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55097594 No.55097594 [Reply] [Original]

Oldfag from 2015 here who bought link below 15 c. There are some good projects this cycle. Not gonna lie, some of you lucky bastards will be rich. But what makes me laugh and question the intelligence of this board is this token by the name Kleros (PNK). Some Re*dditor trannies think that they have stumbled upon the next ChainLink. They couldn't be further from the truth. Link had obvious use cases and was used right from the beginning. Granted, by some less known project, but it was USED! Your Kleros-Skleros shit is not You literally haven't had a single case in the last 30 days and your last case was in Proof of Humanity, which is a laughing stock of crypto atm. Your shitty "Proof or Humanity" garbage got abused by a bunch of third orders who have been able to register multiple accounts and multiple rewards. Speaking of your other platforms, which are blatant shitty ripoffs of Fiver. Not a single one of them is used. Yep, you heard, don't believe me? Go check them on Kleros dashboard. Translation from Chinese to English 0 cases in the last 60 days. Technical court? 0. French-Eng? 0. Should I continue? Ok, let's look at the team. Maybe, they have some visionaries? No, they have some obese alcoholic who spends all his time playing video games and drinking and some French faggot who can't form a coherent sentence. What a brilliant duo! These deluded tranny-r*editors will try to convince you that somehow Kleros is endorsed by Vitalik Buterin. While Vitalik Buterin did in the past register for POH court, it literally means nothing. Anyone can register and costs virtually nothing. Buterin is a general token maxi. Will show interest in all kinds of projects, and entertain some ideas. The keyword here is "entertain". He did not endorse your shitcoin. He doesn't support or will do any promotional work. Look at the history, Buterin, around 2017-2018 got into Komodo. Where is Komodo now? Right, in the dumpster with other shitcoins with no use cases.

>> No.55097646


>> No.55097717


>> No.55097735

Good threads don’t start with a text wall. They start real short like this:

>> No.55097771

Stop posting pics of children you pedo scum.

>> No.55097783

Generaitiv is superior

>> No.55097877

Most Kleros fudders seem to be kiddyfiddlers

>> No.55097919

She is 30, Ageist scum

>> No.55098016

So what are some good projects right now?

>> No.55098067


>> No.55098095

kek, why are we still shitting on Kelros? I thought they were pretty much irrelevant?

>> No.55098157

Lol, lmao even

>> No.55098165


I have bad news for you jamaal

>> No.55098309


>> No.55098322


>> No.55098413


>> No.55100529

I won't reas that shit

>> No.55100547

Nobody here even talks about kleros anymore. So why did you make this thread?

>> No.55100602
File: 96 KB, 424x537, 7166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading all that shit but am happy or sad that happened to you

>> No.55102598

That's Mizu.

>> No.55102620

>There are some good projects this cycle
what are your favorites? any opinion on KAS or other level 1s?

>> No.55102626


>> No.55102631

She's got Russian shoulders. Sexy

>> No.55102655

>Russian shoulders

explain plz?

>> No.55102718

TL;DR. If your bags are still LINK and you add some AVAX to that, YGMI. Period.

>> No.55102894
File: 66 KB, 850x956, 1681235681587068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here only for crypto girls