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File: 21 KB, 2560x1280, Flag_of_Canada_(Pantone).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55089268 No.55089268 [Reply] [Original]

I've been planning to emigrate to Canada for a while now, any business ideas or ways to make money in Canada?

Suggestions are appreciated

>> No.55089279

assisted suicide will be booming

>> No.55089314


>> No.55089466

fuck that's sad

>> No.55089489
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Good dog

>> No.55089579

>highest cost of living in NA
>lowest opportunity
>only 2-3 months of sun followed by rain and snow for the rest of the year
>insane tax rates

You know canada is a shithole when even immigrants are starting to leave.

All the low hanging fruit has been picked.

its over.

>> No.55089810

>highest cost of living in NA
>lowest opportunity
real estate.
>only 2-3 months of sun
good I prefer cold
>insane tax
again Cali

>> No.55089817

>how do I make money in Canada?
It's called welfare.

>> No.55089838

>Going to a country without a plan at all
Randeep please.

>> No.55089840

Street gangs desu, MTL or Toronto

>> No.55089981

Land lording is more profitable than anything else going in Canada.

>> No.55090094

retard. we're taxed way more in canada than the state of california. if it weren't for the usd/cad exchange rate everyone would be living there instead of here. our wages and income have been flatlined. Jobs in tech, it, entertainment biz here is shit pay. In the states salaries are at least double, not including the exchange rate

>> No.55090374

I dont know your story, but I'm Canadian and actively building out my escape plan. This ship is going down, and the only people that could save it (hardworking, risk taking men) are being castrated by women and the politicians they elect.

I love this country, but not that much. I'm out. I'll be back to rebuild in a couple of decades, when I'm no longer universally hated. Have a nice ride, bitches.

>> No.55090395

Also forgot to mention: in addition to being mean angry feminists, the women are all fat.

>> No.55090405

Except maybe some US states it's shit everywhere. Just go rural in Canada and that's it. You're probably an urbanite faggot

>> No.55090441

>building out my escape plan
Based, same here.

>I love this country,
Why? Other than natural beauty, which the US has in spades too, what else is there to love?

>> No.55090442

>just go to rural Canada where the women are even fatter AND have someone else's kid.
Retard. You're welcome to martyr yourself, but I'm going to an undisclosed third world country that does have an extradition treaty with Canada, is summer every month of the year, and my current financial assets will allow me to live without much effort. Oh, and the women aren't fat feminists. Have fun dude.

>> No.55090457

Canadian values. What used to be our values, anyway.

>> No.55090460

Everything mutts have without based gun values really.

>> No.55090463

Doesn't have an extradition treaty*

>> No.55090464


>> No.55090468

This is why we must vote Poilievre so we can Make Canada Great Again

>> No.55090473

> every month of the year

Yeah I can't argue with that point, the rest you're a coward and a faggot.

>> No.55090495

>voting matters

>> No.55090566

>in Canada
Should we tell him?

>> No.55090623

You do know Canada's cost of living is more insane right? We are double/triple taxed here. We get taxed tooth and nail on what we make then taxed again when we buy stuff at insane 10~14% depending on the province. The house prices here also goes up to millions the closer you are near Toronto or any inner city.

>> No.55090649

Remember all the racist and shady shit Trudeau did and he's still in power even after like what 80% of Canadians already wanted him out during that 2021 Federal Snap elections.

>> No.55090656
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You're delusional if you think that retard is going to make a difference

>> No.55090664
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>another Indian moving to Canada
fuck off we're full of you subhumans

>> No.55090667

>>lowest opportunity
>real estate.
WTF does this mean? Are you somehow under the impression that real estate is cheap here? Unless you're planning on buying in Terrace BC or Whitehorse or some shit then why not just do the same thing in the US?

>> No.55090681

Cabada post is hiring. Easy money if you're fit. Once you own a route, you can finish it quicker and either enjoy the rest of the day (get paid 8 hours even if you finish in 4 hours) or pick up overtime and still be done within 8 hours.

>> No.55090683

Lmao you're about 30 years too late. The carcass has already been picked clean by your fellow jeets.


>> No.55090731

>all the niggers and jeet want to live in TRONTOE
>sitting comfy in Regina, SK
Lmao niggers and jeets hate the cold, and I'm amongst my people, here.
Not everywhere is dead, anon.

>> No.55090872
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Hey anon if you want a place to live, let me know. I still have the bathroom suite available, but that costs 1600 a month since it's technically a private room.

>> No.55090895

I feel like the amount of poos in Regina has tripled in just the past few years and it's only going to get worse

>> No.55090921

Canada is a rotten piece of shit country. Fat women, retarded unions, the worst Indian and Chinese immigrants on the planet, terrible weather and low pay. Everything is overpriced and there’s nothing to do

>> No.55090923

We used to have a neighbor that had like 4 families in it renting the house. I was so tempted to report them cause of how fucking noisy they were and it's in an area where they're literally a fire hazard due to over occupancy.

>> No.55090992

I have one more year left of university, after that I'm hightailing it out of this shithole.

>> No.55091120

How was the smell?

>> No.55091171

Definitely an influx of blacks and browns, over the last 3 years.
But they really aren't interested in staying here, and just want to live in one of the metro cities (you know the ones). A number of them are also just looking to leapfrog into The US, so I cannot see (longterm) their #'s being a problem.
However, I do continue to make my disdain for them publicly known. I hold the belief that they cannot become comfortable, lest they think they are *actually* welcome. Open racism is appropriate when dealing with these scum.

>> No.55091193

my advice if you're serious is to look into the laws and regulations and zoning and insurance requirements for whatever business in canada you plan on starting up. don't come here with dreams of opening a foodcart not knowing about the million dollars of liability insurance and relevant licensing and bidding process for zoned locations. just as an example.

anyways why canada?

>> No.55091215

oh you sweet summer child

>> No.55091226
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>However, I do continue to make my disdain for them publicly known. I hold the belief that they cannot become comfortable, lest they think they are *actually* welcome. Open racism is appropriate when dealing with these scum.
You may very well be the most based person in this city kek.

>> No.55091227

You sound like a cuckservative. Real men fight for their countries, I'll give you that. But you may have forgotten, Canada is a democracy. Who are you going to fight against? Middle aged white women? Unless you're willing to genocide hundreds of thousands of Canadians until women give up their rights, you will accomplish nothing. Have fun with that. I'm not interested in murdering thousands of Canadians. And I'm not interested in allowing myself to be castrated by Canadian women and the cucks that do their bidding.

I'll be overseas banging 18 year olds - and I'll come back when the women of Canada get so desperate and hungry that they forget all about their feminist bullshit.

>> No.55091256

>I've been planning to emigrate to Canada for a while now, any business ideas or ways to make money in Canada?
Big Pharma. They're making a killing selling hydromorphone to elementary school kids using street skids hooked to fent as a proxy. And if the addicts delve too deep and seek actual help, you can offer them assisted death. Loads of easy tax payer cash into your pockets, poojeet. I say go for it.

>> No.55091271

canada isn't a democracy, nowhere is a democracy. democracy is a fantasy system that doesn't work in reality.

imagine somehow someone decent was running for election and in the lead despite everything stacked against him. despite the dominion voting machines at the party level, despite the negative press covfefe he somehow makes it to prime minister. how is he going to keep himself safe against powerful underground forces making threats on himself and his family and if that doesn't work just arranging an accident.

like even if you had a real guy to vote for, how would you even keep him alive? the entrenched status quo establishment power players would just kill him

seriously solve this for me or democracy makes no sense even as a concept. total fantasy

>> No.55091295
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Get a job as a security guard. They are paying well

>> No.55091325

Again, what is your plan? Because unless you're willing to kill millions of people just to get someone into power that might even turn out to be worse, an even worse tyrant, there is nothing that can be done.

It's brutal, bloody civil war, or get the hell out while you can. I choose to get out.

