118363

there is not counter party, bitfuck. Ripple runs 6 nodes out of 200+
There’s a dozen banks using it right now. Nobody uses bitcoin for P2P except retards, and LN is 100% centralized and 80% controlled by 2 pools. It’s embarrassing actually, it’s a shit nostro-vostro system for bitfuck lmao exactly what XRP is set out to destroy.

>> No.55118509

Doesn’t matter if ripple has 6 nodes themselves when they control the unl list which is the one validating transactions, so the counter party is ripple themselves and USA foreign policy since they’re an American company. so there’s 0 advantage to using xrp vs bitcoin lightning since they’re both centralized

>> No.55119631


>> No.55119952

>I bought CTSI and NXRA and I believe it will be massive.
I bought RSR and Route, both altcoinistdao alpha picks waiting for leg up

>> No.55120077

I wonder why. Oh, you can control everything and everyone, as long as they use what the CCP have designed.

I fucking love how based President Xi is

>> No.55120102

On the side of the small towns if at all.

>> No.55120159

Lightning networks breaks and doesn't actually settle bitcoin retard.

Now the "no price appreciation" is actually correct though.
Each zerp can be used over 17,000x each day. The amount of money it can move is unreal.
It's actually far TOO GOOD for major price action.

>> No.55120169

>bitcoing lightning shills
btc lightning DOES. NOT. SETTLE. BTC.
It's a scam and it breaks constantly.

This is like saying you can just as easily fly in a rusty old car as a jet.
No. The car literally doesn't fly.
If it did, then yes. But it doesn't.

>> No.55120170

two sides of the same coin mate

>> No.55120191

And yet completely controled by cripple labs. That's a big fat no from anybody that isn't an judeo-masonic American dick sucker

>> No.55120269

What's the point of lying? Better fud is needed sir.

>> No.55120296

I was about to say this u beat me to it

>> No.55120304

Now back to your containment thread broom

>> No.55120322

Seriously. What is the point of lying?
There must be one.

>> No.55120334

Except for Europe the entire world wants America to be burnt to the ground and see it's private sector and political class hanged

>> No.55120342

Why not just make them shits ASIC resistant? Aint that the whole 51% problem? If you could only mine with normal computers it would be impossible to control who gets to have a pc or who gets to produce them, etc. Idk if im getting my across but I hope

>> No.55120387

I'd guess that doesn't include the millions flooding over here?
Our own citizens want that too. It's not hurting my feelings.
But back to your original lie. Were you misinformed? Or lying on purpose?
What is the point of lying online? There is plenty of not false fud to choose from.

>> No.55120398

Go back to your shizo thread. Cripple is a us company with loyalty and control by judeo-masonic fat us niggers. It is not decentralized and it is even a worse attempt by us yids to not lose control than eth
Also interesting spin on rule 5
>Stop exposing me
>Stop exposing me

>> No.55120423

I was in at $3 btc and long ago saw the entire thing is run by global powers that be.
It's the same people retard.
Just XRP is actually cheap and fast and might benefit the average person.
Meanwhile btc, back when I started took LITERALLY 24+ hours to transfer, and still takes 40 minutes routinely.
It also costs $15-70 instead of being basically free like XRP or XLM.

You can tell who the real baggies are by their motives. btc doesn't benefit average people unless they hold it and it goes up. Otherwise it's useless.
XLM and XRP are actually very FAST AND CHEAP which benefits people making small purchases or conducting regular business.

>> No.55120507

>hurrr they can just print fiat and buy all the coins!!!!!!
Pow maxis are such a retarded bunch. Gl buying all the pos coins to control all the pos networks retard. Not enough coins on the market and it would push the price so high that it's economically retarded to do so. And that's just with 1 pos chain. There are several of them.

>> No.55120638

>push the price high
They are the ones controlling both sides retard.
All PoW was mined by tptb for years and years. Then they moved to PoS for their own benefit after owning 90% of it.

>> No.55120656

after the $32 run (judeo-masonics cannot not be obvious)
Yes the yid tried to pervert it as it tries to pervert everything; only that btc cant be really perverted. except if you count in dollarinos. xrp on the other hand, american shit-co, xlm, american shit-co
Now jump back into the oven

>> No.55120679

Satoshi is the USG, likely NSA/MilitaryIntel co sponsored project.
Only shills and willing retards believe the "some guy made it and disappeared" story.

