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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5509093 No.5509093 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5509180 [DELETED] 

gonna laugh so hard when this dumps. price has been manipulated on these shit tier exchanges. gonna dump when on a normal exchange. not to mention all the pump and shill groups on this coin its posted about on the main page about 3-4 times per 20 minutes 24/7

>> No.5509244

Or maybe it's severely undervalued coin with revolutionary tech? Unlike your ERC-20 shitcoin portfolio. Sorry you missed out, but you should research into what you're buying.

>> No.5509262

>i was too stupid to buy XRB

>> No.5509331

Do you see the fucking order books? How in the hell do you think shilling in /biz/ is the grand cause of this? We are nothing.

>> No.5509401

Yummy pasta brother, mind sucking my dick and swallowing the cum I blast down your throat?

>> No.5509405

Contrary to what you may believe, /biz is actually the nexus of the crypto world. Dead serious

>> No.5509490

Actually, funny thing is /biz/ caused ETH to drop like a rock when some idiot posted a thread on Vitalik's "death".

>> No.5509536

Exactly. This place has far more influence than many believe. It is really ground 0 for crypto. Not bitcointalk, not reddit, but /biz

>> No.5509599
File: 1.70 MB, 320x180, RaiBlockTrain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, this is XRB vs. walls. 14Billion Market cap before years end.

Screencap this.

>> No.5509625

nah twitter is ground zero, followed by /biz.

>> No.5509672

what twitter accounts do I follow to find good and cool new coins

>> No.5509694

im fucking cut, would have bought ages ago if it was on Binance

>> No.5509714

Any tips on these first stop twitter profiles?

>> No.5509735

Which Twitter feeds to follow?

>> No.5509834

byteball is better, raiblocks does nothing interesting

>> No.5510313

start off by following all the coins you own.
then just go to the suggested list and add everyone related to crypto. i follow everyone to get as many opinions as possible. roger ver, charlie lee, vitalik, coinbase, coindesk, romano, crypto cobain, jimmy song, not so fast, this is nuse, ceo of bitcoin, crypto_god, etc. literally add anyone suggested to you.

>> No.5510383

you weren't even here back then otherwise you'd know that ETH was already in a bear market when that meme was posted, there was basically 0 effect.

>> No.5510396

i don't even know if that's true or not, but until they change they're fucking name they're not going anywhere. raiblocks isn't ideal, but its better than fucking byteball.

its in the same category as einsteineum where I don't even know if its legit and I don't care because the name is so fucking bad

>> No.5510433

btw i'm not saying any of these guys are really important, i just opened my twitter feed and those were the latest to tweet. literally follow everyone, especially the people you hate and disagree with.

>> No.5510443

The Roblox association will help

>> No.5510567

Actually, it did.

>> No.5510849

Do you honestly expect news coverage to tell the truth about ETH already declining before the rumors when they can instead make an exaggerated headline guaranteed to generate clicks?

>> No.5510866

you retarted niger, shuv your byteballs into your anus

we fast and feeless baby, cant stop wont stop

>> No.5510881

you have to be a retard to believe a fake new have any real effect on price.

>> No.5510883

In a world where fucking Verge has twice the market cap, I don't think this is dumping anytime soon. Everyone knows that, which is why it's up every single goddamn day.

>> No.5510982

Kind of infuriating that the article is total bullshit. It's impossible to attribute what part of eth's crash was due to the ongoing bear market and what part was due to the vitalik rumor. But it was already crashing pretty severely before that rumor came out. That article is very clearly trying to push a biased viewpoint

>> No.5511127

I agree that byteball needs to hange its name, which is why it is still cheap as fuck.

Here's some info on byteball:
DAG based like raiblocks
very cheap transaction fees, infinitely scalable
Private, untraceable transactions
Sending of arbitrary data
Smart Contracts
Peer to peer exchange integrated in their wallet (DEX)
Betting integrated in the wallet
On Chain Oracles
Chatbots (no need to sign up to an exchange)
Send money per email/facebook to people that dont even have a wallet yet

All this is already implemented, not future work. Byteball is a working project. Raiblocks + ETH + Monero = Byteball

The dev is a russian who studied theoretical physics, once he is done developing like an wizkid autist and marketing picks up byteball will explode. If you missed out on raiblocks gains then byteball is an ideal pick. All it takes is one reddit shillpost and you're gonna see a x10 like with iota.

