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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55070958 No.55070958 [Reply] [Original]

>pays $100+ for a device that devs can rug any minute with a firmware update instead of using a $5 USB drive

Just lmao

>> No.55070968

what do you put on the usb that replaces the functionality of a ledger

>> No.55070974

Literally in the pic

>> No.55070980

but it wipes the data everytime you start it up

>> No.55070996

You can create an encrypted persistence volume on the drive and decrypt it with a pass phrase on booting

>> No.55071042

>persistence volume
ngmi newfag. put tails down. u talk like u want security but no you're a moronic faggot.
use it to create seed. write seed down. never use persistent storage

>> No.55071048

You have an airgap between your ears

>> No.55071079

This poster is telling the objective truth

>> No.55071124

Meh fag I mean the luks encryption isn’t really crackable in any reasonable timeframe plus you can always use hidden volumes for plausible deniability. You have to store the seed somewhere physical regardless.

To your point persistence is the opposite of ephemeral which is the whole point of even using tails in the first place. Overall , it’s a wash. I’d probably use tails as a stand-alone and just have a separate data USB disk that’s encrypted for separation from tails itself. I don’t like writing shit down though and any safe under 30k can be cut into by a Mexican locksmith wiith basic tools

>> No.55071135

TLDR: state threat model and risk appetite prior to hashing these things out

>> No.55071140

>wallet on linux vs hardware wallet thread
Here comes the opsec midwits.

>> No.55071959
File: 24 KB, 448x274, security.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The encrypted storage is as much a security flaw as the piece of paper you wrote your sneed down on.
Only characters that rolled high for will and have memorized their sneedphrases are truly safe.

>> No.55072209

It doesn't matter what OS you use PCs have backdoors anyway, I assume coreboot and libreboot aren't as safe as people think.

>> No.55072235

Most people who attempt something like this will fuck it up and lose their shit anyway.
There's a reason easy sells.

>> No.55072261

Hey belingcat incompetent glow nigger slaves

>> No.55072883

>use it to create seed. write seed down. never use persistent storage
You don't need tails to do this. You can do this with literally any is as long as its offline before you create the seed.

>> No.55072945

Only CPUs built after 2008 were installed with IME firmware. Regardless, it can be removed.
Your doomposting makes you glow.

>> No.55072962

>as long as it's offline before you create the seed
And, in the event of you using a compromised device offline, it should be destroyed before it can ever be brought online again.

>> No.55072989

Yes, that is correct.

>> No.55073023

nothing wrong with using an encrypted partition to store bookmarks and password database. it'd be annoying to browse otherwise

>> No.55073134

as an officer said to me once
"linux encryption is case closed"

your glowie fud has no power here

>> No.55073180

Can you prove that it has completely been removed? Also I'm not a glowie, just trying to get to a point where I'm the weakest link in my network.

>> No.55073764

You can prove that the IME as we currently understand it has been removed, yes. We can't prove there are no other backdoors present, but on balance of probability if you have a pre-IME CPU running checksum'd open source software you're fine.
A post-2008 with neutered or removed IME is increasingly less fine the newer the CPU model, as a newer CPU is more likely to be hiding backdoors than older CPUs.
As other anons have said, the definition of 'fine' hinges entirely on your threat model, but in my subjective opinion librebooting things no newer than 2017 is fine.
>just trying to get to a point where I'm the weakest link in my network.
Then get yourself an old IBM thinkpad, keep it offline, coreboot it and run tails for offline wallet generation. That's your cold wallet.
Do all your trading etc with hotwallets, and ensure your hotwallets never exceed a certain value. Send all excess to the cold wallet. Never move cold wallet funds unless you have to, securely generate a new offline cold wallet whenever you send a transaction from your cold wallet.
This is the way.

>> No.55073898

Cheers mate for the info.

>> No.55074138

>Just use a hot wallet instead of a cold wallet
why are midwits like this? There is only one superior setup to hardware wallets and that's an old airgapped pc without a network chip.