>> No.55120699

sure buddy
and lets entertain this retardation for a second, if they did, they fucked themselves in the knees; because the protocol itself cant be perverted, it only depends on the amount of computational power and energy a territory can deploy
>ib4 they still have control over the satoshi keys and will crash it
so? doesn't change the protocol

>> No.55120740

Xrp baggies and lying name a more iconic duo

Truth is no one uses xrp without being paid to do so. Brics is definitely gonna trust an american made crypto managed by an american company who are subject to us sanction laws

>> No.55120759

I don't think you have any clue what is happening in the world.
What lie did I tell?
BTC is slow and expensive relative to XLM and XRP.
You literally cannot pay for anything under $100 with BTC or you pay 5x in btc fees than you'd just pay using a credit card.
You literally have to spend at least $1,000 before it's cheaper than a cc tx and it takes 100x as long no matter what.

>> No.55120781

America is losing control, sovereigns all over the world are looking for a way to get rid of the US, its political class, its private corporate class and its "intelligence"; and those lard hats might have just, assuming your retardation, given the world the tool to kill the US, the spawn of Mammon.
Ironic, an empire founded over a tax on tea, dies over debt

>> No.55120791

That's literally fine by me. I've hated the USG since I was 12.
But the USG is currently trying to destroy Ripple and XRP but says BTC is great.
So at least get your ideas straight faggot.

>> No.55120813

You lied about being in btc at 3$.
Btc transaction fees are 1-3$ On average. This is the price of decentralization and no counter party risk.

>> No.55120814

where does the USG try to destroy cripple and where does it praise btc?
sources, or have you been psyoped in your xrp shizo whatever thread?

>> No.55120852

Nope. I actually would be filthy stinking rich but I realized btc was a lie by the powers that be and was the road to total surveillance and I got out before even $5.

Now, I will not pretend I'm some hero. If I'd have known what would happen I'd probably have held a lot of it.
In hindsight my idealism easily cost me several millions of dollars. But it was obvious back then what was going on.
It was a tool of enslavement and a step toward what Asimov wrote about.
Also, you don't get to count Lightning network in the fee average you absolute disingenuous loser.
The SEC has spent years suing Ripple, costing them hundreds of millions of dollars. SURELY, you've heard of this.
The same SEC says btc is a commodity and many senators have openly stated how they hold BTC, TED CRUZ being one of the most prominent.

>> No.55120870

Imaginr typing all this slop and then not comparing the actual use cases of bitfuck and physical gold. Living in a made up reality.

>> No.55120876

Oh that bread and circus play - and aren't you totally not publicly funded generals absolutely convinced, that xrp is going to win the case; and in typical hollyje manier comes out as the underdog that won against the ebin ebin US government.
Your script writers are really shit

>> No.55120891

Well I agree with you on that one.
But one is treated with fud, while the other is openly promoted.
There are angles to everything. Ted Cruz talks about owning btc on the floors of the Senate as do several others that I can't recall.

So btc is not the enemy of the US. The US is more favorable to btc than any other crypto barring maybe ETH.

So good luck to you and Ted Cruz.

>> No.55120911

>I have no masters
Who do you pay rent or taxes to?

>> No.55120923

Take your meds

>> No.55120925

PoW is promoted heavily by communists who think "work" is what creates value.
Glowies push BTC and glowies are commies.
They actually think that WORK is what creates value. If you WORK then value is created.

We all know this isn't true but they lose all semblance of ideology and motivation of they allow this to permeate their minds.

So you have on one hand fast, cheap, low energy consumption, practical operations that improve efficiency.
Then on the other hand you have a massive, bloated waste of energy, time, resources, producing NOTHING and actually working more slowly than what already exists.
They like the second one because THE POINT IS WORK.

Dig a ditch, fill it in, dig a ditch, fill it in, profit?
That's what they actually believe.

>> No.55120935

You really don't see it, don't you? Kennedy, Desantis, Cruz.... and the rest of the new liberal fascist yiddish uniparty controlled opposition is trying to get btc maxis to cooperate
>Hey guys we are like you
>lets work together
>See I also own [your thing]
There is not going to be cooperation with America; yes it will be a total shitshow, but in the end the emperor will wear no cloths while those that have been subjugated by the fat incompetent arrogant lard lads will feast on the body of it; while rebuilding their own power and cultures after 78 years of incompetency

And by now I am pretty sure you are trying a very bad psyop here agent fatass

>> No.55120939

>anytime it gets used at all it goes past $30
So it's a $5, temporarily, in a low tx volume bear market.
This means it's more expensive than a credit card tx all the way up to $150.