>> No.55091343

Curry smell unironically reached our house from across the street but it did stop after a while. I think other neighbours complained about the noise and shit. Thank goodness we got out of that place and were in a nicer area now. Sure there's jeets here but they're the rich kind not the slave that got out of India or Pakistan kind.

>> No.55091370
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>Security guard
>Paying well


>> No.55091458

my plan? my plan is not to vote because its pointless. what the fuck are you talking about killing millions of people? i'm not a nazi or a communist so why would that be the go to plan? buddy there is no plan, how am i supposed to solve the issue of democracy being a system that only works on paper?

>> No.55091485

$21/h is very good in Ontario for an entry-level position kek

>> No.55091540

It's part time. Assuming it was full time, after taxes you would be making 33K a year.

>> No.55091568

Canada is pretty much India now. Not much of a difference between moving there and staying where you're at

>> No.55091579

lol we're basically importing population growth and creating a brown, curry-smelling underclass to do the shit jobs we don't want to do

you can rent out my basement for like 3k/mo though if you need a place to crash

>> No.55091602

Part time jobs are meant for students. Nobody working security makes more than $25/h without prior connections.

>> No.55091646

>I'll be overseas banging 18 year olds - and I'll come back when the women of Canada [....]

And you sound like an incel. Canada has a lot, a lot of lands. If your ideal is to bang teens and end up like a sad loser, go ahead. I'll be building my future here, far from all the urbanites on my lands.

>> No.55091692

Yes tech salaries are shit in Canada

>> No.55091733
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>everyone else has to make my country the way i want it
"be the change you want to see in the world"
- le curry mystic
maybe it's best that you weak-willed doubleniggers move
suck my shrivelled up frozen cock

>> No.55091734

Where are the best spots to escape to based on your research?

>> No.55091772

PP wants to keep the Liberal immigration policies but also abolish language requirements. People talk about French being on the decline, but PP will make English go on the decline too, as new immigrants integrate with their existing ethnic communities and reinforce the importance of their own languages. All this because of his mestiza wife

>> No.55091797

The PMO has a lot of power, if we could somehow get one of our guys into it, he could do a Caesar with the right moves

>> No.55091918

Alright, niggers, how come that you all complain about too many unskilled jeets coming to Canada, and yet the Express Entry score is high as fuck for anyone outside of Canada?
It really looks like there are some salty racists in this thread that speak out of their asses.

>> No.55091976

Oh, the express entry score you say? Okay, I guess I'll just forget about all the unintelligible foreign retards I encounter on a daily basis.

>> No.55092015

Damn, I guess the smelly autistic pajeet I work with is the cream of the cream then XDDD

>> No.55092017
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This. Jeets are so dumb they think they are the cream of the crop being let in, somehow blind to all the literal street shitters all over the place.

>> No.55092033

Nigger, to get into Canada right now you need a Master's degree, three years of proven experience (they have a full phone interview), perfect IELTS score and be in the prime age.
Is this still not enough for you?

>> No.55092043

stop giving me that attitude and get back to washing dishes

>> No.55092045

Oh wow it must be so difficult to get cousin Gurglejeet to validate all of that to the immigration people

>> No.55092067

they are starting to catch on however.
They show up, are indebted, forced into Visas which have them pay for tuition at some university, work menial jobs to support themselves whilst they pursue the dream.
the only problem is that the cost of living and inflation are giving them pause because they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. On top of that they are realizing that the economy needs to support the credit bubles we've blown by boosting the labor market artificially.
They are catching on, it has been building for close to a decade, and we will start to see it reflected in data soon. Applications to immigrate are down Q4 and Q1, to start.

>> No.55092095

Just forge the documents, bro, and bribe the IELTS examinators.
I am sure it works every time and you will not be sent to jail.

>> No.55092110

Gov owned. You can't profit, sorry Schwartz it's Shlomo's market

>> No.55092121
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Somebody tell this underage faggot

>> No.55092122

Don't you guys have tons of mandatory "not taxes" that are actually just taxes in disguise too?

>> No.55092137

the population of Canada in 1996 was 30 million, it is now touching 40 million.
We added a million last year, that's 10% of every new immigrant in the last 26 years arriving in 12 month.
The economy is on its last legs, it consists of people borrowing money and spending it in order to keep people employed mostly entertaining and supporting the people need the credit bubble to continue.
This is unsustainable. People are mortgaging their families situations in India and making massive life changes on the basis that life in Canada will be better than India and if that is not true they will stop doing it. Many are already doing the math and thinking about it, that is going to get worse.

>> No.55092154

>he doesn't know

>> No.55092160
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i hope it s bait

>> No.55092161

>We added a million last year
Fucking how? The Express Entry system was basically halted due to covid, and last time I checked Canadian companies hate to hire people outside of Canada.

>> No.55092163


>> No.55092167

Can confirm this, I graduated with an IT deploma and the market is saturated in Toronto that nobody was hiring during the time I graduated years ago. Went through different agencies and nobody wanted any tech, it's all fucking warehouse or factory especially metal factories for parts.

>> No.55092168
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Notice also that they don't talk about integration anymore, since they don't need to. What they're doing would be described as ethnic cleansing if it were to happen in a country not allied to the US

>> No.55092172

The shit jobs that pay minimum wage tend to not have language requirements, if you get what I'm saying

>> No.55092174

>too many unskilled jeets coming to Canada
It's because of that India Treaty bullshit you know. Indians and Pakistanis can immigrate to Canada easier and they don't even need English Proficiency. Actually that's also kinda true for Koreans for some reason. The amount of Koreans I've talked to that is pretty much no English is insane.

>> No.55092199

Hmm, so that's why a guy I know moved from Canada to Japan.
Is the market saturated for new graduates or for every position?

>> No.55092228

For the most part yes and here's the kicker, they prioritize new immigrants than native born or other immigrants that have been here for so long they consider them locals. So basically they only care if you're new and shiny to be exploited cause once you know how the rules are by being here for decades, they know they can't fuck you over anymore since you know your rights and you're a citizen. New immigrants can be scared by the word "deportation" easily here.

>> No.55092253

Your land will be appropriated by women who think the patriarchy is to blame for their miserable lives.

>> No.55092264

there is no money. it's a failing country and you shouldn't come here. it's like saying yes I want to move to Michigan right before all the manufacturing leaves.

>> No.55092266

you know it isn't going to slow at all, they will just start letting in even dumber brown people/

>> No.55092283

I like that all of the Indians want to move to Canada instead of America now. You guys are like our buffer state.

>> No.55092289

They don't want to move to Canada, they prefer USA but with Canadian passport it's easier to get into USA. It's a stepping stone.

>> No.55092298

South East Asia and South America. For example, you can teach English in Vietnam, or live in very low cost of living countries like Colombia.

>> No.55092303

With Canadian passport you have a backup plan in case USA employers don't give you citizenship.

>> No.55092349

death tax, departure tax (if you manage to escape this hell), (((carbon))) tax, (((free))) health care tax, bunch of other shit and the provincial/sales tax that adds up to a lot. We even pay 30-40 bucks more even after conversion than the states on phone/internet same plans. Provider excuses are so they can cover the northwest territories where no one fucken lives in anyway. It's not so much taxes hiding in plain sight, but rather the finger being pointed at you for being alive so you can get more and more financially raped for retarded reasons. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's not much different than the states, but from what i've seen travelling back and forth, Canada's financial nonsense is more severe and the country is sort of a testing ground before the states fucks over it's own citizens.
Yep. Lots of software engineers and the such go to the states for residency under nafta or whatever, or to japan.
It's because it's easier than the USA. The geo ads and propaganda people living outside of canada get shown by the algos on their phone/pc or whatever is insane. They get lured into coming here on student visas, real or fake, pay their life savings towards a tuition that's way more than native canadian prices, then they're fucked. One giant scam to "help the economy"

>> No.55092360

same with factories.
I've worked with these people ago when I lived in Toronto, and I was fired for "not a good fit" by the white boomer bosses, while everyone else was literal durka jeets who barely spoke English.

