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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55079361 No.55079361 [Reply] [Original]

What, in your opinion, caused the downfall of /biz/?

>> No.55079364

frog posters, slaves for jpmason and eth shills

>> No.55079404

India should never have been allowed internet.

>> No.55079418

Dog coins

>> No.55079429

I believe biz is in its prime right now as we post

>> No.55079438

Moot leaving

>> No.55079478
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GME, it lead people to r/WSB, than eventually to /biz/
>2016 /biz/ was much more interesting
>so was /sp/ bets

>> No.55079540
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Reddit jannies pruning good posts and allowing 100 Reddit tier posts, link, hbar, Cardano etc…

>> No.55079543

Probably was what brought the Reddit faggots here..

>> No.55079720
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>> No.55079807

white people

>> No.55079832

ETH. More specifically the ICOs that followed.
Before that you had a few threads up dedicated to bitcoin, ethereum and the odd shitcoin but the board had a lot of general threads.
Generals for
>oil trading
>US stocks
>business ideas
>poor people say/do
>China bro
But once ETH blew up and more specifically around the DAO incident, you now had a general for every shitcoin ICO offering under the sun and the board ever recovered.

>> No.55079836

Failure to spot each year's winners (ada, doge, shib in 21, qnt in '22, rndr and pepe this year). The inexplicable obsession with link, hbar and rose.

>> No.55080047

Link was the last real /biz/ pick, and that hasn't been profitable since 2020 (compared to wider market, it peaked in sats then)

>> No.55080115
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>> No.55080124
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>> No.55080133

Poor Indians trying to shill their worthless cryptos.

>> No.55080332

Reddit fags and pajeets

>> No.55080373

the john oliver "i'd love to rape this man" post-- simply disgusting. the elites took notice after that.

>> No.55080400

Yeah, I don't understand OP

>> No.55080411

>told that previously same bread

>> No.55080420
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>pic rel
you really think it's pajeets setting up all the rugpulls?
things got really bad after dogecoin, but it's always been shit and it's always been getting worse. such is the nature of the chans.

>> No.55080424

Shut coins and meme stocks

>> No.55080444

I hate how this shit went mainstream

>> No.55081421
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damn trips
news outlets were dumb enough to lie and say GME made retail investors millionaires, that was simply not true. Doge on the other hand kind of did three months later.
than you got a bunch of crypto influencers popping up, selling there souls for a 15 minutes of fame.
>pic related
is the perfect example of what ruined stocks and crypto.

>> No.55081693

biz is anti fundamentals, only shitcoins thrive here. Blockchain and crypto are too base for only shitcoins, imagine the advantages of blockchain in the healthcare industry. Its time for biz retards to invest in rope.

>> No.55081707

GME could be very well the blow off top for a long bear market ahead of us.

>> No.55081716
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Reddit and the Overton Window.

>> No.55081774

This anon actually gets it
Let’s start a new 4chan

>> No.55081822

Yes and memecoins to an extent. Crypto and blockchain tech are better than that, just wait and see the impact in the health industry with immunify protocol.

>> No.55082064

All of India is rangebanned dumbass

>> No.55082077

The crypto winter of 2022

>> No.55082082

They know what the gems are. Ovr being one. They're just keeping them to themselves for no reason cause they're assholes. Newsflash assholes, this site barely has any traffic.

>> No.55082091

My 400k I made from shib in 2021 says otherwise. I never got to properly thank the anons who shilled it to me in january 2021 back when each thread got 3 replies and everyone called it a scam

>> No.55082094

Fuck off, that's where I get my passive income.

>> No.55082102


>> No.55082787
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tran jans

>> No.55082797


>> No.55082816

They targetted the poorest and got every jeet addicted to the shitcoin.

>> No.55082832

there was more jeets in 2019 when deflationary cryptos were the rage
the english on this board has improved in recent years

>> No.55082883

>the english has improved

>> No.55082929
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>> No.55084244

I’m sure there was a few people who BECAME millionaires but there’s almost nobody who stayed a millionaire from retarded trading.

>> No.55084312

These sort of low quality posters and memecoin "investors"

>> No.55084381

This for sure, WSB shit it up really good.
Also Twitter ambassadors funneling advertisers and shameless shills.

>> No.55085192
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I'm going to say things changed a lot with the popularity of bitcoin rising in 2016-17.
This used to be a pretty slow board.
Back in even just 2015 you could browse the catalog and it would be relatively the same for a few days.
There was some really funny posts back then too.
>"How do I get the respect of blue collar workers?"
That was one of my favorite threads on all of /biz/. OP wanted to walk into a bar and start playing pool with blue collar workers that would somehow automatically respect him for his watch or belt lmao.
Truly great times.
I also enjoyed the gems people used to share. But since the way of new people when bitcoin began picking up in 2016-17, a lot of gems have stopped being shared. I don't even like posting stuff here because I suspect a lot of redditors come here to scrape for "reddit thread content" and shill.
This was probably the most destructive thing. Ultra cancer injected here.

>> No.55085455
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Specifically, /biz/ itself, kek, but I'd say the Metaverse rush, everything went to hell after that, anyways, I'm gonna go catch some pokecucks until Rebase goes live and I can migrate there

>> No.55085485

people treating meme coins as an actual investment

>> No.55085694

Kek, biz was the herald of it's own destruction

>> No.55085699

Fuck off you NFT tranny lover

>> No.55085713

That's absolutely true and it's kinda sad too

>> No.55085717

I bet you're your family's disappointment

>> No.55085774

Same thing that ruins everything finance related. Glamour. Wsb gme shit and crypto 1000x made finance seem cool and profitable. Pick the right stock option or crypto and live like a rockstar. We need a seperate board for crypto probably. Maybe one just for budgeting.

>> No.55085836
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Crypto. This used to be a board filled with analytics, micro and macro, and you could find hidden stock gems that some artist painstakingly did the research on. Then the zoomers and third-worlders flooded here and now every thread is the same variation of "This Crypto is guaranteed x100 and every other Crypto is a scam." I've got news for anyone who cares: they are all scams. I've stopped trying to fight it and only come here for PMG these days and to occasionally indulge a little schadenfreude after the most recent crypto scam blows up and all the zoomers try to explain that it could never happen to their chosen scam coin.

>> No.55087311

go back
Biz was always a crypto board
If you don’t like degen shit, then leave

>> No.55087328

LINK then GME and DOGE.

>> No.55088302

it used be a lot like /lit/ or /trv/ only a few remember.

>> No.55088516

Chainlink collapsing. Unironically

>> No.55088598
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>> No.55088910

First yall found the oldest AOL coin and went nuts promoting it even when tx blew up on BRC20. Then you Muthafuckers wasted your ass trying to long bonds gold silver and lost. Then you guys tried to buy spy nasdaq and lost. Then you guys tried to short market and lost. And you wonder why biz is dead? You guys turned women in hoes and men into homeless people on SF bitches and you will do it again haha. You guys still here are not even done gambling and losing money either. Can smell the pain already. TLDR: low volume market has me Bord so laughing at blebs.

>> No.55089795

Focus on altcoin with more quality which will be powering the developer-friendly world's first Ethereum compatible quantum resistant blockchain.