And it can instantly spike to $30 without warning.
Wow so great.

Meanwhile XLM and XRP cost .00000001 cent always.

>> No.55120948

No. They actually like btc because they are commie glowies.

And again, please USG collapse.

>> No.55120954

Let me try. around late 40s early 50s, grown up during the tail end of the cold war and really believes the shit he spews. How much in debt are you agent lardass

>> No.55120953

Nice cope you retarded faggot. Central banks can literally print as much money as they want. POS will always he prone to state capture, and you will never be a woman.

>> No.55120970

The funny part about this psyop attempt, with no word was Trump mentioned, the only one of your emperors, who really had the US DOMESTIC policy and the well being of his subjects in mind, instead of the oversea territories and their personal grifts.
He hates btc, he has never made a secrete out of it

>> No.55120973

I'm late 30s with no debt at all and live with ducks and chickens in the country.
I have an assigned fed who has laid off recently after I started posting about him online.

>> No.55120981

then you are an idiot
keep being psyoped in the most transparent way

>> No.55121173

I'm a literal genius that took the SAT in 6th grade and I'm married to a neurologist.
What psyop did I fall for? Read Asimov.
They wanted a full trackable electronic money for 100 years.

>> No.55121186

Oh a fart huffer, so worse than an idiot. Or to say it in meme speak a midwit

>> No.55121198

I'm a literal synthetic human sent from the future with an IQ of 400, I'm here to teach mankind how to love one another and live in peace with chickens. My wife is an intergalactic PhD.

>> No.55121219


>> No.55121267

I'm not a midwit. I succeed in everything I do and have (actually had as I just threw them all out cleaning old junk away) trophies for being super smart.
This would be impressive if true. Hopefully you aren't lying, not good for the psyche.
I THINK it's meant to deride me though in hopes that I'm larping. But I'm not so it doesn't work.

>> No.55121288

Never huff too many of your own farts and past performances are no indicator for future performance and a bunch of other memes

>> No.55121292

I have an unnaturally high IQ and a beautiful wife and a subsistence farm, which is why I post on 4chan as a grown man

>> No.55121303
File: 68 KB, 1025x551, what iq is genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it's not "fart huffing" to state facts.
You called me an idiot. I shut you down with reality. I did take the SAT in 6th grade. I am a literal genius (130 IQ is genius level just look it up).
That's only 2 SDs above average and not even very impressive. I'm probably more like 3-4 SDs over average, so using "genius" is an easy term that for sure at least ballparks how smart I am.
I easily, quite easily, clear "genius" level.

>> No.55121317

>I easily, quite easily, clear "genius" level.
I could tell you were a genius just from reading your replies.

>> No.55121332

You are just like me then. It's pretty comfy isn't it.
But I haven't reached subsistence yet.
I use the money from my multi million dollar ecommerce brand to live and build the subsistence farm I'd like to have.
So far...
26 acres going to pasture that I took from the onions growers
reasonable garden
small tractor with till, drag, bucket, etc.

>> No.55121338

You must be at least a midwit then. Congrats.

>> No.55121381

I bet your neurologist wife gets wet knowing this is how you spend your genius energy

>> No.55121385


>> No.55121393

This is not spending genius energy.
I am just standing up to go outside and work on the garden and that's what gets her wet. But she's about two weeks from popping out our third kid so...

Anyway, gotta keep these chickens out of my fucking squash and melons.
Have fun "bitcoining" and "le fighting the man" with your fully traceable, slow, expensive "money."

>> No.55121407

English is not your first language.

...But if it is, you have a mental disability which is not accounted for by having a high IQ.

>> No.55121742

They probably realise that they need a replacement for the dollar and nobody is going to buy into the digital yuan. BTC is realistically the best solution to this problem.
No I don't currently hold any BTC, I was considering it if it goes below £20k again.

>> No.55122176

The high IQ take would be considering the possibility that BTC was a weapon from the beginning. If this goes south in a real way it will happen fast and we will all be broke and possibly incarcerated

>> No.55122187
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>> No.55122473
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>> No.55122502
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>Burning your last few coal reserves to mine bitcoins
Wew. They got less than 30 years of coal left and this is what they burn them on? They have already given up on sanctioning Australia and are importing coal from them again

>> No.55122516

cлaбoyмный eвpeй

>> No.55122558

What's China gonna do when they run out of coal? They need coal to mine and process bitcoins.

