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File: 101 KB, 1662x618, linkstakingrevenuechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55060694 No.55060694 [Reply] [Original]

good morning sirs. you can FUD link in this thread.
please bring your best FUD, as yesterday you were so unconvincing I bought over 2 whole linkers! Try again, see if your insightful care about my personal finances can persuade me to sell chainlink.

>> No.55060748

Token not needed.

>> No.55060994

Fud spam not needed
Just not selling

>> No.55061033
File: 55 KB, 2412x214, yourfault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just couldn't help yourself. Look what you've done.

>> No.55061053

stop acting so smug, stinkie
-90% down vs ethereum

>> No.55061063

it's just a two man team!

>> No.55061086

>just time the market bro
not an argument. pick any token, any currency and you can find time when it's -90% down vs another one.
also, you're assuming I'm here to make money.
no cap I started buying LINK because I saw it made people unhappy. I buy LINK to hurt you.

>> No.55061092

Hello, Chainlink Labs advocate!

You're so stupid.

>> No.55061101

Lol people thought they could make 20% staking. LMAO even.

>> No.55061112

>you're so stupid
explain how spending $6.586 of my own money, for my own reasons, is "stupid".
go on, you care about my financial wellbeing so educate me.

>> No.55061142

do any fuddies have arguments against buying chainlink besides
>ad hominem attacks
>vague insults
>non-sequiter insults
talking about the multisig would be a start. or how "soon" has resulting in year delays. But you don't talk about that, why? Is it because talking about what chainlink actually does would be bullish information for the uninformed? I wonder.. go on.. try and fud me.. you aren't sending your best.. I know you can do better! I've only bought 1 link today so far... I don't have to keep buying ;)

>> No.55061147

Because LINK is dead, it has no future. You've basically burned your own money.

>> No.55061159

>LINK is dead
go on, explain to me why it's "dead". technology's dead? market volume is dead?

>> No.55061205

Check BTC/LINK and ETH/LINK. You're better off buying anything else but a dead shitcoin from 2017.

>> No.55061430
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1673931593646356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt read not selling

>> No.55061778

my two best fud points are the network might need link tokens to function but these are converted almost instantly on both sides of the transaction that the network might as well be running on tethers, there is no value capture or need for the token right now
second sergey refusing to deliver any releases and keep postponing the carrot dangled in front of everyones eyes, how long will it take for others to go the synthetix route and tell sergey to fuck off and go for working solutions

>> No.55061813

Lol I used to actually believe this chart and daydream about living off my staked links. I was so delusional

>> No.55061841
File: 193 KB, 1229x743, 1582089074552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economics 2.0 states that you will be allowed to pay for LINK services using any shitcoin you want instead of LINK. And that shitcoin "can" be converted into LINK, if the nodes want to convert it for some reason

Also, SLS will make it so that explicitly staked collateral will never need to be extremely high. Consumers will be happy to have 12 nodes each with 1M USD staked due to SLS guaranteeing value far beyond the individual staked collateral of each node

Chainlink is a very important project, the LINK token is becoming less important with each announcement chainlink labs makes

>> No.55061852
File: 41 KB, 564x563, 9766F2A3-6F1C-42EF-8A61-F8E39C70B773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55061854
File: 210 KB, 327x316, 32479423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also, you're assuming I'm here to make money.
the absolute state of stinkshitters

>> No.55061861

Thanks op im gonna buy $200 worth of link when i get home

>> No.55061960

kek fuddies

>> No.55062219
File: 462 KB, 612x612, 1684856347896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no linksisters.... Btc and eth just pumped while link dumped. Time to lose more sats and gwei again sisters!

>> No.55062234
File: 54 KB, 2576x1896, 1658165744458121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30% taxes
>yes, I pay for the niggers to pour into my community and replace me.
>I'm a good cuck, I hold LINK after all

>> No.55062549
File: 113 KB, 686x1214, 1684289421141490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow fudcucks are super upset right now
Didnt read not selling. Ill buy more actually

>> No.55062822

>"Can" be converted
Yeah offering this step seems unnecessary if it wasn't compulsory. Token needed.

>> No.55062827

>should have bought eth.. no btc
>don't pay taxes
>everything has to be about money
you don't understand. 1 link purchased = 1 pain for you. haha.
not bad, not bad. how much link do you hold?

>> No.55062865
File: 55 KB, 2432x220, secondonetoday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>55062549 >>55061861 nice work guys.
thanks guys! Because of your posts, I made a financial decision. It cost me a little over $6 and a half dollars.. not a very big one really. It's amazing to me that so much effort gets put into just such a tiny purchase. Incredible.
My purchases hurt you.

>> No.55062976
File: 7 KB, 172x157, staking5-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is gay. You all are clowns.

>> No.55063127

So it's dead because it's underperforming in a bear market. Brb selling my 2 staked wallets.

>> No.55063355

Kek think i might do that right now. I'm buying 10.
I'm up to my eyeballs in Link but what the hell... 10 more to stick it to the kek fuddies has to be done!

>> No.55063623

thank you and more than you are willing to believe so its pointless to post

>> No.55063639

I have one. Why is people thinking ccip Will be announced soon, if OCR 2.0 Whitepaper isnt even released, and its confirmed ccip works only with ocr 2.0? We are still years away

>> No.55064059

decades away

>> No.55065122

Congratulations on your staked stack!
I actually would believe any number you say. You could say millions. I won't blink.

>> No.55065302

i have seen people shout in disbelieve at anons claiming 20k stacks, but then again this is nubiz

>> No.55065477

nobody here has 20k link

>> No.55066325

you know that used to be less than 5k usd right on open market, 2k at ico
and then you disregard the eth frens who cycled some profits in during summer 2022
20k link should be like the lower threshold to even be allowed to post here you know