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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55074902 No.55074902 [Reply] [Original]

Were trapped in the belly of this horrible machine,
and the machine is bleeding to death.

>> No.55075232

And it is wonderful. We live in the best timeline. We will be the generation that will witness the collapse of the cancerous status quo and capitalism and we will experience true liberation and freedom within our lifetimes. Even if it is just 1 day it will be worth it. Just 1 day of freedom.

Obviously though financier parasites like you heavily invested in the cancer machine are scared and stressed. You will all be euthanized when time comes

>> No.55075285

The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel

And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides

And a dark wind blows

The government is corrupt

And we're on so many drugs

With the radio on and the curtains drawn


>> No.55075312
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>Retarded communist fantasizing about not having to work anymore
Face the wall, comrade...

>> No.55075493

Slava Ukraine you Nigger

>> No.55075506

>Power concentrated in few hands
>Freedom and liberation

Face against the wall goyim.

>> No.55075690
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>> No.55075707

>in my imaginary dystopia the world is owned by a monopoly minority

>meanwhile in the real world: 80% of worlds wealth and recourses are owned by 1% of the population

>> No.55075860

You can temporarily snap out of it. I don't know how it's exactly "done", but you can, while realizing that, yes, the world is shit, be completely unbothered by it. I don't mean "ignore how shit it is", but ignore how shit it feels inside. Not even ignoring it in deed, as in not trying to help, but being, unbothered by it. Like, imagine if none of it hurt you. I don't want to trivialize it, but in the sense of a video game. Not as in "GTA", but as in imaging that the real world, including you, was a video game, and "you" just another in-game character. Yes, your character has a "health bar" and all that, and he can die, but, imagine if you were sitting in front of the screen. I'm talking about that kind of relief.

>> No.55075928
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no u

>> No.55078261
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Your social revolution is coming and the 'capitalist pigs' you hate will be executed or stripped down of their wealth. We're exactly at the same stage before Stalin communism except there's technology now so it won't be pretty.

>> No.55078298

Haha thats cute. What will actually happen is that rich people will just build better walls around their gated neighborhoods while the flood of your beloved third world sexually selected negroids tears your asshole in half.

>> No.55078438

You will be among the parasites to be euthanized nazi parasite

>> No.55078467

Yeah sure buddy their walls will save them.

Also all this obsession with "degeneracy/subhumanism/inferiority/purity/racism" or whatever from rightoids, authoritarians and other type of parasites like you is so obviously just a form of projection because deep down you all know that if anything is inferior life form it has to be something that resembles creatures like you. A bunch of hateful, insecure, dangerous, violent and extremely fearful and anxious creatures.

Where we are going parasites like you will be euthanized and you are scared. There is no gated community for you. No walls. No private army. No friends. Everyone hates your guts. The rest of these parasites in this shithole nazi financier forum are not your friends. A disgusting scum

>> No.55078480


>> No.55078495

>doesn't name the jew

Go back 2 reddit, faggot.

>> No.55078505

Hateful nazi incel, have sex

>> No.55078553

Fascism/imperialism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin. Every single nazi parasite like you will be euthanized alongside with the financiers.

>> No.55078611

wah wah boo boo boo hoo wah wah nazis and the machine wahh boo hoo capitalist wah wah we will hurt you!! Aww boo hoo

>> No.55078777

Back to Israel, Jew

>> No.55078992

Forget what I said here>>55078505
You are an ally against the Nazi incel menace. Together we will achieve a more inclusive world of equality and equity in which brown people and Jews alike can live in peace without worrying about white supremacist terrorists

>> No.55079002

Daily reminder that all the obsession with "degeneracy/subhumanism/inferiority/purity/antisemitism/racism" or whatever from rightoids, authoritarians,nazis and other type of parasites is so obviously just a form of projection because deep down you all know that if anything is inferior life form it has to be something that resembles creatures like you. A bunch of hateful, insecure, dangerous, violent and extremely fearful and anxious creatures.

>> No.55079033

I just want to barbecue for goodness sake

>> No.55079156

Ha! Me and my crew fight the machine!
*stacks gangsign*

>> No.55079506

Try me onions nigger.