>Fred's Bread
>Del's pastries
>Scarlett house catering

>> No.55092617
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>I've worked with these people ago when I lived in Toronto, and I was fired for "not a good fit" by the white boomer bosses, while everyone else was literal durka jeets who barely spoke English.

Rural white towns are getting flooded with Indians, and if it's somewhere up north too cold for Indians, the government will literally offer full citizenship to anyone who can prove they have lived there two years. Our housing market is out of control and our economy is built around hyperinflated real estate (like 20% of our gdp is in real estate). If immigrants stop coming in and buying houses the whole pyramid scheme collapses and the economy goes tits up. So the government FURIOUSLY ramps up immigration by any means. If you have $50,000 to invest, you are a Canadian citizen and can bring your family over to work in your gas stations and Subway franchises. The end result: at the bottom there's increased competition for low paying jobs (you're competing against half the planet) and at the top theres swarms of goyim to buy your goyslop and paper houses for top dollar. The average income is like $100,000 but the average wage is like $22/hr - you're either a multi millionaire or you're gonna be eating the bugs and living in the pod. Anyone who isn't a wealthy immigrant is sleeping 2 to a room and shopping at dollarama, living paycheck to paycheck a few thousand bucks in debt with maxed out credit cards, owning nothing and being happy.

The Indians themselves arent the bad guys, they're just trying to make a few bucks and move out of the disease infested shithole they're from. A lot of times they're kinder, more genuine and more down to earth than the whites. But fuck... You just have no idea how many there are here right now. The census results are going to be released in October and I honestly predict 30-40% Indian and whites around the same.

Trust me you don't want to live here anon

>> No.55092626
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I find it humorous that white people unknowningly eat poojeet's feces. You see, poojeets don't use toilet paper. They scrub their anuses with their bare hands, using soap and water. Then they make burgers, sandwhiches and salad for whites. The feces is all over the food. Next time you see a white person eating in a restaurant run by Indians, the white group is eating the poojeet's shit ... white Canadians LOVE eating "ethic food"

>> No.55092641
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>I've been planning to emigrate to Canada for a while now, any business ideas or ways to make money in Canada?

You can become a waiter and earn 20% - 30% tip.

Canadian White waiters and waitresses are the biggest snobs you'll encounter.

They want to make $300 every night in tips by carrying your food whilst giving you a fake smile -- call it white entitlement. If you don't tip them, they'll SPIT in your food or shame you on social media.

They think they deserve huge tips because "it's tiring working on their feet all day" and "dealing with rowdy customers".

And they have transfered this toxic mindset to the poojeets and Chang waiters. The other day, a bug Chang demanded that I tip her "at least $1.50" for barely any service.

If you dig deeper, you can see that the tipping culture in Canada is based on wanting everything while giving very little. Where do white waiters learn from this? From their Anglo boomer parents.

>> No.55092668

I still don't ever tip, but too many fags do it anyway. Anglos ruined it for everyone who don't tip

>> No.55092672

maple syrup tapping. you should be profitable in about 30 years.

>> No.55092676


even redditors are starting to hate this country

>> No.55093043

>somehow they will spit in your food after serving it to you before the tip and bill ever come into play

>> No.55093057

You are unironically better off staying in your 3rd world country. Canada is a complete shithole and you will end up as a debt slave here

>> No.55093061

All the white losers in here bitching while us indians get down to work.

Browntown will inherit canada

>> No.55093088

when canada becomes india 2.0, where are you niggers going to emigrate to next?

>> No.55093143

>making money
>in canada

ya good luck with that lmao unless you can get a job at mckinsey ur fucked.

>> No.55093274

Even these prestigious firms are bullshit psyops. Graduates make 70k a year in a high cost of living big city working 60-80 hours a week larping as high earning professionals. Maybe in 1980 this was a good wage but certainly has not kept up.

>> No.55094170

America will annex canada at that point and we will be american.

>> No.55094203

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.55094424

>80% wanted him out
>but 15% decided that Scheer or whoever was scarier than simply having him in
The real reality of realness in Canada is that if queer, the guy after him, and polly are 'too rightwing' for canucks then your society is already dead.

>> No.55094604

Queer and Poly (don't forget Baldy) all lost or will most because they're too bland. Who would vote for the blue liberals if they're basically the same as the red liberals and the orange liberals?

>> No.55094720
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ppc chads RISE UP

>> No.55094808

I have a good tech job but the pay is way less than the USA.
The problem is most of the shit is done in Canada, talented dev leave for the USA. So there is nobody in a position to negotiate, no upward wage pressure. Demanding higher wages confuses HR they are just thinking "wtf why isn't this guy happy just to be employed?". Also so many workers are on work visas, again unable to negotiate. Companies come to Canada for cheap dev not good dev.

>> No.55094833

yeah gotta leave space open for rasheesh and hydam

>> No.55095639

You're too weak to reject our poisonous culture. Here's what I've seen too many times from immigrants;

>Be immigrant
>Barely speak English, but still normal
>Have kids
>Sons become literal faggots
>Daughters become literal Feminist cunts
>Hate whatever the telivision tells them to
>Follows every single retard trend to exist
>Never leaves the city

You're literally mice in these gay Mousetopian cities

>> No.55095729

Soap and water is cleaner than toiler paper. At least they don't have itchy assholes with leftover shit on it. Also they do wash their hands right after so the shit is gone. Wipers are much more disgusting from my experience. When I fucked this really nice looking white chick, she had a big fucking chunk of shit still on her ass. Killed my boner and asked her to wash first before we continued.

>> No.55095824

t. poojeet

you have feces underneath your finger nails

>> No.55095845

That's the secret spice. Why are you telling people about the secret spice? You white people will start invading poor Ranjeet's finger nail for the spice then proceed to never use it.

>> No.55095933

You spelled Bernier wrong

>> No.55096821

I recommend trucking. No this has nothing to do with the protests. Canada has virtually only one means of getting goods and services east to west, and rail is expensive.

Start a trucking company near Toronto. An 8 hour driving radius from Hamilton Ontario and there is over 60 million people available market.

Yes there is competition, but there is a lot of loyalty in the trucking business if you have your shit together. Fuck, we hire truckers for our business and pay 20% premium if they show up not high, and with proper safety equipment.

To put this is perspective, a truck from Miami to Jacksonville in Florida street price is around $1500 (US) A truck from Toronto to Montreal (around same distance) is rated over $4-5k (US) and no the price of gas is not that much difference.

Treat your truckers good, and in a few years you could easily scale this to a $5M+ business per year. Just 4 trucks a day Toronto <-> Montreal is all you need to do this (i.e., fuck all).

good luck Pajeet.

>> No.55096841

its 60-80k junior
100k normal dev
125k+ senior

>> No.55096887

>rail is expensive
what is the state of your country if you never invested in such critical infrastructure? that's fucking africa retardation level

>> No.55096901

There are TONS of jeets in trucking unfortunately.

>> No.55096924

Maybe nowadays. I graduated a while back and it was during the time it was super saturated cause of all the jeets. I actually went to do something different. Actually even the jeets in my program were pissed. I remember one rage quitting our group chat saying "fuck IT" after a year or so of not getting a job in the line.

>> No.55096949
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The only way for Canada

>> No.55096958

i pivoted to finance instead, only decent jobs in toronto

>> No.55097076

You can't even pay rent with that.

>> No.55097111

you must live under a rock because theres plenty of Sikhs and other subcontinental that do trucking in the GTA

>> No.55097227

Literally the only party that wants to repeal the Multiculturalism Act
The goy masters in parliament will never allow them to win even if it were possible that the goy cattle of this country would have sense enough to vote them in

>> No.55097280

Bring in hordes of Indians and Chinese LEGALLY, make Canada brown again!

