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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5506883 No.5506883 [Reply] [Original]

Has crypto made anyone greedy as fuck? I've made 70k off of a 2 grand investment and im not satisfied enough. seriously, all i think about is crypto and how much money i can make but i don't even spend money i usually put it back into crypto. I rent a cheap ass attic and i live with a pajeet and a nigger but the rent is cheap as hell and i want more money for crypto. HOW DO I FIX MYSELF AAAAAAAAAA I don't even leave the house or talk to anyone anymore

>> No.5506904

you've fucked up, man, let me tell you the secret of wealth in one word: leisure

only poor people care about money

>> No.5506910

it also ramped up my ego which may be my downfall or my ally not sure yet

>> No.5506911

I've become a penny pinching jew since i made my stack. now i understand jew behavior with money.

>> No.5506918

Cash out 35k, rent yourself a good apartment, double the 35k you have in crypto again. Live life.

>> No.5506936

it wont stop till 1MM, believe me. and then it will only die down a little because you're financially secure

>> No.5506958

i really just want to be a multimillionaire now. I would hardly even spend most of it, wage-cuckery is just so awful that I want to escape it

>> No.5506961

Take your pajeet and negro roommates out for drinks and have a good time? It's not fucking hard you fucking autist

>> No.5506988

I've made $150,000 off of a $3,000 starting investment this year (started in January) and I will yell at my wife for spending $6 on something.

Yes it has made me extremely fucking greedy and I don't know how to deal with it honestly.

>> No.5506999
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I'm unironically considering dumping most of my fiat stack (which is not much) into crypto after the performance + news of two of my favorite picks which remained steady after the BTC dip
>tfw was a filthy nocoiner until 2 days ago

>> No.5507183

Checked. Godspeed anon.

>> No.5507206

I hate people like you, I wish everyone could put there money in a coin and sit on it for at least 2 weeks

Everyone is trying to make money off 50% changes and its fucking annoying

All these sheep are making these exchanges a killing trying to day trade this shit

>> No.5507233

Ive only been in this for 2 days now and already I've learned that hodl is not a meme if you DYOR

>> No.5507239

I've lost $100 (in fees) and I'm ready to keep going.

>> No.5507272

What were your two picks? Same as mine? ICX and XRP?

>> No.5507285

That's actually super shitty. If you had just bought eth and eth alone you would be double that.

>> No.5507304

hodl can be a meme , you need to know when to get out and not get emotionally attached

>> No.5507341

ICX and HST, actually. Got a tip about QST in a telegram group but it doesnt seem to be doing anything so far, holding a small bag of it just as a "why not" long position

How2lern when to get out? I'm lucky in that I dont think ive fallen for any pajeet pnd coins for too long (ICON & TRX...)

>> No.5507590
