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55090500 No.55090500 [Reply] [Original]

>too smart to invest in shitcoins
>too broke to invest in legitimate projects

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.55090508

more like
>too smart to randomly throw money at shitcoins
>not smart enough to find an edge in shitcoin trading

>> No.55090515

frogbots are now in uncanny valley territory

>> No.55090530
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If you're as intelligent as you claim then you'll see the potential upside of this

>> No.55090536

Fortune favors the retarded

>> No.55090613

Oh boy another AI waifu app yes this is the one now. Kill yourself you degenerate gambling addict

>> No.55091153


>> No.55091503


cope if you were smart enough you would see the opportunities in retarded ass shitcoins

or at least be smart enough to find the ppl that do

>> No.55091513

>or at least be smart enough to find the ppl that do
how anon?

>> No.55091564

They're all developers and whales making that money you subhuman scum. Your financial situation must be so horrible that you convinced yourself there are opportunities in shitcoins

>> No.55091584

I have some news for you OP. And you might not like it.
You're not as smart as you think you are. You are vastly overestimating your intelligence. Ironically, that's a pretty common thing to happen in midwits.
You're a midwit OP. Market is only for the absolute retard or absolute genius. I suggest you go back to your wage cage.

>> No.55091625

>Market is only for the absolute retard or absolute genius
so just become more retarded. easy

>> No.55091635


i know, we follow each other :3

got in pepe when the page had 144 followers

some of them are actually just friends of devs tho or autists lurking telegram all day. regardless, you can find a way to make monies, ponzi or not

>> No.55091640


>> No.55091642

Yes. I embraced the boomer mindset and put my money in a mutual fund.

>> No.55091643

find sub 10k accounts on CT that still have big acounts following them

insiders/behind the scene ppl

>> No.55091657

Don't care about your anectodal evidence Rajeesh. Shitcoins are scams. Investing weekly intonBTC+ETH is unironically the only way to go.

>> No.55091685


maybe you're right if you're already rich

but you will NEVER get rich off btc and eth at this point, you can only "preserve" the wealth.

>> No.55091759

>too stupid to invest in shitcoins
>too stupid to invest in bitcoin
You're just an extremely mediocre loser anon

>> No.55091771

You think 1/20th the market cap of gold for bitcoin is the approximate all time high? Are you retarded?

>> No.55091835

Oh I see you're unemployed. Makes sense.

>> No.55091858



even if it did have market cap of gold.

thats 20x from here

20x is nothing,

BTC will make you money, but it wont turn 100 in 100k. thats all

stop midwitting

>> No.55091876

Cope more, seethe more poorfag kek

>> No.55091887

There are still huge moons ahead for low cap gems. Zenon is gonna make me rich.

>> No.55091899

>but it wont turn 100 in 100k

So won't your FotM shitcoin

>> No.55091937

acting like 1000x don't happen is insane
they happen all the time

you need to be smart enough to find them

>> No.55091954

Anon, no one is really getting rich off of these. They're all whale traps. The only people really making money are as said whales and devs.

>> No.55091966

it actually just did this month, I personally had ~2400x at top , close to 1000x now after the major crash

im not lying to you i swear

>> No.55091967

so true

>> No.55091974

Oh well since you swear I guess I have to believe you now

>> No.55091987

your decision, wont dox address to prove a point to another anon, i gain nothing from this

>> No.55092000

So why would you open your mouth.
I noticed you stated percentage and not a total net profit figure.

Almost like you’re overleveraged taking tiny potshot positions against the trend and exchange.

>> No.55092002

Alright anon. Go ahead and explain your "shitcoin gambling to wealth" guide then if you're not gonna post address

>> No.55093018

Exposed scamming pajeet confirmed

>> No.55093045

go back midwit

>> No.55093048
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your mom

>> No.55093292

>>too broke to invest in legitimate projects
I feel you anon, but lowcaps are dirt cheap now so I put 10% of my wagie pay on RAIL and MINA.

>> No.55093555

I made some good gains but I am not willing to try it again. The digital healthcare narrative is opening up, very soon broke bros can make money providing health data on the blockchain.

>> No.55093571

>too smart
Nocoiner you missed 2 bull runs

>> No.55093591

I think, privacy is where you wanna park your bus. The crypto privacy field is going to be top list if the CBDC move goes through.

>> No.55093763
File: 6 KB, 200x200, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the feeling of a loser, and it's best you snap out of it.
Without taking a risk you won't make it and there is no money too small to invest with, especially now that we have promising alts with working products like SPOOL, PENDLE, RIO, and others.

>> No.55093839
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Well the next best thing is to invest in promising high-cap alts, particularly ecosystems which have a good chance of a decent airdrop (ZKsync, Starkware and LayerZero would be the main ones to keep an eye on).
You probably missed out on ARB due to being as retarded as you are, but don't sweat it, just put something into some high-caps or even "just" BTC/ETH. A 2x is better than a 1x.