Look at the charts, byteball is cheap as fuck right now, back to pre-pump levels.

>> No.5511234
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>byteball is cheap as fuck right now, back to pre-pump levels

>> No.5511261


retard. Crypto is measured in btc, look at the btc chart and zoom out.

>> No.5511293

>implying BTC is what I'm going to cash out to

>> No.5511311

The thing is normies money look at USD. Byteball as good as it is won't get a pump like Raiblock.
Normie aren't going to buy something that cost $600 bucks. They want something in cent and dollar and hope for 10x, 100x. It's hard to imagine byteball to go to $6000 but easily to get something like raiblock to $100.
Normies don't know about marketcap, coin supply

>> No.5511390

as long as there is no byteball <-> usd pair you will cash out in btc because thats what you will convert your alts to before getting $. If your altcoins dont gain in btc, you are losing money.

You do realize that yours is a breinlet response, right?

Yes that could be an issue, however normie also bought into bitcoin when it was 5000 or ETH when it was 400$. All you need is one reddit post on frontpage that explains byteball and that the unit on coinmarketcap is actually 1 billion bytes and you will see a bull run. After raiblocks and iota already mooned, people are gonna check out similar coins and will find byteball

>> No.5511463

I bought some when my friend sent me one just to show me how instant it is. Get in boys i'm up 60% in the past couple days.

>> No.5511473

>If your altcoins dont gain in btc, you are losing money.
That is assuming BTC's price is stable or will increase in price, which is a moronic assumption.

>> No.5511490

DGB is also incredibly fast
so is bitbean
doesnt mean im running out to buy them

>> No.5511658

Explain to me how an altcoin can get an increase in $ while dropping in btc while btc also drops in value. Hint: it's not possible, unless there's a direct widelay available fiat pair for that crypto, whch 99% of altcoins don't have. As long as BTC is #1 on coinmarketcap and only a few exchanges offer fiat pairings for other cryptos, evaluation in anything besides BTC is moot. If your alt increases in $ but drops in BTC, you are losing money, you would have made more $ by simply holding btc.

Byteball was at 0.35 BTC before. At current $ evaluation of BTC it would be ~6000$. This should tell you that a x10 with byteball is possible, it is extremely undervalued right now, considering that it beats up any of the other DAG coins in features.

This. Just being a fast currency isn't something worthwhile. There's already so many of those. Raiblocks got meme'd because IOTA mooned and the btc network slowed down. XRB will lose steam, as just being fast and scalable isn't enough when competing with something like byteball, which offers the same as XRB and so much more.

>> No.5511711

You don't understand my point. I meant the potential for return. Byteball is at $600. Normie who fomo in won't hold for 10x. They'll sell at like 2x. People who hold low price coins will be able to hold for 10x.
Normie that buy in ETH at $400 and so what, they aren't even at 1x.
What /biz/ desire is gains, Byteball is great and all but after all, it's potential for return isn't as good as some other unheard coin

>> No.5511785

byteball is #54 in marketcap, more gains easily possible.The price of units isn't as big of a deal as you think it is

>> No.5511812

>The price of units isn't as big of a deal as you think it is
i dunno dude

>> No.5511908

>begin with altcoin portfolio worth $1000 USD or 0.0625 BTC (BTC valued at $16000)
>BTC decreases in value to $10000
>if portfolio's USD value stays at $1000, it now has a value of 0.1 BTC
Why should I care if I now have 0.1 BTC compared to my starting 0.0625 BTC, when I still have a $1000 portfolio?

>> No.5511989

To normies it is.
You know all those people that bought in ETH at $400 could ahve bought in LITERALLY any coin and have 2x by now. Look at any coin on the site 2 weeks ago. All have double in sat. Some are way more.
Like I say Byteball with what you said is great but POTENTIAL is way greater in other coins

>> No.5512043

the scenario you just described is currently impossible unless the altcoin is bitcoin cash or litecoin or some other currency with a fiat pairing on the exchange. if your altcoin doesnt have a fiat pairing on the exchange it is impossible for it to gain in $ but drop in btc.

Please think for a moment or go back to highschool. If you are tradying by gains in $ you are losing money.

>> No.5512117

>This. Just being a fast currency isn't something worthwhile. There's already so many of those. Raiblocks got meme'd because IOTA mooned and the btc network slowed down. XRB will lose steam, as just being fast and scalable isn't enough when competing with something like byteball, which offers the same as XRB and so much more.
Your bags will be neutron star heavy for life. Should have sold and bought XRB.