>> No.55097533

>actively building out my escape plan
>the only people that could save it (hardworking, risk taking men)

>> No.55097543

Why Canada? Have you seen the price of housing?

Even the jeets are leaving.

>> No.55097607

That's impossible to live on. Unless you share an attic with 10 other jeets.

>> No.55097621

Kek, are you unironically pretending that it isn't piss easy to bribe people in India?

>> No.55097623

>One man trying to "change the country from within"

Lol. You may as well scream into the void.

>> No.55097635

It's deliberate you stupid nigger. They make it easy for jeets, and hard for europeans / anglos.. who yknow would actually want to have decent wages and non-slave jobs.

>> No.55097682

Unless you are a chink or a pajeet don't come here.

It's their country now.

>> No.55099371

do you need a degree?
I'll only have XP from being an accounting zogbot

>> No.55099549

sorry we're full

>> No.55099613

fuck off pajeet! already have enough pajeet problems here.

>> No.55099946

If ur brown please dont come

>> No.55099972

You're an idiot. Moving here is the complete opposite of what you should be doing. Smart people are leaving for FL, TX, and if they are REALLY smart, other non-cucked countries with better costs, women, non-pozzed culture, etc.

>> No.55100039


Grand total:

$7,133.69 month
$85,604.28 year

>> No.55100063

FUCK POOJEETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK POOJEET STINKY FUCKTARDS!!!!!!!!! FUCKING STINKY POOJEET FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55100108

the only positive about pollievre is that he will likely repeal the OIC and bill c-21 so we get ur guns back. after that it's time to stock up and hunker down because this is the last time a conservative party will ever win

>> No.55100270

exactly this. Gentlemen, unless you can present a believable argument for how you are going to convince women (who hate you) and boomers (who own you) to vote away their own power and wealth, just get the fuck out while you can. I recommend SEA or SA.

Just say no to fat feminist Canadian women. Pain is the only language they understand, and the only power you have to cause them pain is to just walk away. Let them suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.

>> No.55100654
File: 1.16 MB, 1462x822, brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off pajeet! already have enough pajeet problems here.

White men stole land from the native Indians.

Now he's giving back the land to a different tribe of indians :-)

It's the circle of life.

>> No.55100663
File: 65 KB, 440x590, poojeet5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're an idiot. Moving here is the complete opposite of what you should be doing.

Incorrect. A poojeet moving to Canada makes his living situation 100x better than living in Mumbai India.

Canada has clean drinkable water and he has a toilet to poo in.

>> No.55100675
File: 217 KB, 1440x1800, 1647785728972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're jealous of Indian men stealing your women.

>> No.55100703

I think Anglos should colonize a central american country en masses.
We should encourage them to move to the U.S. as much as possible and then all move to their home country without them and close the borders

>> No.55100882

poo in loo

>> No.55101594



Most of Indian immigrants in my area came to the US through this method.

>> No.55103394


Literally the most truthful statement in the world. I hope my gf breaks up with me tomorrow so I can actually get out of this dogshit place lmao

>> No.55103796

Join a union and do an industrial shutdown(s) then go on EI for 9 months. Rinse and repeat 125k+ a year and you only have to work 3 months

>> No.55106147

20 years ago as an American I obtained a Canadian passport as a “back up” passport.
Holy fuck was I wrong about that one.

>> No.55106219
File: 354 KB, 1313x1462, Screenshot_20230527_074415_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our household debt is higher than our GDP .. canada is indeed collapsing HARD

>> No.55106313
File: 158 KB, 1261x618, canada_affordability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just paid $225 for a shop I'd have got for $130 5 years back.
And as I'm paying 50% taxes I need to earn $200 more to get flat net.
When is it over?

>> No.55106318

oh and btw that pic is from *before* rate rises.

>> No.55106349

You need to be a vaxtard to work for Canada post.

>> No.55106466
File: 233 KB, 492x407, 1656719052025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estimates say your nation's population is set to double by 2040. Canada might actually be on the fastest track to ruin than any other western nation holy shit.

>> No.55106496

californian taxes are higher than ontario you dip
idk I make over 200k CAD and am comfy, it's not like those 500k USD salaries in the states but it's pretty nice, I never worry about money

>> No.55106786

they could easily do this if they built new cities.
however their current strategy is to *restrict* building to force up asset prices.
that will end very badly as the population have learned that opening a new factory is for suckers, landlordism pays more for less effort.

>> No.55106839


I escaped last year. Prices in Toronto were insane. Rent and food are way cheaper in the less populated areas of the UK.

>> No.55106879

I remember 2005 when it was Paul Martin and Stephen Harper were the Prime Ministers, debt were low and Canada had surplus money cause they weren't going over budget. Then Trudeau happened. Now were taxed on every single thing and debt is on an all time high. This happened after they fucking pushed all that diversity crap and hired people that were literally token PoCs instead of people that knew what they did.

>> No.55106889

At least california has high paying tech and finance jobs, canada has the same cost of living and the median income is 50k or some shit

>> No.55106896

Tons of Indians regret coming to Canada. They become debt slaves and share apartment units with 10 other jeets.

>> No.55107092

Even if you have a well paid job you're fucked.
I get taxed at 50% marginal.
Getting a 50k raise means I see 25k.
There's no working your way out of this, either you bought a house ten years ago or you didn't. That's what decides if you can vacation, have a good car etc or scrape by.

>> No.55107154
File: 49 KB, 639x420, FuqOxh9aMAYtsbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unironically over, the entire economy is basically pure rent seeking at this point. I work in the trades in Alberta oil industry and even that's not enough because wages have been stagnant since 2007 unless you managed to get in a union or hired by one of the huge oil companies(extreme competition for these jobs). I can barely afford to buy a house in Edmonton which is "cheap" by Canadian standards, Calgary is already gone. I did all the meme advice "go west young man" "learn a trade" "muh oil money"


>> No.55107319

Agreed. I'm in Montreal, housing is a fortune despite earning 5 times the median wage.
I recently refused a promotion because the 50k raise (close to the median wage) will see a 25k gain, which won't change my family's life at all.
Bit of a nightmare.
Shopping today I paid $230 for less than $120 would have gotten me a few years back.

>> No.55107360


I just had a coworker go back to India because he couldn't afford a house here and got offered a job that could buy a 3000 square foot home and a maid in North India. He was living in a illegal basement suite with 3 other guys.

Just letting you know the level of fuckery happening. Alberta, Sask and mainland BC are alright if you don't mind -40 temps and darkness half the year.

>> No.55107470

>I recently refused a promotion because the 50k raise (close to the median wage) will see a 25k gain
uhh, that doesn't make sense, you're supposed to just reduce your taxable income via vehicles like your RRSP to make it so you don't get taxed at ~50%, and your RRSP room is a function of your income anyways

>> No.55107478

>Alberta, Sask and mainland BC are alright if you don't mind -40 temps and darkness half the year.
how do I DCA into becoming a vampire?

>> No.55107554

Only thing worse then the Canadian economy is the women.

90% liberal, hormones destroyed by taking birth control since 17, "college educated" but spends 95% of income on consoomerism garbage, completely controlled by media and propaganda, marches in the streets for abortion rights but cheer on pro vax anti freedom trudeau, will happily pay over 50% tax rate to fight "climate change" and virtue signal - they still shower 3 times a day - drive a car - still couldn't name 2 products that petroleum is in, terrible looking bodies also - turns out 8 months of winter means people prioritize how they look in a shirt less.

I have been planning to move to texas for a few years now, I have a few family members I would be interested in moving down with me also. I have a wealthy family member who owns property in texas/canada as well as friends who live in texas. Has anyone immigrated for work, investment, etc and how was the process? I am a journeyman electrician and I hear the US is short on skilled trades but I am not that interested in having a company sponsor me because I currently run my own company here. God bless all of you.