>> No.55094147

I'm also holding those tokens and I plan to buy more because of what they are building especially SpoolFi whose V2 will go live soon

>> No.55094756

Absolutely, bro! The crypto world is buzzing with various narratives gaining traction, and you bet I'm not missing out on any of those damn big opportunities. RWA is one of those narratives, and it's making waves. MNI is right there in my bag, and they're laser-focused on enhancing liquidity and achieving real decentralization.

>> No.55095120

If you're really "too smart", you can make easy money on shitcoins. Just spend a little time researching and get out at the right time.

>> No.55095167
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Definitely, Devs are having a fun time clubbing all nights because GoLang, JavaScript and C+++ is now live on a quantum resistant blockchain

>> No.55095517

came here to say this in a worse way

>> No.55095886

>he actually saves images and then uploads them
>calling others midwits

>> No.55096736

Privacy and Identity management are having a good run.

>> No.55097374

Anon, the dumbass wants to get broke soonest. Assets line Matic, Sylo and Dusk with solid fundamentals should be worth the hold for them

>> No.55098709

you're gonna rope for not buying BTC

>> No.55098743
File: 728 KB, 1267x550, D65BCFEB-04DE-4AE8-A9A7-03D12934CD9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart enough to put everything they own into ROSE.

>> No.55099019
File: 5 KB, 215x234, sdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get so excited kek, crypto payment is getting bitches so horny, as xMoney offers reduced fees, staking rewards, investment opportunities, don't be a sleepy dick anon

>> No.55099099
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x720, blackswan running on windows.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in AI than, surely you are smart enough to see where technology is going.


website: B L A C K S W A N . B I Z

telegram:t me/BlackSwan4IPortal

replace 4 with a

>> No.55099128

>he relies on the cloud and public internet for his memes
>implying he himself is anything other than a retard slave to corpos

>> No.55099795
File: 78 KB, 717x898, 8934856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How broke are you exactly? For a legitimate project like AVAX right now you can make solid bags much more easily at the moment.

>> No.55099944
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I used to be like you until I started generating passive income on avax and well, now I have more financial capacity to invest in solid projects

>> No.55100061
File: 26 KB, 284x427, IMG_20230515_152214_605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me. I'm comfy holding my AVAX bags

>> No.55100736
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What you are talking about is a grey scale and there is always a mid point on that scale

>> No.55101131

Looks good, what's the catch?

>> No.55101247

Big if true

>> No.55101986
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the most important thing is to take the first step anon

>> No.55102987

Yea anon you sound good, but hace you check CHUNKS and the new GoonsNft, GOB token which brings a banger tokenomics and it will be their in-game utility token

>> No.55103492

If I am gonna go with lowcaps, privacy coins/tokens will be my favorite.

>> No.55103500

Exactly, being smart means making good gains on shitcoins and re-investing on legitimate assets like Xmr, Zec,Rail or Mina.

>> No.55103515

Don't these threads make you a little lonelier? The amount of shills that flood these threads really makes you wonder about how many real humans you are talking to on /biz/. Anyways, i do know your feel. I took a chance with shitcoins and was rewarded, but I learned quickly that it was a slippery slope. I risked everything at the time and honestly never want to feel that constant anxiety for over a year ever again. Even when it paid out, i put everything into legitimate projects and never looked back. Now I place only 5% of my worth into risky shitcoins at most and never go beyond that. It's what filters the autistic trader/gamblers from the lucky degenerate gamblers.

>> No.55103527


thank god i'm building a legitimate project

>> No.55103583

Smart move there. Moved all my profits from Pepe to projects with solid fundamentals like Matic, Ride and Mbox

>> No.55103736

Not always
>There are still huge moons ahead for low cap gems, Zenon is gonna make me rich.
Especially those that got on at the rock bottom
i'm def bagging more of that plus Sylo that has been a pioneer in the NFT space

>> No.55104075


>> No.55104150

Damn, bro, I feel you on that one. The multi-programming language feature is straight-up fire. It's beyond dope, man. Having that versatility and power at your fingertips? It's like leveling up in the coding game

>> No.55104173
File: 165 KB, 1035x938, 1656525567404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slurping up that sweet AVAX juice alongside PYR and GOB, bro. Right now, it's the ultimate playground for solid blockchain games. I'm going all-in on gaming tokens, man, and the RiskFi model of GOB is set to send it straight to the moon, no kidding.

>> No.55104220

>too broke to invest in legitimate projects
Get your ass into Goons of Balatroon and engage in its free-to-play game. If you are smart enough, you can be among the top winners in the ongoing tournament and earn some rewards. If you are retard, you can ignore and deal with this message whoever you want

>> No.55104284

Low caps are the real deal atm, I'm waiting to get some bumper signals from TM via the AI-powered crypto research platform.

