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55068584 No.55068584 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get a second masters degree? I already have over $40k in student loans and can't find a job.

>> No.55068599

Whatd u get a degree in?

>> No.55068602

Yes. With a second masters, you'll be able to not find TWO jobs

>> No.55068735


If you cant get a job, this means you lack skills which are in demand.


identify jobs in high demand, which you can tolerate doing or give enough of a shit about, to do decently well without becoming depressed.

Do some research on BLS, for example: https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2019/article/wages-and-openings.htm

Look-- the economy doesnt give a fuck what you want to do. If you dont do what the economy needs, you starve.

Forget what you want.

Find where A. What you can tolerate doing coincides with B. What is in demand in your local (or national if its remote work) economy. Then begin building those skills. Make a portfolio of projects. Market yourself (i.e. send out resumes and post your resume on job boards).

Ultimately though:

What you need is skills. Specifically, Skills which are in demand

I graduated w/ a liberal arts degree. I had to wait tables b/c I lacked skills. Then a friend's mom told me "Ya know what anon? You just need to build skills" and I had a fucking epiphany. After a few months I decided to learn web app development because I saw it was in high demand, and it looked creative & interesting.

Now I make about $100/hr after tax as a web app developer. self-taught via: udemy.com, IRC, youtube, libgen.is, etc.

>> No.55068745

Oh look it's Le 2nd Masters thread again haha, fuck bros working is do hopeless

>> No.55068746

oh, dont forget https://roadmap.sh/ as well

>> No.55068888

these chat gpt threads are getting uncanny anons

>> No.55068934

What exactly do you need to be successful as a web dev. I know SQL Python C and taught myself enough nextJS to build a functioning store front in about 2 weeks. (CRUD on MSSQL with dynamically referenced content)

What exactly else is there to learn in web dev?

>> No.55069165

A good portfolio of projects preferably something thats more complex than the YouTube tutorials, i personally went with the web3 route so, 1. Nft marketplace(custom front end), 2. Shitcoin roulette(similar to csgoempire) with chainlink vrf. 3.
Nft infographics page( price, trend, floor price, offers)

>> No.55069271


>> No.55069286

just get a PhD in economics

>> No.55069368

connections always mogs portfolio

>> No.55069381

It’s all about who you know and experience. If anything go back to school to network more.

>> No.55069907

An MS is basically worthless today. PhD is the bare minimum for a starting $100k-base salary in biotech, at least.

>> No.55069945

No. Why the fuck would a second masters degree help?