>> No.55074150

>ledger has software backdoor
>usb keys have NSA/chink hardware backdoor
Not much better desu

>> No.55074200

No. The most secure is a paper wallet rolled with a 100 sided dice. But one needs a secure open source way to make tx a bit more practical. Compromises, but uncompromisable

>> No.55075634

this thread is tried to be slided

>> No.55075672

You only need anything other than a pen and paper + a laptop if your crypto portfolio is worth north of 5mm

>> No.55075740

>ITT: paranoid chuds who think the government is going after their 500 dollars in LINK

>> No.55076496

wont let this little nigger die

>> No.55076724

the problem is really if any nwo coin has some stratospheric gain they will absolutely steal from anyone and everyone they can

>> No.55077611

they can try, but will not succeed

>> No.55077686

there are several ways to stop pic related from working.

>> No.55077690

paper is persistent storage

>> No.55077895

>just make your own cpu and code your own programming language

>> No.55077905

Why do the jpmason slaves not understand how to use greentext?

>> No.55078084

Replies in this thread glow hard.

Here's how you use Tails:
Boot on air gapped computer, with networking disabled (option in Tails)
Create a multi sig wallet with Electrum as one key and your HWW as another key
Check all receiver addresses on both wallets
If you ever need to send out of cold storage (which you shouldn't) then create the transaction in Electrum on an internet connected device, scan the transaction to Tails via QR code to sign in Electrum and your HWW, then scan back via QR code and broadcast

Yes there is some miniscule risk that glowies have compromised your air gapped computer to connect via a hidden network, compromised Tails or Electrum, AND compromised your HWW firmware, but it's highly unlikely.

>> No.55078126
File: 32 KB, 635x484, Terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so

>> No.55078253

this is ok for holding when you need to make like one tx every few years.

Hardware wallets are for using crypto daily. With my trezor I can plug it in and approve a metamask transaction in about 10 seconds. Booting into another OS, signing offline, transferring it back to the online computer, that is a complete pain in the ass.

Is it as safe as if I never did anything with the seed, of course not, but that's not he point of a hardware wallet. I can plug my trezor into a completely virus ridden computer and not have my seed stolen and can verify all the transactions.

>> No.55078268

are you advertising and begging
>ib4 no

>> No.55078320


>> No.55078388

Saying u own X is not advertising, how new are u?

>> No.55078416

not technically
but its basically like a salesman running around and praising some shit because HE owns it
its advertising and begging, especially the second part makes it obviously clear

also why is nobody of the corpo advertisers shilling this

>> No.55078471

Ok, well then by that logic every post on this board is advertising. Educate yourself before putting out ridiculous claims, newfag.

>> No.55078490

Most are. Some are penny paid faggots, a lot by now and some are poor suckers that are trying to sucker others. Especially those with thin air minted tokens of corpo faggots, jpmason adjusted scams like eth and its erc-20 bullshit and other proof of jew buy my token you suckers

>> No.55078510

w/e autist, just replace "trezor" with "hardware wallet" my only point was that booting from a USB stick is technically a hot wallet, and using tails OS just makes it into a sort of imitation air gap set up. Its not what a hardware wallet is.

Wow so you're ad advertising shill for specter-diy??!

btw trezor is completely open source too, like your link, except it will have way better integration because a lot more people use it.

>> No.55078524

I just saw the link and this is actually advertising, kek. Eating your own words.

>> No.55078584

Advertising open source diy?
the scream of a corpo that realizes his roi will never come

>> No.55078613

What. You’re retarded. Read your own post, shill

>> No.55078621

Advertising and begging like in doing grunt work for corpos

>> No.55078698


>> No.55078811

Rule 7
Rule 9
you are incompetent slave

>> No.55078856

You’re on the wrong board, nig.

>> No.55079715

No I am at exactly at the place I need to be new liberal fascist corpo jpmason slave

>> No.55080465

If you get a hardware wallet
only open source can be trusted, if you can read it that is

>> No.55080544

what's hot wallet?
>wallet that's disconnected from the internet
I use Trust wallet and always force stop it after using. Problem solved

>> No.55080627

why is javascript not actually disabled in tor browser on "safest" and why is the default home page for tor browser on tails a clearnet link?

>> No.55080995

>using the internet on your cold storage Tails