>> No.55107599

Land of fat lazy leafs. Enriched maple syrup women. Similar to Russia only in temperature

>> No.55107604

unless you qualify under the TN visa (there's a list) you will have to go the H1B route like everyone else
I think you'll have a hard time doing this if you want to be self-employed btw.

>> No.55107686

>>lowest opportunity
>real estate.
That’s long gone. It’s been booming for years so lots of people went into it and its super competitive. If you dont have connections you will probably just wind up broke and wasting your time.

>> No.55107721

I hope you realize that people who come here are just going back home once they get here and see how shit it is.
This isn't a 'we don't want you' post.
But honestly, make sure you know what you're getting into. Tons of people who qualify for citizenship don't even bother getting after putting in the years of PR.
People are going back to India and the Philippines in droves. Not joking.

>> No.55107742

It's not.
People on disability in Ontario literally don't have enough to even pay rent and the government unironically offers them medical assistance in dying.
This is not a joke.
This isn't EU where neets can live it up. They'll literally try to convince you to die from what people report. And it's not denied. It's literally official policy and already over a quarter of the country straight up agree that poverty is a valid reason to seek assisted suicide. Probably because they know how shit is living here.

>> No.55107806

they're just thinning out the population so that the rest of us can neet it up when the robots take our jobs

>> No.55107845

rrsp doesn't just go up by that much.
do you think this govt is going to fuck you hard or not fuck you hard?

>> No.55107902

what's the downside of getting an extra 50k? would you have to work a lot harder? that's all I can think of. Even if you didn't use vehicles to lower your taxable income you'd still have 25k.

>> No.55108477

I live in fucking Brampton and I thought it was bad here until I actually looked up the crime rates in various cities.
I don't know what the fuck is going on in Manitoba and Sask desu
I don't get it at all quite honestly. Where is all this violent crime coming from?

>> No.55108564

It's from the Natives that live there.

The Aboriginals are the niggers of Canada. Use to live in Sask and the areas they live in have high crime rates. Gangs are a huge problem with the Aboriginal communities. North Battleford has a really high crime rate, can anyone guess why??

I live in the greater Vancouver area now and seeing an Aboriginal that's functioning is an exception because most of them are found doing hard drugs in downtown eastside.

Wish it wasn't the case for all of them, as I grew up with a few who are not involved in crime and are doing alright in life now.

>> No.55108708

It's so bad in Canada that even the POOJEETS are leaving.

>> No.55108737

Exactly. And when boomers and liberal white women realise that they no longer have an infinite pool of slave labour to suppress the price of every product and service in this country, that's when the dam finally breaks.

>> No.55108752

Dude, if you're gonna make a move, do it right the first time. It's SEA or SA. Those are your options.

>> No.55108770

Go east, young man. Asia (and for our purposes SEA) is the new new world.

>> No.55108793

Are you talking out of your ass, or have you actually been to any SEA countries?

>> No.55108837

Canadians are just now realising this. There is no way out of this death spiral. There are no political solutions. There are no democratic solutions. All we can do now is wait, and get the hell out if you can.

>> No.55108869

I'm headed there in two months for about a year (if I come back to Canada at all). And I just got back from South America, where I'm in the process of getting a multi-year residency permit, should be completed in a few months, I have a lawyer on the ground there processing it for me. When that expires, I'll apply to upgrade to a permanent residency.

This is not a joke. The precious things you are desperate to hold on to are even now slipping through your fingers. The fight is over. For now. Come back in two decades to rebuild.

>> No.55108973

>And I just got back from South America
Why are you leaving SA?

>> No.55108994

I am will be back there for a week in about a month to do more paperwork for the residency. After that it's over to SEA for a year. After that it's back to SA to apply for permanent residency. After that we'll see.

>> No.55109044

My question is - is SA not good enough to just stay there and enjoy life? Not all people have money and energy to go sample from the buffet of exotic foreign countries before finding the one they "vibe" with. Would be more informative if you just summarised SA countries you visited, instead of going full "the west has fallen". We all know that.

>> No.55109196

I'm intentionally being vague because I don't want to reveal too much about myself on here. However, I'm going to a SEA country that has a lot of opportunities to teach English, and pays decent wages for this relative to cost of living. I have been to several SA countries, and I chose one that has very relaxed immigration rules, and doesn't cost much either to live in or to immigrate to. If you do some research it won't be that hard to figure out which countries I'm talking about.

Apologies that I can't be more specific on here. If you want more details, I'm happy to discuss in private. There are ways to do this safely, if you are interested.

In general, the advice I can give you is that it's possible to find another country either in SEA or SA, depending on who you are, your credentials, how much money you have, etc. But I've been building out this plan for a year and have been executing it over the past six months. It takes time to do this properly, which is why I'm being so doom and gloom about the west - to inspire Anons into action. You can be sure of this: when the day comes that every young Canadian male realises that they need to get out now, when that day comes it will be too late.

>> No.55109328

What about moving to Europe? Are there some comfy countries with a low cost of living and a non-suicidal immigration policy?

>> No.55109391

Europe offers some interesting options. You should watch as many Nomad Capitalist YouTube videos about Europe as you can.

Personally, I just think that Europe is the old world. I lived in France for 8 months many years ago, it was fun, but shit was everything so expensive. This was during the 2018 crypto bear market, so I just couldn't afford it after a while.

Whatever problems Canada has, EU countries and the UK will have the same or worse. There may be some eastern Europe countries that could be okay, but there's also a decent chance eastern Europe turns into a war zone, in my opinion.

>> No.55109449

SA is a shithole, grass is always greener on the other side. Just wait til some drugged out retard shanks you for your iphone

>> No.55109450

Romania could be okay, on second thought, but I don't know anything about their immigration rules. Can any Anons comment?

Again, still concerns about war in eastern Europe, but Romanian girls are sexy, so might be worth it. Prior to the war I would have said Ukraine. It might be good option in the future, still. Again, sexy women.

>> No.55109527

What you fail to understand is that unlike in Canada, the people who would mug you aren't insane homeless people. They're just poor. Have a pocket that you keep like $20 USD in and take it out and just give it to them. Keep the rest of your money and cards in a less obvious pocket. There is essentially zero percent chance the interaction will get violent if you aren't an idiot.

In the country I'm immigrating to I know a guy that was falling over drunk in the middle of the night alone in a somewhat dangerous area. He took out his phone to send a text or something. Two guys came up and grabbed it from him. The guy says: give me 100,000 (in the local currency) and ill give you the phone back. So they exchange the money for the phone. The amount equalled like $10 USD or something ridiculous like that.

Don't flash cash or expensive electronics or jewellery. Dress like a backpacker or something (only faggots wear flashy clothes anyway). And stay in areas that are reasonably safe, every city has them. And avoid going places you aren't familiar with at night. Luckily cabs and uber is extremely affordable, so you can travel safely basically any time, as long as you know where you're going and know how risky that area is.

None of this applies to the dangerous areas of Mexico, however.

>> No.55110010

apply for /r/canadahousing janny position please

>> No.55110190

most of the country doesn't have rain all year. You've obviously never been in canada.

>> No.55110265

get a job where you can grind people for cash bribes. Serious. Where I work people used to make 600 a day in bribes. Its toned down now because management clamped down but you can still squeeze out easily 1000 in cash a week.

>> No.55110277

I listened to a podcast yesterday about a guy who got Tinnitus from working construction and when he tried to get on disability he was told that he was fully eligible for assisted suicide.

>> No.55110281

Fuck off, we’re full

>> No.55110290

MB and Sask have aboriginals -- Cree and Ojibwa that are tall, big and strong, aggressive, and extremely violent.

>> No.55110309
File: 54 KB, 1180x663, hi-native-syndicate-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. And prairie natives are the toughest and most numerous in canada. Half of Winnipeg when I left were white Jonna Jinton types and the other half were pic related that sell crack, do home invasions, mug you, and do carjackings.

