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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5510231 No.5510231 [Reply] [Original]


> main net delayed


> dumping



>> No.5510510

omg at least we have an announcment.

>> No.5510537


>> No.5510600

Link for delay?

>> No.5510606
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>> No.5510701


>> No.5510703

g-g-guys, am I an icon marine now?

>> No.5510765

I got in at 45k sats, how fucked am I?

>> No.5510793

This thing is gonna bounce for sure

>> No.5510842

>i just bought 30 more lol. Whatever. Fuck you.

>> No.5510887
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>january 24st

>> No.5510910

Off of what? 28k? 25k? 20k? 10k? 1k? 50 satoshis?


>> No.5510926

Keep dumping while I accumulate. See who the real winner is hehehe

>> No.5510934

This is going into the 20 thousands, have fun holding.

>> No.5510959

>not valuing crypto in fiat

what can you buy with BTC my man?

>> No.5510973

went all in at 36k
how fucked I am

>> No.5510990

Dump now

>> No.5511026

More of your precious fiat than your federal reserve gives you permission to use, hookers, molly, blow, cars, boats houses, trips into space with Richard Branson.

The really important shit though? Any fucking cryptocurrency I want. The real tickets to the big show.

What fiats can you buy fiat? Good luck getting the next moonmission ticket with USD.

>> No.5511042

lmao that shit hits

>> No.5511072



>> No.5511083

This is what I get for listening to biz shilling. Oh well I’ll be a bagholder. No more panic selling for me.

>> No.5511105

This is not fair, I went all in on this shitcoin. I won't sell at a loss.

We can only hope that korean exchanges start listing it real soon.

>> No.5511118

I'll donate to someone who can rap this, depending on how good could go up to 0.050eth

>> No.5511138

Don't even care, this is a long term hold for me

>> No.5511139

If you sell now you're pretty much guaranteed to increase your position. Dump and buy back at $1 if you truly believe in the coin. Don't let your emotions control you.

>> No.5511164


>> No.5511181

Just so you know, this is just a healthy dump. Don't listen to the pajeets, they just want to buy your bags cheap. ICON is the next 50B market cap, you got in early. Hold.

>> No.5511186

won't touch 1$
might go to 3$ at worse.

10 in january. stop being such faggots.

>> No.5511187

>from Korea's ETH to buy back at a dollar kek

>> No.5511189
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i bought at the peak of the pump

just fuck my fucking shit up

>> No.5511216

You are afraid because it makes sense. Dump now and buy back in 10 minutes.

>> No.5511274

yeah this is nothing. My etheremon gains can sit on this for a month idc.

>> No.5511322

>And today, we have launched our release candidate (RC) version of the ICON Testnet based on various loopchain implementation to generate the genesis block after additional data showing of stability and security of the network.

Fucking retard sellers. They launched today OK. Same fucking thing.

>> No.5511327

U-coin has already started:

>> No.5511414

why would I be afraid, I'm not some pajeet who went all in on this, I'm holding until it reaches at least 20$ then will consider wheter to continue holding part of my postition or not.
This is just one of my multiple shitcoins, I was going long anyways.
It won't drop 50% on top the 30% it has already dropped, it's a healthy pullback triggered by BTC. not a crash and news had little to do with it.
most people know big news are coming out in january.
if u sell know u might be able to increase ur position or btc shits the bed and u end up losing money trying to buy back in. Up to u, personally I'll just hold.

>> No.5511419

This is honestly such a gift, you should be accumulating more on the way down. When btc finishes it's run this thing will fly.

>> No.5511422

i've cut my 30% losses from this. Gonna have to make it back somewhere else

>> No.5511531

you're an idiot

>> No.5511561
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Buy high, sell low

>> No.5511568

hold icx or flip a chunk to NULS, solid as fuck it's mooning right now

>> No.5511616

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, i lost my hut.

>> No.5511617

weak hands, stay poor

>> No.5512670

Wow my buy order at 3030 sats I set up before sleep actually got triggered!
And looking at the graphs I BOUNCED US BACK BOYS!!! THANK ME BUY BUY BUY

>> No.5512802

I'll give you a tip to to time the market reading /biz/.

When you see 10 shills thread a day for an unknown coin (like ICX 10 days ago) you do some research, and if it looks really good, you go all in.
Then you ride to the top, until you see big fat walls and people starting to panic sell. You panic sell too.
When you see /biz/ and other communities full of pajeets beggin you to hold and buy more, or saying buzzwords like "stay poor" "weak hands" "10$EOY" you stay away.
When those guys sold (because they will) a few weeks later, then you buy back. You can recognise them as they'll use pajeet fud like "no this coins is shit buy x instead".

>> No.5512895

you and i both know that some of the "weak hands" "10$EOY" people are people who are hodling and believe the project is legit. They won't sell. The "no this coins shit buy x coin instead" comment is correct though

>> No.5512941

Do it. Sell low, buy high.