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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55083089 No.55083089 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55083108

for 2 years at least.

>> No.55083132
File: 618 KB, 220x220, 0BB029D7-1BC2-43F8-8FC1-DBBACF9F2AE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a greco-latin european whose nation was forced into austerity by the germs, this news made my day, thanks fren!

>> No.55083134

Es ist vorbei.

>> No.55083140

Wow nice source

>> No.55083144

Still waiting for politicians to occupy lampposts

>> No.55083150

kys greco-shitalian abomination
or are you a cucked iberomoor cum stained by shitalian dicks ?

>> No.55083157

state run media already published several articles

>> No.55083158
File: 306 KB, 687x532, image_2023-05-25_115300098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engage in proxy warfare against a massive supplier
>It goes horribly for you

Who could have imagined?

>> No.55083166
File: 406 KB, 498x474, 3DE46FBB-C21F-492C-93B7-C60F19D4046E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and I both know you and your country will bail out mine in the next 2-5 years so you better get used to it pig nosed pale subhuman

>> No.55083171

>actually has to work for once in his live


>> No.55083181

Ja ich weiss
Es war ne geile Zeit

>> No.55083230

Will the Turkish kebab shops and jeet delivery drivers be okay?

>> No.55083233
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>> No.55083240

yes since they're all commiting tax fraud

>> No.55083253

>nation trapped by debt issued in a foreign currency
>just reduce government spending and salaries while your debt burden gets bigger and bigger bro, are you lazy or what?
peak pig nosed kraut intellect

>> No.55083288

confirmed iberospic
lmao keep seething at your Germanic masters

>> No.55083304
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Wann glaubt ihr wird Armin Meiwes feigelassen?

>> No.55083312
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You know what comes next, right?

>> No.55083323

>confirmed iberospic
wrong, keep seething pig nosed incel cuck, go to your local park to watch your manly women get raped by turknigger brownoids

>> No.55083397

we have been in an inflationary depression since the covid crash

>> No.55083424

t. greco-terrone schizo tales

>> No.55083667

wann? kann mich nicht erinnern, wann wir letztes mal ne geile zeit hatten

>> No.55083710

>Es war ne geile Zeit

>> No.55083747

Doch es tut mir leid, es ist vorbei!

>> No.55083765

am I schizo or do I see the merchant?

>> No.55083785

Based. The south will rise again.

>> No.55083789
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, a8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to buy a house using my gold coins, just like in Weimar Germany hehe.
RIP German bros
Wake me up when you guys have found the new Hitler

>> No.55084714
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The Netherlands will be flooded during WW3. Buy some nice house with a well in spain.

>> No.55084747

/biz/ trying to dunk on Germany is a sign the former Nazis are doing something right

>> No.55084832
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 3F0FFF09-CFB4-4963-98AF-E210EB9BA169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be german
>go outside for a walk through the city
>notice almost every store is closed that used to be open
>even places that existed for a 100 years are now insolvent and closing
>even the kebab shops are closed
>check on my phone if its a holiday or some shit, its not
>walk into a grocery store, the AC is turned off and the fridges are all off too no frozen foods of any kind
>most shelfes are empty what once was plentyful goyslop is now all empty its all gone
>prices for everything are 400% higher than they used to be
>walk back outside
>homeless man asks me for food not money wtf
>walk away into the next hobo realize there is like hundreds of hobos littering the streets
>most hobos dont seem to notice me because I look poor like them
>public transport is shutting down and a tram/bus only drives every 40 minutes and only the main lines
>Ukrainian man with his little daughter walk up to me and offers me ficki ficki for 20€

>> No.55084869

>trump warn them for germoney lack of self energy maker
>laugh about it
Anyone got the webm?

>> No.55084921
File: 1.12 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230525-152123_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ting ting ting
>"Under the weight of immense inflation, the German consumer has fallen to his knees, dragging the entire economy down with him," said Andreas Scheuerle, an analyst at DekaBank.

>Germany's inflation rate stood at 7.2% in April, above the euro area's average but below the UK's 8.7%.
Muw ha ha ha haaaaaa

Hans can't even handle a little 7.2% inflation. Bongs winning again at 8.7%; more equals bestest

>> No.55084945

>You know what comes next, right?
Several hours messing with the vga lead until you figure
>fuck it
And just buy a new monitor

>> No.55084976

Al-mahdi’s return to lead the jihad?