>> No.55110330

Difference is everyone wants entry to canada and no one wants rntty to a sa country. Im sure if u offered an exchange of citizenships the whole favela would dogpile you faster than a jew seeing money on the ground

>> No.55110396

Holy fuck. I knew it was bad, but this is some next level shit.
That makes sense.

>> No.55110401

The canadian mafia.

>> No.55110426
File: 485 KB, 248x186, 1682654269330020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading

>> No.55110499

I will vote pp, but dk if it will change much desu.
Canada huh, I would be lying if I say it's been shit living here. Honestly, I've had a good experience being raised here, low crime rate, clean environment, good education, clean accessible food and water, good social life. This is all in comparison to my third world country, and several other countries around the world.
Now that I'm older, things have changed, it's hard to progress your career here, or make alot of money. Only real investment opportunity is real estate, you can try to flip houses, but I foresee the market collapsing in near time. Dk why just from several ppls sentiments. I'm probably going to stay here for now, because I don't want to raise a family in the states, would be terrified every time my kid went to school.

>> No.55110524

Giving the land back to the Indians, white man? White people are nomads. They come from Europe to Canada, steal the land from native Indians. Now they're looking to steal East Asian land.

>> No.55110530

What he said >>55090405, I went to some other countries last month, and it's actually terrible everywhere. Crazy costs of living, inflation, taxes everywhere. If they don't have it, it's some war torn country without proper infrastructure or jobs. USA is maybe better, but honestly I'd be scared of getting gunned down, or worse, having kids shot in school.

>> No.55110560

Lmfao I never would have guessed I'd see the native syndicate posted on biz.. fuck these subhumans

>> No.55110561

Forgot to add, but if you make at least 150-200k and own property, I think you can live comfortably here. As long as you aren't in Toronto

>> No.55110567

These posts have to be from shills or bots. I have a history of mental illness, stayed in psych wards, etc. Last time I was in the hospital I asked the psychiatrist for MAiD he laughed and asked "What terminal illness do you have?". I brought up the things I had seen here, how they are expanding it for mental illness and poverty and he said no that's not happening, no doctor would sign off on it, and they don't just hand it out to anybody.

It's really not happening on the level you guys seem to think it is. The average age for MAiD so far is like 85.

>> No.55110746

Do you have to buy into housing at the current price? 200k won't go far.

>> No.55110757

> would you have to work a lot harder?
Yes and stop doing programming and become a manager, not worth it for a small amount that won't move the needle when housing is 800k

>> No.55111581

Sure, go there on Express Entry and as soon as you get citizenship jump to the USA on a TN visa. After working on the USA for around 5 years you can go back to your country and retire.

>> No.55111600

Are you saying that if I can land a job in USA as a software developer I should just go to USA and skip Canada?

>> No.55111604

Why the fuck would you do that? This place is only getting worse.
t. Actual European Canadian.

>> No.55111618

Obviously, Canada is a worthless country only good for its proximity to the USA. If America had a proper work visa system that wasn't a lottery nobody would go to Canada.

>> No.55111628


Food and rent in non-urban areas of the UK is way cheaper than Canada.

The fact that Canada grows way more food, but its 2x the price is a total scam.

Only thing cheaper in Canada is gasoline, energy and designer goods, from what I have seen.

>> No.55111657

>If America had a proper work visa system that wasn't a lottery nobody would go to Canada.
I mean, it's not actually a lottery for big corporations' employees. The real issue is converting from work visa to citizenship, this is where some immigrants have to go to Canada after working in USA

>> No.55111661

No, H1B is always a lottery. You're probably thinking about L1.

>> No.55111683

I have heard about some preapproved quotas for companies like FAANG, but I can't find anything now.
I remember that they are basically kind of "white listed" and they always get visas for their employees.

>> No.55111703

The people who told you that don't know anything. FAANGs have in multiple cases relocated people into Canada before using TN to get them into America or into a random EU office for intra-EU hires before transferring them into America after a year with L1. H1B is notoriously unreliable for everyone.

>> No.55111725
File: 434 KB, 1745x982, infinity blade2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is such bullshit, why does EU, and Muttmerica get so much more neet bucks than us.

>> No.55111732

EUR and USD are world reserve currencies, CAD is not. So EUR and USD neetbux are inflating the world supply, while CAD is inflating only the Canadian supply (and you can check Canadian inflation to see how it works).

>> No.55111966
File: 90 KB, 937x1171, FxGHmFtWcAEdxsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> omw to canaduh

>> No.55112027

>I'm intentionally being vague because I don't want to reveal too much about myself on here.
>I'm going to a SEA country that has a lot of opportunities to teach English
Ah, Kevin-kun. Definitely unique enough to doxx you.

>> No.55113345

The lottery is such a stupid system and ensures India can basically Zerg Rush the entire process. They apparently account for nearly 75% of all H-1B’s. Lol

>> No.55113440
File: 113 KB, 769x521, Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 08-08-55 Live news Canada’s two largest lenders disappoint investors amid challenging backdrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckle up

>> No.55113464
File: 352 KB, 784x632, Screenshot 2023-05-28 at 08-48-33 Canada’s big banks log 13-fold rise in loan loss provisions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong Canada implosion screenshot

>> No.55115106

he still won't make AR platform rifles legal. We're cucked guns wise. And he's just another WEF shill. Voting is rigged anyway so who gives a fuck. Get me out of this goddamn commie nation.

>> No.55115297

yea, because they don't have any financial assets. I do.

>> No.55115710 [DELETED] 

fucking street shitter
stay home and fix your fucking country

>> No.55115725

yeah i have econ undergrad

>> No.55115768

Try to pay with your card as often as possible there are chances the loyalty rewards can amount to something reasonable overtime.

>> No.55116229

He accumulates loyalty rewards, and then it expires cause he can't use them.

>> No.55116380

>and then it expires cause he can't use them.
He can always convert the loyalty rewards to fiat on CryptMi

>> No.55116461
File: 93 KB, 706x335, 5856eagadfhgtr3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already left. Unironically take out all of your money from the banks and leave that cursed place.

>> No.55116834

Where did you end up moving to?

Thinking of leaving also.

>> No.55117893

Thanks Anon, I needed a good laugh today. I thank God every day I left that fucking shithole. my QOL jumped up 10 fold despite moving to another pozzed western country.

Canada is the cope centre of mankind. Get off the plane, start smoking pot because it doesn't get any better.

>> No.55118399
File: 1.61 MB, 1462x822, poojeeta1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn on local news (toronto)
>always see a poojeeta news reporter

>> No.55118402
File: 434 KB, 617x347, poojeets8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poojeet family leaving Canada

>> No.55118415
File: 44 KB, 228x221, 1604063426143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lowest opportunity
>real estate.

Wait, you bought BEFORE housing mooned harder than most shitcoins and 10x'd, right?

>> No.55118430

Literally this, the tax is beyond fucked here. I make triple what my gf makes with a degree and experience, but hardly actually clear any more than her because I'm a full tax bracket above her. Leafland is literally designed to hamstring upwards financial mobility. As you said, you either had a home pre bullrun, or you're pissing in the wind desperately trying to play catch up

>> No.55118566
File: 148 KB, 1080x549, 1647645790999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a Canadian in early 20s and haven’t quite made it yet but made it up to $300k at peak and took a little bit in profits and have traveled pretty extensively around Europe, Latin America, Asia and spent ~2.5 years total in my life abroad.

But my God, Canada is a scam and a trainwreck. The CRA taxes you out the ass, Canadan women are incredibly fat and put no effort yet they’re the most entitled bitches on the planet.

You can get so many high quality Tinder matches in Zurich or Milan or Stockholm (and Asia and Latin Canada it’s honestly obscene) compared to the average Canadian city.

