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55068025 No.55068025 [Reply] [Original]

Why be racist, homophobic, transphobic or anti-semitic when you could just be quiet?

>> No.55068030

what are the advantages to being quiet?

>> No.55068036

YWNBAW, nigger faggot kike.

>> No.55068050

Because some are looking to blame external circumstances instead of taking responsibility for their lives

>> No.55068055
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Why be black, gay, trans or jewish when you could just be dead?

>> No.55068057


>> No.55068079

Why would they need white person’s approval anyway?

>> No.55068550
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It's just banter mate.
Stop being so sensitive.
You don't see me get all frothed up when the jews say they want to kill white children and blame my race for everything they, themselves, are guilty of.
It's just a big laugh we're having.
Part of the circus show.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Jesus was a jew.
Mohammed was a pedo.
Moses was Sargon.
Ramses the Great was great.
Jews were never slaves in Egypt.
Egypt never even owned slaves.
Paid workers built the pyramids thousands of years before jews existed.
China did wrong by assassinating Ghengis.
Nords built nothing of note.
The scottish didn't exist until the Irish took over.
The english didn't exist until the danes took over.
The natives of america weren't noble savages, just savages.
Eskimos are the only based tribe in existence today.
Africa needs to feed itself.
America committed 9/11
Gaddaffi was not so bad.
Osama grew up in langley.
The bush family were the nazi's who fled.
Dick Cheney robbed the twin towers.
Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all semitic.
Indians control all mobile networks.
Japan should've invaded China harder.
America started Japanese Imperialism.
The CIA set up the contras.
Dental radios actually happened.
There is a cabal of pedophiles who control our politicians.
Nudists are pedophiles.
Orthodox Jews are the real Jews.
Aten was the origin of all monotheistic belief.
Astrology is real but horoscopes are fake.
Sea mammals are persons.
Whales are smarter than people.
Ants outweigh humanity.
Beetles outweigh every other species combined.
The sun is a living organism.
The moon is hollow.
Earth is not.
There are ancient civilizations undiscovered, none of them had spaceships.
There are geologically formed fission reactors.
Argentina has claimed the largest portion of antartica and is currently stockpiling weapons.
Covid was intentional.
The out of Africa theory is a lie, humanity is a rapebaby of at least a dozen different archaic hominids.
Stainless steel will disappear in ~5k years
Honk Honk

>> No.55068612
File: 15 KB, 201x300, B63D2C5F-BEAB-4C0F-8443-4CFA3477CAC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is hollow according to how earthquakes travel through the crust across the whole planet.
Read the land of no horizon for the scientific evidence

>> No.55068653

Is it very funny?

>> No.55068687

>stop triggering meeeee shut up shut up shut up reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
stop seeing patterns, stop noticing things, stop resisting aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.55068726

Based beyond comprehension

>> No.55068807

I would literaly have nothing to say then. I am an unrelenting tide that breathes only to exhale based truths as the pseuds are washed away in my wake.

>> No.55068860

>I am a quiet racist, homophobic, transphobic anti-semitic

>> No.55068873

checked and based