>> No.55084988

And DAX (main german index) hits ath, how's that possible?

>> No.55085001

No one forced you lazy fucks to take out all those loans.

>> No.55085080
File: 66 KB, 1589x870, UK_interest_rate_since_1800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one forced you lazy fucks to take out all those loans.
So glad I'm not a loany bro.

>picrel, 400 years of bank of england data. Conclusion, loanies get fokt

>> No.55085101

Every immigrant is given a loan in the form of gibs .It pumps the numbers but in reality is all smoke .This could be a lot worse considering they went into recession even with those roach and somalians pumping the numbers for banks

>> No.55085129

Because inflation is much higher than what is being reported.

>> No.55085282

>Because inflation is much higher than what is being reported.
Timber was already going up prior to coofid.
Doubled in cost during. Hasn't gone back down.

>> No.55085309
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Jesus, is this for real?

>> No.55085338

Dieses. So. Hart.
Wird einer sein der die Familienkohle verknallt und nu glaubt er ist selfmade.

>> No.55085401

Dude the BoE will NEVER again raise rates above 5%, it would bankrupt the country.

>> No.55085422

>they suppress me
>they serve us
What of these? You act like a sandnigger. Apparently greeks are turks

>> No.55085845


They will print more money if they have too.

>> No.55085860

>Dude the BoE will NEVER again raise rates above 5%, it would bankrupt the country.
They'll just keep raising it until they get more and more applying to register as legally homeless and/or defaulting. Then hodl, then raise a bit more.

This is literally the plan of the bank of england, they explain it in their 2013 youtube video titled the creation of money

They're going to loan a shit ton out, then haul in the interest
>loans create deposits, not the other way round - boe

>> No.55085885

Will importing more immigrants fix this?

>> No.55085981

What does that mean?

>> No.55086041
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Man, I thought this was one of those Magic Eye things.

>> No.55086047

>What does that mean?
Nothing as always.

>> No.55086071

they'll keep voting for the greens because it works just so well.

>> No.55086086

Party like it's 1933!

>> No.55086087


>> No.55086094

EU did, by forbidding member states from borrowing from their own central bank (interest-free). I hate protestants so fucking much. I wish we'd slaughtered the whole back then on saint Bartholomew.

>> No.55086149

As a thirdie, I approve of this post. Fuck firsties.

>> No.55086272

Afd will gain hugely and i can already hear the seethe of the politicians and the media

Day of the rope cant come soon enough

>> No.55086293

Just as I thought. Thanks.

>> No.55086365

No its fitcion

>> No.55086386

I'm not sure but höcke 50% would be the best thing happen to this country since the victory 1940

>> No.55086418

still paying 0% on my crypto gains legally kek, these cucks are incompetent lmao.

>> No.55086659


>> No.55086719

god bless

>> No.55086877

Eternal Anglo wins again

>> No.55086960

I fucking hate everything

>> No.55087054
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>> No.55087095

>by the germs
Never forget, Germoids suffer continuously. It is bankers (IMF, BIS, ECB) that do that shit.

>> No.55087477

Who cares Germany is like Bitcoin it always comes back stronger than before

>> No.55087486

Two more sanctions trust he plan.

>> No.55088793

Those billions in donation for (not your) war sure helped.

>> No.55088822

southbros were forced into austerity to rescue the franco-german banking sector they themselves did nothing wrong, most countries in the world borrow in a currency they control so their central bank acts as a lender of last resort if the bond market gets too turbulent, southern europe didn't have this (and still doesn't)

>> No.55089519

Just exit recession again?

>> No.55089598

how is Germany in a recession while the UK has higher inflation and a dogshit government unless this is foreshadowing of what is to come globally

>> No.55089615

Time to move to Russia
Going to chill a year in Amsterdam and then goodbye Europe forever

>> No.55089886

>notice almost every store is closed that used to be open

>> No.55090017

you mean credit with assumed future productivity of future germans as collateral on the debit. That is no donation, that is a scam

>> No.55090041

>check phone
>DAX just hit a new ATH

>> No.55090066

UK got lucky with a 0.1% growth last month, so technically it is not yet in a recession, even though it has been in one in everything but name for months now.

>> No.55090129

we love sauerkraut and aryan pussies