>> No.55104310

I love the fact that it's scalable, which makes it to handle a large number of NFTs, with a good numbers of NFT projects like seekers, flufworld, ASM integrating with it's ecosystem.

>> No.55104314

>>too broke to invest in legitimate projects
If you look at the right places, you will find legitimate projects that are dirt cheap. Dyor into the digital healthcare ecosystem.

>> No.55105382

>Moved all my profits from Pepe to projects with solid fundamentals like Matic, Ride and Mbox
I like the way you acted.
I love Ride, VR gaming, NFTs and backed by Audi, thou Gala tops my list, followed by Hive

>> No.55106729

Invest the little you have got on NXRA that it product the NexeraID will assist builders in navigating compliance.

>> No.55106759

No catch, the demo is free to use for now. And will cost 25k tokens to use the bot in the future.

>> No.55106926

Fortune favours the bold. Accumulate VRA, CYMI and ZPAY now you have the time.

>> No.55107080
File: 59 KB, 387x681, Huge buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this huge buy posted in another thread. I'm so glad you said something yesterday.

>> No.55107786
File: 76 KB, 1184x471, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this chart.

>> No.55108209

That's the more reason why I don't see the need to keep BTC as a store of value; the maximum profits from Xs are not worth it plus it has every propensity to start dropping without any support some day; if it happens, there's nothing retards can do about it. Stables remain the best store of value. Kek

>> No.55108220

>Not stupid enough to trade on margin and get lucky

>> No.55108301

Crypto is used for crime. All these crypto investors that are getting rich are actually laundering money and making it look like they're getting lucky. It's kind of like how only fans was a scam. They promoted a few celebrities that made millions of dollars and they marketed to the general public that you can make millions of dollars selling nudes. the reality is that you'll only make a few hundred bucks from the weirdo you know in real life who will probably try to fuck you after he jerks off to your pics. The gnawing feeling in the back of your head saying this shit is a scam is 100% correct. And the gnawing feeling in the back of your head saying there's people out here making a killing with it is also correct. How-ever the market is 100% rigged and the only people making money out here are people who have knowledge of what's going to happen before it happens via insider trading to facilitate money laundering. So don't feel dumb. Know it's a scam and try to find a legit play.

>> No.55108338

>>too smart to invest in shitcoins
You arent that smart man. A random nigger putting his welfare check on dogecoin and turning into a millionaire overnight is smarter than you investing in "legitimate projects" and staying broke

>> No.55108398

So you're ready to give up the possibilities of making profits from btc just to remain stuck with what you're worth? How high do y'all get these days?

>> No.55108595

Different strokes for different folks.

>just to remain stuck
That's how I know you're dumber than a fake ass BBL. Aren't you aware of the multiple earning opportunities with stablecoins available on Defi protocols(which we obviously don't have for btc) on platforms like SpoolFi or Aave or Curve or Beefy? Who's the high one now.

>> No.55108832

Do they have good yields? It's always a meager 2%

>> No.55108980

I earn yields around 15-25% on SpoolFi for USDC and DAI; that's one of the best stablecoin yields I've seen around.

>> No.55109209

Damn nice screenshot

>> No.55109252

these ppl dont get it, let them be poor

also you need to risk WAY MORE money to get a good return with BTC or ETH

>> No.55109768

Great time to buy in if you were on the sidelines.

>> No.55109879

Still not buying your shitcoin, rajeesh

>> No.55110276
File: 723 KB, 1887x658, blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What coins will you buy anon? How about Black swan?

>> No.55110282
File: 145 KB, 1773x1773, 34165651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invest $3000 a month into BTC and ETH. So the short answer is no.

>> No.55110945

>The crypto world is buzzing with various narratives gaining traction
Your focus should be on the digital healthcare industry, Something really big is happening there.

>> No.55111095

>Low caps are the real deal atm,
If you gonna buy lowcaps now, please buy alts like RAIL or SOV with relatable usecases, that's your only chance of making it with lowcaps.

>> No.55112405
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>too dumb to invest and make positive returns

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.55113753
File: 583 KB, 1600x1467, 1684883460196378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE DESPERATION IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55113861

Being an early bird puts chads ahead of the curve, Altcoinistdao whitelist is up for grabs chad

>> No.55114037

Crazy stuff happening with that coin. I made 25% of my last black swan event that got triggered with the free demo.

>> No.55115846

Damn! It's gonna take forever for you to leave your momma basement cause there's no way anyone is printing millions from BTC and ETH.

>> No.55116195

I would rather opt for low cap DeFi gems on arbitrum while i leave just 10% of my portfolio in BTC and ETH.

>> No.55116356

Arbitrum is the home to some of the hottest DeFi gems and i am looking at getting some with good pump catalyst like SPOOL which just announced a 30% token burn.