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55081959 No.55081959 [Reply] [Original]

This man John Tyler 10th President of the United States of America born in 1790 still has a grandson alive today. And he ain’t even that old. Like 94. Guys like him were impregnating 23 year olds in their 70’s and most of you fags can’t even get a kiss.

>> No.55082028

Nigga I can't even talk to girls without sweating, stammering and going red in my face.
It's a truly unfortunate predicament because I've been called cute before and no less than 3 girls have shown interest in me.
But I never know how to take it forward when I can't even speak a full sentence when talking to girls.

>> No.55082107

Yeah back then all you had to do was show up to church and you were basically given a prime 16 year old virgin wife if you could simply breathe and had a modicum of ambition.

Don't even get me started on what it's like today. We already all know.

>> No.55082118

He actually died in 2020.

>> No.55082120

It's even easier now.

>> No.55082184

Back then, the things men were allowed to do to gain success and attract a mate would put a man in jail today.