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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55094362 No.55094362 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55094376

somehow the news never mentions how mortgage rates going up, is a form of inflation
but at least the banks are making higher profits

>> No.55094378

>inflation surprise

>> No.55094404

I own my home with no mortgage. Don’t care.

>> No.55094421

Good for you
I hope I become like you one day. Except the being a dick part

>> No.55094512

Home owners don't give a shit about rates going up you dumb rentoid. Our mortages have fixxed rates unless some shithole country like the UK. The bulk of persons effected by rates going up will be rentoids. Landchads will pass on the rising costs into your monthly rent.
>*t jealous priced out rentoid
There is notning dickish about owning a home you seething rentcuck.

>> No.55094724

>ting ting ting
If everyone in the
>just overspecukated on loans and mortgage in the last 10 years
would like to step forward and begin applying your vase'o'leen anus grease...

>> No.55094734
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Looks like a thumbnail on some porn video

>> No.55094738

>interacial degeneracy
you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.55094887
File: 37 KB, 711x430, M2 percent change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We printed 25% of all dollars that have ever existed after the 2008 financial crisis to dump cheap easy money into the economy all the way to 2020.

Then we proceeded to dump ANOTHER 25% in a single FUCKING YEAR aka we printed an entire years month of bills every single month.

You have to be an economically illiterate retard or the biggest coping ((fed boy)) to not have seen inflation coming.

>> No.55094901

> Interest going up
> is inflationary
fucking retard

>> No.55094927

I expect the Fed to over correct too.

>> No.55095266 [DELETED] 

Thing is, they're not impacting the parties that are hoarding the most or spending the most even though the goal (afaik) is to remove liquidity.
The victims in all of this are the ordinary people that didn't defraud the government or never had money to begin with it, yet the people already worst off financially and can't cover basic expenses will be hurt the most, sooner, harder.

Most of the extra money got gobbled up by proxies to mega corporation execs and it's a global phenomenon.

>> No.55095297 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 792x792, 1524152239318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really needs to be a global insurgency, but it will never happen. Nobody will learn anything and it's just going to be 200 years of slow burn and people being gaslit into thinking it's totally their fault. It is their fault because they allow it to be done to them.
It's hard to care anymore.

>> No.55095345

>It's hard to care anymore.
This is your problem.
You've been tricked into caring about society at large when your only obligation, if even, is to your family and frens and those you choose to surround yourself with.
Ask and answer this to yourself honestly.
>Since you became aware of, and started caring about, the problems of society at large has your familial/social relationships deteriorated as a result of this diversion of attention and emotion?
Who even is sandeep who has no money for the village which starves?
I don't know, i don't care.
And the tyrones we are supposed to be afraid of and arm ourselves against? I don't think i know a tyrone.
I don't think i've ever met a tyrone in my entire life.
And the pedo elite?
I'm not a child to be molested and i'm not a neglectful parent sending my child to meet politicians and celebrities.
Who are these people to you really?
Just stop caring.
Focus on you.

>> No.55095663

I do, I just came off a 5 year fix and the rate is more than double what I was on previously. It’s an extra £150 a month, we don’t get 30 year mortgages here. We get 2,3, 5 years etc. large number of people coming off the super low rates from 2 years ago might find they can’t afford their properties. Also due to Ukraine war, food prices, gas electricity, inflation and a massively tightened lending criteria. I can’t even borrow what I borrowed 10 years ago despite being on over 10k more due to the tighter restrictions. Can’t spend that money on silver now ;;

>> No.55095779

lol retard

>> No.55095788

>Shiiiet I dunno wut all deez scribbles n shit meen. Dat ass be fat tho

>> No.55095885

Is it true that a majority of bong loans are variable interest rates? That's so fucked that you are smart and buy a house ten years ago and you still get fucked by central bank kikery.

>> No.55095905
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>> No.55095919

Go back to rèddit faggot

>> No.55095970
File: 136 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273719a9ca0f168f1031ce7c173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who 'commits' to an AR mortgage deserves whatever hell they have coming, this is very good news.

It's like writing a blank check to BANKS. Literally giving away the keys to '''your''' kingdom...