>> No.5512192

Are you actually retarded? I just described how pointless measuring value in BTC is. An altcoin can become worth more BTC but it literally means fuck all if BTC goes to shit. An altcoin being solely paired with BTC doesn't mean anything when the market is making trades based on BTC's dollar value (which is how everyone measures BTC's worth).

>> No.5512278

I own 0 byteball and 10k raiblocks, but this will change shortly. Volume on Raiblocks is slowing down, and so is the train.

Don't be the fool that holds a coin through its ATH. First Iota got attention and mooned. People found out about raiblocks beause of it. Raiblocks got attention and mooned. Attention will bring critique, people will notice byteball.

I misread your scenario, but my point still stands. Sure, you can take your profits in $, but that's a dangerous game unless you are daytrading. Longterm btc would recover and your 0.1 btc would be worth more than the 1k $

>> No.5512307

Can someone explain to me why anyone who isn't a whale would run a node on this shitcoin if they don't even get paid for it?

>> No.5512338

everyone who already holds xrb already has access to the 'shit-tier' exchanges its listed on

it getting listed on a 'normal' exchange will only mean an enormous exposure to new people who do not own any

do you really believe this scenario (massively increasing demand while keeping supply the same) results in devaluation?

>> No.5512480

Not everyone operates with a capitalist mindset.
Doesn't take much to host a node. Some will do it because they like the coin and want it to succeed.

You do know there's ~130 million supply and yet there's only ~700k for sale on bitgrail. Where is the rest of the supply? You are delusional if you don't think it'll get dump on once it get list on a real exchange. There's not enough demand for it especially at this price.

>> No.5512731

lol. for bitcoin, there's 16.8million supply and less than 5000 for sale on all major exchanges combined.
where's the rest of the supply?

>> No.5512758

>no Rainer

stay poor fag

>> No.5512767

>comparing bitcoin with years of history to a coin that pop up this year
really dude?

>> No.5512842

1. rai's been around for several years, just gained traction recently
2. im not comparing the coin, im pointing out how dumb your argument is. everyone holding XRB has access to the exchanges its currently listed on. they're clearly not selling for the current price, pretty much the only feasible reason is that all of them believe there's a lot more potential behind the coin than its current market cap indicates.
what other reason you believe they aren't selling right now?

when it gets listed on major exchanges, a lot of people who do not bother with micro exchanges get access to it. people who are on micro exchanges already have access to major exchanges.

==> supply stays the same, demand increases. majorly.

are you seriously still not get it?
or just this desperate for some cheaper XRB before it gets on bittrex? gl then, lol

>> No.5512862

it gained traction recently, because people just realized how important scalability is, and it is the coin with the best scalability-potential by far

>> No.5513140

>Some will do it because they like the coin and want it to succeed
who cares lmao, exchanges will host nodes like motherfuckers for those sweet sweet fees. Idealists are nice I guess but I don't care and neither should you.
hop in, make gainz and exit at your target, fuck any other mindset

>> No.5513161
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Nice photochop op

>> No.5513174 [DELETED] 

Just wanted to let you guys know of something going down Thursday. There is a huge pump and dump that will be taking place on Binance in the next couple of days by over 10k people. Now you may think this is fake, but there's a discord in which there is a whole plan with set times and what the main idea and the strategy going into Thursday is. Many of you may still not like this idea and if thats true then, unfortunately, this is not for you, but if you even somewhat like this idea make sure to check it out at least


>> No.5513187

RaiBlocks can only slow down when it sits at top 3.

IOTA ponzi is worth exactly no more than 0.00 usd without the Coordinator, as its main dev claimed.

>> No.5513198

get fucked, FUDboy

>> No.5513226

guys is it too late to buy in?

>> No.5513244

Binance will list it 5th of January, so if I were you I'd get in ASAP.

>> No.5513262

wont it have a dip when it gets on to binance? ifd not what do you think will happen

>> No.5513266

Yeah sure buddy over a third of raiblock holders will suddenly dump all their shit. Making it suddenly worth less than 100 million. Fucking retard, stop shilling your pump and dump discord.

>> No.5513279

Reported to the SEC. Enjoy your 5 years for securities fraud.

>> No.5513286

How do you know that?