Canadian woman is a sick, entitled, bitchy, entitled, perverted, almost psychopathic attitude that permeates all Canada. The amount of SJWs and poojeets in this country is sickening, Canada is truly, deeply sick. But the worst part is the normalization and acceptance and even glorification of poojeets - it’s beyond sick.

The name of the game is to make it in the Canada before you’re 35, leave for country of your choice (europe, latam, asia all have pros and cons), and to get the fuck out. You haven’t made it if you still live in the Canada and have to look at poojeets people on a daily basis. Do your business, make your money, and get the fuck out. There’s plenty of material wealth in this country, but spiritually and mentally and physically Canadian are beyond fucked.

>> No.55118695

where did you move to?

>> No.55118777


Isn't that the rape capital of Europe? Would be interested to check it out but living there is something else.

Would like to check out Switzerland and Denmark. Thinking about leaving Canada at some point.

Where are you thinking of living long term (if you haven't left already)?

Good post btw.

>> No.55118787

Nail salon

>> No.55119531

>I've been planning to emigrate to Canada
I am sorry for your loss

>> No.55119770

>when canada becomes india 2.0, where are you niggers going to emigrate to next?
I'm in tokyo right now and it's not just a batch of nigerians in town now. Indians are all shinjuku, working anything from seven-11 to information technology roles

>> No.55119911

>I'm in tokyo right now
Haha, good luck on being a forever gaijin without any possibility to become a citizen or start a business.

>> No.55120015


I've still got money in a TD account to pay OSAP. Have to pray TD doesn't die due to retarded policies, bad bets or a public bank run.

>> No.55120072


same experience here. So glad I got out of that shithole of a place. Even with a menial job I can save 30% of my income where I am now.

There is never a light at the end of the tunnel when you are poor in Canada.

>> No.55120250

but citizenship is piss easy to get shitposter-kun, why are you speaking out of your ass?

>> No.55120425

>but citizenship is piss easy to get
In Japan? Maybe you mean the permanent residency, which is indeed simple to obtain because it is point-based.
The citizenship in Japan is hard as fuck to get because of the retarded Kanji system which is included into language requirements.

>> No.55120435

Are you fucking retarded? Are you fucking stupid? Are you indeed saying that the immigration officer requiring that you know what the fuck you're signing when you apply for naturalization makes it hard as fuck to get? It's not even a legal requirement, but since when is knowing the fucking language some absurd standard which makes it impossible? Hang yourself you worthless nigger.

>> No.55120455

>since when is knowing the fucking language some absurd standard which makes it impossible
Since the time when the Japanese language is a useless piece of shit which was specifically made hard by combining Katakana and Kanji.
I am not a fucking weeb to learn this shit when I can learn English and be eligible to getting citizenship in a lot of better countries.

>> No.55120491

>when I can learn English
Or any other European language, which would make even more sense.
The bamboo ceiling is real in Japan.

>> No.55120495

There is no country in the world which allows you to get citizenship by naturalization without knowing the language at all. You being a retarded fuckwit doesn't make the citizenship requirements impossible since they're as standard as it gets.

>> No.55120528

As I already said, the Japanese language is a useless piece of shit that no one learns in school or for their professional career AND it is hard as fuck to learn in adulthood. So basically unless you are a hardcore weeb who learned the Japanese in childhood you have zero chances to naturalize in Japan, and even if you do you will still be seen as a gaijin.
All in all, this makes obtaining Japanese citizenship hard for a random professional even if he works in Japan for a Japanese company.

>> No.55120568

Lumberjack or fisherman at far north

>> No.55120569

It's like I'm talking with a useless unemployed neet instead of a human being. You being a retard who can't learn a foreign language is irrelevant. You being seen as a foreigner is irrelevant. Any professional who has lived in Japan for the years necessary to even qualify for citizenship will in have learned enough Japanese to pass and if he qualifies through the purely administrative criteria he will then be a citizen if Japan. This wasn't a debate if Japanese citizenship is worth it, it was your retarded ass saying it was impossible to get since you can't be bothered to learn the language.

>> No.55120585

The bamboo ceiling is when Asians don't know how to get into leadership roles because they just fold under pressure

>> No.55120593
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It has, I occasionally attend marketing meetings for my company and the women in marketing are so happy that places like Brandon and Regina are becoming more "diverse"

>> No.55120619
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if you are european or of european ancestry, Alberta is nice

I make 90k/yr and live quite nice here, my 3 bedroom townhouse was 250k and low crime area. Still plan on leaving out to the rural areas in about 10 years though.

>> No.55120667

Kek, if you come to Japan you will see the real meaning.
>Any professional who has lived in Japan for the years necessary to even qualify for citizenship will in have learned enough Japanese
Ahahahaha, this is peak delusion. Come on, come to Japan and pass the language test. I will see on which language lesson you will drop this idea.

>> No.55120687

>pass the language test
There is no ACTUAL legal requirement to have passed a language test for naturalization, the immigration officer will judge your proficiency by your interactions and if you can read the fucking documents he gives you. I don't care if English teacher subhumans don't know Japanese even after 10 years of being dancing monkeys, they aren't included in anyone's definition of professional.

>> No.55120718

You are japanese right. Do you like your housing market? It has been dumping since 1990 so it must be cheap

>> No.55120765

Any Canadians go to Singapore? Cana guy with a basic bachelor's dgree make it out there?

>> No.55120831

>200 children a year die of mass shootings in schools a year
>3500 people die from "Skateboard and roller skate" related accidents a year.

You'll probably just get gunned down by a nigger instead in all honesty

>> No.55120922

Ahh yes, we are the only real opposition in Canada!

We want to lower immigration rates! We don't want to actually solve the problem and deport people! Deporting people is racist! Even though it would immiedetly fix our wages, housing prices and traffic!

>> No.55120924

>The bamboo ceiling is when Asians don't know how to get into leadership roles because they just fold under pressure

If Asians can't get into leadership roles in America because they fold under pressure, then what ethnicity are the millions of small and mid size business biz owners across Asia?

Could it be that, simply, whites are racist?

>> No.55120985

>We don't want to actually solve the problem and deport people!
And which political party is advocating for this? At least PPC opposes continued mass immigration and the Multicultural Act, every other party wants to continue the assfuck to pump their real estate and pharma bags

>> No.55121007

All the top ceos are indian lmfao

>> No.55121030

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.55121031

Always fun to see you yanks and pretend yanks arguing.
Queensland >> All your shit gay states.
You faggot yanks know it's true. We own you.
Now how about you suck my 7 inch cock. Uncircumcised, of course.

>> No.55121362

>most of the country

lmao most of the country is uninhabited wasteland buddy.

>> No.55122021

Yes, you've worded it as well as anyone I've ever heard. There are a million things I hate about this country, but all of those I could accept, given that I love my apartment and it's location, the amenities nearby, etc.

But I will not put up with the women. Not anymore. Life is too short to spend chasing these women. They are disgusting both inside and out, in virtually every way. They can have Canada (for now), I'll be overseas with beautiful, feminine women who don't hate me. Let Canadian women suffer the consequences of being insufferable: men checking out of society, and the perpetual decline in living standards year after year that results from this. Let the women fix it all, they certainly claim to be competent enough to do it all by themselves.

>> No.55122040

Singapore is the most expensive city/state in the world. Use it for banking, not living, unless you have 8 figure net worth.

>> No.55123575
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Fellow canadianfag here. Life is amazing, far better than the states and it really is true that most people are gentler. Been making a good investment in memecoins (PAPA, WOJACK) since boy and im proud to say it's going well and the govt doesn't punish you for it . Do it anon, you won't regret it

>> No.55123609

Why is it sad? we need a culling

>> No.55123621
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Canada is fucked. 1 Million pajeets every year

>> No.55123624
File: 226 KB, 909x1010, canada kill yourself healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could save yourself a lot of time and just drink local bleach instead

>> No.55123633

Same pajeets will fight and die to avoid having to leave, especially the die part.