>> No.55122623

Are you retarded? Like for real? Seriously.
I have to assume you are just a low level contractor or random brainwashed yankee that is too stupid to count 1 and 1 together

I am OP

>> No.55122696

we can have have the 100th time where China bans bitcoin again

>> No.55123384


>> No.55124120

Its actually Russia, OP is a piece of shit FSB shill

>> No.55124202


>> No.55124221

Google Lee Camp and kill yourself. RT is lefty/pol/ anti-White dogshit.

>> No.55124259

correct. This is so obviously a russian shill thread

>> No.55125551

dont let it slide
expose the ruskies

>> No.55125766

they can also print money to buy mining farms, seize all existing mining farms, force asic manufacturers to give them the miners, retard.

>> No.55125773

Foundry USA is already glowing
and I wonder how they will do that with chinese corporations like Bitmain

>> No.55126806

Bitmain uses tsmc chips

>> No.55126883

rainy season retards

>> No.55128117

Seizing through force and power projection is much different than printing money

>> No.55128361

If they are foolish enough to have Americans dictate them who they are allowed to export to they are going to be part of mainland china faster than Biden can take his morning dump

>> No.55128666

they can do it if they want, states control electricity access. the argument "they can just print money to buy all the coins" is stupid since they can also print money to buy the biggest mining farms. point is they wont try to buy all the existing PoS coins supply. if states really wanted to ban cryptos they would have done so years ago.

>> No.55128679

Hey mev mafia. Pos is shit and every evm chain is a grift. There is no value in eth, except scamming idiots

>> No.55128960

>There is no value in eth
there is 4x more value moving on eth than on btc. seethe more btc maxipad

>> No.55128974

bitcoin is the idea, ethereum is the execution. that's why btc maxis seethe so hard about eth; it's doing what they always dreamt btc would do.

>> No.55128975

Value. Not mev bots raping a smaller and smaller pool of fools. I am sure it has value for scammers, but in a 0%+ interest environment, the amount of scammers is declining. Also, did you ever checked how (((cryptofees))) parses its data?

>> No.55128988

mev will happen on btc and you retards have no idea how to mitigate that

>> No.55128992

btc is hard money, PoW will always mog PoS

>> No.55128994

Nobody is seething. It's just expressing the obvious unless you got brainwashed by corporates and scammers into being their profits

>> No.55129010

It's rather to be expected that btc devs are going to implement shielding tx on layer 2 then it can be expected from a group of people whose entire chains survival especially after pos, depends on it. Also mev on layer 1, never going to happen

>> No.55129209

current L2s are unusable for mass adoption.
>are going to implement shielding tx on layer 2
yeah bro they'll have something working in 10 years, maybe
>Also mev on layer 1, never going to happen
already happened and can happen in the future, especially if there will be defi on l2

>> No.55129226

nobody cares about premined L2 VC garbage

>> No.55129245

Hey shabbos goy, piss off.
>It's happening
There are no dexes and there are neither any shitcoin volumes of significance nor is there a "wrapped" btc on btc.

>> No.55129293

the innovation is not happening on btc. in theory, pow is more pure than pos but in reality nobody gives a shit and pos is valuable.
not yet but it may eventually happen. overall it's just a much shittier chain to do all that. we have better protocols now

>> No.55129419

When bitcoiner and their devs hate one thing with a passion, then its the corporate bullshit eth has spawned.

>> No.55129438

>One important part of gold is fungibility. 1 ounce is 1 ounce.
Gold is not fungible either. If you have shitloads of stolen gold then don't expect to be able to use it.

Sure, you can melt it into new bars, but you also can pass your Bitcoin through a mixer. In either case, it's not going to help when your local jurisdiction asks about your source of funds.

>> No.55129507


>> No.55129689

And how should your local jurisdiction know anything about your private wallets? Stupid tankie fascist

>> No.55129748

They will know the moment you start spending it.

>> No.55130388

No they don't idiot.
>Be afraid goy
Aren't you getting bored of the old shtick yid

>> No.55130600

try buying a house or even anything slightly more expensive than your bing bing wahoo toys and you'll see, retard

>> No.55130621

>Buying inflated boomer boxes
Let me guess to rent them out?
To a slowing down stream if brown slaves? Demographic is destiny and profits if known how to play it, and that means not being pinned down by immobile capital

>> No.55130662

>i-it's okay i can't spend my m-money!
>i didn't want that thing anyways!

>> No.55130688

I can spend it easily. But why on a boomer box? Or another immobile illiquid risk capital? The more you think about it the more it becomes obvious that the only investment that makes sense, is btc

>> No.55130716

>I can spend it easily
You can't. You will be asked for a source of funds, depending where you live and get your ass raped.