>> No.5513319

don't know, don't care, i'm in it to win it with balls of steel and iron hands
Dip? indifferent
Moon? indifferent
all i care about is gains, it doesn't matter if it takes me a day, month or a year. I'm strapped for this rocket ride and my target is whatever the price is at 10bil mcap.
buy, hold, don't think. When the time comes, sell that shit and fuck bitches

>> No.5513348

>Voting time: From 2017/12/31 10:00 AM (UTC) to 2018/01/05 10:00 AM (UTC).
>Each registered user can vote for multiple candidates but only a maximum of one vote per candidate. Users will need to pay 0.1 BNB per vote.
>At the end of the voting period, we will review the votes garnered by each candidate for final review.
>As always, we reserve the right to adjust the weightings of each vote.

>> No.5513372

What are your future xrb gain expectations?

>> No.5513393

so its not definite?

>> No.5513404

Probably $30-50 in a month, will drop to $25ish after a dump, then $100+ in late 2018.

>> No.5513425

Based on what?

>> No.5513485

good shit. i like the no pussy shit approach to cryptos because its working for a new fag like me

>> No.5513491

>btc will be $100 one day
>based on what?
>eth will be $100 one day
>based on what?
>zcash will be $100 one day
>based on what?

Ride the tiger, nigga. Beating around the bush means no gains. You might as well ask "is bitgrail legit?" or "when will the dip be?"
The answers are not important, when you get in is important. If you DON'T get in, you get ZERO gains. Don't be a nocoiner.

>> No.5513503


It's gotten this far on shit exchanges. I believe this will be like the NEO pump.

They will rename from RaiBlocks to Rai. Like Antshares renamed to NEO. XRB is already getting listed on a top 15 exchanges (Bit-Z). I think there's going to be a "partnership" or event that fuels this coin to moon even harder than it has been.

I bought in so many times, every time was ATH. It keeps going up. Won't last forever, but it's not going to stop soon.

>> No.5513516

hey man i lost 8 BTC in mid-2017 because i was a pussy ass bitch with weak hands, asking wrong questions for too long
Now I'm wiser and even though my feelings might say SELL THAT SHIT YOU TURDJUGGLER i'm not gonna do the same mistake twice

>> No.5513520

i bought before it hit $2. I'm good.
Just wanted to know what people think.

>> No.5513611

Good. If you're in, you're gonna make it.
Asking what other people think might evoke your emotions, but remember – FUCK THAT SHIT

>> No.5513659

Hello guys SuperNormie here,

i have only little experience in this crypto thing, I made like 600€ profit in buying bitcoin, bitcoin cash and ethereum and selling it before it went down a litle bit last week.

I read a lot of stuff about XRB and while i am a normie I did the normie thing and read some on the internet how to get XRB.
So I bought some Ethereum and transferred it to bitgrail. On bitgrail I bought some XRB and after that I withdrew everything to my wallet on raiwallet.com.
No I am a normie with 148 XRB coins in my wallet.

I already made a nice litle + with this amount of XRB coins.

I was wondering, am i still a normie with XRB in my portfolio ( which is 100% XRB now )?

>> No.5513702

You're doubting yourself.

>> No.5513805

you're good, but buy more immediately when you get the chance. The worst thing a man can say "I should've bought" when the bull run is over, but the second worst thing a man can say is "I should've bought yesterday" indefinitely.
BUY when you can

>> No.5513884

You are a normie until we hit 4 trillion cap. At that moment you can call yourself an oldcryptofag

>> No.5514820

If you wanna get in before $10. now is your last chance. there is a drop right now.

>> No.5514840

biggest red candle in days.

>> No.5514893

>You do realize that yours is a breinlet response, right

Your trying too hard newfriend

>> No.5515278

fuckin 8 again

>> No.5515313

guys sell off and rebuy around $5.10, thank me later

>> No.5515321

That was a quick recovery.

>> No.5515405

yeah, okay..

>> No.5515438

psychological barrier of 10 usd reached.

People cashing out, others jump over to buy the dip.

This shit is healthy as fuck. Fuck yes Rai.

>> No.5515452

look at the logarithmic chart you dickheads
nothing out of the ordinary

probably this

>> No.5515482

People getting nervous over a dip lol.

>> No.5515702
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one of these is not like the others

>> No.5515789

that dip dissolved quick. damn.

>> No.5515842
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organic as fuck