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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 119 KB, 1080x1798, 20171226_230107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5507299 No.5507299 [Reply] [Original]


They hold my fucking money for 10 GODDAMN DAYS, and don't even compensate by buying at the current market price. What the absolute fuck kind of scam.

I hate coinbase, I'm only using my bank card from here on out.

>> No.5507322

lol ur fault for buying it at that high a price in the first place

>> No.5507361

Same thing happned to me man, I bought at 18,900 and it just hit my account today. Feels bad

>> No.5507393

hahahahaah fucking retard stromboli bois buying at the ATH

>> No.5507397

well assume they gave you the money when you bought it, what would've changed

would you have sold?

>> No.5507400
File: 3.37 MB, 320x226, 1514075258961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well, your first mistake was to get bitcoin.

if you don't consider that retarded then how can you consider this?

>> No.5507408

yeah you new motherfuckers welcome to reality. dodge landmines you cant miss em all. be smart. this isn't all that fun of a game if you trade. ya dig

>> No.5507439

They always use the exchange rate it was when you placed the order.

That and the fact you bought bitcoin at 19k leads me to believe you are dumb.

>> No.5507443

sorry im a normie who believed it was going to 25K+

>> No.5507480
File: 951 KB, 1440x900, there-will-be-blood-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: Don't buy BTC or bcash on coinbase..

Buy LTC or ETH and trade it on binance or bittrex for more BTC once the price would earn you a profit. Any other way, you are just cheating yourself out of money

>> No.5507522


That's how it work. You agreed to buy BTC at a certain price. Bet you wouldn't complain if BTC doubled instead of going down.

>> No.5507551

Sounds like the IOTA foundation

>> No.5507559

It's a scam
If btc went up they'd still use 19.5

>> No.5507563

What a fag.

Why the fuck would you buy with a bank transfer? Do the bank transfer to put USD into your account then any BTC purchases with said USD are instant.

>> No.5507565

I was only buying to trade into an alt-coin/token because for some reason that's the only way to get them.

>> No.5507566

>w-why dont they compensate me since the price is different since itd be in my favor

>> No.5507583

If it went past 19.5, then why would paying 19.5 be a bad thing?

>> No.5507602

There are two ways to make purchases on Coinbase. You can either buy the coins directly, in which place the price for each coin and the amount of coins is fixed at the time of the order. It then takes time for the wire transfer to happen. Regardless of what happens to the coins price, you get what you ordered.

The other way is to fund your USD account on Coinbase. You put in say $5000 and it will show up when the wire transfer completes. You can then buy coins instantly without delay.

Buying coins directly is good if you are confident the price will rise. That way if it moons while the wire transfer is happening, you're still good. Transferring USD first will avoid losses if the coin crashes, but you also miss moon missions.

>> No.5507631

>Buy LTC or ETH
From where.

People keep saying not to use coinbase but never recommend another.

>> No.5507671
File: 73 KB, 759x551, Go ubbb bleaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said don't buy BTC or bcash on there, and to buy LTC or ETH instead. Re read it.

Otherwise, I agree with you

>> No.5507726

I figured out that this is how it worked within 5 minutes of first opening my Coinbase account a few months ago.

Anybody who isn't a monkey retardedly clicking the mouse and slamming the keyboard would have taken three seconds to read the terms.

You got what you richly deserved.

>> No.5507729

>>w-why dont they compensate me since the price is different since itd be in my favor
>implying they don't already have the money within 2 business days
>implying they don't hold it for 10 days so they can buy it at the lowest price across those days and give it to you at the higher price you paid for a profit.

These fucking assholes just try to fuck you over any way possible.

>> No.5507733

gemini you fucking twat

>> No.5507734

Op fomo'd in at ath. WHAT A FUCKING RETARD. Why did you post this op?

>> No.5507740

Anyone use Gemini?

Coinbase doesnt work in best korea and I refuse to do transactions with BTC unless the fees aren't close to 0

>> No.5507743


>> No.5507812

Gemini only does bank wires as far as I know... So, no instant transactions. They are actually personally interested in seeing BTC's value rise...

>> No.5507842
File: 54 KB, 392x468, AmThY6R-SKGX2t77jDMO-A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duhhh how do exchanges work
>duhhhhhhhhhhh i dont know how to read
>surely the exchanges will fix my dumb as fuck decision making
pic related, its you

>> No.5507878
File: 15 KB, 706x319, OPs investment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lmao.
I had to look it up.
For perspective here is the four possible points where OP could have bought. Almost the exact fucking tip the mountain.
At this moment OP became a bagholder.

>> No.5507886

Not at all. If you read the terms they said it would take UP TO 10 days. Not exactly over 10 days. The way it's written is that you will receive your cut as soon as its available. I had no interest in the coin itself, I was going to trade it for more alt at the time before they doubled.

>> No.5507951


Coinbase execs
>They're buying it
>I can't believe their buying at the peak
>Let's fuck with them.

>> No.5508014


I was only getting the coin to trade for alts. I had no intention to become a bagholder.

>> No.5508028

Been a while since i actually bought off coinbase but the price they quoted was always way above what was actually the market price at the time so it might only been in 19k's

And that's ontop of ridiculous fee's too..
It really is the shittest way to get into crypto but its just so convenient for everyone

>> No.5508076

What do you use now?
Aren't they wire transfer only? Aka the same speed as fagbase?

>> No.5508620

I haven't bought since the start of the year.
Would seriously feel like a cuck buying btc at this price
I just built my stack up with alts

>> No.5508699

this, pic somewhat related

>> No.5508772

Your fucking $100 "investment" would have been gobbled up by someone smarter than you anyway.

>> No.5508983

if they wait to buy then they're screwed if the price unexpectedly goes up

>> No.5509014

you guys know that gdax has a bank transfer right? why are you even using coinbase at all? i literally only use it if i urgently need some crypto to buy some mooncoin.

>> No.5509145

Say it with me
Basically, they can do whatever the fuck they want. You don't like it, go back to stocks. Otherwise suck it up and learn to think like a predator.

>> No.5509170


>> No.5509256

>lol your fault for buying scamcoin in an unregulated market run by fraudsters, douchebags, and jews.

This is why this whole shithouse is completely doomed and it's all dumb money.

>> No.5509315

How is that convenient, when gdax is literally a step away? I spend my day trading on gdax on my phone and it's convenient as fuck

>> No.5509544


Are you retarded?