>> No.55130734
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Best take yet on this curry slathered board.

>Implying Taiwan isn't part of China

You are seriously the dumbest poor nigger in this thread. Pic related.

>> No.55130748

Oh I see one of the statist dick sucking tankies. Bureaucracy is totally dysfunctional overworked and lacks staff. In the west. But keep being a good boomer and report every trade and purchase made with a merchant while asking for more dick to suck

>> No.55130758
File: 2 KB, 200x200, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cash out
Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself. If you don't picrel you are ngmi.

>> No.55130786

I don't live in the west, I'm not a statist and you are both retards that can't read.

>> No.55130810

you are not in the west and ate yet sucking government dick while being aware of btv. Dude get your life in order

>> No.55130851

>financial monitoring only exists in The West™
take your rose tinted glasses off

>> No.55130855

You don't understand crypto. That's all. Good luck tho!

>> No.55130916

I haven't even talking to you lmao

>> No.55130966

You said no one can cash out without government approval. I am saying you don't know what you are talking about. I have already listed multiple ways to cash out. You are just stupid.

>> No.55131005

>muh holding companies / offshores / etc
All of those are happening with government approval. They are just tools for cronies to hold their money while government pretends to not notice anything.

>> No.55131064

You are paid to shill against crypto. Chinese?

>> No.55131107

Or one of the Nvidia gook shills

>> No.55131125

I have 134 iq and im avg. Kys if you think 130 is genius

>> No.55131134

>just let random people deposit money into your bank account bro
and it's only for small sums

>> No.55131154

Binance p2p
10k, 50k. No issues.

>> No.55131212

You can have trusts and holding companies right now in the US. Just get a your attorney to set up the corporate structure. It's quite common. I can physically go to the downtown government office for this and have several LLC registered in less than an hour. Send your state paperwork to the IRS, and you will have multiple TINs in a couple of weeks. You are just stupid.

Then try KuCoin you insufferable poorfag.

>> No.55131338

>proceeds to explain how the government allows him to cash out
>keeps missing the point that it all happens because government lets it happen
based retard

>> No.55131348

Gtfo gook. Back to r/buttcoin

>> No.55131355

muh water tunnel

>> No.55131402

>Back to r/buttcoin
Why would I? I'm not mezmerized by statist fiat woo trickery like you are.

>> No.55131440

You learned a new word. Here is another one
NEW liberal fascism, that's the superhero movie fans that larp as antifascists with Iphones while attacking the real opposition to the corporate fascists reigning over most of the world, crypto anarchists and conservatives. Yes we will win, because every judeo-masonic merchant republic in history ended the same way, jew and shabbos goy genocide

>> No.55131451
File: 89 KB, 640x516, 1683797593126271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Estate trust
>Sub S
The government can't prevent it unless they basically end corporate structuring. Not going to happen. Everyone does this. Especially people who write campaign checks. You are just arguing some stupid theory.

>> No.55131464

>Merchant republics
>Ending corporate structure
Good one

>> No.55131501

>NEW liberal fascism
Oh are you that schizo? Take care, kek

>> No.55131529

And you are too stupid or afraid to look up what new liberalism is and how it differentiate from classical liberalism

>> No.55132011

This. The outcome is given. Btc wins

>> No.55132970

it's a master's thesis done by a military guy who got a grandt to study at MIT and he didnt have much time to write it. he just published his master's thesis. it's not peer reviewed and there isnt' any academic debate around it since it's just a master's thesis. absolutely nothing of what he wrote in his essay was new.
what he says is that the usa should use btc as a weapon in future conflicts. he's not even pro btc but pro pow. of course the top us community already thought about all that in 2008-9 when btc was released. it may even be their creation.

>> No.55133012

>first top $32
Its not like they didn't signal it to everybody that ever dared to read some introductions to free masons

>> No.55133390

I’ve been pondering this for days and I kek about it in my head every time I think about it

>> No.55133574

What did your mind tell you what it is?

>> No.55133604

I just picture genslers whiny jew face like “but I worked so hard”

>> No.55133866

Jewish interests vs Geopolitical necessities. He should have known, but Americans are all about stereotypical bread and circus with easy to understand dichotomies and the underdog

>> No.55134657

This thread is glow Nigger central

>> No.55135642

>this thread is going to get slided off the catalog
>297 / 26 / 97 / 8

>> No.55135892

>26 acres going to pasture that I took from the onions growers

godspeed anon