>> No.55123634

>ways to make money

Just fucking look at these videos, every city you go to pajeets are everywhere. There aren't enough jobs even without them.

>> No.55123645

luckily some of them are killing themselves after realizing that their family mortgaged the farm to send them here on shady student visa programs at sham colleges run by other pajeets, all so they can rent a mattress on a floor for $500/month living 30 people to a house and being Uber Eats deliverymen for chump change.

>> No.55123680

that's because all the smart and tough natives held access to natural resources hostage in exchange for copious sums of money through the 1700-1800s and bred themselves out of existence with white women. the remainder are literal subhuman retards or the 1/100 who bravely and stupidly didn't accept payment and got btfo

>> No.55123918

canada is where dreams go to die

>> No.55124014

>so they can rent a mattress on a floor for $500/month
And these shitskins tell me Im the privileged one, thats literally me. Im willing to die for my mattress, are you jeets? You actually thought we had a high standard of living? Hilarious.

I was born into a dogshit life, you had a real chance and threw it away by coming to Canada. Yea Id probably kill myself if I were them too.

>> No.55124383

I do kinda feel bad for some of them, having to pay triple the price to go to university, only to find out that their degrees are useless. I'd be suicidal as well.

>> No.55124471

polievere is controlled opposition, just like the NDP. PPC is the only party that has the best interests of canadians in mind.

>> No.55124497

Millions of immigrants (mostly from India) are coming in every year, and they are willing to work slave wages and slave hours and live 10 dudes to one basement. This is keeping wages down in this country and rent is out of control, especially here in the Toronto area because this is where most of them come. A huge cut of your paycheck goes to tax, but it will take you hours at a hospital to see a doctor and months to see a specialist. Traffic is out of control, even in suburban areas (everyone that owns a house has become a slumlord and rented their basement out to 4-5 international students). Meanwhile, the leeches on welfare are making bank. My wife works in social services and told me many of the people collecting welfare with 7+ kids are making sometimes 6 figures just sitting on their ass collecting welfare. When they hold tax clinics, she and her colleagues get upset seeing that these leeches make more in a year than they do working!

Don't come to this country, it's gone down the shitter.

>> No.55124698

>Meanwhile, the leeches on welfare are making bank. My wife works in social services and told me many of the people collecting welfare with 7+ kids are making sometimes 6 figures just sitting on their ass collecting welfare. When they hold tax clinics, she and her colleagues get upset seeing that these leeches make more in a year than they do working!

How on earth is that even possible? If that's true then many people who work would be furious knowing this.

I've never been on welfare but I feel as a single able bodied guy with no kids I'd be denied if I ever applied for it.

Here in Vancouver there's immigrants who are working low wage jobs and I assumed some of the single mothers were collecting some welfare, but not six figures worth.

Total bullshit.

>> No.55124701

traffic in Montreal in the last 10 years has gone from bad to insane. Based on the traffic alone I'm certain they are lying about immigration numbers.

>> No.55125653

That's just yet another symptom of Montreal's national icon, the orange cone. Whatever companies work doing road construction/maintenance must be making a hilarious amount of money considering they come back every year to unfuck the roads that die in the span of a single winter. Kind of weird how other cities don't really have that issue.

>> No.55125869

My pal is a manager in one of MTL's largest construction firms. It's likely one of the most corrupt and incompetent categories of work on the entire continent. You probably remember the millions that went missing for the construction of the royal Vic hospital? Yeah, that's just the ones who got caught and thrown under the bus.

Not to mention the Mericier bridge, which is openly just a welfare program for the Mohawk ironworkers to keep contracts literally every summer going. It's been under "repair" since the early 90's

>> No.55125899


>> No.55125946

Montreal, corruption & construction are all terms that funnily enough go perfectly hand in hand. I really want to blame the Italians on this one completely, but the system is probably rotten to the bone at this point.

In regards to traffic, there's a funny solution to all of it (public transit and basically Euro-style city design), but there's no way in hell you're going to:
-Convince housing companies to build anything else than high-end condo towers for rich boomers.
-Turn certain "emptier" parts of Montreal (IE: chunks of the West Island into apartment complexes).
-Somehow fit the weekly necessities into the sweet spot distance (Public transit, groceries & etc all available within 500m or 5 mins of where you live).
-Go even more all-in on public transit & convince the populace to use public transit.
(The above currently applies to places like Côte-des-Neiges and most of the densely packed sections of Montreal).

Speaking of forever projects, I have a sneaking suspicion that the REM is going to need some line maintenance every so often because of course it fucking will.

>> No.55126052

>Install "young leader" WEF puppet without any trace of conscience whatsoever after fabricated moral outrage
>Sell all your gold reserves
>Devalue your already next to worthless currency even more
>Mandate the killjab for the least exposed jobs to human interaction of all
>Can't afford basic tools to survival now after taxcucking your last leafbucks away? BETTER FUCKING KYS!
>Reelect sorry excuse for a human being again
Even europoors are laughing at Truecuck's Canada
t. europoor

>> No.55126098

>Montreal, corruption & construction are all terms that funnily enough go perfectly hand in hand
And don't forget medicine! The construction corruption was and is largely made possible thanks to RAMQ having virtually zero checks and balances from the provincial governments credit card it gets to spend freely. Many of the roads you see winding around the royal vic like the Decarie and Rue Saint-Jaques are considered part of the medical budget and part of the fun as to why you see orange cones everywhere. As much as I've grown to detest even common doctors and nurses the past 3 years, I still understand their pecking order with the diabolical class of oligarchs who work med administration rolls and are the unseen gods of the system.
>Turn certain "emptier" parts of Montreal (IE: chunks of the West Island into apartment complexes)

Kek, this. My ex is from L'ile-perrot and the people that live there are the literal peak example of entitled boomers that love mass migration (gets their granny dicks hard seeing their house 5x) but vote against new land permits during council meetings.

Thankfully, many of them got PILLOWED during covid when the 1st gen shitskins literally left multiple dead bodies in cots, and were only discovered due to the rancid smells of their rotting corpses and even our globohomo media was forced to report on it

>> No.55126345

So true that the boomers live in enclaves, distanced from the carnage yet their house price rockets. Canada is so corrupt. Taxes are so high but the services barely exist.

>> No.55126417

Lmao the most based man in Québec everyone

>> No.55126418

canada has no industry other than oil, which they are trying to actively kill and real estate

>> No.55126467

>Security guard loicense
Lol Jesus maybe being an American isn’t so bad

>> No.55127005

Typing this from a Whitehorse basement bachelor apartment that I pay $1,500/month for. The Territories are almost as bad as major cities when it comes to housing. God forbid you're not a government worker up here or you are truly fucked

>> No.55127051

I can't even imagine being in Whitehorse and not doing everything in my power to leave as soon as possible

>> No.55127132

Yeah no kidding. Use to live in Regina and that was bad enough.

>> No.55127528

kek. this canada fud is next level.

>> No.55127607

lmao -40 and snow is so much better

>> No.55127612

I was planning to buy a house here a few years ago, but they went up to 700k+ for anything close to my work and interest rates went up.
I'm in my early 30s and I have 400k saved, and at this point I wonder if it's even worth it anymore. I could get a mortgage but I'd be signing up to work another 25 years as this country continues to fall into managed decline, more insane policies, more restricted freedoms, more diversity, more taxes, more climate change fees.

On the other hand I could just move to a low cost of living country like mexico or thailand and retire off 1k/month.
My rent alone right now is $1600/mo, and it looks like I could have a comfortable standard of living there.
Only downside is not being able to see family easily, and not knowing the local language but to save myself from working 40 hours it seems pretty decent.

>> No.55127617

>even immigrants are starting to leave
I wish

>> No.55128337