>> No.55096008

Anyone who doesnt have a fixed rate mortgage is a fucking moron
>bbbut they dont offer them in a shithole country like mine!
then dont get a mortgage
i simply do not understand how variable rate mortgages were ever legal in any country.

>> No.55096035

Also known as the "grillpill". This, or maybe if you're particularly driven some good ol' fashioned separatism (start building a community of likeminded people, do a little prep for the inevitable societal downfall, etc) are the only meaningful things one can do.
Don't think about agitation, changing the system from within (or without). Think only about yourself, your family and frens.

>> No.55096110

Nope because prices will fall

>> No.55096126

This does impact you, property prices will fall which will reduce, or at least sarrest increases in, property tax.

>> No.55096152

30 year fixed is retarded. It's a socialization of the risk.
As a mutt you love socialism.

>> No.55096469

People can lock in on rates but when they expire you can get a new deal or go on the follow on rate which is usually just a tracker of the Bank of England base rate with a % added on.

The issue currently is because of the tightened lending requirements due to assorted cost of living raises some people can’t get a new deal as they “can’t afford it” from the lender’s perspective even if the locked in rate is less than the follow in. This is why you get a bunch of people on variable. Or for older people nearing the end, they won’t lend a mortgage for lower amounts so you also have to stay on the variable. Think a bunch of people (millions) are coming off 2/5 fixed rates in the middle of this mess over the next 6 months. That’s what the fuss is all about as they are getting fucked with rate changes. Especially if they stretched to get what they wanted in the first place.

>> No.55096525

>entered the thread to post three separate seethes

>> No.55096608

I thought redditors loved dicks

>> No.55097096

>It's a socialization of the risk
It's an opportunity for the patient and intelligent, which is why you being stupid and high time preference think it's retarded
>t. 30 year fixed at 2.9%, put 25% down so my mortgage is LESS than my old rent

>> No.55097270
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>> No.55097555


Its not going to fall. Housing market is going to the moon. You will own nothing and be happy. -Klaus

>> No.55098293

Nice try Jew
Mortgage payments going up is a bigger part of inflation then any other part of the economy
But you Jewish fives want everyone to think otherwise so banks make more profit
Oh but tell me more about what the news told you you faggot cuck

>> No.55098304

Yeah he’s an obvious glowie Jew

>> No.55098465

>inb4 you should have saved your money and lived like a bug in some hellhole city with no car, no garage, no hobbies

>> No.55098547


No gives a shit about you Jew. This is a thread to talk about inflation and you glowkikes are shutting it up

>> No.55098592

It’s all designed to increase banker profits and the news keeps saying high rates lower inflation but it’s literally the opposite
Okay rabbi
>imagine thinking higher rates which effects the most expensive part of living costs (housing) is deflationary
you cucks believe everything the news tells you
I bet you think Osama did 9/11 too

>> No.55098621

Doesn't effect me, I'm locked in at 2.5% with only 20k left due. Could pay it all off now if I wanted to

>> No.55098624

soft cunt

>> No.55098656

I have no idea why they did it. And they didn't even stop after the stocks recovered, they just kept printing again and again

>> No.55098723
File: 120 KB, 571x461, 1602275605315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even remember the last time i've seen anything else than a male nigger + white female in an ad/article depicting a couple.
It probably was around 2015.

>> No.55099548

>OP pic
>white female
you are a glownigger
obviously from the USA

>> No.55099602

This guy don't give a shit.
Lookin' out for numero uno.
He NEEDS to tell you that he don't care.

>> No.55100142

They are falling

>> No.55100155

It's clearly subsidized mutt, all your housing market is

>> No.55101733

Thank you. I was having trouble with my habit of visiting this website but this post cured>>55094362

>> No.55102087

>shithole country like the UK.
Not my problem. Changes nothing in America. Seethe britcuck. You get what you get because UK is a nation of boot licking cowards.

>> No.55103742

I wouldn’t expect it to. The article is from a British news site and it references the UK specifically.

>> No.55103851

The exact same thing happened in the early 90s. It led to the (((neoliberal))) consensus represented by Blairism and the modern Tory Party. Interesting that the end of that era will be bookended by the exact same phenomenon.